Do you weigh/measure your food?



  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I wish I had a scale so I could do so, but I don't. So, until I get one, I just sort of eyeball it.
  • Yes, weigh and measure everything (if not prepackaged or premade with a number already). I find it is helpful because I would probably under-estimate trying to fool myself. This way I know I am on track.
  • angimac
    angimac Posts: 145 Member
    When I'm home, I weigh my food. I have a pocket scale, but never think to take it with me. Although, after having weighed my foods for almost a year now, I am a decent estimator.
  • jfaure23
    jfaure23 Posts: 114 Member
    If I'm not sure of how much of something I am putting in my body, I definitely weigh. I want to know these factors that I can control and the results it has on my body.
  • xxmzangel
    xxmzangel Posts: 119 Member
    I measure just about everything, unless it's been portioned out already. I do weigh some things if I'm not sure, but maybe I should getting into doing that more.
  • MrsLeibas
    MrsLeibas Posts: 43 Member
    I measure alot of things, but don't weigh much. Both are areas I could improve on and I'm wondering if I improve on these habits, how fast I would see changes on the scale???

    We own a few sets of measuring cups and measuring spoons (I picked them up at the dollar store) and I've been using them pretty regularly on starches but I'm more like to skip measuring the fruits and veggies ... I guess that's because I let my mind trick me that they are healthy. Sounds like from what people have posted that I need to measure everything. Would that be better?

    I rarely weigh a serving of meat and I'm pretty sure I should start doing this because I have no idea how accurate I am at guessing the weight of the meat. Here a question though, do you count the weight of the meat before or after cooking for logging on MFP?

    We have a digital scale .. I just need to use it more often.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I measure alot of things, but don't weigh much. Both are areas I could improve on and I'm wondering if I improve on these habits, how fast I would see changes on the scale???

    We own a few sets of measuring cups and measuring spoons (I picked them up at the dollar store) and I've been using them pretty regularly on starches but I'm more like to skip measuring the fruits and veggies ... I guess that's because I let my mind trick me that they are healthy. Sounds like from what people have posted that I need to measure everything. Would that be better?

    I rarely weigh a serving of meat and I'm pretty sure I should start doing this because I have no idea how accurate I am at guessing the weight of the meat. Here a question though, do you count the weight of the meat before or after cooking for logging on MFP?

    We have a digital scale .. I just need to use it more often.

    You should start weighing the meat. An oz or 2 off and you could be miscalculating by a couple hundred calories.

    Don't worry too much about the fruit and veg. Most vegetables are so low cal that if you even double what you counted it's not going to hurt you any. Try to be accurate with the high calorie ones though, like corn, potatoes, avocado etc.
  • hobbesgrrr
    hobbesgrrr Posts: 9
    I am new to all of this so I have not weighed my food yet. I am starting to use measuring cups and I am considering buying a Taylor digital measuring cup. This cup measures and weighs everything (flour, oil, meat, milk, water, veggies, ect) It also allows you to zero it out and keep adding to it. So you can add flour for a cake and then add milk without having to use another cup. Other brands have similar items that may be better becuase the cup is removable for washing but this one in on amazon for about $20.
  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    No. I'm trying to make a lifestyle change. While I started by measuring now I estimate everything. Its not realistic for me to weigh my food for the rest of my life. Id rather make good portion size decisions on my own.
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,719 Member
    Yep. I measure almost everything on my digital scales. The only things I do not measure are canned fruits, like pineapple that has the per 2 slice calories printed, that type of thing.

    I found out my 'guesstimates' were WAY off when I actually started weighing meats and other things. I'm so anal about it sitting on the counter and possibly getting broken or dirty, I made a handy-dandy holder for it. It stays on the side of a cabinet unless I need it.
  • toomanycurves
    toomanycurves Posts: 110 Member
    I once weighed my food and calculated the calories per gram. Someone in my family then decided to use my scale as a place to store my cookbooks. If you had a typical NYC galley kitchen, you would understand his action! Maybe I should go back to weighing things even though I'm no longer sure that the scale is as accurate as it was at one time.
  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    I measure and weigh things that are bigger on calories. Things like lettuce/peppers etc. I eyeball, because being a bit over or under on my guesstimates won't make a big difference.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    I rarely weigh a serving of meat and I'm pretty sure I should start doing this because I have no idea how accurate I am at guessing the weight of the meat. Here a question though, do you count the weight of the meat before or after cooking for logging on MFP?
    We have a digital scale .. I just need to use it more often.

    Definately weigh the protein! Its really confusing to find the right one to log on MFP - but I try to weigh all of mine after I cook it...there is a huge difference in a steak, raw and steak, grilled!!!
  • tarnbop
    tarnbop Posts: 53 Member
    Ok, so after posting that I would be lost without them, my scales have now broken!!
    Any tips on new ones?!
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    Ok, so after posting that I would be lost without them, my scales have now broken!!
    Any tips on new ones?!

    I love my Escali scale and I got it from ebay uber cheap. It weighs in pounds + ounces, just ounces, grams and kilograms. I think it was $23 including shipping to me. To be honest, it isn't a food scale but it is so accurate I never saw the need to pay more for something with LESS capabilities than my escali.

    Good luck! I, too, would be lost without mine.
  • choirgirl1130
    choirgirl1130 Posts: 80 Member
    I usually weigh everything
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Yes, even fruits and veggies.
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    considering I am a baker, I thought I had a pretty good idea of weights and such without a scale! (atfer all, I bake all day without using measuring cups and such, and it comes out right!).
    Finally brought a food scale hoem with me and was blown away by how far off my portions sizes were!!! SO glad I got a scale, for instance what I thought was 1 ounce of grated cheese turned out to be almost 3. That adds up quickly.
  • JessiC1984
    JessiC1984 Posts: 97 Member
    I get annoyed when a food in the MFP database doesn't have grams as a quantity option, if that tells you how often I weigh my food :p
    Same here! Grams are great, ppl lol get on board with the metric system!
    My hubby will laugh at me when I'm searching for one that's been added in grams while my food is getting cold getting annoyed because I can't find one, then he'll go and hit "grms/oz" and tell me to find an "American one"