What's the deal with no logging a bad day.

TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
I can't believe how many people that post on their wall that they did not log the day because it was bad or it's morning and they are not logging for the day because they know it's going to be a bad one. I don;t get it, maybe some of the guilty ones can explain it to me. SHouldn't we log the bad also? :)


  • cutethang1
    cutethang1 Posts: 239 Member
    I AGREE. I NEED to see the bad day logged and I like acountability. So you had a bad day man up to it and move on.
  • cutethang1
    cutethang1 Posts: 239 Member
    For instance ** See my log for yesterday ** ;-)
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I would guess it upsets and demotivates some people, because they see that they've had a bad day and would rather not be reminded of it.

    Personally, I log everything because my body does. I'd rather be able to look back and see what's working and what isn't, and to find WHY I've gained if I have.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I agree with you. I like my numbers to kind of match. I'm like, "Oh, check me out, that 3500 calorie deficit was totally a pound this week!" Plus, I go through weighing my food all week .. I just can't imagine tossing it all away because I wanted to eat some ice cream.

    I think it may be discouraging for them to see the numbers, though? And I know for some it's definitely about just having a day to not obsess over every gram.. so kind of like a sanity day.
  • wabrody
    wabrody Posts: 202
    Simple. If you log it reality sets in what you did. If you don't log it you don't have to deal with what you did for that day.

    In other words it is an easy way to make them feel better for having a bad day.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    Well you see, if you don't log stuff, your body doesn't process it, basic biology really!
  • wabrody
    wabrody Posts: 202
    Well you see, if you don't log stuff, your body doesn't process it, basic biology really!

    That goes along with the the though that if no one sees you eat it it has 0 calories.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    I think it's because people feel altogether too much guilt about eating anything they consider "bad". I don't believe in "bad" days and "good" days. If I'm breathing and my kids are healthy, EVERY day is a good day! I DO have high-calorie days and low-calorie days, and days where I eat junk food--doesn't make it a "bad" day to me. I feel zero guilt about my food choices, so I just log it and move on. I think the guilt eats at some people, and they don't want to be reminded about over-eating. Honestly, I'm really grateful to finally be free of that mindset, because I strongly believe all that guilt was keeping me fat. I log it all now, and I'm FREE!
  • audreygonzy
    audreygonzy Posts: 169
    When I have a REAL bad day, the reason I don't log it is usually because I ate so many randoms at mass quantities that I don't see a use in trying to figure out measurements and serving sizes when I already know I went over for the day:)
  • PSTreasure
    PSTreasure Posts: 40
    You are right! If we are going to hold ourselves accountable for what we are feeding ourselves, we need to putt it all down! I hated it, but yesterday I ate 2 pieces of veggie pizza AND a piece of chicken alfredo pizza! Not smart choices of food, but if I don't log it, I feel like I am trying to avoid the reality of what I ate. That is my main problem; not acknowledging what I am putting in my mouth! To learn to judge what I can or should eat, I need to see how it is affecting my body. If I log food & exercise, I can see how it is all going together. We may be able to hide from our choices in our heads, but our bodies will tell the truth!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I totally overate yesterday! Went to watch the AVENGERS and had my ritual theatre packet! Hot dog, with popcorn (buttered of course), Milk Duds and diet soda. Over a thousand calories for that alone! Good thing I did a good bout of cardio that morning.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    we have to be honest or whats the use doing this, we all have bad days but looking at then shows just what we did.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    Thanks for the posts everyone.

    I guess in my case by logging the bad days, I have learned over time to make those bad days not as bad as they once were. Actually my bad day is going over by 500 or so, not 1500 or so back in days past. :)
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    I try to log every day, no matter what happened. I do understand that it can be hard. There have been a few times where I felt guilty, and thought "Crap, I really don't want my friends list to see this". I made myself do it anyway, because I want to see the impact of those numbers. Still, none of us are perfect, and its the overall effort that counts.
  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    I log everything..... it makes me more accountable when I see those numbers going up. It also helps when you hit a gain or plateau. You can look back and figure where you went wrong. Logging it all stops me from "going any further" when I make a bad choice. Thought it was what this site was about??????
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Simple shame. People don't want to show what is 'bad'.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I LOG everything. If i didn't, I wouldn't be holding myself accountable for my actions. Everyone is different though, so I guess it's their choice.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    which translates sometimes into plateau threads. lol
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    When I don't log, it's usually because I went out to a restaurant that isn't in MFP and I don't want to find something similar... It's laziness, I admit it lol. But my goals are totally different than they were 2 years ago when I logged everything no matter what. I don't worry about a "bad" day anymore.
  • kludgood
    kludgood Posts: 172
    Doing that only cheats yourself.