*** Runners' Team * 50+ and 100+ Miles in May *



  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Rest day for me today! may do some ARC infront of the TV tonight.
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    6 more today
    Total for the month: 32 miles
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Did 8 miles today
  • dsharpie
    dsharpie Posts: 55
    5/8. 3 miles
  • i_am_asparagus
    i_am_asparagus Posts: 336 Member
    Ran another 5K this morning, 11.2 miles for the month. Missed my long run on Monday, I'd better step it up!
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    M - REST. Ahhhhh
    T - 10.2 + 3.1 = 13.3
    W - 11.5
  • fasterandbetter
    fasterandbetter Posts: 101 Member
    today 5.3 miles

    total to date 19 miles
  • pafagel
    pafagel Posts: 268 Member
    Monday 7.9, Tuesday 6.2 and Wednesday 7.2.

  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 653 Member
    Alright I haven't posted in a while but here are my miles

    Friday 4th - 5 miles
    Sat 5th - 7 miles
    Monday th - 5 miles
    Tuesday 8th - 14 miles
    Wednesday 9th - 6 miles

  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    just testing the ticker :-)

  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    5/7 - 5.8 Miles + 2.4 Miles (8:58 mm average on both runs!)
    5/8 - 6.0 Miles
    5/9 - 4.8 Miles Trail Run!

  • manda127
    manda127 Posts: 145
    5 miles today

  • dsharpie
    dsharpie Posts: 55
    5/9. 7 miles
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    7.2 miles today - felt GREAT! did not feel like running before the run but I feel so gooooood right now - so happy I went.

    total for the month : 36 miles.
  • lauleipop
    lauleipop Posts: 260 Member
    3 miles Tuesday
    5 miles Wednesday
    24 miles for the month

    My Tuesday run I decided I was going to push as hard as I could for those 3 miles and refuse to look at my Garmin for pacing. I ran 3 miles in 28:49. That's 1:41 faster than my fastest three miles previously. One of my goals is to run a sub-30:00 5k. I'm thinking the 5k on the 20th will be it for me.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    3 miles Tuesday
    5 miles Wednesday
    24 miles for the month

    My Tuesday run I decided I was going to push as hard as I could for those 3 miles and refuse to look at my Garmin for pacing. I ran 3 miles in 28:49. That's 1:41 faster than my fastest three miles previously. One of my goals is to run a sub-30:00 5k. I'm thinking the 5k on the 20th will be it for me.

    that is GREAT - I think you can do sub 30 on the 20th for sure!!! if you did a 28:49 then add another 1 minute for the .1 that is under 30 in training! - the adrenaline will push you under a great bit!!
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    May 9
    I ran 7 miles . A good run!
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    7.2 miles today - felt GREAT! did not feel like running before the run but I feel so gooooood right now - so happy I went.

    total for the month : 36 miles.

    Love that! There have been days when I thought it wasn't happening, then around mile three it starts to get easy, and by the end it's such a wonderful feeling! I have just started running, an a month ago I wouldn't have believed it was possible!
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Looks like everyone is doing really well.
  • fasterandbetter
    fasterandbetter Posts: 101 Member
    today 3 miles

    total 22 miles