Lifting Heavy- Should I Expect to Stop Losing?



  • alibab36
    alibab36 Posts: 51 Member
    Ok think the last post just answered my question thanks so much for that .
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    yay stacy!!
  • SarahSwimmer
    SarahSwimmer Posts: 125 Member
    Tangal88: That has to be the most epic/awesome post on MFP! Its good to know that you can gain muscle pounds but still be losing fat. I seriously thought "bulk was bulk" till I saw some of the pictures like you posted above. I know there's a ton of "OMG muscle is heavier than fat?!" threads out there, but for some reason this thread really clicked for me. Thanks guys!
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I think every woman should read this thread!
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    currently I am size 7 (my goal size for a curvy girl at 5'2") - I weight 139 pounds.

    Last time I was size 7, I weighed 118-120 lbs. (less muscle higher bodyfat)

    But I "look" more fit now, and I look smaller then 139 pounds would dictate for my height.

    I have a good bit of muscle, though I do not look "muscly" until I flex. But I do look fit.

    The scale says I am overweight for my height and weight. Some say bordering on obese.

    I am not.

    I do step on the scale weekly. But its a ROUGH guide. I use tape measurements, body shape and size, clothing fit, strength gains, muscle definition to gauge my progress. :)

    So if you can wrap your head around "scale numbers are ONLY rough numbers" - NOT the goal - it will save you a lot of heartache.

    I have lost 60 pounds total, and improved, and increased muscle amount and strength.
  • SarahSwimmer
    SarahSwimmer Posts: 125 Member
    currently I am size 7 (my goal size for a curvy girl at 5'2") - I weight 139 pounds.

    Last time I was size 7, I weighed 118-120 lbs. (less muscle higher bodyfat)

    But I "look" more fit now, and I look smaller then 139 pounds would dictate for my height.

    I have a good bit of muscle, though I do not look "muscly" until I flex. But I do look fit.

    The scale says I am overweight for my height and weight. Some say bordering on obese.

    I am not.

    I do step on the scale weekly. But its a ROUGH guide. I use tape measurements, body shape and size, clothing fit, strength gains, muscle definition to gauge my progress. :)

    So if you can wrap your head around "scale numbers are ONLY rough numbers" - NOT the goal - it will save you a lot of heartache.

    I have lost 60 pounds total, and improved, and increased muscle amount and strength.

    This is definitely where I want to be going ^^
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    This thread makes me SOOOOO happy. I'm obese with the high body fat % to go with it @ 5'5" and 190 lb., but I started lifting heavy a few weeks ago, and I can see & feel the changes in my body already, even though the scale has not budged in that time. It's so hard, but I'm slowly, but surely, learning to be patient.

    Now if I can actually get around to taking a quasi-before picture, I hope to have a before & after like some of these!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
  • If you are lifting heavy everyday or every other day, than you will probably stop losing weight after 2-3 weeks. This is because you will lose your fat, but it will all come back as muscle, and you may eventually weigh more because muscle weighs more than fat. That is how i stayed the same weight in wretling season but still got skinnier.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I love those pictures!! The girl's butt in the lacey thong underwear is OFF THE CHAIN!

    I also fit into the "weigh more but look better" category. I was once 102 pounds, now I am 112 (just weighed myself finally after 3 months and I have gained another 2 pounds due to weight lifting) BUT I still fit into the same size 0-2 clothes I wore at 102 pounds. I am tighter, more defined, and my cellulite is GONE!! I hate the scale, it hinders progress I think. Women need to definitely get over the scale weight and look in the mirror!
  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    I know that this is an older thread, but I don't want to start another one on the same topic. So I have a lot of the same fears as the OP. I get that the scale number is not as important as the measurements, but I'm not losing either one, and I've been "lifting heavy" for almost two months. Does it just take awhile? I've moved my calories up to 1650 after the scale didn't budge for three months. It still hasn't, really, which I'd be a little better with if I was losing body fat or inches!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm 5'4 and I've pretty much stopped losing weight as of three weeks ago. Should I give up the scale, resign myself to my 140 lb, and only rely on measurements?

    I say yes! Dump the scale! you are at a healthy weight for 5'4" already. Just use the tape measure and how you look and how your clothes feel.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Scale weight may not change, but you should be losing fat. If you can take caliper and\or tape measurements, they should be dropping.