when to stop eating for the day.....



  • truc111
    truc111 Posts: 5
    I have a protein shake before bed every night to help combat the fasting my body does while I sleep for 8 hours.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • MariaAlbina
    MariaAlbina Posts: 130 Member
    It truly doesn't matter when you stop eating. I'll eat my dinner at 11pm if I really wanted to and still lose the weight.
  • Vixen0113
    Vixen0113 Posts: 78 Member
    I don't eat past 7..my metabolism is already shot to **** lol..once in a while if I get hungry i'll have a handful of dry cereal, something small..but everyone is different..so if ur not over your intake for the day and are hungry, eat something
  • Katalysts
    Katalysts Posts: 11
    I think the only reason people stop at a certain time is for the people who (like me) end up snacking on a bunch of un-needed calories at night time. If you don't have that problem then it really doesn't matter. If you consume an entire bag of potato chips "snacking" after dinner then you probably need to put a limit on yourself.
  • veronicacannon
    veronicacannon Posts: 107 Member
    I don't work too too early so I often stay up til 1 or 2 in the morning. So I usually have a couple of snacks after my dinner. Sometimes, and I don't know if this is cheating or what, but if its after midnight and I have a snack, I add it to my next days calories. Then for that day I just have a little less to work with or I add some extra cardio to even it out.
  • Calvinette
    Calvinette Posts: 2
    The weight lost Doctor told me to stop at 7pm, But some time I dnt get to eat dinner until around abt that time, so do I listen to him and not eat dinner, or go ahead a eat, even if it's around 8 or 9 pm?
  • kj6785
    kj6785 Posts: 2
    If you have any digestive problems like acid reflux or a hiatal (sp?)hernia then it is best to stop 2 -3 hours before bed.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    The weight lost Doctor told me to stop at 7pm, But some time I dnt get to eat dinner until around abt that time, so do I listen to him and not eat dinner, or go ahead a eat, even if it's around 8 or 9 pm?

    You find out why he told you this. If his claim is that you will store fat in your sleep due to not burning off the food, or something about your metabolism is slower at night, you get yourself a new weight loss doctor and I'm not kidding when I say that.

    If he gives you a different reason, post it here.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    The weight lost Doctor told me to stop at 7pm, But some time I dnt get to eat dinner until around abt that time, so do I listen to him and not eat dinner, or go ahead a eat, even if it's around 8 or 9 pm?

    Your "weight lost Doctor" is wrong. Your body doesn't care what time you eat, it's going to metabolize the food the same way.
  • TheresaDa
    TheresaDa Posts: 3
    I was told nothing two hours before your bed time. Your last meal should be the one with the lest sugar and crabs.
    What have work for me is to eat at 7:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:30 PM and again at 3:00 ,5:15 and the last meal is at 7:30 and I go to bed at 9:00 when I can.
    Hopes this will help you.
  • jbsangel
    jbsangel Posts: 18 Member
    I have heard rock solid times not to eat after, as well as guidelines such as not eating within 3 hours of sleeping. I've also heard that it doesn't matter, calories in vs calories out (remembering that just because we log daily doesn't mean our bodies care about a daily log).

    I've flocked more to the last two, which is for my own sanity I try not to within about 2-3 of sleeping, especially for a heavy or particularly fatty meal (yes I still have those sometimes). My reason for this is because sleeping on the wrong meals turns into not really sleeping for me. I also don't like waking up to use the bathroom, so I like to give a good bit of time to "go" especially, again, if it is a particularly bad meal leading me to want to chug lots of water.

    However, I don't believe in being hungry so if I'm hungry and it's close to bed, I find myself a snack to eat.

    I don't particularly have much of a problem with snacking, like just eating to eating, so maybe that might account for what works for me. If I eat after dinner, it's usually because I'm still hungry from dinner (and a snack is already planned), I'm surprisingly still hungry after dinner (in which case perhaps I'm "over" my calories but I have a snack anyway), or I ended up staying up much later and it's just time to eat again. Usually, though, I pretty much don't eat after dinner which tends to fall about 3-4 hours before bed.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I was told nothing two hours before your bed time. Your last meal should be the one with the lest sugar and crabs.
    What have work for me is to eat at 7:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:30 PM and again at 3:00 ,5:15 and the last meal is at 7:30 and I go to bed at 9:00 when I can.
    Hopes this will help you.

    Whew! I don't eat crabs, so I'm okay!
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    You absolutely have to stop eating before you fall asleep. If you eat while you are sleeping you will probably find it very hard to get it in your mouth and will make a horrible mess.
  • Jerrih45
    Jerrih45 Posts: 10
    Thanks everyone! :smile: I was just wondering if there was a pretty hard and fast guideline but what I'm getting is do what works for me and quit worrying that several days a week I don't get dinner in until well after 9:00. Whew.... :happy:
  • Jerrih45
    Jerrih45 Posts: 10
    You absolutely have to stop eating before you fall asleep. If you eat while you are sleeping you will probably find it very hard to get it in your mouth and will make a horrible mess.

    ya...I learned this lesson the hard way many years ago. I still have horrible memories of cleaning up that mess... :wink:
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I stop about 30 seconds before my head hits the pillow. I hate crumbs in the bed.
  • tat2dmrsgrimm
    tat2dmrsgrimm Posts: 226 Member
    I agree with those who say no eating in the bed. SO not sexy to have crumbs in the bed!