Wheat Belly



  • Aineko
    Aineko Posts: 163
    I'm new on here, but not new on nutrition in general. I've always known that flours in general are bad for you, so all the stuff made of flour is bad for you. That it all converts to sugar and that reaks havoc on our bodies, etc, etc. BUT...after reading the book Wheat Belly....I'm downright kind of MAD!! I mean...we all in America are told to get our "whole grains", they're good for us, blah, blah, blah.... The general population does NOT see what this is doing to them, their weight....their health as a whole. It's so sad! I actually went through my pantry looking at everything (as I didn't realize that wheat is even in SOUP!) Yep, there it was. In my tomatoe soup! Shock. Saddness. I knew the crackers couldn't go in the soup, or even a grilled cheese sandwich, but the soup itself??!? So sad. There were SO MANY things in my pantry, frig and freezer that I circled the word wheat on them. I was shocked! I know there are diabetic out there (I work in the medical field) that are being told to stay away from sugar, but being told to eat more whole grains, etc. It's killing them, and really hurting those of us that are not diabetic. I could go on and on, but I won't.
    good decision, don't go on. at least not until you research the topic a bit more and discover that there are cultures out there whose diet is heavily based on wheat that don't have obesity problems.
  • ariant23
    ariant23 Posts: 161 Member
    Turns out celiac disease is not the only reason to avoid gluten (wheat). My dad's a real M.D,. and he's been suffering from peripheral neuropathy (his indication is burning in the feet). He was tested for celiac 3 years ago, and showed not allergic. In the last 2 months his neurologist said to try going gluten-free as there is talk in the neurology world of something to do with something (here's the part where I stopped understanding when he explained it to me - something to do with auto-immune attack). Long story short. It seems to be helping with his GI problems, but not the neuropathy so far. But he was told it could take up to 6 months for the nerve damage to start to repair, and then the symptoms to subside.

    So, if going gluten free helps you. go with it. if not, i love bagels. :-)
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    I have read (half way through) wheat belly and was shocked too. I have mild IBS and have had a celiac test and was negative. I read that sometimes people can have just a wheat intolerance though.. I cut wheat out and my stomach and IBS issues are practically gone! I feel sooo much better, no bloat! When I slip up and eat wheat I feel awful, bloated and just not good. I noticed too that my eczema cleared up!
  • Chood5
    Chood5 Posts: 259 Member
    I have read (half way through) wheat belly and was shocked too. I have mild IBS and have had a celiac test and was negative. I read that sometimes people can have just a wheat intolerance though.. I cut wheat out and my stomach and IBS issues are practically gone! I feel sooo much better, no bloat! When I slip up and eat wheat I feel awful, bloated and just not good. I noticed too that my eczema cleared up!

    That's awesome!
  • sblueyez
    sblueyez Posts: 156 Member
    It is quite the conspiracy how grains are pressed on us. I went to healthcare.gov to look at their preventive recommendations. They told me to get more folic acid from fortified cereals!! Ignore the greens or asparagus, just eat cereal that have to have the nutrients added in.

    The food pyramid is a joke. I quit eating grains of all kind and I've been losing 2 lbs a week. If you have to process it so much before its edible, you shouldn't eat it.

    Check out Loren Cordain's "the paleo diet". Best decision I ever made.
  • KC4800
    KC4800 Posts: 140 Member
    lol....wheat belly

    There's wheat in Beer too. Better cut that out.
  • kellie0407
    kellie0407 Posts: 21 Member

    Just stick to your calories and eat whatever the **** you want unless youre allergic or on a medically supervised diet or something.


    Exactly what I was thinking! :wink:
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    I'm actually in the process of reading it.
  • taiji22
    taiji22 Posts: 13
    I am currently reading Marion Nestle's What to Eat. I highly recommend it to everyone to understand the politics and economics of what we eat, how much we eat of it, and the ramifications it has affected our daily fare. Marion Nestle is a well known Professor of Nutrition, and she clearly points out what the American public faces when making food choices, from organic produce to dairy items to the amount of calories now currently available to the American people due to political manuoevers. No, it is not an agenda ridden book, just a book that lets you know that your desire for higher fat ice cream, or more snack food has been stimulated by certain economic policies. It is not a diet book, but definitely will open your eyes to, as in my case, why my local supermarket has tripled its space of yogurt products or why products are labeled the way they are.
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
    From my understanding of the Wheat Belly book, it's not the wheat itself that is the issue. It's the genetically modified wheat that we engineered to grow faster, harvest quicker with a larger yield. That is what is bad for us. Our bodies have a hard time processing the crazy altered wheat and as a result we suffer an array of health issues. From mild headaches and flatulence to obesity and diabetes. The book is a good read and enlightening. I didn't realize there was wheat flour in nearly everything from soups, to tater tots, hot dogs and more. It really gave me something to think about. Maybe it's all just a coincidence but then again maybe there is some truth in it. Couldn't really hurt to give it a try I figured.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I don't know about the book, but when I stopped eating gluten my torso shrunk at least 1 size. I could wear medium size shirts which were tight on me before. I lost no weight, but many symptoms that had plagued me went away... when I ate gluten again- they came back. I tested it out over and over and it is true. While I am not a full blown celiac sort of person, I have switched from eating gluten containing products to other alternatives. Yes, wheat is in many things you would not guess- especially sauces, soy sauce etc. When I eat gluten, I have foul, chemical smelling poop which floats, swelling in my torso and abdomen, pain in my upper intestinal area, fatigue, arthritis type pains that make me walk like an 80 yr old who got hit by a truck, nerve pains in my arms, mood swings etc the list goes on. Good luck.

    your symptoms sound just like mine when I eat gluten! I also have a history of colon cancer in my family, and I figure making my gut as happy as possible can only help my future with this.
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    I have read (half way through) wheat belly and was shocked too. I have mild IBS and have had a celiac test and was negative. I read that sometimes people can have just a wheat intolerance though.. I cut wheat out and my stomach and IBS issues are practically gone! I feel sooo much better, no bloat! When I slip up and eat wheat I feel awful, bloated and just not good. I noticed too that my eczema cleared up!

    Me too! I have only been at it for 7 days. The relief is amazing. I was eating clean and mostly Paelo, but had hung on to home made whole wheat and grain bread at breakfast. I was so uncomfortable all the time. Thought is was all the raw veggies......NOT! IBS has been an issue for years. By the third day of avoiding all grain products I feel like a new person. My eczema is clearing too. So happy it is working for you. It is amazing how great it is not to feel bloated!!
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    I just started reading it and am not sure what I think. Lots of it really makes sense...I thought about trying to cut out wheat but it is in sooo much that the idea is quite intimidating!
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    I'm new on here, but not new on nutrition in general. I've always known that flours in general are bad for you, so all the stuff made of flour is bad for you. That it all converts to sugar and that reaks havoc on our bodies, etc, etc. BUT...after reading the book Wheat Belly....I'm downright kind of MAD!! I mean...we all in America are told to get our "whole grains", they're good for us, blah, blah, blah.... The general population does NOT see what this is doing to them, their weight....their health as a whole. It's so sad! I actually went through my pantry looking at everything (as I didn't realize that wheat is even in SOUP!) Yep, there it was. In my tomatoe soup! Shock. Saddness. I knew the crackers couldn't go in the soup, or even a grilled cheese sandwich, but the soup itself??!? So sad. There were SO MANY things in my pantry, frig and freezer that I circled the word wheat on them. I was shocked! I know there are diabetic out there (I work in the medical field) that are being told to stay away from sugar, but being told to eat more whole grains, etc. It's killing them, and really hurting those of us that are not diabetic. I could go on and on, but I won't.

    Has anybody else read this book? I LOVED IT!! =)

    I have cut most grains and wheat ouf of my diet and I feel so much better!!! It is unreal. I would consider my diet a primal/paleo style diet and I LOVE IT. I have never felt better.

    Thanks for the feedback on the book. It sounds interesting and I may pick it up. = )
    Have a great day!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I don't know about the book, but when I stopped eating gluten my torso shrunk at least 1 size. I could wear medium size shirts which were tight on me before. I lost no weight, but many symptoms that had plagued me went away... when I ate gluten again- they came back. I tested it out over and over and it is true. While I am not a full blown celiac sort of person, I have switched from eating gluten containing products to other alternatives. Yes, wheat is in many things you would not guess- especially sauces, soy sauce etc. When I eat gluten, I have foul, chemical smelling poop which floats, swelling in my torso and abdomen, pain in my upper intestinal area, fatigue, arthritis type pains that make me walk like an 80 yr old who got hit by a truck, nerve pains in my arms, mood swings etc the list goes on. Good luck.

    This is what happened to me with dairy. I think it depends on the individual but if you find something that works for you that's great! Personally I don't believe everything I hear (or read) right away but I still like to take in all the information I can and then see what makes sense for me and my lifestyle. We obviously all want to feel our best. :smile:
  • leatitiaa
    leatitiaa Posts: 17
    Tomatosoup is so easy to prepare! Cook it yourself, it'll taste better and you'll be sure there won't be any wheat or other crap in your food.
  • ReinventingLisa
    ReinventingLisa Posts: 104 Member
    I really love reading books like Wheat Belly, and it really is frustrating. For one, I was always an advocate on eating wheat because.. well that's what we were taught. I didn't read studies, it's just what we were told is healthy in school and what to eat when you want to lose weight. My interest has always been in nutrition, as I've wanted to become a dietician/nutritionist. When I started to "go out on my own" and read books like this.. it makes sense for me but not because of the studies in the book, but more or less my own experiences.

    I have terrible allergies that started when I was 13 years old, and I always seem to be constipated no matter how much fiber I would eat. I mean, I ate a TON of fiber and drank as much as 12-16 cups of water a day because I was so active. I was always amazed when I would go to the doctor, and every 6 months like clock work, she would tell me I'd need MORE fiber because I was constipated. It confused the heck out of me, and I told my doctor.. I was getting at least 30grams of fiber a day, drinking enough water, and working out - what gives?! I never got an answer. Eventually, they started testing for celiac disease because I started to have pains when I tried to "go" and it was horrible. Again, the just told me I was blocked up! So frustrating. I didn't realize until YEARS later, and even before the book was written, that while i was Low Carbing and eating no wheat at all that a few weeks into my diet I was going regularly - and this was without the recommended allowance of fiber.

    So, I do wonder about wheat and think there's more to it, as well as fiber. It does make me think back to our earlier ancestors before the agricultural boom because all they lived on was mostly meat, and sparingly berries and other items. I mean, I'm no expert by any means but I gotta say that if we have an ever increasing population of obesity and diabetes with the health guidance based on the food pyramid, something isn't right.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I haven't read the book either, but I did see Food Inc. It's all very interesting, I'm all for conspiracy theories. Esp ones involving the government. LOL I actually don't stand anywhere on the issue because of my past. I was diagnosed as gluten intolerant, and because of that, I was lactose intolerant too. It hit me hard and fast. I was fine, then within half a year, I lost all my hair, had terrible pain in my intestines, and dropped 40 lbs doing nothing. I got tested for everything under the sun, and after doing an elimination diet, it was figured out. I ate that way for years.


    The cravings for bread and dairy were outrageous. I dreamed of kaiser buns. About 1 month after my first baby was born, I had NO choice but to eat something breaded (very long story involving breastfeeding and no food for 6 hours). Guess what? I was fine. I was eating bread again, with no problems.

    After multiple visits to my gastrointerologist, it was determined that the diet I was eating in the first years of moving out of the house was atrocious. I was surviving off of grilled cheese sandwiches, cream cheese bagels, and pizza. My body gave up trying to process that much gluten. After learning how to cook and meet all other aspects of the food pyramid, my system righted itself, and I could tolerate gluten again. My OBGYN also suggested that once I got pregnant, my system hit another kind of reset button because other things were more important at the time (read: baby growing) so it needed those nutrients again. I beleive the term was actually "micronutrients".

    All that being said, I think it's all about moderation. Our diet is such wheat heavy because of the cheap cost of wheat. But in the end, it all depends on what we feed ourselves. The last time I looked, I buy and cook my own food, not the government.

    Lastly, when I was eating gluten-free, the amount of things containing gluten was frightening. I understand the need to use it as a binder/thickener, but in shampoo? Lip gloss? Chocolate? Rice Krispies? Vast amount of condiments. Spices? Soups was pretty crazy, but I was able to eat everything in a modified form. GLuten free bread, yes, but most organic foods don't have the extra fillers.

    Happy eating!!
  • Fairlady1964
    Fairlady1964 Posts: 27 Member
    I don't know about the book, but when I stopped eating gluten my torso shrunk at least 1 size. I could wear medium size shirts which were tight on me before. I lost no weight, but many symptoms that had plagued me went away... when I ate gluten again- they came back. I tested it out over and over and it is true. While I am not a full blown celiac sort of person, I have switched from eating gluten containing products to other alternatives. Yes, wheat is in many things you would not guess- especially sauces, soy sauce etc. When I eat gluten, I have foul, chemical smelling poop which floats, swelling in my torso and abdomen, pain in my upper intestinal area, fatigue, arthritis type pains that make me walk like an 80 yr old who got hit by a truck, nerve pains in my arms, mood swings etc the list goes on. Good luck.

    Same with me! I have an intolerance to gluten. Have been gluten free for over a week and already feel better.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    When I was a vegetarian I wouldn't eat most most baked goods because many of them still used some sort of animal fat/substance. I lost a ton of weight.

    I wouldn't say it was from dropping gluten, it was from dropping processed crap.