Ladies--PMS ever sabotaged your diet?



  • MFPLynne
    MFPLynne Posts: 39 Member
    Every month this happens --happening now! Some are worse than others. I really don't have any tricks to offer except to echo what others have said: move on when it is over.
    I found if I dwell on my mess up every month that just creates negative energy that I don't need. Of course, I don't give myself a free pass either. I just do the best I can for the days it really gets to me. Good luck!
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    To the original poster--definitely find myself fighting increased cravings pre-period. Some months I'm better equipped to handle it and some I'm not. I've learned that if I will increase my water and satisfy my cravings with foods that I can eat a lot of for little calories, then I do better. Popcorn is my #1 go-to for salty. Strawberries or watermelon or even, oddly enough, tomatoes for sweets. Planning and recognizing why the craving is there is your best defense.
  • Nwilliams112
    Nwilliams112 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes, I am at the end right of mine right now. All during my PMS season is a real challenge for me. Just a couple of days ago, had a huge craving for salty foods. I ended up the next day with my feet propped up because of the swelling in my feet from eating to much popcorn. I usually try to up the exercising to account for the extra calories.
  • Ariberri9
    Ariberri9 Posts: 206 Member
    I suffer from PMDD, which is a horrible form of PMS that deeply affects multiple facets of my life. I eat ravenously, I become extremely lethargic (a result of depression from PMDD), and my migraines are so bad that I can barely open my left eye.

    My PMDD turns my diet into a train wreck involving Netflix, lots of food, and my bed. I just let my body ride it out. When I get urges to eat, I binge on healthy foods; and to improve my mood, I down some ibuprofen (for the migraines) and do "gentle" workouts (walking, very little weight-lifting).

    My suggestion is to let your body take its course, but try to improve the little things that happen. Eat healthier foods when you want to binge, and work out when you can. Working out actually ups my mood, stops my cramps, and makes me feel amazing afterwards...especially when I get to soak in a hot bath. :-)

    Hope this helps!
  • Smartypantz4u2
    Smartypantz4u2 Posts: 7 Member
    Oh for sure! Me too! I work it in my calories about 250 calories I allow for a treat everyday. I find that if I deprive myself, I obsess and want it more and then majorly binge. Don't worry, just get back on track.
  • lisaelainee
    lisaelainee Posts: 248 Member
    PMS is just an excuse to eat. YOU sabotaged your "diet".

    Obviously your male.
  • cindygagnon
    cindygagnon Posts: 30 Member
    same for me......
  • cindygagnon
    cindygagnon Posts: 30 Member
    PMS is just an excuse to eat. YOU sabotaged your "diet".

    Obviously your male.

    Bravo champion.....
  • asia_hanebach
    asia_hanebach Posts: 275 Member
    Try increasing your water intake and eating extreme high-fiber, filling foods instead of reaching for sugared stuff. Try to avoid them around your house or just don't have them around at all.

  • xoFlo
    xoFlo Posts: 28 Member
    Yes, during PMS I get RAVENOUSLY hungry and sometimes I'm afraid I do a pretty good imitation of a bottomless pit. I can only offer my commiseration. I am glad for all the advice of previous posters, except from the clueless guy. Good for a laugh, though.
  • Drawberry
    Drawberry Posts: 104 Member
    To be honest, I don't really get sugar cravings on my menstrual cycle. I do however, tend to become ravenously.... thirsty! I feel like my mouth is constantly dry and no amount of liquid is enough to satisfy me :| I do get more hungry over all-but not to a point where it's like a ravenous need. For me it's more the feeling of never feeling quenched and I automatically want pop so I have to actively reach for water otherwise it becomes a vicious cycle of thirsty, then salty pop, then even thirstier.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    PMS is just an excuse to eat. YOU sabotaged your "diet".
    I know that PMS is not just an excuse to eat, I don't actually track my monthly like most women do so literally the first thing that lets me know it is coming is the insatiable hunger I feel. It's not just a "Well, I'm on my monthly so I have an excuse to be a pig" type of thing.
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    YES. This post is my life.

    When I'm PMSing or on the first couple days of my period, I. Eat. Everything. mom took me out to dinner a couple weeks ago and this is what I ended up having: an entire bowl of cheese ravioli, bread with butter, half of my mom's pasta dish, and a huge brownie sundae with whipped cream, cherries, nuts, etc. And this was only DINNER.

    omg. how'd you eat all that without being sick? It sounds so rich and yummy.... But still

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  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Ever since birth control I don't have the symptoms of PMS. No mood swings, no more breakouts, no more cramps and menses last exactly 3days.
  • pokeelyy
    pokeelyy Posts: 34 Member
    PMS is just an excuse to eat. YOU sabotaged your "diet".
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    I don't know about anyone else, but extreme sugar cravings hit me every time. I always blow my diet for a few days, then once my period starts I'm back to normal.

    It's kind of discouraging to see an entire week worth of work gone to waste because of lovely mother nature.
    Any hints/ suggestions on how to beat my cravings? Or should I just cave and call it a carb-refeed :tongue:

    This happens to me too. And I just crave carbs carbs carbs. I build in little indulgences. But it also hard cuz that is when I really dont feel like working out. I have been semi sucsesfull using the fat free sugar free puddings and non fat yoplait yogurts at 100 calories and oh the little dove chocolate pieces are so yummy. The way I see it if I am going to have chocolate it will be good chocolate. And give yourself a really good cheat day. Work out a little bit extra the week before to save up some calories and a little bit the week after and you can cut the calories from your cheat meal in half. Oh and let me tell you. There is nothing better then a good book, a bubble bath with a margarita or your drink of choice and a couple of chocolate pieces to enjoy when that craving strikes. Then you will feel really pampered.
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    i dont think it sabotages it, me personally just makes me eat more crap than i need.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    PMS gives me insane cravings AND makes me significantly more hungry. Right now I'm craving Pizza Hut, Pinkberry, and Sushi. I'm sure I'll be craving something else in about 5 minutes.
  • Twilightsunflower
    Twilightsunflower Posts: 330 Member
    as a woman when it gets closer to our time(s) of the month our boides are getting ready to carry a baby. that takes a lot of energy to do so our body tells us to eat more so the life we create can survive.

    freaking out and slapping the guy who thinks he has a right to say anything about a life experance he will never go thru is just a perk
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    PMS is just an excuse to eat. YOU sabotaged your "diet".

    we are not talking about sabotaging our diets only how to deal with the cravings that come with the hormones. Some people have a harder time of it then others. But it is not a simple thing.