Can we clear this up



  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    Love, love love my new favorite term...Crotch Pheasant. Thank you very much!
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    Thanks for the :laugh: today....was much needed!!!! Next person walking by is going to be at the recieving end of "crotch pheasant" :tongue:
  • AnAntInSpace
    This is fantastic!!!!! :D
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member

    I don't eat meat because I have fewer stomach problems and my poops are easier. I wish it was for a more noble cause, as I'm fond of the taste of moral superiority. I respect others' moral stance, and agree that not all vegans are uppity. Some are merely pompous. (I kid, because I care)

    Sometimes, on road trips, I'll pull over and yell at cows, call them names. Because I don't want them to think they're special just because I'm not eating them. Pigs don't listen, so I don't bother.

    Thing is, I don't care what you eat, who you sleep with, who you pray to - UNLESS you are trying to convert me. I'll listen, but only so far.

    Kenneth gets an award for best post. Best one yet!!
  • Tandi_S
    Tandi_S Posts: 439 Member
    "crotch pheasent"

    is my new favorite phrase for today

    thank you

    carry on

  • lmd172
    lmd172 Posts: 172
    lol, glad you got that out....

    I did some research to find that you can be healthy on a Vegan Diet and that some people are built for it. the evolution of the species stuff. most people don't really need meat to live as there are a lot of other ways to get what your body needs.

    I on the other hand am a meat eater, I've had some real summers eve vegan/vegetarian friends and some really cool laid back ones.

    I've found the diet that works for me as an individual and that's all that really matters to me.

    wait wait wait...."summers eve vegan/vegetarian friends" that the same as calling them "a douche"? if yes, then that phrase (along with crotch pheasant) are now going to be MY go-to phrases!

    ha...thanks y'all!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I can't take credit for crotch pheasant, You guys can thank Stewie from Family Guy. I just love and use it whenever I can :)
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member

    I don't eat meat because I have fewer stomach problems and my poops are easier. I wish it was for a more noble cause, as I'm fond of the taste of moral superiority. I respect others' moral stance, and agree that not all vegans are uppity. Some are merely pompous. (I kid, because I care)

    Sometimes, on road trips, I'll pull over and yell at cows, call them names. Because I don't want them to think they're special just because I'm not eating them. Pigs don't listen, so I don't bother.

    Thing is, I don't care what you eat, who you sleep with, who you pray to - UNLESS you are trying to convert me. I'll listen, but only so far.

    yea this
  • dododo123
    dododo123 Posts: 105 Member
    I seriously don't see the point in being a non meat eater, so since you made this thread, I would like to repeat your point to rogue vegetarians/vegans, stop trying to convince me to become one. But I don't care what you do and if you want to avoid meat, go for it, I am not going to tell you to eat meat ffs, so please respect my choices also! Yeah, you think there is animal cruelty, but then again, I feel that there is cruelty towards Africa, we have an abundance of food here while the kids there have very little, but I am not forcing you to put your time and money into helping Africa.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    lol, glad you got that out....

    I did some research to find that you can be healthy on a Vegan Diet and that some people are built for it. the evolution of the species stuff. most people don't really need meat to live as there are a lot of other ways to get what your body needs.

    I on the other hand am a meat eater, I've had some real summers eve vegan/vegetarian friends and some really cool laid back ones.

    I've found the diet that works for me as an individual and that's all that really matters to me.

    wait wait wait...."summers eve vegan/vegetarian friends" that the same as calling them "a douche"? if yes, then that phrase (along with crotch pheasant) are now going to be MY go-to phrases!

    ha...thanks y'all!

    Dang that summer's eve bit went right over my head..................Winning and using!
  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    Thank you for making me laugh.

    I have vegan and veg friends and that's never been an issue so the whole message was (while very impressive and interesting to read) lost on me.

    Jerks are jerks. I'm tarring all jerky folks with the same jerk brush. :)
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    I eat meat because I like it. Simple as that. I also like my veggies. As far as what other people think I don't care if they don't like it. I am not forcing anyone to eat it. Except maybe my kids! lol Of course if they don't want it then more for me!

    I too like the "crotch pheasant" Just hope I can remember it! The memory is not so good.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I seriously don't see the point in being a non meat eater, so since you made this thread, I would like to repeat your point to rogue vegetarians/vegans, stop trying to convince me to become one. But I don't care what you do and if you want to avoid meat, go for it, I am not going to tell you to eat meat ffs, so please respect my choices also! Yeah, you think there is animal cruelty, but then again, I feel that there is cruelty towards Africa, we have an abundance of food here while the kids there have very little, but I am not forcing you to put your time and money into helping Africa.

    uh a little hostility there? You must live in a concentrated area of summer's eve(see a previous post for proper word usage) vegans and veggies. Most of us could care less what you shove in your gullet. There are those few bad apples though
  • lmd172
    lmd172 Posts: 172
    lol, glad you got that out....

    I did some research to find that you can be healthy on a Vegan Diet and that some people are built for it. the evolution of the species stuff. most people don't really need meat to live as there are a lot of other ways to get what your body needs.

    I on the other hand am a meat eater, I've had some real summers eve vegan/vegetarian friends and some really cool laid back ones.

    I've found the diet that works for me as an individual and that's all that really matters to me.

    wait wait wait...."summers eve vegan/vegetarian friends" that the same as calling them "a douche"? if yes, then that phrase (along with crotch pheasant) are now going to be MY go-to phrases!

    ha...thanks y'all!

    Dang that summer's eve bit went right over my head..................Winning and using!

    yep, took me a couple of read-overs before i got it, but when i did....big LOL moment for me! (-:
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    my wife is a vegan and i'm a bodybuilder. i joke with her that for every animal she saves, I eat 3. But in reality, I respect her decision and she respects mine

    You are opening yourself up for a lot of immature jokes about tube steaks and vegan wives, but luckily we on MFP are too mature to be so inappropriate haha ;) But I think it is awesome that you and your wife make it work, love conquers.

    "Tube Steak" is one of my least favorite euphemisms for the One Eyed Monster. It for some reason makes me think of a huge thing of spam in sausage form. :noway:
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    my wife is a vegan and i'm a bodybuilder. i joke with her that for every animal she saves, I eat 3. But in reality, I respect her decision and she respects mine

    You are opening yourself up for a lot of immature jokes about tube steaks and vegan wives, but luckily we on MFP are too mature to be so inappropriate haha ;) But I think it is awesome that you and your wife make it work, love conquers.

    "Tube Steak" is one of my least favorite euphemisms for the One Eyed Monster. It for some reason makes me think of a huge thing of spam in sausage form. :noway:

    haha I used to think it was really a kind of meat,...uh I mean I know it is but I used to think it was the kind you cook up and eat lol ...............*looks off and remembers embarrassing moment at friend BBQ*
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Absolutely amazingly put, Thank you! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • pursuingexcellence
    love this! I eat what I want and could care less what others are eating. I'm sure not ever going to question a vegetarian, vegan or pescetarian as to their reasons. If I ask, it is out of curiousity, not disgust or judgment. I'm genuinely interested. I also wouldn't go so far as to say my lifestyle is healthier than anyone else's. To each his or her own. Happy eating!

    Next to 'Crotch pheasant', this was the best comment listed. Well that and the one about easy poop. Made my day!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    ROFL, thank goodness I am alone in the office today surfing MFP instead of working, cuz I just spit my water all over the screen - three times - at "crotch pheasant", "pigs don't listen", and my new fav "summers eve vegs".

    That's just funny *kitten*, people. Stop it, my stomach hurts from laughing too hard......
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    ROFL, thank goodness I am alone in the office today surfing MFP instead of working, cuz I just spit my water all over the screen - three times - at "crotch pheasant", "pigs don't listen", and my new fav "summers eve vegs".

    That's just funny *kitten*, people. Stop it, my stomach hurts from laughing too hard......

    I learned some things today too!