Slim Fast Shakes vs Body By Vi Shakes vs Shakeology Shakes..



  • slbeutler
    slbeutler Posts: 205
    Wow! What a crazy thread, it looks like a battle of the shakes!

    I would stay far away from slim fast because of all the unnatural ingredients, sugar content etc.

    I like shakeology, it does not taste like mud. If mixed properly, it tastes great and is filling. Body by Vi, would be the next best choice if you base it on ingredients and overall nutrional info. Both seem expensive, but if you consider what you spend on a fast food meal, the shake would be less per day and a lot healthier.
    I only replace one meal or snack per day.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Well I tried my 1st GNC Lean Shake this am for my Breakfast and decided I would start with the Cookies n Cream, Great taste and very smooth. I even added a frozen banana and used 2% milk in it. Very tasty :) Now lets hope I can bust through this 3month plateau by doing this.

    Careful with the banana's. They are high glycemic, so you may want to do half serving of a banana. You can track your sugar intake along with your carbs on mfp too. Best wishes.

    Well I usually try to add 1 or 1/2 of a Banana or frozen fruit if im doing only Vanilla but just tossed 1 in for the heck of it this am.
    Cookies n Cream doesn't require any fruit though :) Very tasty I might add.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Wow! What a crazy thread, it looks like a battle of the shakes!

    I would stay far away from slim fast because of all the unnatural ingredients, sugar content etc.

    I like shakeology, it does not taste like mud. If mixed properly, it tastes great and is filling. Body by Vi, would be the next best choice if you base it on ingredients and overall nutrional info. Both seem expensive, but if you consider what you spend on a fast food meal, the shake would be less per day and a lot healthier.
    I only replace one meal or snack per day.

    Lol Yeah kind of hehe. I just wanted opinions and i really wanted to try Body by Vi but its just not in my budget right now.
    i got a great deal at GNC because they were offering the Lean Shakes buy 1 get 1 1/2 price and the sales guy also gave me a huge discount with a coupon he had so I paid about $15.00 for each container after I paid for everything which was pretty good for me.
  • kshaymcg
    kshaymcg Posts: 2 Member
    Just wanted to give a personal testimony to the Body by Vi shakes. I have been using them to replace 2 meals a day, for the last 11 days. They tasted AMAZING....and I can only compare them to Slim Fast & the EAS Lite Shakes. NO COMPARISON in my book! BBV shakes have NO wierd metallic aftertaste or smell. They smell just like cake batter & taste just like it also :) They only have 12 grams of protein, yes, but the protein is a unique Tri-sorb blend. The majority of the protein blend is the type that takes longer to absorb....leaving you satisfied a lot longer, until your next meal. It also includes a quick-absorbing protein, for the quick fulfillment/satisfaction. Aside from taste, etc.........I cannot believe how GREAT that I FEEL!!! I have SO much energy and sleep SO well at night! I wake up refreshed & don't even need my (old habit) of 2 cups of coffee! That alone amazes me! Even after my old 2 cups of coffee....I still always felt like I was in some sort of "fog" & couldn't pull myself totally together. Now, I am awake (thoroughly!) and ready to tackle the day :) As for "satisfaction" on the shakes.....I totally feel full and satisfied & NO cravings!!

    Hope this helps :)
  • catfus
    catfus Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck with your plateau, I had a similar problem before and resorted to shakes to break it and it worked!! I have tried many and really love the BBV ones. However as with anything you really gotta find the one that suits you most. As for cost, this applies to all the companies, even if you spend 249 + shipping on a shake product that you are going to take 2 times a day for 30 days how can you call that expensive. Find me the food that you can eat for 60 meals and get the same nutritional value that you find in any shake product!! I don't get how any one can actually criticize price. My average healthy well balanced meal costs me about 6.00 per serving so the 2 that I spend on each shake is so worth it.

    Again I am confident you will break your plateau now, you seem determined, and I hope the shake you have decided on really helps you out.
  • tkaawa
    tkaawa Posts: 302
    At first glance, Shakeology and Slimfast look like very similar products. Slimfast and Shakeology are weight loss shakes designed to replace a meal while providing the nutrients and fuel your body needs. The list of ingredients and the health benefits experienced by the different products are extremely different, however.

    Nutrition Fact Showdown
    When comparing one weight loss product to another, you want to try and compare apples to apples. This means you want to compare one nutrient to the same nutrient of another product, to see which product is better for you health wise and which product is more likely to help you lose weight.
    Shakeology: 140
    Slimfast: 190

    Shakeology: 15mg
    Slimfast: 5mg

    Shakeology: 100mg
    Slimfast: 200mg

    Carbohydrates/ Fiber:
    Shakeology: 3g
    Slimfast: 5g

    Shakeology: 9g
    Slimfast: 18g

    Shakeology: 17g
    Slimfast: 10g

    Ingredient Showdown
    Slimfast – In the creamy milk chocolate Slimfast shake, you’ll find the following ingredients on the label: fat free milk, water, sugar, cocoa (processed with alkali), gum Arabic, calcium caseinate, cellulose gel, canola oil, potassium phosphate, cellulose gum, soybean lecithin, mono and dyglicerides, artificial flavour, carrageenan, maltodextrin and dextrose.
    The vitamins and minerals on the label also include a number of preservatives and stabilisers designed to make you feel more full, including: Magnesium phosphate, calcium phosphate, sodium ascorbate, vitamin e acetate, zinc gluconate, ferric orthophosphate, niacinemide, calcium pantothenate, manganese sulphate, vitamin a palmitate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiarnin mononitrate, folic acid, chromium chloride, biotin, sodium molybdate, potassium lodide, phylloquinone (vitamin k1) sodium selenite, cyanocobalamin (vitamin b12) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3).

    Shakeology – inside each Shakeology shake is 70+ whole food ingredients extracted from around the world. All ingredients are 100% natural. Ingredients include antioxidants which reduce the effects of free radical damage, prebiotics and probiotics to improve immune system and digestion, phytonutrients which suppor the immune system and have anti-inflammatory properties, whey protein for losing weight, building muscle and brain functions and keeping skin and bones healthy, vitamins and minerals, digestive enzymes and fiber.

    Which is Better? Shakeology or Slimfast?
    If you are looking to use a meal replacement shake as a weight loss plan, it can be hard to choose between all of your different options. Weight loss should start with the desire to become healthier, not just drop unwanted pounds. If you are comparing the nutrients between Shakeology and Slimfast, you would have to drink many more Slimfast’s to get the same level of beneficial nutrients you get from one Shakeology shake, but Shakeology has less calories, sodium and sugar per serving.

    You mentioned everything but the most important. TASTE.
    Shakeology tastes like mud.

    I've been on Shakeology for only 2 weeks now, and I absolutely love the taste. If i incorporate different flavors in it I know that I would love it more.
    When you tried it, what were you mixing it with?
  • tkaawa
    tkaawa Posts: 302
    Tizzz: here is a comparison between Body By Vi and Shakeology.

    Raiderchickette - it is hard to dispute how Shakeology tasted to you. I prefer the Greenberry over the Chocolate flavor and I mix it with a handful of frozen fruit. I just love it.

    Ninerbuff - you state that you can't live on shakes forever, yet you also say that you are better off trying a calorie deficit. You can't stay on a calorie deficit forever either. These are just tools to help you to your goal, no matter which you use. I think we can all agree on that.


    Body by Vi- $49.00-$249.99 per month, depending on which “level” of program you buy.

    Shakeology- $89.95-119.95 per month


    Body by Vi-They recommend taking 2 shakes per day plus their brand of snacks (not included in price)

    Shakeology-One shake per day. We want you to eat real food.

    This is not a “diet” but a lifestyle change. “Real” food is important if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the long term.

    Cost per serving

    Body by Vi-$1.50 each. $3.00 for two shakes daily. Up to $8.30 per day if you buy their higher end package. Remember-snacks cost extra.
    Shakeology-$3.00-4.10 per day


    Body by Vi-20 supplements worth

    Shakeology-38 supplements worth


    Body by Vi-30 day money back

    Shakeology-30 day money back

    Diabetic friendly?

    Body by Vi-Yes but no evidence of low glycemic index mentioned

    Shakeology-Yes. In addition to being lower in sugar, Shakeology is certified low in the glycemic index.

    Artificial sweeteners? Refined sugars?
    Body by Vi-Yes-sucralose. Google sucralose and the arsenic connection for more information about how bad this stuff is for you.
    Shakeology-Not a one! Shakeology is sweetened with Stevia — which is an all natural sweetener!

    Multiple flavors?
    Body by Vi- No,only their sweet cream flavor
    Shakeology-Yes, Chocolate, Greenberry, and (soon to be released) Tropical.

    What can you add to it?

    Body by Vi-Their brand of mix flavors plus milk, fruit

    Shakeology-Whatever you want! Peanut butter, fruit, milk, almond milk. Soy milk, water, coffee, peppermint flavor, vanilla flavor, sugar free jello pudding flavors-the possibilities are endless! In fact, Shakeology comes with a vast array of recipes to ensure you never get bored!

    What about digestive health?

    Body by Vi- Prebiotics included. 100% dietary fiber included. (Just be aware that if you eat something later that is high in fiber, you may end up gassy with diarrhea as too much fiber can cause this, in addition to cramping.)

    Shakeology- Prebiotics/probiotics included. 12% of dietary fiber included. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to get your 100% daily fiber intake or if you have difficulty, you can add fiber to the shake.

    Nitty gritty nutrition

    Body by Vi-
    Fat in grams 1g
    Sugar- Carbs- 7 grams*
    Calories-90 calories*

    Fat in grams Sugar-11 grams*
    Carbs-19 grams*
    Calories-140 calories*

    Body by Vi-90 calories plus what you add
    Shakeology-140 calories plus what you add

    Caffeine free?
    Body by Vi-Not sure

    Body by Vi-“High quality” “Tri-sorb” protein
    (This is a term that they invented. Whey protein is whey protein point blank. When you start changing molecules, you can no longer call it a protein. This is a marketing gimmick.)

    Shakeology-High quality whey protein

    Deng did your homework. Thank you very much for posting I'm definitely sure that I've made the right decision.
  • scorpgc
    scorpgc Posts: 1
    Tizzz, how did it go?

    Curious to know how these posters are doing on the shake meal plan? Partner and I bought a 1-month supply of Body by Vi (thank you Amazon) after the horror stories we read about automatic billing / shipping...wanted to try this out first. I have to say what's a big burden is the marketing hype with most of these MLM shake plans. Right around the corner is a hungry distributor waiting to sell. Nothing at all wrong with that, but I'm ONLY interested in dropping 20 pounds. Got a cruise to go on in October! LOL.

    So today was my first day of Body by Vi. For breakfast mixed our shakes with combination of fat free milk and almond milk and a handful of frozen (no sugar added) strawberries. Very good. For lunch, just the plane shake with almond and fat free milk. Only a brief moment today did I have a stomach growl. Have energy and short of missing my snack and big's breaking a habbit.

    I lost 25 pounds on Low Carb (Atkins and SouthBeach) but it was a tough diet to stick with. Years and years ago, lost 60 pounds on Slim Fast, 2 shakes a day and a "sensible" dinner. Of course I smoked then, and had a new family, so that could have helped me lose the weight.

    Good luck to everyone on their own journey.
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    Personally I like the slimfast chocolate. Tried the body by vi shake today in sweet cream at work today, have to say I really like it and might consider buying the shake if it's not too expensive. :smile:
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    In my opinion slim fast is nothing but crap and sugar.. I did it in my teens and gained 35 lbs... if you are looking for a shake go with one that is higher in protein, low in sugar and uses natural ingredients.
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    Slim Fast never filled me up and it was more like a beverage than a meal replacement.

    Shakeology's flavor was not good to me.

    I started Body by Vi on March 5 (LOVE THE TASTE and they fill me up!) and since then have lost 20.8 lbs and over 9 inches (just from chest, waist and hips).

    I found a least for me.
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    i have lost 52 pounds in five months on Body by Vi. i love it...
    It tastes great and works... and it has everything i need in it.. i add in fruit when i want or just mix with flavors ( not the vi flavors.. fat free jello and pudding mix tbsp each make it super yummy) I am a true believer in Body by Vi... and in five months feel better than i have ever in my life.. i am happier than i have ever been.. so I am a true body by vi lover hehe
  • shrinkingsami
    shrinkingsami Posts: 40 Member
    I have been on BBV for 22 days and I have lost 8lbs and 7.75 inches! My energy level is crazy high now! I add so much to my BBV, depending on my days. my running days I add more protein and carbs to it. I look forward to my shakes, they are a major treat for me.. MMMMM
  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    I only eat whole foods and nothing processed, no artificial sweeteners or additives. If you watch any of the recent documentaries, you'll see how important it is not to put anything into our body that isn't natural.

    Forks Over Knives, Dying To Know, Beautiful Truth, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, etc....there are many more.

    Based on JUST this information-the ingredients, Shakeology is the ONLY one I would ever put into my body. We have to be more aware of our HEALTH. Long term, not just fast weight loss for a trip or a special event. We need to educate ourselves more about what we put into our bodies.

    Shakeology is 100% all natural-you can even get a book with a breakdown of EVERY ingredient and what it can do for your body.

    Body by Vi has artificial ingredients-why would anyone put anything created in a lab into their bodies? I don't eat Splenda, Sweet & Low, Equal and I am certainly not going to put whatever sweetener BBV uses.

    Slim Fast is just full of additives & artificial sweeteners. Yes, it will keep you full, but at what cost to your health?

    Another reason I choose Shakeology is because they give back SO much to our communities, our non profits, our military and to all of its customers. I have met the CEO and a few of the Directors and they are truly caring people. Do yo know why they will NEVER have a vanilla flavored shakeology? Because it CANNOT be created to taste like true vanilla and stay 100% natural. They could make SO much money if they just made it-but they won't-and I'll stand by a company with integrity like that any day of the week.

    Beachbody's goal is to End the Trend of Obesity, but not by drinking shakes. They are educating everyone that they can about proper nutrition, exercise, overall well being. Of course they want to make money-who doesn't? But they give back! Not with cars or dangling prizes-just by sharing their knowledge and that is what we, as coaches, do. I drink Shakeology for free but if I didn't believe in what I was putting into my body, why would that matter? I wouldn't drink any of the other shakes for free.

    Here are some articles comparing these products...but its really like comparing apples to cars-they are not in the same category.

    You can google these two to compare further, but I couldn't find any that listed BBV's full ingredient list.

    You can lose weight & get in shape without any meal replacement shake, but if you do opt to try one, read the ingredients list before even considering the price.
  • gigishiree
    gigishiree Posts: 62 Member
    slim fast always made me ravenously hungry! I much prefer meal replacement bars. More calories but at least i get to chew and have something heavy in my belly.
  • Mommy_Time
    Mommy_Time Posts: 256 Member
    I have tried all but the bbv and the slim fasts are good maybe getting the powder so you can blend it into a smoothie like the shakeology.

    shakeology is nasty and super expensive as well, being $4 per serving. i here ppl say it is great buy putting almond milk, bananas, or pb in it but then that brings the cost up even more. I just think if you have to spend $4 a serving it should not need anything added to it.

    Also many ppl say they lose weight and get so much energy and so forth but from what i have found most of them started exercising and eating healthier so i don't give credit to the shake. but that is just how i see it.

    I think the best thing is to make your own smoothies and add items you want and even protein powder.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    eat food.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Slim Fast Shakes vs Body By Vi Shakes vs Shakeology Shakes..

    They're all tied for last place.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    i took body by vi.

    evaluate shakeology

    i don't like the name "slim fast". towards health, i think slow phase is better.


    you don't need anything, take whole food instead.
  • dawnkilmurray
    I can only speak about the Body By Vi. It taste awesome and I mix it with some unsweetened almond milk and T almond butter on Ezik 4:9 bread. This breakfast keeps me going all morning and hits my 350 calorie mark for breakfast.