A bit about Dr. Oz.



  • Yes- I do know the difference, but just becuase someone has a medical degree they are also allowed to have their own beliefs and what works on how they loose weight. I just was making a point, I'm seeing all these people posting things that are this and that don't work, well unless you have a medical degree or a nutritional degree then you can't say you know better than him.
    Are you a doctor, or did you go to medical school and study rigorously? I don't like thate everyone here is trying to loose weight, loosing weight is a postive thing, but yet your focussing your energy on Doctor Oz? Yes the media makes stuff up or makes things bigger then it seems but maybe it is his beliefs and works for him. How can you say it doesn't work when clearly all of our bodies are different and react differently. It sounds and looks like to me with all the negative posters that you guys are miserble with yourself. focus on being happy with yourself, your weightloss goals, rather than immature bashing on a person we probally will never even see in person.
    that was cute, i guess. but i would like to state that medical science is not based in one's "beliefs."
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Are you a doctor, or did you go to medical school and study rigorously? I don't like thate everyone here is trying to loose weight, loosing weight is a postive thing, but yet your focussing your energy on Doctor Oz? Yes the media makes stuff up or makes things bigger then it seems but maybe it is his beliefs and works for him. How can you say it doesn't work when clearly all of our bodies are different and react differently. It sounds and looks like to me with all the negative posters that you guys are miserble with yourself. focus on being happy with yourself, your weightloss goals, rather than immature bashing on a person we probally will never even see in person.

    Hello there...I am quite happy with myself and in no ways miserable, but I also think that Dr. Oz will eventually kill someone with his quackery...if he hasn't already. Sorry to pop your little bubble there, but having an opinion other than yours does not mean that someone is unhappy. Just means they are smart enough to know what reality and fantasy are.
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    Every time I watch Dr Oz I become convinced I have whatever disease(s) he is hawking today, because apparently my everyday life is a symptom of horrible illness or imminent heart attack... I feel much better now that I stopped watching!!!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Yes- I do know the difference, but just becuase someone has a medical degree they are also allowed to have their own beliefs and what works on how they loose weight. I just was making a point, I'm seeing all these people posting things that are this and that don't work, well unless you have a medical degree or a nutritional degree then you can't say you know better than him.

    Ah I see, so let's talk about some of the recent weight loss supps he's recommended, raspberry ketones for example. Can you find me a single published study done on humans showing the efficacy of them?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Yes- I do know the difference, but just becuase someone has a medical degree they are also allowed to have their own beliefs and what works on how they loose weight. I just was making a point, I'm seeing all these people posting things that are this and that don't work, well unless you have a medical degree or a nutritional degree then you can't say you know better than him.

    If what he were preaching on the show came from his medical degree, then I would at least put some credibility into it. You apparently do not get that what comes out of his mouth is not medical information and is not sound science. Did you even read the link?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Yes- I do know the difference, but just becuase someone has a medical degree they are also allowed to have their own beliefs and what works on how they loose weight. I just was making a point, I'm seeing all these people posting things that are this and that don't work, well unless you have a medical degree or a nutritional degree then you can't say you know better than him.

    Ah I see, so let's talk about some of the recent weight loss supps he's recommended, raspberry ketones for example. Can you find me a single published study done on humans showing the efficacy of them?

    You're not a Dr therefore he is right you bitter man.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Yes- I do know the difference, but just becuase someone has a medical degree they are also allowed to have their own beliefs and what works on how they loose weight. I just was making a point, I'm seeing all these people posting things that are this and that don't work, well unless you have a medical degree or a nutritional degree then you can't say you know better than him.
    Are you a doctor, or did you go to medical school and study rigorously? I don't like thate everyone here is trying to loose weight, loosing weight is a postive thing, but yet your focussing your energy on Doctor Oz? Yes the media makes stuff up or makes things bigger then it seems but maybe it is his beliefs and works for him. How can you say it doesn't work when clearly all of our bodies are different and react differently. It sounds and looks like to me with all the negative posters that you guys are miserble with yourself. focus on being happy with yourself, your weightloss goals, rather than immature bashing on a person we probally will never even see in person.
    that was cute, i guess. but i would like to state that medical science is not based in one's "beliefs."

    Yes you can. It's called science, and most scientific literature is available freely if you know how to find it. Do you really believe everything some doctor tells you because he has an M.D.? If I did that, I'd be dead today. Last year, a doctor told me that my inability to breath and coughing fits were "just in my head." Thankfully, I went to the ER and turns out I had viral bronchitis with a secondary anti-biotic resistant bacterial infection. Glad I didn't just take him on faith because he had an M.D.

    Dr. Oz is out there making a LOT of money off of you and everyone else who buys the stuff he promotes. He relies on the fact that you don't do your own homework to sell products.
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    Yes- I do know the difference, but just becuase someone has a medical degree they are also allowed to have their own beliefs and what works on how they loose weight. I just was making a point, I'm seeing all these people posting things that are this and that don't work, well unless you have a medical degree or a nutritional degree then you can't say you know better than him.

    Ah I see, so let's talk about some of the recent weight loss supps he's recommended, raspberry ketones for example. Can you find me a single published study done on humans showing the efficacy of them?

  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Yes- I do know the difference, but just becuase someone has a medical degree they are also allowed to have their own beliefs and what works on how they loose weight. I just was making a point, I'm seeing all these people posting things that are this and that don't work, well unless you have a medical degree or a nutritional degree then you can't say you know better than him.

    Weight loss is not based in belief either. It's based in the science of human metabolism. He can believe whatever he wants, but it won't change how anyone's body works.

    He's a cardiovascular surgeon. He's not trained in nutrition or anything related to weight loss. He's trained in cutting open hearts. Coincidentally, he also has an MBA. He's better trained in business than he is in nutrition.
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    They have it on at the gym when I'm there. I just watch with my mouth hanging open in disbelief.

    That would be dangerous. I'd get all ironed up and throw a barbell plate at the TV.
    Nah, a dumbbell would probably be enough to do the damage. After all, that's what he's become these days!!! :laugh:
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I see snippets of the show a lot because I live with my mom and she watches the show religiously. I couldn't count the number of times I've heard a sentence that started with "Dr Oz says......"

    But honestly I don't really "get" the hatred. Other than he's a quack and is constantly promoting such random "miracle" cures for things... other than that I don't know. I don't know of any horrible things he has promoted on his show.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    If people would stop watching him, he'd be off the air. Sadly, no other way he's leaving.

    I told me dad i what I thought about him. Dad's response? No! He is a genius -.-

    He IS a genius--He's laughing all the way to the BANK!!
  • mncodergal
    mncodergal Posts: 58 Member
    Someone told me I was crazy because I said that cult leader came to mind when I asked what I thought of him....but I was soooo serious. This is just my personal experience but a lot of people who watch him say stuff like "Dr Oz says... "Dr Oz recommends..."Dr Oz suggests... and some follow him like he is the gospel truth over their own personal Dr. Its just not my cup of tea...

    Replace "Oz" with "Oprah". My sister thought she was God. It was/is disgusting what spews out of their mouths and people actually stop and listen.

    Just my opinion of course...
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    Some of the things he talks about are helpful. I never would have thought to check my vitamin D level. After listening to that show I asked my Dr. he said no we don't check it as part of regular labs. I asked that he please check mine and it was beyond low. Explained a lot of why I was tired and so on.
  • I've never heard of Dr Oz until I joined MFP, tbh :blushing:

    I thought Oprah's guru was Dr Phil :laugh:
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I see snippets of the show a lot because I live with my mom and she watches the show religiously. I couldn't count the number of times I've heard a sentence that started with "Dr Oz says......"

    But honestly I don't really "get" the hatred. Other than he's a quack and is constantly promoting such random "miracle" cures for things... other than that I don't know. I don't know of any horrible things he has promoted on his show.

  • Seriously? I not a forum person, but seriously? Are you guys aware of the amount of stupidity in this discussion? The man has a TV show.
    1) You're not forced to watch his TV show.
    2) It's his TV show, he can do whatever the **** he wants.
    3) If someone dies because of him it's their own damn fault.

    Like, seriously? Who the hell is stupid to the point of risking their life because of a guy on TV? It was your choice to watch the show and it was your choice to **** up. If I go on TV and tell you to buy a sword and start killing people with it will you do it? Of course not. If you don't have the judgement to make health related decisions and you do them based on a freaking TV show you shouldn't even be allowed to own a TV.
  • paulagabay
    paulagabay Posts: 96
    He has knowlegable information but lately he does seem to have gone over the edge especially when he starts endorsing psychics and mediums and endorsing olive oil for dandruff. I just take the shopping cart theory taking what I like and leaving the rest.
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    Nah I watch him because he does give out some knowledgable info

    True that! I dont buy into everything but I do belive that he does try to help and I dont think its a bad thing to explore other things besides the pharm companys
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    Yes- I do know the difference, but just becuase someone has a medical degree they are also allowed to have their own beliefs and what works on how they loose weight. I just was making a point, I'm seeing all these people posting things that are this and that don't work, well unless you have a medical degree or a nutritional degree then you can't say you know better than him.
    Are you a doctor, or did you go to medical school and study rigorously? I don't like thate everyone here is trying to loose weight, loosing weight is a postive thing, but yet your focussing your energy on Doctor Oz? Yes the media makes stuff up or makes things bigger then it seems but maybe it is his beliefs and works for him. How can you say it doesn't work when clearly all of our bodies are different and react differently. It sounds and looks like to me with all the negative posters that you guys are miserble with yourself. focus on being happy with yourself, your weightloss goals, rather than immature bashing on a person we probally will never even see in person.
    that was cute, i guess. but i would like to state that medical science is not based in one's "beliefs."

    Yes you can. It's called science, and most scientific literature is available freely if you know how to find it. Do you really believe everything some doctor tells you because he has an M.D.? If I did that, I'd be dead today. Last year, a doctor told me that my inability to breath and coughing fits were "just in my head." Thankfully, I went to the ER and turns out I had viral bronchitis with a secondary anti-biotic resistant bacterial infection. Glad I didn't just take him on faith because he had an M.D.

    Dr. Oz is out there making a LOT of money off of you and everyone else who buys the stuff he promotes. He relies on the fact that you don't do your own homework to sell products.

    I had a similar experience with an MD. Thought I was looking for sympathy until the blood work, which I insisted he complete, came back. I had an e. coli infection that could have killed me had I not demanded treatment.

    That pretty much ended my trust in the medical professionals of today.