The straw that broke the proverbial camel's back....

What made you decide to make this lifestyle change?
I'm sure some of you have a specific moment in mind when you knew you had to do this.

For me, it was stepping on the scale for the first time in half a year and realizing that I had somehow managed to gain 20 pounds since the last time I checked. I knew that if I could gain that much that fast by keeping the habits I had was only going to get worse unless I made a change. I also realized that part of the reason I hadn't stepped on the scale in half a year was because I was scared of what I might see. It seems ridiculous in retrospect, but I don't ever want to be scared of the unknown like that.

How about you guys?


  • MrEmoticon
    MrEmoticon Posts: 275 Member
    Going to the beach. And everyone took off their shirt but me. Yea, not having that nonsense.
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    Getting winded playing flag football with the kids. I wasn't required to run because I was the quarterback. I was getting winded just standing there... It's been almost a year since then and I've been active ever since.
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    Got tired of looking at myself the way I looked in pictures was not how I visualized myself. I knew that the steady weight gain was because of lack of exercise and poor eating habits....i knew it would only get worse. So I stepped up to the plate and committed to the its a slow and steady progression of bettering myself compared to the opposite.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    A full week of no longer being able to control my blood sugar levels with diet. The last day my level spiked at 240, I was barely able to form a complete thought, my speech was slurred and I couldn't stay awake. That was the end.
  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    I went on a really bad date with someone I met online. It wasn't the date that made me want to change, it was what my friend said afterward that did it.

    Me: "Oh it was so bad, I just wanted to run away"
    Him: "That's funny...because we both know you can't run"
    Me: "%H:FHGERV935u7!@!(*%@&$@#!!~"

    Yeah, a little more than a year ago I set out on a mission to prove him wrong...
    Although I started for all the wrong reasons it became so much more than that.
  • jlawson113
    jlawson113 Posts: 27 Member
    well I'm taller, 6 ft 2 so I have always been able to "hide" my extra weight well. I weighed about 160 when I graduated high school. then over the course of the next several years my weight ballooned up to 200, 240, 260 and ultimately 285. at this point my Dr put me on blood pressure meds and said I had hypertension and was at risk for all kinds of heart disease.

    my Grandad died in his early 60's from a heart attack. my dad had quadruple bypass heart surgery 12 years ago and is thankfully still alive. I got mad at myself like wtf am I doing. I was eating out all the time. smoking, drinking, never exercising.

    I began making changes about 2 years ago. This morning I weighed in at 224. I'm by no means the picture of health lol. but I remind myself to just slowly substitute out the bad habits for healthy ones. I've had great success but at times it's so easy to feel discouraged. I promised myself I will never revert back to my old ways. I guess to answer your question, I had enough of being destructive :)
  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member
    Stepped on the scale for the first time in a year or so... yuck yuck yuck.
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    I told myself for awhile before joining MFP that I was going to eat better, get healthy, and lose weight. So of course my boyfriend knew "I was trying" but nothing was happening. Not going to the gym or eating right.

    While driving to my parents house for Sunday dinner (do this every Sunday) he asked me if I would start wearing sexy clothes again once I lost weight. I was pissed and sad. Mostly at myself. I was literally 20lbs lighter when we started dating.

    I found MFP and have lost 10lbs so far. 10 more till Im back at the weight I was when we started dating. And 40 more till Im at goal.
  • Stompp
    Stompp Posts: 216
    When I realized that my fat had fat... Okay, I saw a picture of me from a work party, and i FILLED the shirt I was wearing, and it was from a lower angle, and I looked HUGE... that was it, 80 pounds ago :)
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    for me it took me losing my dad to the 9/11 cancer and then a few years later having a breast cancer scare my self on top of that testing positive for the breast cancer gene because of my family history... that was it for me.. I have this beyond amazing hubby of 13 years, we have two beautiful angels that are 7 and 2 and I knew I had to stop screwing around and put the cheeseburgers down and start on the salads so to speak <3
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I had a lot of straws. Finding out I had exceeded 300 lbs, having to squeeze myself into a booth on a date, not being able to run 2 houses past my house without getting out of breath, or walk up a small hill. Looking at my before pics, I can't understand how I didn't see that I had gotten that big, regardless of what the scale said. Never again.
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    So, I am sitting in my office one day. Dilligently working at my desk job (as usual). Our office is one of those very quiet, professional offices. No music in the background or anything like that. An older client comes in and couldn't remember my name. He was hard of hearing so he talked MUCH louder than he needed to, you all know what I am talking about.

    So to ask for me, since he didn't remember my name, he starts yelling that he "wants to talk to the really fat girl in the office. You know the one! She is really, really fat!"

    I knew that I could have been doing more to improve my health and my looks, but that was a real eye opener for me. My clients describe me as the "really, really fat one!"

    TIme for a change...
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I was hiking with my family and got winded and sore really fast and had to turn back earlier than I ever had. I made some changes then, and I had a doctor that gave me some pills that helped but I didn't make the changes I needed to until I hit my rock bottom.

    I had no energy and was extremely depressed and had just lost my job. my wife informed me that she wanted a divorce and I got the phone call that my mom was dieing and only had a few weeks. After My mom died I realized that the only time in my life that I was really happy was when I was a gym rat and ran a lot so I started walking a lot and hitting the gym again. the rest is history and I'm on my way to becoming the animal that I used to be. hitting the gym then hitting the road and then hitting the hot tub :drinker:
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    Seeing myself on video after my second child was born. The baby is irrelevant but seeing myself on video, yeah, that got me.
  • goldengirl28
    goldengirl28 Posts: 129 Member
    Actually it was a very small thing, i'd booked my holidays and was kinda consoling myself about my weight, my internal braining rationalising everything
    " i'm not that big, i've been bigger........... i'll buy new clothes and i'll look great,............ i'm not a sun worshipper so i don't need to sit out in my cossie" etc etc etc.

    And then i clocked that i had to sit down for 11 hours on the plane and realised that if my spare tire hurt against my bar underwire sitting down for an hour, what would i fell like sitting down for 11 hours!!!!!!!!!!! light bulb moment.

    I started on MFP later that afternoon
  • Aquafly
    Aquafly Posts: 12
    Besides missing some events due to embarrassment at my size, I'd say when I went to my sister's 50th birthday party. It was at a restaurant. Everyone else in my family is in the "normal" weight range.

    The restaurant had a huge buffet table for seating, and they had folding chairs for us. I sat in my chair and felt it bend. It felt like my chair was going to break I was mortified. No one noticed. The chair was fine, but it made me feel so sad.

    I just started back yesterday. Today I walked 25 minutes at a brisk pace. I used a road that was like a roller coaster with many steep hills. I came back winded, sweating (even though it was only 55 degrees outside), but I did it. I did it......
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    We have a little ongoing thing at work for the last several years. We all weigh-in every quarter and list mini-goals to hit by the next weigh-in. It's always a cause for good-natured ribbing and just getting on each other.

    So, I get on the scale on January 2 and it read 271. That just pissed me off because that's almost 20 pounds heavier than I've ever been. So, I started eating right the next day, joined a gym on February 1 and started back on MFP a little after that. I'm down 36 pounds so far and am looking for 25-35 more.
  • meggawatt
    meggawatt Posts: 145 Member
    Went in for a check up at the doc and when I got on the scale I couldn't believe how high I'd let my weight get.

    In my case some of the weight gain was adjustment due to all the medication I'd been on, surgery recoveries, lack of ability to be physical and overall mental health (wasn't good) but I'd gained 25 lbs without even realizing it. Don't get me wrong, I knew my pants were getting tight, but getting on that scale was a huge eyeopener for me and I knew I needed to do something as soon as I got a clean bill of health.

    I found MFP 2 days later and have been changing my lifestyle since. The weight is slowly coming off and I'm feeling better in all aspects of my life, eventually I hope to be back to my pre-surgical nightmare weight.
  • hookandy
    hookandy Posts: 278 Member
    Always been "large" and agreed to take part in the annual weight loss challenge at work. Jumped on the scales with no real intention of doing much more than not eating the cakes and chocolate in the office for a few weeks. The scales weighed in lbs, but being in the UK the number menat nothing. Converted to stones and pounds and nearly fell off my chair, could I really be 21st?

    So then thought I had bettter do something about it.
  • Flyer615
    Flyer615 Posts: 173 Member
    I always tried to lose weight due, primarily to vanity. I just really wanted to see a better-looking person in the mirror. That, however, was not what "flipped" that switch in my head to actively apply myself. I also told myself that I needed to be healthier. No success. It wasn't until I got some blood work results and the doctor had the diabetes talk with me that I finally buckled down and made "real" changes. As my user name implies, I fly. Being diabetic is a disqualifier for a pilot's license. Now, my bad habits were about to take away something that I love to do.

    Of course, getting the sugar inline appealed to my vain side, as well. :smile: