Protein Shake - Meal Replacement Shakes??



  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    I like muscle milk chocolate or banana. 21g protein in 11 oz and 200 cal. I use then as a meal replacement for breakfast, or as a post workout snack. I also like Unjury chocolate protein powder. You can order it online and mix it at home. Tastes good and is filling. Would stay away from special K protein drinks. Not enough protein to make a difference.
  • swebb1103
    swebb1103 Posts: 200 Member
    I love the Special K shakes, better than pudding because after a good workout, they are very refreshing (pudding just isn't as refreshing!). I know they get slammed but honestly, they taste good, and they are great for filling me up and keeping me satisfied.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Hi guys,

    I am a newcomer and started my diet yesterday. I am doing well, as I usually give up a diet within the first day but I have just finished my second day now, so I am excited! Hope you are all doing well and successful!

    My question is can anyone suggest a certain protein shake or meal replacement shake. At the moment on the days that I go to the gym, I find that having a shake as a mid morning snack after I attend the gym helps me feel a little more revitalised and fulfilled until lunch.

    Would a protein shake be the best thing? Or should I go for a general nutrition shake? And can anyone suggest any brand names that I can obtain here in the UK?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks guys :):):)

    If you are looking for a post-workout shake, your needs would depend on your exercise type. For example if you are lifting heavy, you want a protein shake to fuel muscle repair. If you are doing pure cardio, you need carbs and salt to replace lost glycogen and sodium.

    So really the first thing to say shouldn't be "OMG USE THIS!" it should be "Well, what are you doing in the gym for a workout?"

    Also I will say what I always parrot here: meal replacement shakes are just that, meal replacements. If you absolutely must use them, find something inexpensive and tasty and chug it down. If instead you have the time to make and eat whole, clean foods, do that instead. I use Optimum Nutrition and Muscle Milk - ONLY when on sale for $1/serving or less otherwise I'll just blend whole foods - as workout supplements in strict moderation and only on exercise days. On non-exercise days I use that time to instead prepare real food.

    Edit: let me add - any meal replacement that costs $3 or more a serving is a sham. Note I didn't say "scam" - it could absolutely be a nutritious product - but a "sham" as in you can get the same calories for $1 a serving, maybe $2 at most. Anything that requires an autopay or a contract? Scam. Pick up shake mixes on sale at your local nutrition shop, only on sale, like a lot of times here in the states GNC has Muscle Milk for $30 a container, 30 servings per. That's a deal. When it's $50 a container? Eat more eggs.
  • casie05
    casie05 Posts: 48 Member
    Shakeology. Hands down, the best shake there is out there. There is an extensive article about it in the May issue of O Magazine on page 214.

    Love Shakeology too!!
  • linholz
    linholz Posts: 4 Member
    I'm using the MediWeight Loss Protein Shake. Before that I used Designer Whey Protein.
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    THANKS Ervie & Taso
    I will buy one of those Blender Bottles for sure- do not want the extra hassle of using a blender
  • rxdeanna
    rxdeanna Posts: 1 Member
    As a pharmacist, I can tell you Shakeology is the only shake proven to lower bad cholesterol (LDL), raise good cholesterol (HDL), lower blood pressure, stabilize blood insulin levels, and help with symptoms of IBS. Personally, I have been using Shakeology for the past 3 months and have seen great results. It fights my chocolate cravings, keeps me satisfied, and gives me a boost of energy.
  • terrirz
    terrirz Posts: 53
    I also use just a plain protein shake with 25 percent protein, I sometimes make it with water, milk, almond milk, I also add fruit, greek yougurt, plain oatmeal etc to bulk it up and it helps keep me full untill my mid morning snack. I always have one for breakfast, after I workout. There has been a few occassions that Ive had more than one a day, if im having a busy day and cant grab a healthy meal.
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    I also use Ideal shape. It isn't that high in protein but it does a lot of good.

    I would NEVER use a shake that is a pyramid scheme like shakeology or Vi.
    IMO.... If people try to get you to use their shake, they have too much time on their hands.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    Working out and being healthy has transformed your family's health, not a stupid overhyped shake. You could have had a can of coke and be in the same shape.

    To the OP - just pick one that you enjoy. You also need to up your calories! 1000 per day is far too low
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I love the Chocolate Shakeology, too... and I'm not a coach. :)
  • CrazyFly7
    CrazyFly7 Posts: 50 Member
    To the OP: I think that it depends on what you're doing at the gym and what your goals are. The kind of shakes that you might get would depend on this somewhat. For example: Do you need more energy? Do you need carbs? Do you need protein? The questions go on, so really sit down with yourself and figure out what you're doing on the gym, and the protein shake should supplement what you're doing not act as a meal replacement.

    Myself personally for what my goals are both gym wise and nutrition wise, I find that Optimum Nutrition shakes are wonderful and tasty too. But, do your research on different shakes and see what you would like/be beneficial to your body.
  • mixedcurls826
    I like to mix some Jillian Michaels Whey Powder with coffee, a serving of carnation milk and some Sugar in the Raw. Mix it up, throw in ice and a straw. It's not so bad and it keeps your hunger satisfied for a while. Good luck with your weight loss journey!

    ~Ashley Nicole
  • kenzicle
    kenzicle Posts: 2
    Herbalife is my shake of choice!
  • MOTH477
    MOTH477 Posts: 17
    What do you guys think about Bsn - Syntha-6? I have been using it and the taste is fantastic. The vanilla taste like real milkshake.
  • phoenix8633
    phoenix8633 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm looking at getting a protein shake what would you guys recommend I get, in the UK by the way.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I like to mix some Jillian Michaels Whey Powder with coffee, a serving of carnation milk and some Sugar in the Raw. Mix it up, throw in ice and a straw. It's not so bad and it keeps your hunger satisfied for a while. Good luck with your weight loss journey!

    ~Ashley Nicole

    Ohhh... I never thought of throwing my powder into my coffee before.. might have to try that one:)
  • sweetmelissa40
    I use Spiru-tein. It is low fat and around 14 grams of protein per scoop.
    If you read fitness literature, it states that your body can only process approx. 20 grams of protein at one time so the "high" protein shakes are overpriced and worthless.
    We all have found the one we prefer and you will too. Just be sure to read ingredients!!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    The BSN Syntha-6 chocolate is sooooooo tastey. Yum!
  • Jme2012
    Jme2012 Posts: 106 Member
    been loving MRM all natural whey protein.. RIch vanilla
    have it every morning with almond milk and ice.!! YUMM :smile: