Need buddies that will kick my butt!

I need buddies that will hold me accountable and not let me slack off or eat badly anymore! I have a serious deadline looming and I won't get to my goal unless I really stick to this and make it happen. If this sounds like you, add me please!


  • HeavenLeAngel127
    HeavenLeAngel127 Posts: 211 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred,

    27 minute workout and 5 of those minutes is warm up and cool down....

    The workout is broken up into 3 sections... each section has 3 minutes weights, 2 minutes cardio, and 1 minute abs. So i goes way fast.

    I went from 142 to 129 in my 30 day shred.

    If you jump on the Jillian train I'll be your buddy through it.... good luck!
  • Omen_Alexia
    Omen_Alexia Posts: 30 Member
    I've got her book :D I'll have to crack it open again and look into the DVDs.
  • HeavenLeAngel127
    HeavenLeAngel127 Posts: 211 Member
    The dvds are only 5 -8 dollars, unless you go for her new workout system. But you can get the 30 day shred from walmart or amazon
  • Mirandas5bgirls
    Mirandas5bgirls Posts: 41 Member
    I am on Day 3 of 30DS, you can add me and we can both stay on each other to reach our goals.