Hi, I'm new and Nervous.



  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I'm right there with ya! What if I stop losing? The key is to keep going. Change up your routine.
  • armoredcore
    armoredcore Posts: 48 Member
    Congrats, keep on going.
  • lcooke24
    lcooke24 Posts: 115 Member
    Welcome! We are here for you!!
  • bdubois63
    bdubois63 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi...I started April 1st....and have lost 12 lbs so far.....It is amazing to me what it feels like to eat healthy. Before I did not take time to think about what I ate, I work like 73 hours a week every week.....now I am taking the time to eat the food I actually wanted before....the healthy stuff....vegis chicken, fish, ect...no junk....no fast food (other than subway)....I gave up soda three years ago, gave up sweetened coffee creamer the first of the year....decided to be a grown up and take care of myself. It seems sometimes like I am eating soooo much, but really stir fried vegis with some protein is WONDERFUL, FILLING AND AMAZINGLY E A S Y! I decided I was worth the time. I am 48 and have the rest of my life to live in a different manner...a manner I CHOSE! I do not feel nervous, I feel crazy for living the way I was before, this is so much easier....my eyes sparkle now, ( I think it is from all the water..) but the sparkle is a welcome sight! I will take this lifestyle and run with it....and maybe someday run for fun! YOU CAN DO THIS>>>>DON'T THINK OF IT AS LIMITING THINK OF IT AS LIMITLESS!
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    No worries, I felt the same way, and I just kept at it and kept losing weight and you will too.

    I wanted to fit into my old clothes and those dont fit anymore since they are too big.

    You can do this! You got this!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I am fairly new too... and trust me... my mind plays tricks on me so much. I think thats normal! What has helped me the most... is the awesome friends that i have here. So, my best advise would be to keep trucking along.. eating right, exercising and surrond yourself with amazing people in life and on here. The support has been key to my success! It makes me accountable on days i dont want to be, it inspires me on days I feel why bother and it pushes me to be better when i see a friend of mine doing awesome!
  • runmybunsoff
    runmybunsoff Posts: 224 Member
    Welcome!! :) I am new too, feel free to add me, we are a fun bunch.
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    Losing 9 pounds in 2.5 weeks is awesome. I understand how you feel though. I am always excited when I have lost. It's quite a new experience for me, this is my first time losing weight. It is scarey.

    I started this journey at the end of February and I weigh in every Friday. Thursday nights are always anxious for me. I have doubts, apprehension and sometimes I end up being downright terrified. I'm afraid the number will not be changed or even worse, higher! So far, I have not seen a gain, but there were two weeks the number stayed exactly the same. I didn't freak out though because I also measure every Friday and the tape measure showed loss.

    If I can keep it up and keep losing, so can you. I'm 55, was suffering from arthritis and asthma to the point that I couldn't walk across my house before I started in February. I walk at least 4 miles everyday now, I walked over 6 miles on Tuesday! I work out with Kettlebells and love it! I have lost 34 pounds. I feel better and stronger every day. The pain is less and less and my breathing has even improved so much. To me, it has so much to do with just wanting it. I am a firm believer in, if you want something bad enough, you'll find a way to make it happen. Don't ever doubt what you can do. Hard work and determination go so far. The motivation from friends here is priceless. Get some good supportive friends and believe in yourself. Good luck in your journey.
  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    welcome aboard. the self doubt is normal, but like everyone has said, take it one day at a time and remeber it's a lifestyle change, If you have a bad day, and we all do, just get back on the horse and keep going. congrats on the weight loss!! I f you need freinds, fell free to add me. If not, that's okay, I will understand. Best of luck!!
  • rmwhitlo
    rmwhitlo Posts: 4 Member
    I was nervous at first too but this also keeps you accountable for what you eat which really helped me! I also don't do it on weekends if I have been good all week because I consider those my days. I just make sure to hit the gym mon. or tue to work it off. When someone would ask me if I wanted a piece of cake I would say no because I knew I would have to log it in and it would make me over my goal so they just stopped asking which was great!! I recently reached my goal so it is possible keep up the good work and if you goof up just move on and try again:wink:
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    You can keep it up. You did a great job. Keep going. You can do it.
  • carloc
    carloc Posts: 135 Member
    I once played a round of golf with a Scotsman, on that day my game was worse than normal. I was becoming frustrated that my ball was going everywhere but down the middle of the green.

    The person I was playing with seemed very relaxed and just happy to being playing a round. After a few holes of very bad playing we where at the T for the next hole and again I hit a bad shot;

    He turned to me and said "Don't worry about it, it went left but it still went forward, where getting closer to the green already"

    Don't know why but this has stayed with me from that day and I try and look at everything in the same way. Including this journey, as long as I am moving forward, whether its another pound lost, or I see that the healthy food I am eating give me the energy to be positive and active and always moving forward one small step at a time.
  • Droope2
    Droope2 Posts: 82
    Howdy, howdy, howdy!

    I have all the same fears you do, in fact I think that most of us here who are trying to lose weight do, but just remember this...."I am doing the best I can, right now"

    I have severe OCD so I will sit here and weigh myself 1000 times and watch all these diet shows only to get mad at myself because I haven't lost 60lbs in a month, I know how unrealistic that is but it eats at me anyway.

    Just remember to be proud of what you have accomplished and be proud whether you lose 8 ounces or 8lbs!!

    You're dong wonderfully so far, keep it up and please feel free to friend me if you would like to, I always love new friends :)
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    Just remember that if you have a slip-up one day, you eat half a cake or a bag of chips or something, say to yourself,

    "This is today. Tomorrow I will start all over."

    And that's that.

    And yes, I did have a day where I went crazy and ate half a cake.
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    Oh, and don't lie to yourself. If your loss slows down, take a look at what you're doing different and don't make excuses. Some people will slow down anyway, that's just the human body, but sometimes we need to kick ourselves in the butt.
  • PhenomeNae
    PhenomeNae Posts: 130 Member
    you all are so amazing. thank you so much for your advice and support! feel free to add me and message me! i wish i could give you all big hugs! :heart:
  • childofArtemis24
    hi i have been on here for about month, and i havent weighed since i started. So check out my profile and add me if you like.