How bad is it to dink Diet Coke??



  • dmf80
    dmf80 Posts: 60
    And lots of chemicals. Why do people think we can continue to alter our food supply and not have negative effects? Our society is flooded with healthy issues that were almost non-existent 50 years ago. If it is not connected to our food supply, what is causing Americans (and people around the world) to have all these new health issues?
  • kittycraft
    kittycraft Posts: 17
    Honestly the only reason I cut back was for my teeth, haha. I am in the process of whitening them and it seems kind of counter-productive to drink a lot of brown things (I'm still working on coffee...).
  • jak2315
    jak2315 Posts: 47 Member
    Diet sodas have no nutritional value and contain aspartame. The aspartame makes you eat and crave sweets. I would stick with water.
  • laceylou0702
    laceylou0702 Posts: 226 Member
    I love soda! With that being said I decided in May I'm going to cut down to 1 soda per day, I'm hoping that it will eventually lead me off of soda. Lately I've found that if I have one I start to feel worse than I did without it. So the more I go with one a day the easier it is becoming and I"m only 9 days in. I wonder if someday I'll only have 1 every couple of weeks.... So strange no one that knows me would believe this is coming from my mouth. lol I don't think it's terrible we all have our thing.
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    Diet sodas have no nutritional value and contain aspartame. The aspartame makes you eat and crave sweets. I would stick with water.

    I have not noticed those effects. In fact I have noticed the opposite.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Diet sodas have no nutritional value and contain aspartame. The aspartame makes you eat and crave sweets. I would stick with water.

    It doesn't 'make' you eat. It may be possible that it gives some people cravings but it doesn't 'make' you do anything, you have control over what you put into your mouth. Especially if you're on a site like MFP and logging everything you eat.
  • dizzydi1968
    dizzydi1968 Posts: 564
    I have no problem with drinking diet coke......................its when I add the vodka that problems start :drinker:
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I have no problem with drinking diet coke......................its when I add the vodka that PARTIES start :drinker:

    ^ I fixed that for you. LOL
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    Diet sodas have no nutritional value and contain aspartame. The aspartame makes you eat and crave sweets. I would stick with water.

    I have not noticed those effects. In fact I have noticed the opposite.

    Same here. No problems at all.
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    Yes, they do care about your health, because killing your customers isn't a good business strategy.

    Tell that to the tobacco companies.
  • Ilovejacks
    Ilovejacks Posts: 153 Member
    My Dr. says it's fine and i drink maybe 1 a day or everyother day.I LOVE DIET COKE!!!!!!!:heart:
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    It sounds really dramatic but I see synthetic sugars as poison. Mainly because when I injest them I feel as though I've been poisoned. 1 diet soda will keep me in pain for up to a week.
  • FlabbusterT
    FlabbusterT Posts: 4 Member
    I can't get past the chemical taste of any diet drink. But I'm assuming its like alcohol, the more you drink the better it taste?
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    Yes, they do care about your health, because killing your customers isn't a good business strategy.

    Tell that to the tobacco companies.

    You should have replied with funeral home owners instead.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    It sounds really dramatic but I see synthetic sugars as poison. Mainly because when I injest them I feel as though I've been poisoned. 1 diet soda will keep me in pain for up to a week.

    Some people actually are highly sensitive to certain things, so yeah if you're one of those people that get very specific problems when they ingest it then you're better off avoiding it. I'd hazard a guess that issues as severe as yours are not very common, but still obviously a huge concern for you personally.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I can't get past the chemical taste of any diet drink. But I'm assuming its like alcohol, the more you drink the better it taste?

    Actually, yeah. LOL Well and some diet drinks have a better flavor than others. I can't stand diet coke or diet pepsi, but I love diet mt dew and coke zero. After drinking diet sodas for years, I can't stand the taste of regular sodas now, too much sugar.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I'm on week 2 of my couch to 5K workouts and staying within my calorie intake. I LOVE diet coke but I have heard that it isn't good to drink carbonated drinks while trying to lose weight. I drink water as well but do have at least 1 maybe 2 diet cokes a day. Any adivse or comments?

    Sky-is-falling brigadiers will tell you that diet soda is the drink of the devil. Sane, rational mamas, however, can assure you that for the vast majority of the population, it won't hurt a dang thing. (For me it even helps ... makes me feel more full.)
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    Yes, they do care about your health, because killing your customers isn't a good business strategy.

    Tell that to the tobacco companies.

    You should have replied with funeral home owners instead.
    Nah, the tobacco companies don't care if you die. The funeral directors just wait it out. They don't really profit by expediting what's going to happen eventually - the potential legal trouble wouldn't be worth it.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Yes, they do care about your health, because killing your customers isn't a good business strategy.

    Tell that to the tobacco companies.

    You should have replied with funeral home owners instead.
    Nah, the tobacco companies don't care if you die. The funeral directors just wait it out. They don't really profit by expediting what's going to happen eventually - the potential legal trouble wouldn't be worth it.

    Totally off-topic, but I just noticed your screenname is freaking amazing. :-D
  • Spence711
    Spence711 Posts: 10
    Be honest, I lost 50lbs within 6 months about 4 years ago and I drunk Diet Pepsi. Biggest loser book said that were a loud to drink 1 diet soda a day, but i think i did about 2 or 3 a day. I still drink about 6 glasses of water too.