This may sound dumb...



  • erikkasusann
    erikkasusann Posts: 104
    Doesn't sound dumb at all!
    Gyms gross me out bc I'm kinda a germaphobe & I just can't handle it. I walk & run outdoors, do videos & stuff at home, there are lots of not-gym options. That's not to say that you shouldn't go, just that you can work out without going.
    If you don't have much space, maybe try resistance bands?
  • rahrahrita
    rahrahrita Posts: 225 Member
    Nooo you're totally not alone! I think everyone is uncomfortable their first few times going to the gym. I've been going to Les Mills classes at my gym for a couple of years and I still feel awkward sometimes, (especially in Zumba because I can never get the moves right) but just have fun! Even if you don't get the moves, just go with it. People aren't looking at you, they're too busy worrying about themselves.
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Doesn't sound dumb at all!
    Gyms gross me out bc I'm kinda a germaphobe & I just can't handle it. I walk & run outdoors, do videos & stuff at home, there are lots of not-gym options. That's not to say that you shouldn't go, just that you can work out without going.
    If you don't have much space, maybe try resistance bands?

    Resistance Bands are something I really have not tried. What kind of workouts do you do with those? I mean I know what they are and I understand the general idea but do use them with a video or just a set of exercises? or?
  • chevere94501
    1St. there is always a first time do not mind what other thinks. everyone who goes to the gym or do zumba go for the same reason of you.

    2nd. Do not call yourself the "Fat Girl".. You are pretty and a normal girl who wants to look better.

    3rd. You can do it.. Don't be afraid to do something new.
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    I do. I have BIG anxiety about gyms. I won't go even with my mom and sister. They're so pretty and thin and petite and I always feel like a great big ogre when I'm around the two of them.

    I work out alone by strapping on my twenty pound survival pack and going for a hike. The trails are pretty bare, and I like having the time to myself. The cardio is great, and it's a wicked workout for my shoulders and legs.
  • usedasbrandnew
    usedasbrandnew Posts: 300 Member
    I have/had the same crippling anxiety. O.o So I would go, but leave if there were too many people... I turn a brilliant shade of red when I exert myself. I began the couch 2 5k jogging/walking around my neighborhood. A few weeks in and I can run at least a little while. Now the gym is so much better! I use the people around me as motivation! I like that I'm less fit than some of the people, but working harder/ running faster. :)) Though I am still red/purple it bothers me less...
  • JD830278
    JD830278 Posts: 84 Member
    I think it very much depends on the gym. Mine is at a council owned leisure centre and there are all sorts of people there from super fit gym bunnies to older people who have been referred by their doctor.
    When I go to the gym people barely look at each other, they are concentrating in themselves really. But when I go to classes I've made sure I said hi to people and now I have people to chat to while waiting for class. I attended a different class from my usual one last night. Got talking to a couple of gorgeous buff girls who had been going for ages and I ended up at the front of the class inbetween them and I had a massive giggle doing it (I was the 2nd largest girl in that class).

    I hope you go because, I've dieted before without exercise and I did lose weight but my body stayed the same shape. This time as well as pounds, I'm losing inches, my tummy has shrunk and I feel so much happier.
    Good luck x

    ETA: I totally go red and sweat like hell. That's what a gym is for :)
  • JD830278
    JD830278 Posts: 84 Member
    Perhaps the following mindset ideas might help you (I used them myself when I was first becoming a gym junkie):
    - I may look like I don't belong in a gym but that's why I'm in there doing the work.
    - I look absolutely crap when I'm working out so that I can eventually look better in the real world.
    - I'm not happy with my weight/size/body composition so I'm doing something about changing it.
    - Remember, it generally takes about 3 sessions to get the hang of a group exercise class - you need to get used to the names of the moves and how a particular instructor guides you through from one move to the next.

    Great mindset, motivating!

    I would add;
    -everyone is here for the same reason
    -I deserve to be here because I'm actively changing my body for the better
    -everyone here will feel insecure about something, even slim people
  • niknak30
    niknak30 Posts: 58
    Something I have learnt (through experience and also with conversations with gym junkies) is that the "skinny" people in the gym are not looking at you thinking"that fat girl shouldn't be here" they are thinking "good on you for doing something". It is the people in the shopping centre or in front of the TV or at the cafe or whatever that the "skinny" people look at and think "she has let herself go- what a disgrace".
    Skinny gym people do not understand why fat people are fat- they dispise the fact that we are doing nothing to help ourselves.

    It's your mind set about yourself that you need to change and think" I am worth it and that gym is here for me"
    Do that, and you will hold your head high and be proud to be changin your life for the better. Another thing is- if you see someone at the gym getting great results, talk to them- they are always happy to lend a hand, explain something
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    No does not sound dumb at all. I have met really neat folks at the Y and we motivate each other and make each other accountable.

    But just becasue you pay, does not always mean you will go. That is a committment you have to make. I have paid before and not attending. When I joined this Y, I made a committment to attend and work out, and so far, I am very consistent.

    Keep us posted when you got. Don't over due it in the beginning. Don't try to do everything at once.

    You will enjoy it, have fun, meet new friend and on top of that lose weight....What a deal.

  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    1St. there is always a first time do not mind what other thinks. everyone who goes to the gym or do zumba go for the same reason of you.

    2nd. Do not call yourself the "Fat Girl".. You are pretty and a normal girl who wants to look better.

    3rd. You can do it.. Don't be afraid to do something new.

    Thanks! I think I might go by the YMCA today for a tour and to ask about the memberships and classes and stuff. Hopefully I won't chicken out! hahaha BUT I have already asked my dad to go with me so I am pretty sure I can't chicken out at this point!
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    I do. I have BIG anxiety about gyms. I won't go even with my mom and sister. They're so pretty and thin and petite and I always feel like a great big ogre when I'm around the two of them.

    I work out alone by strapping on my twenty pound survival pack and going for a hike. The trails are pretty bare, and I like having the time to myself. The cardio is great, and it's a wicked workout for my shoulders and legs.

    Oh I love to hike!!! I just am really not sure where around here I would go to hike....hmmmm that is an interesting idea though