PISSED. Squats & lunges made me bigger.. wtf!!



  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    Lean muscle burns fat. Your legs/hips/thighs will slim down but you have to be patient. Keep an eye on portion sizes when you eat clean, it's just as important as the food you intake. And trust me - you'll be glad you did those squats and lunges - your back and abs benefit greatly from those movements also. You won't hulk out, so relax and just keep at it. You can also try jump squats: squat low and jump up, landing in a deeo squat again. These have all the benefits of regular squats plus cardio work and can be great paired with HIIT training - maybe those will help you see results a little faster.
  • Shfiftyfive
    Shfiftyfive Posts: 261
    Uggghhh. I have been squatting for 4 months and am up to 225lb squats and I have not gained 1mm of size on my legs - and I am a male. I am dumping protein and food down my gullet hoping to gain some muscle... Nothing. Then OP strolls in here after lifting for a month and a half and she gains an inch of bulk.... By accident!!!

    225 lbs squats for a guy won't do much for muscle gains. How many reps are you doing? Try upping the weight...

    Not really true without knowing his starting weight for the squat. It's about the weight increasing progressively. 225 is nothing for someone who originally squatted 500-600+. It's a lot for someone who started with the bar.
  • litnerd4life
    litnerd4life Posts: 19 Member
    It happens, but if you continue (since weight loss isn't just a month and a half ordeal), they will slim down. You can't base it being non effective since you've only done it a short time.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Yep. It is pretty normal to "bulk up" a bit, so to speak, before you slim down. I know I build muscle pretty easily, but it is much harder for me, in that area, to lose fat. But, you will slim down if you stick to your diet and keep up with the squats/lunges. Also, you may want to try some different variations that hit muscles other than just your quads. Such as plie squats, elevated split squats, and side lunges :)
  • wowmom23
    wowmom23 Posts: 36 Member
    The good thing about this thread is there will be less people taking up our squat racks.
    except for those ***holes who curl in them

  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    I wouldn't put too much stock in those sites...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I thought squats and lunges were supposed to develop your thighs and glutes...I've never heard of anyone doing them to make their legs smaller...firmer yes, but not slim and small.
    Squats and lunges bump your metabolism. You burn more fat at rest when you raise your RMR and squat (especially intense ones) do that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You just need to be patient, take the (good) advice (not the do loads and loads of cardio advice) and work on decreasing the BF%.
  • txjpeach
    txjpeach Posts: 4
    I downloaded the nike training app. I have a booty and it helps tighten everything up… You should select get LEAN.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I have thighs & an *kitten*. I lifted weights for about 3 months before taking a 2 week hiatus. My thigh circumference slightly decreased during that time. By like .25 inch. My *kitten* rounded out more, thighs tightened up and I lost fat.

    You seem to not like your legs. You can't change the fact you carry your weight in your legs. You will have to learn to live with it and like it. Remind yourself that some people don't have legs. Also remind yourself that you're attractive. Many people would trade places with you.

    Have patience while you and mature and learn to like your body. And no one cares that you are a PEAR.
  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    I carry most of my size in my hips, butt and thighs. I have been working out with a trainer for 1.5 years now, and at first my thighs got bigger as I gained more muscle. Squats and lunges were, and still are, a big part of my lower body workouts.

    However, as I got leaner, the inches started to come off much more rapidly. I started at 37 inches around my thighs, and went up to 39, and am now down to 34. The more muscle you carry, the more efficient your body becomes. You have to give it some time... some people take longer to see changes than others. It can be frustrating, but you just have to stick with it.

    This ^^

    I've always had large thighs, hips and butt. Squats and lunges are part of my regular routine and I've consistently lost inches in these areas. Muscle burns fat, some of the largest muscles that we have are in our thighs - to not capitalize on those muscles to help us reduce overall body fat would be absurd. Build muscle to reduce your body fat and you will start to get lean everywhere. Where the body fat comes from - you can't decide. But if you're dedicated, work hard and remain patient - you'll see results.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I may be the only pear shape that actually wants strong looking thighs over skinny fat thighs!! I think you shoud be proud, you are building muscle...the same muscle that will burn the fat off your thighs....give it time, they may get bigger first and then once the fat starts burning off they will get smaller :) If not the only thing I can think of is to stop the squats and lunges and focus on oyur upper body! :)

    I'm right there with ya hun!! I want strong, muscular, sexy legs!
  • lirby10
    lirby10 Posts: 12 Member
    I love Billy Blanks Taebo. I use the older versions and recently got the New version with the bands for resistance. It's the best overall work out. About 10 years ago my friends who is a trainer got me using weights and cardo plus a great diet. She told me and my husband that 90 is diet. She is the oldest professional heavy weight body builder today. We dropped off and I gained 20 lbs. So with MFP, I am basically doing her recommendations the Taebo. I'm 46 years old and have lost 18 lbs in 4 months. I went from almost a size 10 to a size 4-6. I just bought a conservative two piece for the summer. Great advice on the Taebo.

    In my opinion All the professional trainers are correct on this post. When my friends ask me what I have done, most are looking for a quick fix. Consistancy, time and committment. My trainer friend told me if you don't want to bulk up do lower weights and more reps and lower your overall bodies fat percentage. It will make your overall body compsition look better. It will come off your legs eventually but don't forget we all have genetic make up. Remember you can't exercise your way to long barbi legs if you are longer in the torso and have shorter legs. You can make what you have look great. I also think low sodium and lower sugar is also key. Remember if weight loss and perfect bodies were easy - everyone would have one.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Feeling on the downside today. I've started to do squats & lunges as reading tips from some MFP members being pear shaped or well carrying most fat on thighs/hips.... and with also eating healthy it has only made them BIGGER. i'm not even overexaggerating, I gained an INCH. an INCH!!! Yes they have more muscle but I was aiming to slim them down / lose inches.

    What works for some of you doesn't work for EVERYONE.
    I just want to give up. My jeans feel super tight on that area and a girl in the gym who is pear shaped that i've seen have great success told me she stopped doing squats/lunges due to the fact that pear shapes don't always have the best success in that area, so she does alot of cardio and HIIT..

    NOW.. to anyone who REALLY has some success stories in that area.. what SERIOUSLY has helped you???

    Squats with heavy weights took an inch OFF my thighs.

    I've been doing them since January and I LOVE my legs.

    More importantly, I love all the amazing health benefits weight lifting has brought to me- I'm stronger, fitter, I can walk up mountains, my blood pressure has gone down, my confidence and happiness has gone up, and I'm almost completely pain free after being in chronic pain for over 10 years.
  • 0lightasair
    0lightasair Posts: 42 Member
    One way to get thin legs is long distance jogging on 0 incline. Long distance would depend on your cardio but keep a slow pace relative to your fitness. You can also walk on 0 incline. Speed walking burns almost as many jogging but make sure you're doing real speed walking. As mentioned below, cardio burns calories. If you jog over 20-30 minutes, you'll use up your glycogen reserves and begin to tap into your fat reserves. What I normally do is upper body "strength" training first to use up my glycogen reserves then jog so that I begin buring body fat sooner. This may work for you as well.

    No disrespect to any of the certified, qualified, and all around really sound well-founded advice on here. I have a fast metabolism and still have a hard time controlling the size of my legs. Nothing has worked for me except tedious jogging and speed walking. Maybe the OP is the same way.

    Also, to all the incredibly mature, excessively polite, generously open-minded preachers, good job not jumping to the conclusion that people who do not prefer athletic musculature all want to be skeletions wrapped in skin. After all, those of us who enjoy "the skinny aesthetic" and strive to be fit are non-existent because "No muscle!?!?! No fitness!!!" is a well known, well published fact. For your information, should you care, those of us hopelessly lost misguided souls who are secure enough with our aesthetic preferences don't care about your campaign and are proficient in ignoring you with occasional mild amusement. Those of us who are not secure enough with our aesthetic, I assure you, your pretty words aren't a life-line. They are a hand that firmly holds our head beneath the surface and looks away as we drown in whatever problem it is you think we may have.

    Just because you may not the cause of these "problems", it does not exclude you from being party to the denegration of a bad situation.
  • Cortbear80
    Cortbear80 Posts: 23
    I ride my bicycle. I love it :)
    One thing I've read and actually noticed is working for me..Don't work your problem area with strength exercises. What you are actually doing is building muscle under the fat and pushing the fat out making your problem area bigger. Which is why I stopped doing sit-ups and crunches cuz they makes my stomach bigger. cardio is the way to go. I suggest Dancing with your friends or something along those lines. Keep it fun and you'll do more often. Another tip: When it comes to losing weight and staying healthy you want to think about your routine in the long run. Do you see yourself running in 20 years? Or going to gym every day in 20 years. If they answer is no than you need to find something else you enjoy doing. I enjoy biking and I see myself continuing to do so in the long run...so that is what I've chosen. I hope this helps you :)
  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm so glad I can help you out here, I just researched a ton of info on this same matter this morning! Okay, the problem is that squats and lunges are intense exercises for building muscle in the legs when you want to be doing the opposite. The way to counteract this and start slimming down is to do endurance training instead of intense or resistance training. AVOID CLIMBING MACHINES AT ALL COSTS as well as being sure to use absolutely no incline or decline when running or walking, and stay off the balls of your feet as much as possible, unfortunately meaning no high-heeled shoes. Instead of doing HIIT or sprints on a treadmill, opt instead for a long jog. The key is to make the workout last longer while still burning the same amount of calories. I have to make this adjustment myself as I've just discovered that I've gained an inch on my now-16" calves when all I want is to slip into 13" boots. Comparing the physique of professional sprinters or endurance runners, the sprinters have more defined, bulkier leg muscles for the power they provide. The endurance runners, however, have noticeably slimmer legs to make them lighter and carry them through the long distance. Also, the average woman does not begin to see slimming changes in the legs until they have 18% body fat or less as the legs are usually the LAST part to benefit from fat burning cardio.

    Here's some links I found that offer more detail and help:



    Poke around a bit on that site and you'll find a treasure trove of information :]

    Don't take this the wrong way but I'd be careful with sites like that and I would not put too much stock in them, if any. I read through the articles and did some digging around the site and frankly, it's a bunch of b.s. The big red flag is that there are no sources provided for you to research the "information". There are no experts, studies or clinical/health-related sources listed and a majority of the information provided flies in the face of what most fitness experts and professionals recommend.

    I only say that to warn you, not to be ugly in any way, please understand. Be careful - there's a lot of bad info out there that can get you into a worse state than where you start out. Personally, I go to trusted big sources first - Oxygen Magazine, MuscleMag, Muscular development and peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals and articles, then I take a look at the sources all those use... it takes digging but it's worth it! Good luck!!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Feeling on the downside today. I've started to do squats & lunges as reading tips from some MFP members being pear shaped or well carrying most fat on thighs/hips.... and with also eating healthy it has only made them BIGGER. i'm not even overexaggerating, I gained an INCH. an INCH!!! Yes they have more muscle but I was aiming to slim them down / lose inches.

    What works for some of you doesn't work for EVERYONE.
    I just want to give up. My jeans feel super tight on that area and a girl in the gym who is pear shaped that i've seen have great success told me she stopped doing squats/lunges due to the fact that pear shapes don't always have the best success in that area, so she does alot of cardio and HIIT..

    NOW.. to anyone who REALLY has some success stories in that area.. what SERIOUSLY has helped you???

    Well ... I'd rather gain an inch and have it TIGHT, than lose an inch and have it flabby and jiggly. But that's just me.

    Um, THIS! NEVER EVER Would I want to reduce weight in my thighs at the expense of muscle mass, EVER! EVER! Holy pear shape, I have a 32" chest, 30" waist and 43" hips and I am starting New Rules of Lifting for Women tomorrow, and I can't wait to have better muscles in my back, abs, legs and gluts.

    And to the OP, if you are working muscles in primarily your legs and lower body, and not doing much in your upper body, your proportions will look even more out of whack because you're building the lower half but letting the upper half be the same. If you add muscle tone to the top, your proportions will begin to look more even. My shoulders are more toned than ever and I LOOK more like an hourglass now because of the work I've done on my shoulders to adjust my visual proportions.

  • JLArispe
    JLArispe Posts: 62
    I am also pear shaped and have lost inches in my butt/thighs. This is something that will nto happen overnight, in a week or a month. The shape will never fully go away but will slim down. Also, remember when you do squats and lunges you are not only strengthening those muscles, but you are also lifting your butt, therefore clothes will feel tighter in areas that you have never flet before and in other areas they will be loose. Just be patient and give it time. Your body is still adjusting to all the changes that you are going thru.
  • janjancc
    janjancc Posts: 8
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    <<<<<<My Muscles,I LOVE them, damn proud! :)