I can't control my eating.



  • lisabrezina1980
    lisabrezina1980 Posts: 60 Member
    Wow! This sounds just like me! I am starting to do a little better with my food choices but it isn't easy! Try to take it slow and don't panic! Don't tell yourself no you can't have this, tell yourself you can have a little. But first give yourself time to get some control. If I were to go out today and get a candy bar, I would say oh well I blew it, might as well get the hamburger/chicken/pizza I have been wanting since I blew it anyway.
    So, I'm taking some things away for awhile, like fast food and sweets, and everyday that I don't grab something through a drive through or the check out lane I am getting stronger. There have been so many times when I would say, "I'll eat everything I want and start a diet tomorrow." When tomorrow would come I would repeat the process until I even gave up trying to diet.
    Anyway, I am just starting out and have a long way to go. I have realized that ioets are a temporary fix and that I need to change my life or I wi llalways go up and down in weight. My eating is not "clean" but it is much better than what I used to eat daily. I am finally getting to understand that junk food is a treat and is ok in moderation, but before I can have any I need to be able to stop at one meal and not make it a whole day.
    Hang in there and don't give up cut back slowly, then all together and then slowly introduce those treats back into your life when you can handle them. It does suck sometimes, but working out really does help and if you need any subsittuion ideas let me know, I don't eat the healthiest but I still eat delicious food. Every little bit helps :)
  • mysteri293
    mysteri293 Posts: 1
    I am surely no expert at this.but if you break it down into small "accomplishments". Start by eliminating 1 or 2 items in your daily diet for a week or two and then eliminate something else for a couple of weeks.
    Maintain a lood chart for every day (even days that you binge). The more aware you are of what you are eating the easier it is to take responsibility for what you consume.

    Another thing that helps is to eat healthy during the week and tend to relax a little on the weekends.
    Never, go shopping when you are hungry.
    Keep "healthy" snacks like carrots, celery or an apple readily available This way you wont be tempted to eat 'cookies' or 'candy'.
    Try to plan at least a day in advance what you will eat and dont skip meals. Just be sure to make the best out of your meal planning.
    Start a new way of dealing with "emotional" binging.
    Start walking....try 15 minutes of brisk walking a couple of times a day. Or, whatever you feel comfortable with.
    Remember it takes time and effort to accomplish your goal.
  • luluwubu
    luluwubu Posts: 14
    'might as well get the hamburger/chicken/pizza I have been wanting since I blew it anyway.'

    There have been so many times when I would say, "I'll eat everything I want and start a diet tomorrow." When tomorrow would come I would repeat the process until I even gave up trying to diet.

    I totally know where you're coming from on this ^^^^^^ Tomorrow is another day and I will keep on trying.
  • kesslertg
    kesslertg Posts: 54 Member
    Lots of good comments. Not sure I can improve or offer much new.

    But I got up to 217 lbs (226 lbs at my largest) and doc put me on blood pressure and cholesterol, told me my blood sugar was elevated, etc.

    And I am just like you. I love food, eat a lot, and don't think about how much, just how good it tastes.

    But I kept thinking that I don't see myself as a 217lb man. And that thought kept popping up. So ... I finally decided that I needed accountability - grew up in a pretty unstructured environment and don't consider myself very structured. But MyFitnessPal really does give us accountability. I add every calorie even on the horrible, blow out days.

    At first I did great and lost 21 lbs. Then last week was really horrible. But my MFP friends saved me ... pulled me back in after regaining 5 lbs. Now I'm back to 21 lbs. I guess my message is that you really can control your eating if you decide that the weight you are at now is not how you see yourself. And you can agree to be more accountable. And you can start using MFP without fail. Look at some of the other folks daily food diaries and see what they are eating. That might help.

    Good luck. You don't need surgery. You need happiness. MFP is the doorway and all your friends here will be on the other side to welcome, help, and support you on good and bad days.

  • new318
    new318 Posts: 27 Member
    My long lost sister in the food war! You just wrote about me :/ I feel your pain and do the same thing! I have started this 5 or 6 times and am just now starting to do well on it. I have found a few tricks and somethings that help. I know for some reason a banana works to cure sugar/ chocolate cravings and I splurge big one day a week...Im talking bad splurge. Today was that day. I make sure I walk enough each bad to have some chocolate or twirlers..It is my end of day reward :) Tea has no calories and either does truvia sweetener. Friend request me. Ive got a few friends going through the same thing and we do DAILY ACCOUNTABILITY! It helps so much!!! Celebrate every other pound if it makes you smile. I just reached 6 pound I think :)
  • neale68
    neale68 Posts: 5
    I'm in the same boat right now, although it's only been a day since I started. I know the journey is going to take the rest of my life time. And it's about making healthy choices, but I'm like you, I want to eat what I want to eat RIGHT NOW. I know it will change, but it's about re-programming my brain.
  • new318
    new318 Posts: 27 Member
    Youre starting tomorrow with me :) Sound like a plan?
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    Believe it or not, chewing slowly totally helps. Your tummy has time to tell your brain, "I'm full!" before you keep gorging. You also learn to enjoy food again over time. I think its about changing your mindset to, this is fuel for my body.. not, this will make me feel better. Good luck! Xo
  • DoozerDMB
    DoozerDMB Posts: 129 Member
    Everyone has really good advice :) You HAVE to WANT to do this. I used to do a lot of mindless eating.. not paying attention to what I was eating, how much, how it tastes, etc, left me feeling unsatisfied. I know longer go to the pantry and leave the kitchen with an entire bag of (whatever I want at that moment). I now measure it out and put the rest away. I pay attention to what I am eating and enjoy every bite. Chew it, savor it.... kinda like the wine tasters lol. If I'm not satisfied when I am finished I think about what it is I am trying to feel... or why I wanted it in the first place. Is it emotional eating, boredom? Craving? etc.
    Tracking every bite and seeing it in black and white will also help. The other day I had a dunkin donut chocolate munchkin - I put in the tracker and didn't want another one! 100 calories for 1 was not worth it to me!
  • new318
    new318 Posts: 27 Member
    I am always up for accountability partners feel free to add me as a friend on here! new318
  • watercolormama
    watercolormama Posts: 131 Member
    Not melodramatic, but honest. This journey requires a lot of soul searching and being honest about why we make choices. Starting by making one small right choice is the beginning. Then take another step. Maybe start by logging everything, or drinking the required water, or cutting out one of your bad choices (chips), but be committed. Move on once you have done well with the new goal. You could allow yourself to buy one small measured bag of chips at the end of one week of staying on your plan. You have to think it through and 'PLAN'. I read a couple of the stories from the "community" section at each meal to stay encouraged that I am not alone and I can do this.
  • Meegz84
    Meegz84 Posts: 74
    What's going through my head is a pig headed greed of wanting what I want. Nothing else matters except getting hold of that food. Feels like a drug, but I know that's being melodramatic.

    Perhaps you need a referral to go and talk to someone about this and figure out what is triggering you. Or some NLP therapy I think it is, trying to reprogram the way you think/respond to things.
  • I have the same problem. It is not as simple as deciding not to eat. that only makes me wont to eat more. For me it started in high school as emotional eating. I also had a medical problem witch did not allow me to levee the house unsupervised by a family member. being that both my parents worked..... The only thing there was to do was eat. know over 10 years later I am able to travel on my own but have never kicked the eating problem. When I go into a binge I have no control. My mind seas stop but physically I cant. I will fight someone to get to food if that's what it takes. (saidly Im not over stating this). Recently I have started a medically supervised diet. HMR. The diff between this and other plans is you can eat as much as you wont as long as it is HMR food. Last month alown I lost 14lb. The problem is it is expensive. I can barlly afford it there for on weeks I cant buy a lot of there food I fall off the wagon. If you have money about an extra $150 a week this is a good option.