Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - May Challenge!! Take 2!!



  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone! This has been a rough week for me, getting back from the crazy bachlorette cruise and trying to get back to reality. I am struggling with feeling guilty for getting wild on my cruise. I mean everyone I know, even my more conservative friends say that this is the one time to not feel guilty and I am trying to tell myself that over and over, it just doesn't seem to stick. It doesn't help that I am feeling a little under the weather and I rolled my ankle again. I am going to a orthopedist next week to make sure there isn't any serious damage, and hopefully I can see a physical therapist to strengthen this foot since it keeps happening. I have acupuncture on Saturday and that always makes me feel better. I might be able to go to spin tonight, debating if I want to risk it. We also really need to get groceries and clean up the house which I feel is a serious priority. But working out is always #1 to me, I hate that I feel awful.

    Enough about the pity party, I am going to do my best to get back into some sort of workout by sunday, This is my new goal so I don't put too much pressure on myself and hurt myself or make myself more sick. I am back to eating gluten free and it feels good. I am hoping to find some sort of gluten free lunch as we desperately need to go to the store tonight! I am just happy tomorrow is friday. My fiance, Jason and I have our ballroom dance class friday nights so at least I know I will have a little exercise, that already makes me feel better :smile: It is dark and rainy here in San Francisco which never helps my mood. But I am wearing my fitbit and I am fighting hard to stay in my calories. Yesterday I was about 200 over which is really not that bad, I need to focus on a range, as in not going more than 200 cals over pretty much all the time. This is tough with a bum foot and having a tough time working out, but I can do it.

    Ok I am rambling.

    Meag- I hope you feel better, stress is a beast! Not sure if stress is related to what is going on or if it is creating stress but maybe try taking a deep breath a few times a day and acknowledging how far you have come. My therapist suggested that and I think it has been helping me with my constant stress/battle against myself. Sometimes enjoying life can be hard! Do your best I am cheering for you!
  • rlwinton
    rlwinton Posts: 101
    Hi everyone! I'm kinda new. I participated in this thread around this time last year and absolutely loved! Since grad school, I have fallen off of track and i'm trying to get back on!

    cmg2008: Continue to train for the Warrior Dash June 2nd. Start getting back into the habit of logging my calories again. Start eating healthier again.

    Eleanoreb- Do not do anything careless or stupid before the marathon and just do the best that I can.

    enewsome2- Stay under my calories every day and log religiously. Eat back half to all of my exercise calories. Keep a positive outlook and remember- I can do this! :)

    awyler- eat paleo 28 out of the 31 days in may.

    MissGolightly727(Emily) - Get out of the 160s and STAY THERE, run 3 times a week(distance doesn't matter) in the mornings(I am not a morning person, so this one might be a stretch, but hey, dream big), log everything that goes into my mouth(thatswhatshesaid), class at the gym at least once a week, and (just for Meag) be the social butterfly I know I can by going out with friends at least once a week.

    JMSKCW- 1300 minutes of exercise, 4 lbs lost. Keepin' it simple this month! Also, I am going to look into to starting the New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    caitwinmary: lose 8lbs this month, increase my weekly running mileage, do yoga at least once a week, work on my speed to improve my 5k time.

    rlwinton: My goals would be to lose three lbs and run three times a week for 20 minutes or longer. I would also want to maintain my goals of working out five days a week, doing strength training 4x a week and eating around 1650 calories a day.

    ashka86- Find new exercises that have a lesser impact on my knees and enjoy doing them! Oh and lose 5lbs

    Maystar80--Got to fuel my workouts so I can be strong! So, eat approximately 2000 calories of nutritious, good-for-my-body food every day. Log everything I eat and don't eat anything I can't log (i.e. no eating while standing! It's in the habit, and its a bad bad habit). Drink alcohol only once/week and keep it under 300 calories. Stick to my 6 days/week training plan: Monday and Wednesday-wrestling and p90x weights; Tuesday and Thursday-run in the mornings and spin class in the afternoon; Saturday- short, race pace run; Sunday- long run; Yoga- 30+min 2x/week. Abstain from the scale and tape measure and check in on June 1st. Will be happy w/the results and reassess then!

    cmg2008: Continue to train for the Warrior Dash June 2nd. Start getting back into the habit of logging my calories again. Start eating healthier again.

    What Warrior Dash are you going to, if I may ask? :)
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Misgolightly- Whats your name by the way? I hate writing these things and saying screen names or whatnot. That is beyond sweet! It reminds me a lot of when I first met my fiance. There are some true gentlemen out there they are just hard to find! He sounds like a very sweet keeper. I am happy for you and wish you the best with this guy. Thanks for the comment, I already feel better. It just bums me out that I got a little sick/run down from the trip and also messed up my foot. It is cool tho, I still have a little over 4 months until the wedding and I know I can do this. Sometime it is good to have a reality check to really help you focus on food if you can't exercise.

    I am planning on dancing tonight(ballroom is not much exercise but hey my fitbit will tell me how much I burn) and then Sunday we are going to go on a bike ride, per my fiance's request yay for a workout buddy! Monday I am going to swim. Tuesday I get to see the dr to tell me what I can and can't do. I really hope I will be back in action ASAP! I miss running and dance class.

    I stepped on the scale today and gained 1.8 since before the cruise. I am not going to let it get me down tho, I was expecting a gain and I am sure I am still holding on to some water retention. So I have a number to focus on getting to and hopefully even get lower. I was thinking of doing some weight training tomorrow. We will see if that happens tho, I have acupuncture in the AM then my uncles memorial service in the afternoon. It will be an intense emotional day. I am trying to not be too hard on myself for gaining a little weight since I lost 2 close family members this year, death is a hard thing to deal with and I should be happy I didn't gain more. I just have to push on and fight harder.

    The sun is shining here in sunny california! I plan on spending as much time in the sunshine as possible! Have a great day guys.
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    I am finally joining for May!!

    My April Goals:
    abby459 - Log EVERYTHING I eat this month. Watch my sodium intake. Stay under calories almost everyday (giving myself 2 days off for the month) Keep training for my 10K trail race on April 28th....goal is to be able to run the entire thing.

    Wow I totally sucked in April!!! I did not stay under my cals every day...not even close and I think I went almost a week without logging....very stressful month for me!! I did run my 10K though and ran the whole thing (minus the falling part!!) so that part was OK!!

    So onto the May goals......I will be trying to stay under cals again for the month, keep watching sodium intake and increasing water intake. Keep running 3 days/week and training for the Delaware Marathon Relay ( 4 people, 6.22 miles each) on May 13th and find some cross training to mix in!! Trying to hit 100 miles again this month!

    Eleanoreb- Do not do anything careless or stupid before the marathon and just do the best that I can.
    enewsome2- Stay under my calories every day and log religiously. Eat back half to all of my exercise calories. Keep a positive outlook and remember- I can do this! :)
    awyler- eat paleo 28 out of the 31 days in may.
    MissGolightly727(Emily) - Get out of the 160s and STAY THERE, run 3 times a week(distance doesn't matter) in the mornings(I am not a morning person, so this one might be a stretch, but hey, dream big), log everything that goes into my mouth(thatswhatshesaid), class at the gym at least once a week, and (just for Meag) be the social butterfly I know I can by going out with friends at least once a week.
    JMSKCW- 1300 minutes of exercise, 4 lbs lost. Keepin' it simple this month! Also, I am going to look into to starting the New Rules of Lifting for Women.
    caitwinmary: lose 8lbs this month, increase my weekly running mileage, do yoga at least once a week, work on my speed to improve my 5k time.
    rlwinton: My goals would be to lose three lbs and run three times a week for 20 minutes or longer. I would also want to maintain my goals of working out five days a week, doing strength training 4x a week and eating around 1650 calories a day.
    ashka86- Find new exercises that have a lesser impact on my knees and enjoy doing them! Oh and lose 5lbs
    Maystar80--Got to fuel my workouts so I can be strong! So, eat approximately 2000 calories of nutritious, good-for-my-body food every day. Log everything I eat and don't eat anything I can't log (i.e. no eating while standing! It's in the habit, and its a bad bad habit). Drink alcohol only once/week and keep it under 300 calories. Stick to my 6 days/week training plan: Monday and Wednesday-wrestling and p90x weights; Tuesday and Thursday-run in the mornings and spin class in the afternoon; Saturday- short, race pace run; Sunday- long run; Yoga- 30+min 2x/week. Abstain from the scale and tape measure and check in on June 1st. Will be happy w/the results and reassess then!
    cmg2008: Continue to train for the Warrior Dash June 2nd. Start getting back into the habit of logging my calories again. Start eating healthier again.
    ksullins07-10 lbs!! I wanna lose it! I want it gone!!!
    Get into DAILY exercise routine..I have days where I do and days where I don't! I need to do SOMETHING everyday!!!
    Lostalykat- Track my food at least 6 days a week, Follow my new fitbit and try to get all my activity for the day(after my foot heals that is), Lose at least 3lbs from my WI on Friday of this week, Either hit the gym, run or do yoga 4 x a week.
    Meagalayne- Find my love for running again, without necessarily sticking to a schedule; enjoy fitness often but not in lieu of social outings with potential friends; eat well and mindfully at every opportunity - listen to your body and eat when you're hungry; drink more water than coffee; yoga or spin every week; finish your current book and start reading Born to Run; and book your next adventure! Oh - and don't weigh again until the end of the month - your body and mind just need a break!
    fitontherun (Chinwe) - Continue to monitor IT band recovery by cutting back on running and starting up cross-training (spin, pilates, weight training). Trouble shoot on what's causing the recurrent knee/hip injuries. Drop 2 pounds. Decide on when to start Turbo Fire or a Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid. Survive finals week. Stick to a strict MCAT study schedule.
    GreenHumanClay (Cynthia): Weight train 3-4 times per week, take 1-2 days off for recovery, run 2-3xs, not training now so these will be more fun/hill runs, run the hill stairs 1-2xs, keep hydrating feel, sleep more, continue reading "The new Rules of Lifting for Women", increase my lifting weight and push ups, and last but not least stay on top of my HW only have 3 weeks left of school
    Abby459 - Increase water intake and decrease sodium intake. Log EVERYTHING and stay under cals everyday (2 days off). Run 3 days/week and cross train. Train and PR in the Delaware Marathon on May 13th (4 people 6.22 miles each).
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    Emily - I am glad that you are soo excited for bathing suit season and that you finally feel comfortable in your own skin!! Thats a wonderful feeling! And I love that bathing suit, I bet it looks awesome on you!! And even though you want a free and single summer, maybe casually dating Phil won't be a bad thing....they say you always find the right one exactly when you aren't looking for him!!

    Rlwilton - First, congrats on quitting smoking!!! And the running will come over time, I was in your shoes in the summer of last year and just finished my first 1/2 marathon in will get to your goals, just stick with it!!

    Meag - Sorry that you have been struggling with some medical issues....I really hope you get that all figured out!! And sooner rather then later. Hopefully your newly single status will be a great thing for you and give you more "me time". And lead to less stress!!

    Aly - A bachelorette cruise sounds really fun although probably a bit wild!! Hope you enjoyed yourself!! Don't feel guily for having fun. And good luck getting back into you workout and calorie counting!!

    Cynthia - Welcome back lady!! I've missed you!! I love your goals and I am excited for you to be doing your 1/2!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!!

    AFM - Just to keep you all updated.....I had a rough month last month!! Very stressful with work and personal stuff. I found another lump in my breast and had numerous Dr. trips, mammogram and ultrasound, and I will have to undergo another biopsy and possible lumpectomy. Appointment to see the surgeon isnt until the 21st so I wont know which until then. This gets me soo stressed since my mom died from breast cancer when she was in her early 40s. It's put my head and body into a funk!! But I am trying to "forget" about it for now and re-focus myself on my goals. I will keep you all posted though!
    Otherwise I have been doing a bit of mountain biking lately and I took another rough spill doing downhill a bit too fast on this one trail. So I had to post this pic for you all so you can laugh and my clumsiness and see the horrible bruise that I got!!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Bumping the thread to remind myself to catch up later - I've been SO bad about keeping up! Happy to see you folks all back in action!

    Em- Great post and so glad to hear the date went well :bigsmile:

    Abby- OUCH! I sure hope it looks worse than it feels! :tongue: And thanks for your kind words. You are right that I am working towards less stress... Time will tell. Just happy to be taking some control in life. Especially since there are so many uncertainties right now with things out of my control (ie: my health). I am very sorry to hear that you too are struggling with the same... anxiety and stress caused by medical stuff out of our control takes a major toll on our emotional state, our moods, our energy, sleep, eating, just about everything. It's really tough, lady. Give yourself the space to cope and deal with it - ease up on exercise, on the strictness of diet, on yourself in general, and appreciate that the stress and anxiety you have is real and can sometimes take over. Making healthy choices and feeling positive about our day-to-day isn't always a top priority when life's serving up curve balls every time your at the plate :ohwell: The good news is that you sound like you're on track to get focused when and wherever possible - And I love that mentality! You can do this, Abby! :bigsmile:

    OK I better get going. I've been procrastinating this run all morning... And it's finally 1pm and I need to get my *kitten* in gear.
    Have a great Saturday! I'll be back on later to catch up a little more :happy:
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Abby so sorry to hear about the issues involving your health, i do remember back in October you mentioning you lost your mom to breast cancer, my mother also has breast cancer twice but did survive, soo sorry you're going through that stress I can't even imagine how you must be feeling but Im glad to hear that you are doing everything you can to get that taken care of. Really try and relax and do whatever you need to do to really focus on just taking it day by day, and your bruise looks painful, I call those battle wounds :) Im glad Im back too and missed all of you ladies. I had a stressful month as well but I can't really complain sending happy vibes your way! :bigsmile: Good luck with your Marathon Relay you're going to kick some serious *kitten*!!!

    Meag Congrats on your PR's 2:04:59 is Excellent and your PR for the 5k is amazing! Sorry to hear about your "laundry list" of issues going on hoping you can rule out every one of those one by one or altogether asap! Glad to hear that you are recently single, now you have more time to dedicate to yourself and really focus on just Meag!! Like your May goals of going back to basics and how you always manage to really take time to go on your vacays I bet that helps keeping some sort of sanity in your life! If you ever decide to make it up to Northern Ca. let me know :drinker:

    Emily your new guy sounds like a fairy tale I didn't know those kind of guys still exist lol JK My bf is a gentle man but not like that but then again Im no southern belle lol I totally agree on weekends being the tough food days but you seem like you got your goals in check, hope your soreness is now gone!

    rlwinton Welcome back! Nice goals, are you just starting on your running or are you increasing your running distance? Just curious because I have been running one year to the day actually and started with this program called C25K which Im sure you heard of but if you haven't and are new to running there is tons of threads that have so much info on that!! :smile: Not sure what your name is??

    lostalykat Kat? Not sure on the name also I don't like referring to others by their screen name either unless they prefer it! Your vacay sounds awesome and please do forgive yourself, it seems like you had a great time! You only live minutes from me Im in San Jose you mentioned you live in S.F. I have my Divas half there tomorrow! Hope you get some answers and your ankle pain alleviates that way you can get back to your routine!

    AFM I am taking a three day weekend this weekend and driving to SF tonight/evening for my half tomorrow and staying at the Crowne Plaza since the race is pretty early, Im excited its just a girlfriend and I, we are planning on hitting up the hotels gym just to get a short run in! Finally got a new pair of running shoes, I ran a little over 13 a couple Sundays ago and since then I've had minor knee pains and have iced it and tried to stay away from running on it, which is why I hardly ran this week plus I just got my new shoes in the mail (same ones as last time) I ordered online, I refused to run in my old shoes but Im now worried about my half since I haven't ran a "longish" distance for about a week or so.. Im sure I'll be fine it's just my own thinking but I hope to finish in under 2:15 since its not 100% flat but ideally would to like to come in at 2:10 or better! Finished cleaning the apt., writing my papers and I just need to go grocery shopping, pack my stuff and head to SF with my bestie this evening! This 1/2 has personalized everything so my bib Name is "Diva Munchkin" I could do without the word Diva but thats what it's called and it was automatically added on my bib. Thats what the Bf calls me btw, I figured I wanted something fun! details about the race in a few days! PERK getting champagne/wine handed to you at the end of the race by half dressed firefighters doesn't hurt! :wink:

    Bought an armband so I will try it out on the TM run tonight and see how it fits/works, hate having to hold my phone in my hand eventually that sucker goes numb lol! Today marks my one year anniversary for running thanks to MFP otherwise I would not have remembered, it's crazy to think a year ago I couldn't jog a minute and now I can run 13+, excited to see what this next year will bring! Well ladies hope you all have a great weekend!! Cynthia :bigsmile:
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Hello ladies! 5 days late but better late than never.

    It's going to be another hectic month. My little sister is very sick in the hospital, but I want to be on here as I can. I am going to try and start some form of exercise Monday. I don't think Insanity is in the cards right now, but even a walk or something to keep me active and in a positive mood.

    I will go back and see what everyone has been up too later.

    Eleanoreb- Do not do anything careless or stupid before the marathon and just do the best that I can.
    enewsome2- Stay under my calories every day and log religiously. Eat back half to all of my exercise calories. Keep a positive outlook and remember- I can do this! :)
    awyler- eat paleo 28 out of the 31 days in may.
    MissGolightly727(Emily) - Get out of the 160s and STAY THERE, run 3 times a week(distance doesn't matter) in the mornings(I am not a morning person, so this one might be a stretch, but hey, dream big), log everything that goes into my mouth(thatswhatshesaid), class at the gym at least once a week, and (just for Meag) be the social butterfly I know I can by going out with friends at least once a week.
    JMSKCW- 1300 minutes of exercise, 4 lbs lost. Keepin' it simple this month! Also, I am going to look into to starting the New Rules of Lifting for Women.
    caitwinmary: lose 8lbs this month, increase my weekly running mileage, do yoga at least once a week, work on my speed to improve my 5k time.
    rlwinton: My goals would be to lose three lbs and run three times a week for 20 minutes or longer. I would also want to maintain my goals of working out five days a week, doing strength training 4x a week and eating around 1650 calories a day.
    ashka86- Find new exercises that have a lesser impact on my knees and enjoy doing them! Oh and lose 5lbs
    Maystar80--Got to fuel my workouts so I can be strong! So, eat approximately 2000 calories of nutritious, good-for-my-body food every day. Log everything I eat and don't eat anything I can't log (i.e. no eating while standing! It's in the habit, and its a bad bad habit). Drink alcohol only once/week and keep it under 300 calories. Stick to my 6 days/week training plan: Monday and Wednesday-wrestling and p90x weights; Tuesday and Thursday-run in the mornings and spin class in the afternoon; Saturday- short, race pace run; Sunday- long run; Yoga- 30+min 2x/week. Abstain from the scale and tape measure and check in on June 1st. Will be happy w/the results and reassess then!
    cmg2008: Continue to train for the Warrior Dash June 2nd. Start getting back into the habit of logging my calories again. Start eating healthier again.
    ksullins07-10 lbs!! I wanna lose it! I want it gone!!!
    Get into DAILY exercise routine..I have days where I do and days where I don't! I need to do SOMETHING everyday!!!
    Lostalykat- Track my food at least 6 days a week, Follow my new fitbit and try to get all my activity for the day(after my foot heals that is), Lose at least 3lbs from my WI on Friday of this week, Either hit the gym, run or do yoga 4 x a week.
    Meagalayne- Find my love for running again, without necessarily sticking to a schedule; enjoy fitness often but not in lieu of social outings with potential friends; eat well and mindfully at every opportunity - listen to your body and eat when you're hungry; drink more water than coffee; yoga or spin every week; finish your current book and start reading Born to Run; and book your next adventure! Oh - and don't weigh again until the end of the month - your body and mind just need a break!
    fitontherun (Chinwe) - Continue to monitor IT band recovery by cutting back on running and starting up cross-training (spin, pilates, weight training). Trouble shoot on what's causing the recurrent knee/hip injuries. Drop 2 pounds. Decide on when to start Turbo Fire or a Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid. Survive finals week. Stick to a strict MCAT study schedule.
    GreenHumanClay (Cynthia): Weight train 3-4 times per week, take 1-2 days off for recovery, run 2-3xs, not training now so these will be more fun/hill runs, run the hill stairs 1-2xs, keep hydrating feel, sleep more, continue reading "The new Rules of Lifting for Women", increase my lifting weight and push ups, and last but not least stay on top of my HW only have 3 weeks left of school
    Abby459 - Increase water intake and decrease sodium intake. Log EVERYTHING and stay under cals everyday (2 days off). Run 3 days/week and cross train. Train and PR in the Delaware Marathon on May 13th (4 people 6.22 miles each).
    lalonmeg000 (Meghan)- do something active everyday, drink 3 nalgen water bottles, eat 2 meals and all snacks at home a day, tell myself something positive each day
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey ladies!! Ok Well it's Sunday ALREADY! Where has this weekend gone? :noway:
    I usually do weights and cross on Sundays but I had a very active Friday and Saturday and a very tiring weekend altogether, and my body just didn't want any of it today. I ended up going on a long slow walk with the dog instead along some trails, and even that left my legs quite sore and my muscles in need of a serious stretch. Definitely a well earned rest day.

    Meghan- Welcome back :flowerforyou: And great goals! Love the positive thinking one! I try to make a conscious effort to think positively about myself every day, as well. At least find something! And it definitely helps, even just to take the time out to acknowledge one good thing for 5 minutes in my day. On the worst of days that 5 minutes is just about the only thing I've got going for me. So for sure a great goal! I am terribly sorry to hear that your sister has taken ill and is in hospital. If memory serves me, this isn't the first time you've had some major life stresses and tough personal challenges to overcome since joining our group. From what I have seen you are resilient, strong and I am confident you'll get through this too. I will be thinking of your family this month - I really hope she is doing better soon :ohwell:

    Cynth - Holy smokes lady! I saw your 1/2 time today! YOU KILLED IT! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: Love the Munchkin bib too - do we get to a see a pic? If you took any great pics while you were in SF I'd love to see em! How did the armband work out? I have trouble with mine because the darn thing doesn't fit. Even pulled as small as it goes, apparently my "gun show" ain't no damn thing and the stupid armbands slides down! :laugh: Pathetic! Hope yours worked out! :bigsmile:

    OK Folks - How's everyone else doing? Where are all the newbs?!?! :huh: Get back here ladies! Keep posting, keep motivated, and stick to your goals!

    AFM - I have had a crazy social weekend, lots of beer and over my cals every day. Not exactly "leading by example" here... haha! But it's been busy and I've been active. I am REALLY trying to get out there and be social, make friends, etc. So I've been going out every night and tonight I may actually have a meet up with a guy I reached out to online the other day. He a cyclist, runner, we have some similar music and reading tastes. And he just moved back to Canada from Cali, so lots to chat about! Could be a nice evening out and a nice change from the every day. Just waiting to hear back... Hrmmmm!

    Anyway! I plan to make this week GREAT! Spin with Crazy Carl tomorrow and I know the whole week will just fly by ... Volunteering as an ambassador at a race on Saturday, too. Lots of great stuff in the works.
    What are you folks going to do to make this week great?!
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    hey guys! i decided to join this thread and thought id post a little intro:

    My names Abbie, I'm 20 years old. I just finished up my second year of college and have decided not to go back in the fall because I am pursuing my dream of cosmetology! I start cosmetology school August 28 and would LOVE to be 30lbs lighter by then! My first weigh in will be 5/18 and my last will be 8/24 so I my goal is about 2lbs a week. My goal for May/the rest of May is to go spinning twice a week, 30 Day Shred everyday, track EVERYTHING i eat and to hopefully lose 5 lbs this month!

    Eleanoreb- Do not do anything careless or stupid before the marathon and just do the best that I can.
    enewsome2- Stay under my calories every day and log religiously. Eat back half to all of my exercise calories. Keep a positive outlook and remember- I can do this! :)
    awyler- eat paleo 28 out of the 31 days in may.
    MissGolightly727(Emily) - Get out of the 160s and STAY THERE, run 3 times a week(distance doesn't matter) in the mornings(I am not a morning person, so this one might be a stretch, but hey, dream big), log everything that goes into my mouth(thatswhatshesaid), class at the gym at least once a week, and (just for Meag) be the social butterfly I know I can by going out with friends at least once a week.
    JMSKCW- 1300 minutes of exercise, 4 lbs lost. Keepin' it simple this month! Also, I am going to look into to starting the New Rules of Lifting for Women.
    caitwinmary: lose 8lbs this month, increase my weekly running mileage, do yoga at least once a week, work on my speed to improve my 5k time.
    rlwinton: My goals would be to lose three lbs and run three times a week for 20 minutes or longer. I would also want to maintain my goals of working out five days a week, doing strength training 4x a week and eating around 1650 calories a day.
    ashka86- Find new exercises that have a lesser impact on my knees and enjoy doing them! Oh and lose 5lbs
    Maystar80--Got to fuel my workouts so I can be strong! So, eat approximately 2000 calories of nutritious, good-for-my-body food every day. Log everything I eat and don't eat anything I can't log (i.e. no eating while standing! It's in the habit, and its a bad bad habit). Drink alcohol only once/week and keep it under 300 calories. Stick to my 6 days/week training plan: Monday and Wednesday-wrestling and p90x weights; Tuesday and Thursday-run in the mornings and spin class in the afternoon; Saturday- short, race pace run; Sunday- long run; Yoga- 30+min 2x/week. Abstain from the scale and tape measure and check in on June 1st. Will be happy w/the results and reassess then!
    cmg2008: Continue to train for the Warrior Dash June 2nd. Start getting back into the habit of logging my calories again. Start eating healthier again.
    ksullins07-10 lbs!! I wanna lose it! I want it gone!!!
    Get into DAILY exercise routine..I have days where I do and days where I don't! I need to do SOMETHING everyday!!!
    Lostalykat- Track my food at least 6 days a week, Follow my new fitbit and try to get all my activity for the day(after my foot heals that is), Lose at least 3lbs from my WI on Friday of this week, Either hit the gym, run or do yoga 4 x a week.
    Meagalayne- Find my love for running again, without necessarily sticking to a schedule; enjoy fitness often but not in lieu of social outings with potential friends; eat well and mindfully at every opportunity - listen to your body and eat when you're hungry; drink more water than coffee; yoga or spin every week; finish your current book and start reading Born to Run; and book your next adventure! Oh - and don't weigh again until the end of the month - your body and mind just need a break!
    fitontherun (Chinwe) - Continue to monitor IT band recovery by cutting back on running and starting up cross-training (spin, pilates, weight training). Trouble shoot on what's causing the recurrent knee/hip injuries. Drop 2 pounds. Decide on when to start Turbo Fire or a Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid. Survive finals week. Stick to a strict MCAT study schedule.
    GreenHumanClay (Cynthia): Weight train 3-4 times per week, take 1-2 days off for recovery, run 2-3xs, not training now so these will be more fun/hill runs, run the hill stairs 1-2xs, keep hydrating feel, sleep more, continue reading "The new Rules of Lifting for Women", increase my lifting weight and push ups, and last but not least stay on top of my HW only have 3 weeks left of school
    Abby459 - Increase water intake and decrease sodium intake. Log EVERYTHING and stay under cals everyday (2 days off). Run 3 days/week and cross train. Train and PR in the Delaware Marathon on May 13th (4 people 6.22 miles each).
    lalonmeg000 (Meghan)- do something active everyday, drink 3 nalgen water bottles, eat 2 meals and all snacks at home a day, tell myself something positive each day
    abbiez- Spinning 2x a week, 30 DS everyday, TRACK ALL FOOD, lose 5lbs!
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    rlwinton: sorry for the late reply i've been busy! I'm going for the warrior dash in Logan, Ohio. i messed up the date though lol, its June 3rd instead of the 2nd. Are you doing the warrior dash also?

    AFM: I'm working towards a steady number of miles a week. April was just too crazy and I think i ran a total of like 4 times :sad: stupid graduate school. Only bad thing about running right now is the weather decided to jump from low 60s to high 80s so getting use to the heat is taking some time as well. Hope everyone has a happy monday!
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Am I too late to join? Looks like a great idea!! :)
  • abellone7289
    abellone7289 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I know I have basically dropped off the face of the planet for the last few weeks. I just had so much going on! Papers and exams and finals. Ugh. But I am All done! I am done with college! Forever! Now I am just waiting on graduation (May 20) so I can get the ball moving to take my nursing boards.

    In other news, I get to stay in New England for the summer!!!!!!!!!! I found a summer time Job as a nanny, which pays enough for me to live on. Now I just need to find a place to live. Hmmm. I cannot tell you how excited I am to stay right here with my best friends for the summer and to not have to go home and work at my old job. This also gives me opportunity to stay local to interview for nursing jobs here. Fingers crossed on that front!

    As for my April goals, I don't think I met them. Any of them. I stopped logging towards the end of the month, I ran a total of three times the whole month instead of three times a week. I definitely failed on watching what I ate.... too much eating out. It was difficult with all the class stress and finding a job stress... I can't weigh myself because I packed my scale, which is probably good for me.

    I am currently living at my boyfriend's (Jeff) house because I had to move out of my apartment and don't know where I will be living for the summer/year yet. It's hard to not have my own space. We are definitely not ready to live together long term and I really don't like any of his roommates. He keeps a lot of high calories junk type food in the house, because he is trying to gain weight (he's 5'11 and 132 pounds). That just makes everything harder for me. He does keep me on track though and helps me make good choices.

    My goals for this month are to get back on track with my logging and my eating. Only eat out once a week (except on special occasions) Join a yoga studio and go twice a week. Run at least twice a week (once I kick this cold anyway). No soda. Take time for myself and join a book club with friends.

    I will be back soon to catch up with all of you now that I am free from the reigns of papers and exams and such. Have a great day all!!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Meghan sorry to hear about your sister hope everything turns out good and you're able to get back to your routine this week! Agree with Meag your goals are great, I need to work on that myself, hang in there missy :flowerforyou:

    Meag Thanks :bigsmile: We did take some pics I posted one so far but will add more in the next couple days when the pics are up I think thats May 9th or so. The arm thing worked perfect I don't have small arms but I could see how that would fit you loose cuz I had mine on pretty tight and any more and there would be no more velcro lol. The bf calls me Munchkin so i thought id use that name more fun than Cynthia!! Sounds like you're becoming quite the social butterfly I think thats awesome getting out there an meeting more people, let us know how your Thursday date goes!! :wink: Your following weekend sounds fun, and you are a great example Meag even if you did go over your calories who cares all in all you're well balanced and i think thats far more important plus you are really making an effort with your social life, fitness and nutrition! Have fun with Mr. carl!!

    Abellone CONGRATS on finishing up school thats exciting and you get to stay in England wow thats a great opportunity you're going to have a blast! Good luck with the nursing boards!! :smile: Living with someone who has opposite goals can be very difficult but thats when we have to rely on ourselves to have the discipline, motivation, & dedication to stay on the course of health, and of course MFP! But your bf also sounds supportive so that'll make it a bit less torturing with junk food all around! maybe ask him to hide it lol I have my bf do that if he happens to bring something too delicious, "Im like hide that sucker somewhere but wait after i get a slice lol". You're goals are great hope to see ya back on here more often I too myself was absent most of last month but heres to a fresh start! Good luck! you can do it! :happy:

    AFM Meags QOTD I plan to do a short recovery run today and some kettle arm exercises and really listen to my body, get more rest and eat as nutritious as possible and keep up with my new book!

    I had my Divas S.F. half yesterday and I could not have asked for a better day, the weather was warm about 70 when we started running and 80 by the time we ended so it was tough with the heat alone, thankfully the hills were more gradual rather than steep. My chip time came in at 2:02:13 I was super stoked with that was truly aiming for 2:05 or more like 2:10 since it wasn't flat, the view was scenic since we ran along the Bay! Pics to come in the next few days assuming they're descent. Weighed in this morning even while starting my TOM and lost another pound woohoo, thats 61 so far and only one pound from my ultimate goal weight! But I still have body fat I'd like to lose, Im losing weight slowly but that actually hasn't been my focus, I really just want to tone up, lift heavier and become stronger. Im a bit sore and my muscles are tight so after my short recovery run Im going to put that foam roller to use and really stretch these muscles out, only three weeks left of school and two semesters before I finish my PT/Nutrition Fitness courses!! So far my days is off to a good start plus I took the day from work to recover from my run and get some errands done hope all you ladies have great Monday!! Kick some *kitten*!! Cynthia :bigsmile:
  • ebonijo2
    ebonijo2 Posts: 73
    My goal for May is to incorporate more cardio into my daily activities.
    To run/walk the stairs at my job at lunch instead of watching netflix at least 5-3 times during the week.
    Monitor my calories more consistantly
    Beat my family members in our weight lose challenge
  • MrsCrystal84
    MrsCrystal84 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm a newbie to MFP and this group looks like it will give me the continued motivation and support I will need on this weight loss journey. See my goals below.

    Eleanoreb- Do not do anything careless or stupid before the marathon and just do the best that I can.
    enewsome2- Stay under my calories every day and log religiously. Eat back half to all of my exercise calories. Keep a positive outlook and remember- I can do this! :)
    awyler- eat paleo 28 out of the 31 days in may.
    MissGolightly727(Emily) - Get out of the 160s and STAY THERE, run 3 times a week(distance doesn't matter) in the mornings(I am not a morning person, so this one might be a stretch, but hey, dream big), log everything that goes into my mouth(thatswhatshesaid), class at the gym at least once a week, and (just for Meag) be the social butterfly I know I can by going out with friends at least once a week.
    JMSKCW- 1300 minutes of exercise, 4 lbs lost. Keepin' it simple this month! Also, I am going to look into to starting the New Rules of Lifting for Women.
    caitwinmary: lose 8lbs this month, increase my weekly running mileage, do yoga at least once a week, work on my speed to improve my 5k time.
    rlwinton: My goals would be to lose three lbs and run three times a week for 20 minutes or longer. I would also want to maintain my goals of working out five days a week, doing strength training 4x a week and eating around 1650 calories a day.
    ashka86- Find new exercises that have a lesser impact on my knees and enjoy doing them! Oh and lose 5lbs
    Maystar80--Got to fuel my workouts so I can be strong! So, eat approximately 2000 calories of nutritious, good-for-my-body food every day. Log everything I eat and don't eat anything I can't log (i.e. no eating while standing! It's in the habit, and its a bad bad habit). Drink alcohol only once/week and keep it under 300 calories. Stick to my 6 days/week training plan: Monday and Wednesday-wrestling and p90x weights; Tuesday and Thursday-run in the mornings and spin class in the afternoon; Saturday- short, race pace run; Sunday- long run; Yoga- 30+min 2x/week. Abstain from the scale and tape measure and check in on June 1st. Will be happy w/the results and reassess then!
    cmg2008: Continue to train for the Warrior Dash June 2nd. Start getting back into the habit of logging my calories again. Start eating healthier again.
    ksullins07-10 lbs!! I wanna lose it! I want it gone!!!
    Get into DAILY exercise routine..I have days where I do and days where I don't! I need to do SOMETHING everyday!!!
    Lostalykat- Track my food at least 6 days a week, Follow my new fitbit and try to get all my activity for the day(after my foot heals that is), Lose at least 3lbs from my WI on Friday of this week, Either hit the gym, run or do yoga 4 x a week.
    Meagalayne- Find my love for running again, without necessarily sticking to a schedule; enjoy fitness often but not in lieu of social outings with potential friends; eat well and mindfully at every opportunity - listen to your body and eat when you're hungry; drink more water than coffee; yoga or spin every week; finish your current book and start reading Born to Run; and book your next adventure! Oh - and don't weigh again until the end of the month - your body and mind just need a break!
    fitontherun (Chinwe) - Continue to monitor IT band recovery by cutting back on running and starting up cross-training (spin, pilates, weight training). Trouble shoot on what's causing the recurrent knee/hip injuries. Drop 2 pounds. Decide on when to start Turbo Fire or a Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid. Survive finals week. Stick to a strict MCAT study schedule.
    GreenHumanClay (Cynthia): Weight train 3-4 times per week, take 1-2 days off for recovery, run 2-3xs, not training now so these will be more fun/hill runs, run the hill stairs 1-2xs, keep hydrating feel, sleep more, continue reading "The new Rules of Lifting for Women", increase my lifting weight and push ups, and last but not least stay on top of my HW only have 3 weeks left of school
    Abby459 - Increase water intake and decrease sodium intake. Log EVERYTHING and stay under cals everyday (2 days off). Run 3 days/week and cross train. Train and PR in the Delaware Marathon on May 13th (4 people 6.22 miles each).
    lalonmeg000 (Meghan)- do something active everyday, drink 3 nalgen water bottles, eat 2 meals and all snacks at home a day, tell myself something positive each day
    abbiez- Spinning 2x a week, 30 DS everyday, TRACK ALL FOOD, lose 5lbs!
    ebonijo2: Run/walk the stairs at my job during lunch instead of watching netflix at least 5-3 times during the week. Monitor my calories more consistently. Beat my family members in our weight lose challenge.
    Mrscnicole2012: Track everything I eat EVERY single day; workout 6 days a week for at least 6 hours total per week; stay under calories every day; lose at least 2 lbs per week!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Cynthia- My name is Aly, I will start putting that in the thread at the end so people can actually refer to my name instead of my login name hehe. We are actually even closer; I live in Alameda if you know where that is right next to Oakland. I really wanted to do the Diva Half but since I knew it was the weekend after my bachelorette cruise I had to call it off. Also races are darn expensive! I am trying hard to not sign up for too many and we are just putting all of our money into the wedding right now so I will have to wait until next year to conquer that one. I hope the race went great! It was amazing weather this weekend, so I am sure the weather was perfect for the run. Update- I wrote all this without seeing your other post, You killed it with time good for you! Also I know how hard it is to run in the heat so great job! That is awesome you are doing PT/Nutrition schooling. I am planning on getting certified to be a personal trainer after my wedding and focus on a life in fitness and health. Is PT for physical therapy or Personal training? It sounds like we could be great friends!

    Meag- I am glad you had a social fun weekend. Don’t worry too much about the extra cals if you were really active. It sounds like a fun healthy weekend either way, at least mentally healthy that is hehe. I hope the meetup with the guy went well.

    Abbie- Welcome to the group! You have some great goals and great aspirations! I am sure you will be able to go far and really make this summer your summer!

    AFM- This weekend was a lot of different things, Happy, sad somewhat sick LOL but overall it was good. I had my uncle’s memorial service on Saturday and had to leave pretty quickly after the service because it was just too emotional for me. Losing my brother in September, then my uncle this month has proved to be very emotional. We went to lunch after the service so I could somewhat relax and try to enjoy the day and did a beer sampler and I had a shrimp and avocado salad at the brewery. The shrimp was a horrible idea; I got pretty nasty food poisoning and was on the couch most of the night watching Revenge. I went to bed early and then Jason and I cleaned the house up and went for a bike ride. The bike ride was amazing and my foot is feeling so much better! I was so stoaked! The only issue is on the way back from the bike ride my stomach started hurting again, Luckily this one passed quickly. I think my body was trying to get rid of the shrimp still ugg, no shrimp for me for a while. I did start feeling better in the later afternoon and we went to the store to get stuff to make a tortilla casserole, it was amazing. Here is the recipe if anyone wants to check it out. With the tortillas I used it only came out to 317 cals and was a huge serving!

    To make this week great I am going to take is easy on my foot but still get exercise where I can. I am swimming tonight and the weather is great so I am really excited. I am also going to take some time and just relax more; I have a way of going a million miles a minute and not taking a break. Getting sick this weekend actually gave me the rest I really needed. The guilt is gone and I am ready to tackle this week! Happy Monday friends!

  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    bumping for later
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Good morning!
    Well my Sunday night drink with the new potential ended up being postponed as a result of conflicting schedules, but it looks like we're on for later in the week. That is still to be seen. I am not getting my hopes up but I am continuing to make an effort to get out, meet new people and just generally take the initiative. It's good stuff.

    I have a very hard day emotionally at work yesterday and am hoping to make today better. I need to stop letting my hatred of my job get the best of me and just take every day as it comes. I wish I wasn't so easily discouraged by it all... :ohwell: Definitely need to work on making an effort to feel more positive. I know that if I go into the day with a positive outlook I get so much more out of my experiences. Just takes a little work on my part. Thankfully I had a great spin class with Crazy Carl last night and sweat out a lot of frustration/irritation. I wish I had him in my life more often! :blushing:

    Met up with a race director at lunch hour for a few minutes and was given a bunch of swag, pamphlets and a big banner for Saturday's race. I am pretty excited to volunteer at this one and see how it goes. Just handing out information and trying to get people interesting in the program. I think it should be fun. Plan to use the race as motivation to get on with my long run afterward. The weather should be fabulous so I am stoked!

    I also finally booked a flight for my next trip - Chicago, baby! Leaving June 8th for 4 days. Any of you fine ladies from the Chicago area? :huh: Traveling solo again and damn happy about it :drinker: Can't wait to get out there and explore!

    Enough about me! Welcome to the new members, and of course it's never too late to join! Just post your goals and get involved! :bigsmile:
    Hope to catch up with you all soon. Great work everyone - keep kicking *kitten*! :drinker: