Why We Get Fat



  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    No I haven't read the book. I don't give my money to shysters.

    That's fine, but you come across as rather ignorant when you argue against something you don't even understand.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I've read the samples of his books (I probably should have said I haven't "bought" his book, because I have read a little of it), and watched him a bit on YouTube, and I have so far disagreed with most everything he has said. And he's been soundly debunked by knowledgeable people I actually respect. So, you can call me ignorant if you like, and I'll continue to call a spade a spade.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I've read the samples of his books, and watched him a bit on YouTube, and I have so far disagreed with most everything he has said. And he's been soundly debunked by knowledgeable people I actually respect. So, you can call me ignorant if you like, and I'll continue to call a spade a spade.

    Until you can show me one quote of Taubes that violates thermodynamics, then I will think you are ignorant on the subject of Taubes' arguments.

    And yes you are right, Taubes' hypothesis flawed, but it has nothing to do with thermodynamics. And its unfortunate that he made such errors in judgement by ignoring very relevant concepts like leptin and protein being insulinogenic, but to me that doesn't invalid the idea that energy balance is heavily controlled by the body, and not the person's eating behaviors. That is the key message that I think Taubes is right about.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    We get fat because we consume too many dang calories.

  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    We get fat because we consume too many dang calories.

    That's just to dang simple, just ask any low carb deciple.
  • Bor2
    Bor2 Posts: 6 Member
    We get fat because we consume too many dang calories.


    Spot on, in a nutshell :)

    All I know for sure is what worked for me, and that was getting active and severely restricting my caloric intake (Optifast 800).
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    We get fat because we consume too many dang calories.


    This thread is about Gary Taubes. Please do not ruin it by being correct. Thanks.
  • Aineko
    Aineko Posts: 163
    Well right now we have an unprecedented obesity epidemic. Over 30% of Americans are obese, and within the next 18 years that number is projected to hit 42%. That right there is pretty significant. Now people constantly site sedentary lifestyle as a main culprit, but this problem largely began around 1980, way before video games were that popular and before the internet even existed. Most people didn't know what the internet was until probably mid 1990s. Plus there is little evidence that exercise makes that much difference in managing weight.
    and Internet is the only thing that makes you sedentary? :)
    there's another thing actually, but it seems that in US people are taking it for granted so much that they'll rather think of internet then of - cars. From what I've seen of US and from what I've heard of friends who have lived there for some time, US infrastructure is extremely pedestrian-unfriendly, and even cyclist-unfriendly. People simply don't walk any more. My partner just came back from LA and he was complaining about huge lack of pedestrian zones/paths. A friend of mine lived in mid-west for a year, she didn't have a driving licence and had huge problems doing shopping since everything is designed for cars. She even was openly told that it's her own fault since "everyone should have a car". As far as I'm concerned, this is far greater problem than internet and carbs together. When I was eating 500g of white bread daily (+ pastry from bakeries) and looked like I did on that profile picture, I was also walking for at least half an hour every morning to get that bread. No big shopping malls, no huge shopping once a week - just up and down the hill, up and down the stairs every day, to get your food in local bakeries and small shops. However, westernisation of lifestyle, opening of huge shopping malls and disappearance of small local business are taking their toll in all developed world.
    where did you get this about little evidence?

    Sorry I don't buy any of this. Running has grown enormously over the past couple years and has not stopped obesity. We have had cars for over a century, so you're going to use that to explain an obesity epidemic that only began skyrocketing over the past 30 years? Much of the forms of sedentary entertainment blamed for the lack of exercise as a cause of obesity also only picked up steam in the past 10 years or even less, so there is still 20 years of skyrocketing obesity to be accounted for.

    The only obvious trend that began at the same time as the obesity epidemic is the change in the American diet to one where grain intake increased and fat intake decreased.

    You are saying that people who are running or simply being very active their whole life, from early childhood, and never lose that habit, get obese anyway at the very same rate like non active people? I have hard time imagining that. (btw, running twice a week is not exactly the 'active lifestyle' I have in mind).
    No, you didn't have cars for a century lol. not in today's numbers and usage.
    If you truly believe that it's just about diet you'll have to explain how cultures that traditionally eat a lot of grains (crazy high amounts of bread and pastry for example) are only starting to see rise in obesity in last few years. (although, you might be onto something when you say high carbs/low fat, since where I'm coming from crazy high grain usage is accompanied by a lot of animal fat.)
    dismissing activity level when it comes to obesity epidemic is really hard to buy for me. here's a paper which shows very clearly importance of active lifestyle on a similar diet:

    (boys in villages are much, much more active than boys in cities)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I've read the samples of his books, and watched him a bit on YouTube, and I have so far disagreed with most everything he has said. And he's been soundly debunked by knowledgeable people I actually respect. So, you can call me ignorant if you like, and I'll continue to call a spade a spade.

    Until you can show me one quote of Taubes that violates thermodynamics, then I will think you are ignorant on the subject of Taubes' arguments.

    If calories from protein and fat have no effect on fat accumulation, what happens to those calories when eaten in a surplus?

    "If you restrict only carbohydra­tes, you can always eat more protein and fat if you feel the urge, since they have no effect on fat accumulati­on"

    Location 2519 Kindle edition of Why We Get Fat

    "But protein and fat don't make us fat-only the carbohydra­tes do-so there is no reason to curtail them in any way"

    Location 3064 Kindle edition of Why We Get Fat
  • DB_1106
    DB_1106 Posts: 154 Member
    I am all for cutting back on carbs. I try to keep mine relatively low and focus on more protein... but I don't think whole grains are going to make me fat. Sugar, ice cream and brownies outside of moderation will!

    What is the difference though? When they break down, it all becomes glucose anyways?

    What makes whole grain a healthier carbohydrate than a tablespoon of pure sugar?

    That's exactly it, once they are broken down there really is no difference.

    Satiety and overall nutrition, which imo has a big effect on how we eat now. Carb consumption is about the same as it was in the early 1900's except fiber is about 40% less (exchanging whole for refined grain products) . Not much fast food back then and life was more rural, we moved more.

    I agree with your last sentence, but everything else you said before that is pure opinion.

    If you are worried about satiety, then fat and protein would be the route to go.
  • DB_1106
    DB_1106 Posts: 154 Member
    We get fat because we consume too many dang calories.

    That's just to dang simple, just ask any low carb deciple.

    I follow low carb, it works for me. And I wouldn't call myself a "disciple".

    It makes me eat less which equals to taking in less calories than I burn which equals to weight loss. There are more than one way to skin a cat. It sounds to me that you need to educate yourself just a little more before you start throwing insults around at people.
  • DB_1106
    DB_1106 Posts: 154 Member
    I've read the samples of his books, and watched him a bit on YouTube, and I have so far disagreed with most everything he has said. And he's been soundly debunked by knowledgeable people I actually respect. So, you can call me ignorant if you like, and I'll continue to call a spade a spade.

    Until you can show me one quote of Taubes that violates thermodynamics, then I will think you are ignorant on the subject of Taubes' arguments.

    If calories from protein and fat have no effect on fat accumulation, what happens to those calories when eaten in a surplus?

    "If you restrict only carbohydra­tes, you can always eat more protein and fat if you feel the urge, since they have no effect on fat accumulati­on"

    Location 2519 Kindle edition of Why We Get Fat

    "But protein and fat don't make us fat-only the carbohydra­tes do-so there is no reason to curtail them in any way"

    Location 3064 Kindle edition of Why We Get Fat

    I have never read his book. Actually, I have never heard of the guy until now. But if he thinks you can eat 8,000 calories of fat and protein a day and still lose weight as long as you eat no carbs then this guy is nuts.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    I am all for cutting back on carbs. I try to keep mine relatively low and focus on more protein... but I don't think whole grains are going to make me fat. Sugar, ice cream and brownies outside of moderation will!

    What is the difference though? When they break down, it all becomes glucose anyways?

    What makes whole grain a healthier carbohydrate than a tablespoon of pure sugar?

    That's exactly it, once they are broken down there really is no difference.

    Satiety and overall nutrition, which imo has a big effect on how we eat now. Carb consumption is about the same as it was in the early 1900's except fiber is about 40% less (exchanging whole for refined grain products) . Not much fast food back then and life was more rural, we moved more.

    I agree with your last sentence, but everything else you said before that is pure opinion.

    If you are worried about satiety, then fat and protein would be the route to go.
    Potatoes are the most satiating food on the planet and many carbs are very satiating, refined carbs not so much to almost non exisitant. Fat on the other hand is not very satiating at all on a calorie for calorie basis. And the amount of carbs consumed in the early 1900 and fiber is not opinion, it's fact, you just haven't looked hard enough to find it. j/k
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I've read the samples of his books, and watched him a bit on YouTube, and I have so far disagreed with most everything he has said. And he's been soundly debunked by knowledgeable people I actually respect. So, you can call me ignorant if you like, and I'll continue to call a spade a spade.

    Until you can show me one quote of Taubes that violates thermodynamics, then I will think you are ignorant on the subject of Taubes' arguments.

    If calories from protein and fat have no effect on fat accumulation, what happens to those calories when eaten in a surplus?

    "If you restrict only carbohydra­tes, you can always eat more protein and fat if you feel the urge, since they have no effect on fat accumulati­on"

    Location 2519 Kindle edition of Why We Get Fat

    "But protein and fat don't make us fat-only the carbohydra­tes do-so there is no reason to curtail them in any way"

    Location 3064 Kindle edition of Why We Get Fat

    I don't have the book to validate these quotes, but they do seem a bit out there to me without any context. But they still don't violate the laws of thermodynamics. Taubes does acknowledge every calorie is accounted for, he just thinks if you eat excessive protein and/or fat without carbs then they won't get stored as fat, but instead will be burned. This is obviously false which is one of the disappointments I found in Taubes. How can he understand science as he showed in debunking the lipid hypothesis, and then make these kinds of claims.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I've read the samples of his books, and watched him a bit on YouTube, and I have so far disagreed with most everything he has said. And he's been soundly debunked by knowledgeable people I actually respect. So, you can call me ignorant if you like, and I'll continue to call a spade a spade.

    Until you can show me one quote of Taubes that violates thermodynamics, then I will think you are ignorant on the subject of Taubes' arguments.

    If calories from protein and fat have no effect on fat accumulation, what happens to those calories when eaten in a surplus?

    "If you restrict only carbohydra­tes, you can always eat more protein and fat if you feel the urge, since they have no effect on fat accumulati­on"

    Location 2519 Kindle edition of Why We Get Fat

    "But protein and fat don't make us fat-only the carbohydra­tes do-so there is no reason to curtail them in any way"

    Location 3064 Kindle edition of Why We Get Fat

    I don't have the book to validate these quotes, but they do seem a bit out there to me without any context. But they still don't violate the laws of thermodynamics. Taubes does acknowledge every calorie is accounted for, he just thinks if you eat excessive protein and/or fat without carbs then they won't get stored as fat, but instead will be burned. This is obviously false which is one of the disappointments I found in Taubes. How can he understand science as he showed in debunking the lipid hypothesis, and then make these kinds of claims.

    How can they be burned if eaten in a surplus? By definition you would be taking in more energy then you expend
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I am all for cutting back on carbs. I try to keep mine relatively low and focus on more protein... but I don't think whole grains are going to make me fat. Sugar, ice cream and brownies outside of moderation will!

    What is the difference though? When they break down, it all becomes glucose anyways?

    What makes whole grain a healthier carbohydrate than a tablespoon of pure sugar?

    That's exactly it, once they are broken down there really is no difference.

    Satiety and overall nutrition, which imo has a big effect on how we eat now. Carb consumption is about the same as it was in the early 1900's except fiber is about 40% less (exchanging whole for refined grain products) . Not much fast food back then and life was more rural, we moved more.

    I agree with your last sentence, but everything else you said before that is pure opinion.

    If you are worried about satiety, then fat and protein would be the route to go.
    Potatoes are the most satiating food on the planet and many carbs are very satiating, refined carbs not so much to almost non exisitant. Fat on the other hand is not very satiating at all on a calorie for calorie basis.

    Plus insulin is supposed to be a satiating hormone yet most obese folks secrete way too much of it but continue to overeat. And if fat wasn't satiating, then people on low carb, high fat diets would not be able to lose weight without counting calories, but many have great success. Sounds like there are paradoxes all over the place.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I've read the samples of his books, and watched him a bit on YouTube, and I have so far disagreed with most everything he has said. And he's been soundly debunked by knowledgeable people I actually respect. So, you can call me ignorant if you like, and I'll continue to call a spade a spade.

    Until you can show me one quote of Taubes that violates thermodynamics, then I will think you are ignorant on the subject of Taubes' arguments.

    If calories from protein and fat have no effect on fat accumulation, what happens to those calories when eaten in a surplus?

    "If you restrict only carbohydra­tes, you can always eat more protein and fat if you feel the urge, since they have no effect on fat accumulati­on"

    Location 2519 Kindle edition of Why We Get Fat

    "But protein and fat don't make us fat-only the carbohydra­tes do-so there is no reason to curtail them in any way"

    Location 3064 Kindle edition of Why We Get Fat

    I don't have the book to validate these quotes, but they do seem a bit out there to me without any context. But they still don't violate the laws of thermodynamics. Taubes does acknowledge every calorie is accounted for, he just thinks if you eat excessive protein and/or fat without carbs then they won't get stored as fat, but instead will be burned. This is obviously false which is one of the disappointments I found in Taubes. How can he understand science as he showed in debunking the lipid hypothesis, and then make these kinds of claims.

    How can they be burned if eaten in a surplus? By definition you would be taking in more energy then you expend

    Taubes doesn't claim you can eat in a surplus and not gain weight. He wouldn't use that word at all.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    I am all for cutting back on carbs. I try to keep mine relatively low and focus on more protein... but I don't think whole grains are going to make me fat. Sugar, ice cream and brownies outside of moderation will!

    What is the difference though? When they break down, it all becomes glucose anyways?

    What makes whole grain a healthier carbohydrate than a tablespoon of pure sugar?

    That's exactly it, once they are broken down there really is no difference.

    Satiety and overall nutrition, which imo has a big effect on how we eat now. Carb consumption is about the same as it was in the early 1900's except fiber is about 40% less (exchanging whole for refined grain products) . Not much fast food back then and life was more rural, we moved more.

    I agree with your last sentence, but everything else you said before that is pure opinion.

    If you are worried about satiety, then fat and protein would be the route to go.
    Potatoes are the most satiating food on the planet and many carbs are very satiating, refined carbs not so much to almost non exisitant. Fat on the other hand is not very satiating at all on a calorie for calorie basis.

    Plus insulin is supposed to be a satiating hormone yet most obese folks secrete way too much of it but continue to overeat. And if fat wasn't satiating, then people on low carb, high fat diets would not be able to lose weight without counting calories, but many have great success. Sounds like there are paradoxes all over the place.
    Don't underestimate the satiating effects of protein alone.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    I've read the samples of his books, and watched him a bit on YouTube, and I have so far disagreed with most everything he has said. And he's been soundly debunked by knowledgeable people I actually respect. So, you can call me ignorant if you like, and I'll continue to call a spade a spade.

    Until you can show me one quote of Taubes that violates thermodynamics, then I will think you are ignorant on the subject of Taubes' arguments.
    I believe he said you can eat all the protein and fat you want because it won't be stored as fat, correct me if i'm wrong.

    If calories from protein and fat have no effect on fat accumulation, what happens to those calories when eaten in a surplus?

    "If you restrict only carbohydra­tes, you can always eat more protein and fat if you feel the urge, since they have no effect on fat accumulati­on"

    Location 2519 Kindle edition of Why We Get Fat

    "But protein and fat don't make us fat-only the carbohydra­tes do-so there is no reason to curtail them in any way"

    Location 3064 Kindle edition of Why We Get Fat

    I don't have the book to validate these quotes, but they do seem a bit out there to me without any context. But they still don't violate the laws of thermodynamics. Taubes does acknowledge every calorie is accounted for, he just thinks if you eat excessive protein and/or fat without carbs then they won't get stored as fat, but instead will be burned. This is obviously false which is one of the disappointments I found in Taubes. How can he understand science as he showed in debunking the lipid hypothesis, and then make these kinds of claims.

    How can they be burned if eaten in a surplus? By definition you would be taking in more energy then you expend

    Taubes doesn't claim you can eat in a surplus and not gain weight. He wouldn't use that word at all.

    I believe he said we can eat all the protein and fat we want because it won't be stored as body fat, correct me if i'm wrong.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I am all for cutting back on carbs. I try to keep mine relatively low and focus on more protein... but I don't think whole grains are going to make me fat. Sugar, ice cream and brownies outside of moderation will!

    What is the difference though? When they break down, it all becomes glucose anyways?

    What makes whole grain a healthier carbohydrate than a tablespoon of pure sugar?

    That's exactly it, once they are broken down there really is no difference.

    Satiety and overall nutrition, which imo has a big effect on how we eat now. Carb consumption is about the same as it was in the early 1900's except fiber is about 40% less (exchanging whole for refined grain products) . Not much fast food back then and life was more rural, we moved more.

    I agree with your last sentence, but everything else you said before that is pure opinion.

    If you are worried about satiety, then fat and protein would be the route to go.
    Potatoes are the most satiating food on the planet and many carbs are very satiating, refined carbs not so much to almost non exisitant. Fat on the other hand is not very satiating at all on a calorie for calorie basis.

    Plus insulin is supposed to be a satiating hormone yet most obese folks secrete way too much of it but continue to overeat. And if fat wasn't satiating, then people on low carb, high fat diets would not be able to lose weight without counting calories, but many have great success. Sounds like there are paradoxes all over the place.

    Unless of course it's the protein in the low carb/high fat diet that is satiating and not the fat so much.

    http://ucsyd.dk/fileadmin/user_upload/om_uc_syddanmark/dokumenter/marianne_markers_kursus_NRO/110228_Holt et al Satiety index.pdf
    Taubes doesn't claim you can eat in a surplus and not gain weight. He wouldn't use that word at all.

    So when he says they have zero effect on fat accumulation and that you can eat as much as you want, what is he saying?