
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    When I was pregnant, I ate an entire pan of brownies with cream cheese icing. I can not have those in my house or it would potentially happen again.
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    My issue is portion control

    I would look at the packet of something and it'd say serves four. I'd just think to myself not anymore it doesn't!

    too funny
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    i dont think we should count pregnancy things!!! cause really i had the weirdest food eating habits.. i ate a banana split icecream sunde ... like EVERYDAY.. french fries.. HAM lots of salty nasty HAM. and slim jims by the truck load!

    as for other non-pg times.. donuts were my thing.. i would buy two.. one for now.. one for later.. oooops.. nope ate that one too..
  • Sveid
    Sveid Posts: 37 Member
    White Cheddar Cheez-its. I can seriously eat an entire box without even thinking about it.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I used to eat two whole McDonalds sausage egg mcmuffins for breakfast, AND a hash brown! @_@
    I could also totally eat a whole Little Caesar's hot n ready pizza at one point.

    Eat a lot was fun, but not worth it.
  • Little Caesars breadsticks! Those were my favorite at one point. Not anymore though. Portion control is such a pain in the *kitten*, lol!

    Now, my biggest "guilty pleasure" is to drink a coke. I have to have one a week.
  • Hoover8it
    Hoover8it Posts: 107 Member
    6 pack of jumbo muffins
  • Order a whole Dominoes Pizza and eat the whole thing for supper. I can't do that anymore.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm curious folks, I ate a whole box of Good Humor Sundae Crunch bars (a while ago) did it more than once. It used to give me bad head aches. I still love them but I will not allow the box in my house I would rather pay $1.99 for one Sundae, then a box or $2.99. What have you done in the past, you refuse to do now?


    oh I loved the strawberry ones.... oh yum. I haven't had one in ages.

    no more midnight pizza deliveries lol
  • I cannot be near a bag of kettle chips. They are my kryptonite and do not stand a chance in my house. :( I can resist most anything else, but those dang chips are outlawed.

    oh god i love kettle chips, they are my weakness too. i could easily munch through a share packet in a matter of minutes....
    atleast, the old me could (though i'm not sure i would have the will power even now :P )

    that and pizza, i once ate an xxl stuffed crust papa johns pizza in one sitting, works out at 13 slices of pizza - 16" in diameter.....what was i doing to myself?!
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    A whole cake and frosting (usually two 8 inch rounds with the frosting in the middle) I'd buy and bake it within the day, then eat it that afternoon... No celebration, no reason... just wanted to eat cake... sometimes with a tub of ice cream... I'm shocked because I could also eat a big bowl of cereal, a sammich lunch with chips and a big dinner in the same day I ate the cake... I mean the cake alone had to be over 2,000 calories PLUS the frosting tub... and the ice cream?! Now I just make diet soda cupcakes so I eat an entire cupcake instead of an entire cake.
  • xhereinmyheadx
    xhereinmyheadx Posts: 39 Member
    I would eat an entire package of Oreos (either the regular kind, or the peanut butter kind; both are delicious!) I'd also eat like 4-5 things from Taco Bell. I think it was usually like a burrito, soft taco, chalupa, and a Mexican Pizza.

    I would constantly feel sick after any of those activities. Like, DEATHLY sick. I hate doing that to myself and really hope I don't slip back into it. I still suffer from binge eating from time to time, but at least it's not on any of those things I listed above, so I can usually integrate a bit of self control!
  • i can tell i'm still at that weak stage of turning a new page and getting a new lifestyle - talking about this food is making me so hungry :P MUST STAY STRONG
  • noweightfisherj
    noweightfisherj Posts: 220 Member
    I use to eat one serving on Ben & Jerry Chucky Monkey ice cream, except my one serving would be when the spoon hit the bottom of the empty ice cream carton.
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    An entire meaty stuffed crust pizza.. which only comes in large... and an entire frozen Key Lime pie. Ugh I disgust myself. I only get pizza on cheat days and key lime pie... too dangerous.
  • MoreThanMommie
    MoreThanMommie Posts: 597 Member
    McDonald's 10 piece chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce, large french fry, 2 mcdoubles, and a large Sprite.

    Monday I was pretty sure I wasn't going to have lost anything when I weighed. I pictured myself going and getting that exact same thing. But when I weighed and found that I had gained a pound, I was surprised that I didn't hit up the Micky D's. I was really pissed though, but my drive was to workout not stuff myself. :drinker:
  • skinEme1018
    skinEme1018 Posts: 25
    There are so many things i have eaten too much of....double stuffed oreos are the worst. Dont even allow them near me anymore. Good question.
  • amylynn96
    amylynn96 Posts: 114 Member
    White cheddar popcorn (family size bag). If this comes into my house it is gone that same day.

    sadly ive crushed a bag of smart food in one sitting, didnt even hesitate just mindless munching. its not one of those things u eat a handle of and stop, ya just dont LOL. i also recall some teenage years of ummmm "munchies" and crushing bowl after bowl after even larger bowl of cereal i couldnt get enough, and im sure some of you prolly know when your munching that way you lose your fullness feeling and just keep eating, lol. Now im all grown up and paying for it :(
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    One time I went grocery shopping and ate the lion's share of a full sized bag of Cheetos 'Simply Natural' Puffs on the drive home. They're so light and fluffy. I actually didn't feel sick afterwards, just really guilty. Then I lied to my husband--"No, I bought those the other day." :huh:

    A 2lb bag of gummy bears. It was HUGE--a friend bought it for me as a gift: "I know you love these. This should last you awhile." It lasted about 4 days. I didn't eat much else, but that's not the point. The other day I thought about buying a small, regular sized bag. I'll just have a few. Yeah, right. Who am I freakin' kidding?! Like I'm not going to eat the whole bag on the ride home?! I didn't buy 'em. Can't have them in the house AT ALL. :noway:
  • BCKS
    BCKS Posts: 287 Member
    Box of Swiss Cake rolls while I was in college. Man, I love those things. Can't have them in the house.

    LOVE those things! I like to keep them in the fridge and eat them cold. I always have to unroll them when I eat them. :laugh: