Looking for friends over 50 years old



  • mrsmel55
    mrsmel55 Posts: 168
    55 here and I always welcome new freinds!
  • nevr2L8
    nevr2L8 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 60. I can always use more motivation. You can add me as your friend. I'm looking forward to this
  • KarenC1933
    KarenC1933 Posts: 33 Member
    Does close to 50 count? I'm 48 and I'm willing to lie about my age in order to meet MFP'ers in my age range.:smile: Please add me to your list.
  • gabe_irun4coffee
    gabe_irun4coffee Posts: 230 Member
    Hi I'll be 52 next month always looking for friends my age. Feel free to add me
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,719 Member
    I'll be 55 on Friday! Y'all can all add me if you like!
  • rone01
    rone01 Posts: 10 Member
    Just turned 52 and would love to be added by anyone on this thread.
  • jillybean
    jillybean Posts: 57
    I'm 55 also! It looks like you have gotten alot of responses but if you need another friend you can add me. A person can never have too many friends:)
  • Precious75134
    Precious75134 Posts: 85 Member
    Hello, Im 52...Feel fry to add...
  • toomanycurves
    toomanycurves Posts: 110 Member
    I'm 60. Feel free to check out my profile and if you like what you read, add me! I would love to make friends with some smart and funny women over 50 who live in the NYC area.
  • tevra
    tevra Posts: 17
    So am I, please add me also. Jac
  • tevra
    tevra Posts: 17
    I am 61 and looking for friends my age for encouragement.
  • retunks
    retunks Posts: 34 Member
    I'm 57 and on here every day. You can add me as a friend.
  • tevra
    tevra Posts: 17
    Good job Laur...I am going to be 62 this year and am trying to reclaim my body again.:happy: :happy:
  • BirchBayLady
    BirchBayLady Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 53, and am here trying to learn how to lose weight and stay healthy after initially losing 60 pounds on MediFast. I stopped MediFast about a year ago and have regained 20 pounds and I'm putting on the breaks and am here now learning how to do this right. Feel free to add me!
  • Yisaak
    Yisaak Posts: 7
    I just turned 57 and am 15 days on this site and am loving it. Would like to have friends to share this experience with, we are all in the same boat and can understand what each other is going through. I'm in western Canada but it's a small world everybody is an internet connection away. Please, women only, feel free to add me as a friend.
  • tevra
    tevra Posts: 17
    Hi Jill I am over 50 and hope you add me as a friend.:flowerforyou:
  • tevra
    tevra Posts: 17
    how do you add friends...am new here.
  • itsDorian7
    itsDorian7 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm new to this site too and am still trying to figure it out. I'm 51 and refuse to grow old gracefully, I'll fight it tooth and nail LOL, anyone feel free to add me.
  • Hi! I turned 50 this year, and I just joined this site today. Need to loose about 60 pounds. Feel free to add me too.:smile:
  • jack758
    jack758 Posts: 15 Member
    Add me.