


  • turlykerd1
    turlykerd1 Posts: 54 Member

    Well explain to me why for the past nearly 8 months I'm still going strong on a 1200 cal diet ;)

    Firstly... I'm on your side - just want to make that clear.....

    What I wanted to say is - wait for all the people who will tell you you'll just put all the weight back on and youre losing lean muscle , and you dont have enough fuel for your body and your probably killing your brain and blah blah...

    It's the same thing I get told, despite the fact I lift heavy (when I do) and I have enough energy to run a half marathon and 30kms each week - all fine with no problems!!!!

    I've been at it all for 2 years, 8 months of steady. I've been told by a lot of closed minded people that I'll gain it all back or that I can't possibly gain muscle or lean out. I guess my results from the 30 day shred is all a lie lol. Then again I've been told my before photo's aren't me. Weight loss and leaning out does a lot of changing on one's body. And I promise you, I refuse to ever go back to that place. I will count calories for the rest of my life, I'm under doctor care who has helped me get this far. Once I get to maintaining, my calories will be up enough to do just that.

    LEGEND !!!
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    I think in terms of excercise whatever you think you can enjoy and sustain for the rest of your life is the way to go. But for me personally I like heavy lifting cause I like to eat! I also like to eat my tdee every day and not count excercise this works for me now.
    That being said I lost all of my weight on weightwatchers and have maintained for over 2 years and for the past 2 years have decided that I want to be really strong so that is now my goal....I love being able to eat lots of food at maintanence and not have to worry about gaining fat....not to mention how freaken amazing I look!
    I think there are 2 ways to go about it that work in my opinion, slow and steady at a calorie deficet and do cardio(but I do think eating at or below bmr is detrimental in the long run (and I don't think I was on ww) to lose the weight first and then gain muscle after the majority of the weight is gone. Or to go slower eat your tdee with a moderate deficet and build muscle as you go. Both ways work from what I have seen. But if you want to be able to eat lots of food then strenght is where its at.
  • turlykerd1
    turlykerd1 Posts: 54 Member
    didnt mean any offence to the midget element..........

    4" whatever = midget

  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I'm sick of seeing the word "healthy" on here. It's one of the most overused words on this site. When I saw someone refer to a butt looking "healthy" I just about lost it.
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    I'm sick of seeing the word "healthy" on here. It's one of the most overused words on this site. When I saw someone refer to a butt looking "healthy" I just about lost it.

    Maybe it means they are regular! :laugh:
  • chasingbabes
    I never give unsolicited advice, but if you ask a question I'll give you the best answer I have and the best advice I can give. It's not really my fault if the best answer I have and best advice I can give isn't what you want to hear.

    The BEST advice I ever got came from my dear Mama'.

    "I'm talking to myself. That way I get the right answer....Or at least the one I want to hear."

    Damn, that woman is so smart....
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I wish people would focus on themselves and not everyone else. A woman doesn't have to lift weights or even heavy weights to get results, but leave it up to a lot of people on this forum, she does. No, she doesn't and that's a fact. If people like lifting heavy, then do so and keep your mouth shut, when it comes down to other people's body. People are fast to say that a woman can't bulk up, because she doesn't have the testosterone like a man. Well, if anyone really knows about bulking up, they would know that it's not easy for "a man" to bulk up either. So, people need to stop with the woman can't bulk up. Both women and men can bulk up and it will take time. Some women can put on muscle faster than other women. That's why people should only speak from their experience. I hate when people uses the purse as an example for women to lift heavy. Some women don't even carry a person and some women purses are small. Not all women carry large purses full of junk.

    These people need to realize that people can get muscular by doing body weight workouts. A six pack and muscular legs don't come from weights. A person can even get muscular by using resistance bands.

    Some people on here haven't tried a lot of the workouts that people suggest, but they want to knock it, because they feel people need to lift heavy and follow what they say, because in their eyes they know it all.

    Some people like to think that a person has to look a certain way in order to give advice. Looks can be deceiving. Just because someone have a picture showing them flexing their arms or showing their muscular abdomen, it doesn't mean they know what they are talking about. They can only speak for their own body.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Well explain to me why for the past nearly 8 months I'm still going strong on a 1200 cal diet ;)

    Firstly... I'm on your side - just want to make that clear.....

    What I wanted to say is - wait for all the people who will tell you you'll just put all the weight back on and youre losing lean muscle , and you dont have enough fuel for your body and your probably killing your brain and blah blah...

    It's the same thing I get told, despite the fact I lift heavy (when I do) and I have enough energy to run a half marathon and 30kms each week - all fine with no problems!!!!

    I've been at it all for 2 years, 8 months of steady. I've been told by a lot of closed minded people that I'll gain it all back or that I can't possibly gain muscle or lean out. I guess my results from the 30 day shred is all a lie lol. Then again I've been told my before photo's aren't me. Weight loss and leaning out does a lot of changing on one's body. And I promise you, I refuse to ever go back to that place. I will count calories for the rest of my life, I'm under doctor care who has helped me get this far. Once I get to maintaining, my calories will be up enough to do just that.

    Nice work!
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    well there are some things that are "one size fits all" such as muscle hypertrophy rep ranges vs rep ranges for strength... you WILL build more skeletal muscle doing a higher rep range of 6-12 then you will doing 1-5 reps.. its relative heavyness if you want to build muscle, and muscle is the key to your success.. sets til failure got me results quick with short rest intervals 6-12 reps.

    I do agree with the biological aspects but it honestly depends on the person's goals. Like I said before, I just want to maintain muscle and lose fat. I do body resistance exercises which has been sufficient for maintaining my muscle while losing 17 pounds of fat.

    OH (not related to your post), and most people come from different situations. There is a HUGE difference between someone that has been sedentary all their life and someone that has been athlete all their life that let themselves go.
    wuts do you mean by the last comment tho? you can always learn how to lift weights or do calisthenics.

    true. but personally most of MY muscle mass came from competitive swimming and when I gained weight the muscle never went away. I just had to learn how to eat healthy to lose the fat on top of the muscle. I wasn't out of shape long enough for my muscle to waste away. those that are sedentary their whole life probably don't develop this muscle mass.

    I guess I'm trying to say that those that are in sports all their life have a higher chance of having a base amount of muscle and fitness than those that have never been active. but like I said before, that is very variable.

    So which is it.... are you genetically gifted, or an athlete that doesn't need to lift because you already have enough LBM? People advise others to lift weights so they can gain muscle. They probably need too. You don't. So why do you care about advice that doesn't apply to you?
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member

    I'm a newbie and really thought of leaving this site just for all the negative crap I have seen here......I came for motivation and support ~ not stuff like this on a recent thread:


    quit whining aND GET BUSY!

    strip and look in the mirror.....like what you see?

    if yes...then keep doing what you are doing.

    if no.....log off the computer and go get sweaty.

    How is any of that negative? It's mostly all correct.

    Yeah, everyone is motivated differently, I like a little tough love. Say to me "hag get yo *kitten* off the damn couch!" and give me a good game will motivate me more than coddling. Saying to me "awe, come on now put the ice cream down and think about moving around a little bit" will do nothing for me. They're not trying to be rude, they're trying to help you.

    I never give unsolicited advice, but if you ask a question I'll give you the best answer I have and the best advice I can give. It's not really my fault if the best answer I have and best advice I can give isn't what you want to hear.

    I get tired when people can't take a joke, not everything has to require a stern face. In my normal life I have a personality, I joke and have fun and people get upset when you bring this onto the interwebz. Relax and be prepared for normal discourse.

    Tough love works for some and not others. "To each his own"
    From the sounds of this person he needed encouragement and support.

    I think people need to understand that "encouragement and support" comes in many different forms, while we can debate physiology all day I think that where we can that where we are ALL different is in psychology. Again, this is encouragement and support to me. That's why you have the capability to choose your friends. When you go on the boards you get encouragement the way people encourage, then from there you select the friends that you share commonalities, like what you're looking for in a cheerleader. If you don't like the kick in the pants, then you pick the other people. The wonderful thing about having so many people on here is that, just like in real life, you find people who have similar interest and are driven similarly. The other side of the coin is that there are people who are the EXACT opposite of you. One is not right, one is not wrong, they are just each different . . . you can pick your friends, you can pick your wedgie, but you can't pick your . . . oh, yes you can pick your experience.