those who workout at home



  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I workout at home and have had tons of success. I do mat pilates with dvds every morning, and I do cardio on the elliptical 5 days a week and I lift free weights 4 days a week. For cardoi, which I hate and get really bored with, I do HIIT, tabata(more intense but shorter form of HIIT), and steady state. When I do HIIT, I go for 16 minutes including WU and CD. When I do tabata, it only takes 10 minutes, and when I do steady state , I do 20. I do circuit weight lifting, where I move from exercise to exercise without stopping, and after I've done all exercises, I take a 3 minute break. Then I repeat two more times. That also really gets my HR up. I do have a lot of free weights ranging from 2lb to 20lbs. I only use the heavy ones now that I have learned that lifting heavy will not make me bulky.
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    Yes you can! I posted a thread earlier about it. I couldn't afford paying for the gym any more, so I incorporated a bunch of equipment into my home office. I work from home and there is kids and their various activities and the dogs, etc. etc. etc. So I just adapted a workout regimen to fit into my life. I also find it easy as well as fun to use the Wii, Kinect and other various game consoles to do more cardio work out.

  • phoenix8633
    phoenix8633 Posts: 137 Member
    I work out at home I've got 3 DVDs: Jillian Michaels 30ds, Hannah Waterman Body Blitz and Davina Ultimate Targets
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,123 Member
    I got a membership to Fitness Magazine, and I cut out the workouts that are inside and made a binder for myself. So many of these workouts offer GREAT strength building guides! I've shredded size off of my arms just doing a few basic moves, and I also use Nike Training Center app on my iPod! These do all sorts of workouts that really push you! I do hardly any running, but am still seeing results! I also do Hot Yoga 4-6 times a week! Good luck with the at home! I have two kids, so I have to be up early to do my workouts before they wake, or I'll drag!

    i will have to check out the nike one for my ipod. i had one but wouldn't work since i didnt have the sensor thing. i need to see what else i can find on there. i have done a few.
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    I don't have a gym membership for several reasons.

    But basically I prefer working out at home. I have dvd's, dumbell/weights, and I go running/jogging outside often. I also walk a lot in my day-to-day life so basically I don't need the additional cost and time suck of getting to/fro the gym. Works for me!
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    I used to belong to a gym, but started working out at home. I love the variety! Right now I am doing Julian Michael's body revolution and I love it. I also do zumba. Mixing it up has really helped me not get into a rut. Plus, the guilt of spending that $ on the gym is gone!