I'm 47% of the man I used to be, my two year journey!



  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    Holey Moley!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hubba hubba! :happy: Great job! what a wonderful father you'll be as such a fit guy!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    INSANE! You're a stud!
  • xlpavenged7x
    amazing transformation (:
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 438 Member
    For those who asked about my workout routine, I’ll give a little more detail.

    If you want to follow along in detail, I journal all my workouts a iron-sanctuary.com as user BigDaddy.


    I currently go the 5 days a week: Mon,Tue,Wed,Fri and Sat. I try to get to the gym at 6:00am, and I’m usually there till 8:30 or so. I don’t eat anything before I go the gym, and only recently have I started drinking a bottle of Gatorade during the workout, before that it was just water. This means most of my workouts are done fasted.

    I start my workout by stretching for a few minutes, especially my legs and core. After 2 years of stretching, I’m much more flexible than I used to be, it think it has helped keep my mostly injury free.

    I then do 30-40 minute of intense cardio., either step mill, ellipse machine, or running the track and hitting the heavy bag. I try and keep my heart rate up at 80-85% of max, with a few short cool intervals sprinkled in.

    For the lifting, I currently have a 4 day split that I follow.

    Day 1: Upper and middle back, Biceps, Abs and hi-rep Squats
    Day 2: Chest, Abs and Deadlifts
    Day 3: Legs (Quad,Hamstring,Glute,Calves), Triceps and Abs
    Day 4: Shoulders, Traps, Abs and hi-rep Quad Extensions

    I do several different exercises for each body part. You can check out my journal for specific exercises.
    I do a few warmup sets, and the shoot for 5 to 6 working sets of 8-10 reps with as heavy as I can go.

    I also do the same stretching routine after each workout.

    I’ve been doing the 4 day split since October 2010. Before that I was doing a 3 day split that looked like this:

    Day 1: Chest, Triceps, Abs, Quads, Hamstring
    Day 2: Biceps, Upper and Middle Back, Calves, Deadlifts
    Day 3: Shoulders, Traps, Squats, Leg Press, Lower Back

    And I originally started with a 2 day split

    Day 1: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders, Calves, Quads, Abs
    Day 2: Biceps, Upper and Middle Back, Traps, Hamstring, Lower Back
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 438 Member
    Feels good doesn't it? Way to stick with it!

    Feels better than good, friggin' awesome is more like!

  • wooduck1964
    wooduck1964 Posts: 14 Member
    wow, thats all i can say, WOW.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
  • einee14
    einee14 Posts: 13 Member
    I love that you did it the natural way!!! Hard work, dedication pays off greatly! I'm a firm believer of watching calories and working out! I've lost 120. I started in March of 2010, took me about a year and a half. I hit a major road block with some hip issues that required surgery (at the age of 31, found out I had a genetic problem with my hips). So after being down for two years, I've still managed to keep it off! :) AWESOME AWESOME JOB! I love the photos, they speak volumes! Thank you for the inspiration!
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    What an amazing transformation!! Keep it up!! :)
  • anneouel
    anneouel Posts: 70 Member
    I started singing "sexy and I know it" by LMFAO XD mmm girl look at that body. :D I mean that with respect though. Good stuff ^^
    If I was a man Id want big muscley arms (told my bf that and he already thought I was an odd duck so it didnt shock him) So im envious in that regard.
    Anyways these stories give me motivation! So thank you for posting :3
  • skygazerca
    skygazerca Posts: 5
    Dude, you look AWESOME!
    Keep up the great work!
  • Dwamma
    Dwamma Posts: 289 Member
    conpletel amazing! Your dedication and hard work as really paid off! You are an amaing inspriation to me and my family! I love the fact that you did it without pill and surgery! You are awesome! Thank you for sharing! Blessings!!! <><
  • teespikes
    teespikes Posts: 31
    WOW ! What an Inspiration you are to alot of people who struggle.. I know its hard work and I will keep up the fight. People like you who share their Journey are what makes it worth the fight, You know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel..Thank you!!!
  • pfarley68
    pfarley68 Posts: 83 Member
    I am speechless. What an inspiration you are.
  • geraldwalden
    Damn! What a story. I continue to workout - but I think I put my body in starvation mode - I only lost 1.5 lbs last week - and that was a very strict week...

    I started a mixed martial arts class (a lot of kick-boxing and combination punches with some ground technique) - turns out I am pretty good at if have a background in wresting, tae kwon do, and a little ju jitsu. Its a killer workout and very litte risk for injury.

    I am wildy busy at work, and I have to keep reminding myself to dial back and take care of things like this email.


  • arhogant
    arhogant Posts: 2
    Thats pretty impressive
  • Elmorlan
    Elmorlan Posts: 37
    That was like watching an age progression in reverse! What an amazing example of hard work.
  • gogirl110
    gogirl110 Posts: 85 Member
    WOW!! Very Inspiring!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    damn nice job i would never look at u and ever think u use to be heavy
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