May MOVE-IT 180 to 360+ minutes a week challenge!!



  • rob_kurtz
    rob_kurtz Posts: 16 Member
    Count me in!! This is my first challenge on here. Hopefully this will motivate me to push even harder.

    Week # 1 -- April 30th -- Goal 300 minutes:

    Mon: 45 minutes : Wii EA Sports Acitve
    Tue: 50 minutes : Wii EA Sports Active
    Wed: 55 minutes : P90X - Kenpo X
    Thur: 35 minutes : Wii EA Sports Active, 45 minutes - Mowing
    Fri: 60 minutes : XBox 360 - Kinect Adventures
    Sat: 60 minutes P90X - Plyometrics

    Total / min left: 350 / 0
  • Clarevmb
    Clarevmb Posts: 211 Member
    Week #1 - 30 April. Goal 300+ mins, 2500 cals

    Monday: DVD 33 mins (137 cals), swim 50 mins (580 cals)
    Tuesday: DVD 65 mins (309 cals)
    Wednesday: Tone 25 mins (70 cals), treadmill 50 mins (373 cals)
    Thursday: rest
    Friday: 40 mins treadmill (294)
    Saturday: 50 mins treadmill (373)

    Mins: total/left: 313 / 0; Cals: 2136 / 364
  • jokersrs
    jokersrs Posts: 232 Member
    My first time doing this challenge. I'm excited!

    Week # 1 -- April 30th -- Goal 200 minutes:

    Mon: 22 min - 2 mile jog
    Thur: 45 min cycling class
    Fri: 60 min Zumba class
    Sat: 60 min

    Total / min left: 187 / 13
  • repubgurl
    repubgurl Posts: 105
    Week # 1 -- April 30th -- Goal 300 minutes:

    Mon: 70 Minutes
    Tue: 65 Minutes
    Wed: 85 Minutes
    Thur: 55 Minutes
    Fri: 65 Minutes
    Sat: 85 Minutes

    Total / min left: 425/ 0

    I've exceeded my goal this week. I may need to consider a higher goal for next week.
  • philly3047
    philly3047 Posts: 116 Member
    Week # 1 -- April 30th -- Goal 300 minutes:

    Mon: 28 minutes (30DS/stretching)
    Tue: 99 minutes (30DS/ BFBM/stretching)
    Wed: 75 minutes (30DS/BFBM/stretching)
    Thur: 50 minutes (30DS 2x/stretching)
    Fri: 25 minutes (walking)
    Sat: 51 minutes (30DS 2x/stretchin)

    Total / min left: 328/ -28 minutes

    I hit my goal already!!! I'm in the NEGATIVES!!!:drinker:
  • leffake
    leffake Posts: 9
    Hi. This will be my first challenge ever and the first group I am joining on this site. I think the challenge will get me moving more than I would without it. I will start with 180 minutes this first week. Looking forward to it!

    Week # 1 -- April 30th -- Goal 180 minutes

    Mon: Rest day
    Tue: Today was my birthday. Instead of going out for lunch to celebrate, I treated myself to a lunchtime bike ride. 80 minutes of riding; then went back to my office, took a shower and ate the healthy lunch I had packed. Left me feeling great!
    Wed: Best of intentions, but couldn't make it work. Lots of activity today, but no intentional exercise.
    Thur: Leslie Sansone 2 mile walk - 33 minutes with cool-down
    Fri: Running after baby grandson all day, but no time for intentional exercise.
    Sat: Leslie Sansone 2 mile walk - 33 minutes; weight lifting 10 minutes

    Total / min left:156/24 minutes. i can definitely do this! This challenge is a driver for me and I am loving it. I would never have exercised today, had I not made this commitment.
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    Topic: May MOVE-IT 180 to 360+ minutes a week challenge!! Fri 05/04/12 09:31 AM
    Week # 1 -- April 30th -- Goal 300 minutes:

    Mon: 0
    Tue: 60 minutes
    Wed: 45 minutes
    Thur: 0
    Fri: 55 minutes
    Sat: 60 minutes (shopping..but didn't log in my diary lol)

    Total / min left: 220 / 300/ 80 min left
  • cutestchickever
    Hey guys, my name is Amber. Some o fyu will have seen the thread I posted earlier which got deleted. I just want o let you guys in on a bit of information. I am a loyal and faithful christian to the Lord, and Jesus christ and also an animal lover. This is why I am a vegetabletarian. There is a girl on this site who goes by the name Sophiebee92. Please do not be friends with her. She is a prostitute. Last year my bf made 1 million dollars reviewing and directing pornos. And he says he has seen her in one. Also I am on this site to be honest and respectful so it makes me mad when people lie about their bodies. This girl 100% has fake boobs, I can tell. Plus my dad is one of the top 3 plastic surgeons in the country and he told me. She is also on steriods, that is how she has muscles. I respectfully warn all of you that she has sold these to, please don't take them. Having muscle kills girls.

    Plus what cheerleader and blonde girl like her have you ever seen who is not a complete *****. It is obvious that the only reason she is on this site is to sell her body. Now that is not ok with me. If you want a friend like her just go to the grocery store and by yourself a Barbie doll, its the same thing!!

    Also I want to warn you about some of her other friends too. One of them personally told me in a pm that her family are thieves. Another one called me a ***** and two of them were in pornons with her. Some o fthe most insulting comments were from cannonsky, delco, glamour60xtreme, becca_daniel, grapenutsf to name a few! All because I tried to give a little constructive criticism

    Also I urge you guys to please help me get her banned. Thank you and I hope you have a pleasant evening!!
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Week 1 goal ==> 550 min & 4600 cal burn

    Mon 4/30/2012 ==> 90 min
    Tue 5/1/2012 ==> 110 min
    Wed 5/2/2012 ==> 90 min
    Thu 5/3/2012 ==> 60 min
    Fri 5/4/2012 ==> 75 min
    Sat 5/5/2012 ==> 60 min


  • Tam143
    Tam143 Posts: 131 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Add another newbie to the list. I'm in

    Week # 1 -- April 30th -- Goal minutes: 210

    Mon: 33 mins
    Tue: 29 mins
    Wed: 28 mins
    Thur: 61 mins
    Fri: 36 mins
    Sat: 27 mins

    Total / min left: 214/ 210

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,477 Member
    Week # 1 -- April 30th -- Goal 300 minutes:

    Mon: 60 mins walking 30 mins circuit training
    Tue: 60 mins walking 45 mins zumba/circuit training
    Wed: 45 mins walk 45 mins zumba/circuit training
    Thur: rest
    Fri: 60 mins walking 45 mins curves
    Sat: 60 mins walking

    Total / min left: 375 mins so far this week.
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi! :) This will be my first challenge! I'm in!

    Week #1 - April 30th - Goal 300 minutes

    Monday: 70 mins. Leslie Sansone's 4 fast miles dvd for 50 mins, Chris Freytag's 10 min abs, and a 10 min arm workout.
    Tuesday: 70 mins. Leslie Sansone's 4 fast miles dvd for 50 mins. Chris Freytag's 10 min buns and 10 min thighs.
    Wednesday: 70 mins. Leslie Sansone's 4 Fast Miles dvd for 50 mins. Did a 10 min ab workout and a 10 min arm workout.
    Thursday: Rest Day
    Friday: Rest Day
    Saturday: 103 mins. Did Turbo Jam for 43 mins. Did Leslie Sansone's 2 mile walk for 30 mins. Did a 30 min walk outdoors.

    Total / minutes left: 313 / 00
  • rob_kurtz
    rob_kurtz Posts: 16 Member
    Count me in!! This is my first challenge on here. Hopefully this will motivate me to push even harder.

    Week # 1 -- April 30th -- Goal 300 minutes:

    Mon: 45 minutes : Wii EA Sports Acitve
    Tue: 50 minutes : Wii EA Sports Active
    Wed: 55 minutes : P90X - Kenpo X
    Thur: 35 minutes : Wii EA Sports Active, 45 minutes - Mowing
    Fri: 60 minutes : XBox 360 - Kinect Adventures
    Sat: 60 minutes P90X - Plyometrics, 120 minutes basketball

    Total / min left: 470 / 0
  • Chrysalisobel
    Chrysalisobel Posts: 152 Member
    Didn't go cycling, but end up blastin' my heart rate up with Jillian. :P

    I'M DONE FOR WEEK # 1! (thinking of upgrading to 300 min..)

    Week # 1 -- April 30th -- Goal 200 minutes:

    Mon 04/30/12 = 30 min of BFBM DVD.
    Tue 05/01/12 = 45 min of boot camp.
    Wed 05/02/12 = 37 min of BFBM DVD.
    Thurs 05/03/12 = 45 min of boot camp + 65 min of muay thai + 10 min of walking to midnight movie.
    Fri 05/04/12 = 20 min of walking to the bookstore.
    Sat 05/05/12 = 30 min of Kinect Sports' boxing + 7 min of Kinect Sports' table tennis + 20 min of Zumba DVD + 6 min of circuit resistance training.
    Sun 05/06/12 = 40 min of BFBM DVD.

    Total / min left: 375/175 min exceeded.
  • blackburn23
    blackburn23 Posts: 385 Member
    Okay, time for an update.

    Thursday: none
    Friday: none
    Saturday: 60 minutes

    Weekly total: 150 minutes

    Gotta make sure I do something tomorrow to meet my 180 minute goal for the week.
  • blackburn23
    blackburn23 Posts: 385 Member
    I've read back over some of the posts and I am really impressed. I am already thinking about my goal for next week. I really need the inspiration and motivation and your posts are helping with that. Thanks!
  • mother_of_brigade
    mother_of_brigade Posts: 102 Member
    Week1: Goal 360 minutes

    Mon- rest
    Tues- 120 minutes of bowling
    Wed- 20 minutes walking
    Thurs- 60 min volleyball
    Fri- rest
    Sat- 240 min walking/dancing/chaperoning prom

    540/360!! Goal met! Might hit the gym today, not sure.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Goal 300 minutes

    Week 1 April 1- 6

    Monday- 75 minutes for the day. Spinning 45 minutes, weight training 30 minutes
    Tuesday- Zumba 60 minutes
    Wednesday-120 minutes for the day - Dog walking 30 minutes, zumba 60 minutes, zumba tone 30 minutes
    Thursday- 90minutes for the day Absolute Body Conditioning- 60 minutes ; 30 minutes dog walking
    Friday- 30 minutes stationary bike
    Saturday -60 minutes walking through the swamps in the woods
    Sunday 60 minutes spinning

    Week 1 Total- 495 minutes
  • Cyndi62
    Cyndi62 Posts: 106 Member
    Week # 1 -- April 30th -- Goal 360+ minutes:

    Mon: 30 min walking
    Tue: 30 min walking 60 min swimming laps
    Wed: 35 walking
    Thur: 35 walking
    Fri: Zip, Zilch, Nada
    Sat: 20 min elliptical

    Total / min left: 210 /150
  • latinplayachick
    latinplayachick Posts: 5 Member
    I need to start doing this.
    Going to start tomorrow since its monday and go for the 180 mins of exercise.