The word "gross"...



  • Shfiftyfive
    Shfiftyfive Posts: 261
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Some of my friends are so yummy to look at that I think naughty things - is that gross?
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Some of my friends are so yummy to look at that I think naughty things - is that gross?

    Nope :smile:
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Ive not seen it happen personally, but totally agree! People are so brave to post pics, and in no way do they deserve insults! x
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Is this because of a previous post? if so id like to see the post ! :)
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    It is ok to say it about yourself though right ?

    LIke I was a disgusting, slothful, gross, fat ugly pig. Now I am just ugly and less fat.

    Nope. Not yourself either. Imagine someone looking at you after you lost 137lbs for motivation and hearing you say that about yourself.

    I don't know what the impetus was for your original post, but I agree with everything you say here, Elizabeth.

    I understand that even fit and beautiful people feel discouraged about their progress at times, but I dislike reading self-flagellation. It just overall makes me feel bad. When I was younger I think it would also make me feel that if this perfect-looking person thinks that s/he looks 'gross', what does that say about me? But now that I'm older, I take people are their word, and just feel awful that they are ragging on themselves.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Is this because of a previous post? if so id like to see the post ! :)

    No. I'm not going to post why I posted this comment. Besides, that thread is gone already thankfully.

    It's just that I've seen many times on here women who are fit, thin, or muscular being called gross, anorexic, disgusting, twig, manly, etc. and women who are larger than average called flabby, lazy, disgusting, gross, etc. It just needs to stop.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Is this because of a previous post? if so id like to see the post ! :)

    No. I'm not going to post why I posted this comment. Besides, that thread is gone already thankfully.

    It's just that I've seen many times on here women who are fit, thin, or muscular being called gross, anorexic, disgusting, twig, manly, etc. and women who are larger than average called flabby, lazy, disgusting, gross, etc. It just needs to stop.

    ah yes, like the inspirational body posts where people comment saying they do not like muscle, or curve etc etc. ?
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    It is ok to say it about yourself though right ?

    LIke I was a disgusting, slothful, gross, fat ugly pig. Now I am just ugly and less fat.

    Nope. Not yourself either. Imagine someone looking at you after you lost 137lbs for motivation and hearing you say that about yourself.

    Why are people automatically responsible for other people's motivation? If someone wants to be down on themselves, that is their business. If someone else finds this demotivating, I'm sure they can find someone who wants to be motivating/inspirational to follow instead.

    You make a good point, but I really think the use of certain language needs to be curbed here when talking about body types. You're not just talking about yourself. You're doing it PUBLICLY. There's a difference between calling yourself gross and disgusting on your profile and putting pics up of yourself on here and calling yourself that. It's equivalently saying someone who looks like you is also gross and disgusting.

    Maybe I've missed something (or more likely, a lot of things), but I don't think I've seen anyone post a picture of themselves and say "I look gross." I have, on numerous occasions described my extra skin as gross, because I think it is. Other people's extra skin doesn't bother me at all, because I don't have to look down at it while I'm stretching, or have to avoid getting it tangled on the pole while dancing (yes, this happens, yes, it can hurt like ****). It's not self-flagellation, or a statement on anyone else, it's just an honest statement about how I feel about certain parts of my body. If other people can post pictures of their abs and talk about how they are awesome, I should be equally entitled to say mine are gross looking because I happen to fared badly in the extra-skin lottery.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    It is ok to say it about yourself though right ?

    LIke I was a disgusting, slothful, gross, fat ugly pig. Now I am just ugly and less fat.

    Nope. Not yourself either. Imagine someone looking at you after you lost 137lbs for motivation and hearing you say that about yourself.

    I don't know what the impetus was for your original post, but I agree with everything you say here, Elizabeth.

    I understand that even fit and beautiful people feel discouraged about their progress at times, but I dislike reading self-flagellation. It just overall makes me feel bad. When I was younger I think it would also make me feel that if this perfect-looking person thinks that s/he looks 'gross', what does that say about me? But now that I'm older, I take people are their word, and just feel awful that they are ragging on themselves.

    Please don't feel awful.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I intentionally don't read threads such as 'what's your favorite body type' or 'post a pic of the celeb body you are trying to become', etc.

    To me, we are all born with the bodies we have. We can do a lot to improve them, but I think it is far better to center your thoughts on your own progress without comparing yourself to others.

    I think focusing on health and vitality, over physical appearance, is a healthier mind-set too. Apologies to those who body-build and have specific body goals in mind. I do understand, but think for the average person, that ruminating over '6-packs' and 'V's' are detractions from the most important one: self-care, respect and vibrant good health.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Is this because of a previous post? if so id like to see the post ! :)

    No. I'm not going to post why I posted this comment. Besides, that thread is gone already thankfully.

    It's just that I've seen many times on here women who are fit, thin, or muscular being called gross, anorexic, disgusting, twig, manly, etc. and women who are larger than average called flabby, lazy, disgusting, gross, etc. It just needs to stop.

    ah yes, like the inspirational body posts where people comment saying they do not like muscle, or curve etc etc. ?

    Yes, sometimes it occurs there, but I've also seen it in response to women and men posting real pics of themselves here as well. I just feel like this kind of language is unnecessary.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I do, however, reserve the right to describe how I am after running as "all sweaty and gross," because... well I am. But my body is not gross. Never was. Never will be, no matter how big or small I might be or get. It's pretty amazing how I could mistreat it for years and years and years, but give it a little TLC and it can perform amazing tasks. (Albeit, with an insane amount of perspiration.)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    It is ok to say it about yourself though right ?

    LIke I was a disgusting, slothful, gross, fat ugly pig. Now I am just ugly and less fat.

    Nope. Not yourself either. Imagine someone looking at you after you lost 137lbs for motivation and hearing you say that about yourself.

    Why are people automatically responsible for other people's motivation? If someone wants to be down on themselves, that is their business. If someone else finds this demotivating, I'm sure they can find someone who wants to be motivating/inspirational to follow instead.

    You make a good point, but I really think the use of certain language needs to be curbed here when talking about body types. You're not just talking about yourself. You're doing it PUBLICLY. There's a difference between calling yourself gross and disgusting on your profile and putting pics up of yourself on here and calling yourself that. It's equivalently saying someone who looks like you is also gross and disgusting.

    Maybe I've missed something (or more likely, a lot of things), but I don't think I've seen anyone post a picture of themselves and say "I look gross." I have, on numerous occasions described my extra skin as gross, because I think it is. Other people's extra skin doesn't bother me at all, because I don't have to look down at it while I'm stretching, or have to avoid getting it tangled on the pole while dancing (yes, this happens, yes, it can hurt like ****). It's not self-flagellation, or a statement on anyone else, it's just an honest statement about how I feel about certain parts of my body. If other people can post pictures of their abs and talk about how they are awesome, I should be equally entitled to say mine are gross looking because I happen to fared badly in the extra-skin lottery.

    I think there's a difference between saying that you FEEL gross and saying you ARE gross. I think we all have parts of ourselves we find unattractive (most of us do), but that shouldn't translate to "I'm a disgusting person."

    I have seen a few posts where people make offhand comments about themselves being "disgusting." I did it to myself when I first started here not realizing that by saying that my body was gross, I had just insulted everyone who looked like me also. Someone pointed that out to me early on, thankfully, and I'm glad they did. I'm much harder on myself than others are or I am towards others.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I intentionally don't read threads such as 'what's your favorite body type' or 'post a pic of the celeb body you are trying to become', etc.

    To me, we are all born with the bodies we have. We can do a lot to improve them, but I think it is far better to center your thoughts on your own progress without comparing yourself to others.

    I think focusing on health and vitality, over physical appearance, is a healthier mind-set too. Apologies to those who body-build and have specific body goals in mind. I do understand, but think for the average person, that ruminating over '6-packs' and 'V's' are detractions from the most important one: self-care, respect and vibrant good health.

    I think that's a good point to make, but I also think there's some merit in having a goal physique in mind as long as it's a healthy view on it and not obsessive.

    It really helps me visualize what I might look like at my goal size for motivation.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I intentionally don't read threads such as 'what's your favorite body type' or 'post a pic of the celeb body you are trying to become', etc.

    To me, we are all born with the bodies we have. We can do a lot to improve them, but I think it is far better to center your thoughts on your own progress without comparing yourself to others.

    I think focusing on health and vitality, over physical appearance, is a healthier mind-set too. Apologies to those who body-build and have specific body goals in mind. I do understand, but think for the average person, that ruminating over '6-packs' and 'V's' are detractions from the most important one: self-care, respect and vibrant good health.

    I think that's a good point to make, but I also think there's some merit in having a goal physique in mind as long as it's a healthy view on it and not obsessive.

    It really helps me visualize what I might look like at my goal size for motivation.

    I understand, but realistically, not all things are possible. For instance, I have a broad frame. When I'm a normal weight, my shoulders and hips are still wide, and my rib cage protrudes. If I look at pictures of someone at that same weight with a smaller body frame, it's okay but I'd better not think that my body design is going to change into that. It's far better to learn to appreciate what I have, learn to dress myself to advantage and love the variant body type I have.
  • carrie31023
    carrie31023 Posts: 17 Member
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    This is a bit off the original topic, but have you guys seen this website?

    It's tons of real women's bodies at a certain height and weight, and you can sort it by shape (apple, pear, hourglass). I think it's awesome.
  • 13519485
    13519485 Posts: 264
    This is a bit off the original topic, but have you guys seen this website?

    It's tons of real women's bodies at a certain height and weight, and you can sort it by shape (apple, pear, hourglass). I think it's awesome.

    I found that site to be very helpful in helping me decide a goal weight. You're right about it being an awesome site. :)
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    This is a bit off the original topic, but have you guys seen this website?

    It's tons of real women's bodies at a certain height and weight, and you can sort it by shape (apple, pear, hourglass). I think it's awesome.

    I found that site to be very helpful in helping me decide a goal weight. You're right about it being an awesome site. :)

    I like that site, too, but it merely reinforces how different we all are, even if we weigh the same, are the same height, and have the same basic build.