Thursday Check In Group - September 17th



  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    So I am very happy right now, I dropped some weight and now my if everyday was like today says that in 5 weeks I'll be less than my goal weight. I can't believe that I am there already and all my clothes are very loose on me. I am just in a very good mood. Hope everyone had a great weekend:flowerforyou:

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there my friends. Sorry I've been so busy this weekend. It's so nice to be back on here again and back to my usual routine. Sheri, I'm sorry to hear about the marathon. I'm a strong believer in "things happen for a reason" and hopefully this is the case here. Tanya, isn't it odd how our body changes in ways that sometimes don't make sense ... but hey Yay ... here's to having a smaller waist ... and I'm so happy to read that you've dropped some and that you're in such a good mood today. Calie, Look at your new profile picture ... you and Sammy look so cute. As for me, I just had the most stressful week topped off by the weekend from hell. It involved a 50th anniversary party for my in-laws which I planned, cancelled, re-planned, cancelled, and then had to re-plan at the last minute. A whole lot of family were in town and we were all looking forward to getting together. My brother in law is schizophrenic and it is usually controlled with his medication and his behaviour isn't too bad but about a week ago it started getting very erratic so I was asked by my father in law to cancel everything which I did but then the gang wanted to do something anyway ... big mistake ... he acted up, got angry, got aggressive, then got violent. A fight broke out and of course I jumped in the middle of it all to try and break it up ... police were called and my brother in law was taken away. I feel sooooo bad about everything. My poor in-laws, how many people actually make it to their 50th anniversary and then this happened. Hopefully my old belief that things happen for a reason hold true with this situation too.
  • sheri5734
    Oh Maggie so sorry to hear about your weekend I hope you are having a better Monday and realize that it's not your fault that anything happend but I know you wanted everything to be perfect. Well I am going to take your words of wisdom and like you said hopefully the words will hold true for you too.
    Have a great Monday everyone, talk soon
  • ckholmes
    Hi ladies, Im new here, can I join your group? I know my start date shows June, but its taking me this long to get myself actually moving :/
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Of course you can:happy: Welcome, welcome, welcome:flowerforyou:

    This is a great group! You came to the right place!

  • sheri5734
    welcome we always like to have someone new with great ideas. I am new too so don't be shy it's only my 3rd week here and everyone really makes you feel welcomed.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi ladies, Im new here, can I join your group? I know my start date shows June, but its taking me this long to get myself actually moving :/

    Welcome. This is a nice group of ladies. We are 100 % behind our members. A geat bunch.' So far a small group but the better to get to know each other better. If you have any question just ask and we will help you. Again Welcome.
    I am Calie and I am the granny of the bunch. I am 24 lbs from my goal. I may change it when I get there.But that is my goal now to get down to 160. I live in Mesquite, Texas. Part of the area of Dallas.
    Be looking for you here more often:flowerforyou: Calie
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi ladies, Im new here, can I join your group? I know my start date shows June, but its taking me this long to get myself actually moving :/

    ckholmes ... of course you can join us ... welcome to the group. I'm so glad that we all have each other to lean on. This past week has been quite stressful for me and thanks to my friends here I managed to remember that no matter what is going on I'm still worth making healthy choices. I too have belonged to MFP since June and I love it. I'll be creating a new thread this and every Thursday and will post the path to find it here for everyone's convenience.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Tuesday to all of us Thursday check in gals. Hope all is on your program and your erercise. I have been getting in over 4,000 steps I know that is a drop in the bucket for you younger girls But for me to have been so unactive it is a great difference for me.
    Have a good day. Thursday is just around the conner.

    :flowerforyou: Calie
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi all ... I just burned 317 calories taking my frustrations out tearing down part of an old plaster ceiling. My goodness ... what a mess ... but what a great workout. My hubby and I own an old farm house built in 1895. With life's problems and financial junk and all kinds of other excuses we haven't finished a single thing here in the 16 years we've owned it ... so now we've made a pact ... we will concour one project per month from now on. Right now we are getting half of the first floor prepared to blow insulation on the walls before the real winter hits. I love it ... I'll get some great workouts in and my house will progress with time to being a nice place to live. I've hated living here since the first year ... country living is just not my thing ... we'll sell once it's completed (in like 10 years I think). Anyway, I'm babbling here ... I hope all is well with you. Have a wonderful evening and we'll talk again tomorrow.

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Helooo everyone !!! I'm back.. :flowerforyou: I hope everyone is doing great ! I had a blast in Branson. We did so many fun things. The Ozarks are beautiful ! My allergies were going haywire though. We got back home Saturday night. My Dad and his Wife stayed until yesterday morning. I have some SUPER FANTASTIC news to share. I'm going to be cleaning the bathrooms in our park in exchange for free rent and electric. YES i SAID FREE !!!!! I will still have my part time job in the office too. We pay around $ 450 a month for our rent and electric so this will make a huge differance for us !! I start tomorrow. I clean them from 1-3 mon-Fri. I'll have just enough time to run home and shower the days I work in the office. Another Fantastic thing happened to my dh this week. He got a promotion and a $2.15 an hour raise. Things are realy going great for us. God is good . :smile: I've been kinda hit and miss with my diet . I am going to get right back on track tomorrow. I didn't gain any weight so thats a good thing. I missed you all while I was away. How are you all doing ??? Anything to share ??? Have a great night everyone, Cindy :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So glad to see you are back. Well look like you are going to be a busy woman. Texas is good for you.
    Glad you had a wondertime. did your Dad come back with you? You seems so happy. Talk to you later.
  • sheri5734
    Hey everyone:happy:
    That is excellent news Cindy it's great when good things happend to good people. Enjoy your new financial gains (just not with food :wink: )
    I started a new program today the couch to 5K in 9 weeks:tongue: Today was day one week one and I started it with a 5 minute brisk walk to warm up then jogged 1 min. walked 1 1/2 minutes for 20 minutes total. It wasn't as hard as I thought it might be but it's early :laugh:
    The whole training is on line (for free) just google couch to 5 K plus there is a group on here that has everyone doing it and it's good because they are all at different weeks and can give support and encouragement. I am doing mine on the treadmill because of my work day starting at 6am and ending at 8:30pm I really don't want to go out before or after that running in the streets :laugh:
    Well have a great day everyone and good luck tomorrow:drinker:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Sheri. You are getting with it. Good for you..

    I am doing the same thin walking and eating my coconut oil. I couldn't be happier. The weight is falling off pretty reapid for me.For I am a slow loser.

    Cindy so glad to have you back. Sure hope you will find time to drop us a line or two.

    Maggie , how is your day going?

    Tanya, You seem to have got out of the spell you were in.

    Have a good day

  • sheri5734
    Calie----coconut oil???? what are the benefits of this please tell :happy:
  • Mygoalisthin
    Mygoalisthin Posts: 3 Member
    Can I join :] ??
  • sheri5734
    sure mygoal the more the merrier, there is a great bunch here you will have fun!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Can I join :] ??

    Of course you can join ... welcome to the team. Tomorrow I will start a new thread and will paste the link here to make it easier for everyone to find it. You can just cut and paste the schedule into your reply and put your information in. Glad to have you with us.

  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Welcome mygoalisthin:flowerforyou:

    Welcome back Cindy:flowerforyou:

    Callie, I'm glad that your weight loss is going well:flowerforyou:

    Maggie, we have a lot of work to do at our place too. We keep on postponing it but I know what you mean about it being a good excersice. I can't believe how many calories you can burn just cooking and cleaning:noway:

    As for me, my weight loss is finally going somewhere and is not staying still anymore. Also we have new cable now through verizon and I can't believe how many more channels they have, they even have an excersice channel which I love. I will be working out a lot now from home and its something new each time so I am very happy about that:bigsmile:

    Talk soon,
