Looking for 1200 cals a day friends



  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Hi, please feel free to add me too, I am UK based and on roughly 1200 when not exercising. Trying to shift last 10lbs at about 1lb a week. Good Luck Jules xx
  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    12000 in London here, always happy to have more friends! :-)
  • julie9200
    julie9200 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm also on 1200 cals a day at the moment. I'm based in the US, but feel free to add me
  • kirsty736
    kirsty736 Posts: 65
    I'm on 1200 per day & from NI so feel free to add me :)
  • toxicmikki
    toxicmikki Posts: 60 Member
    I'm on 1200 per day and don't have a problem staying within my goal. I'm in the U.S. Feel free to add me :)
  • me too on 1200 a day (although i dont count drinks) and in Kent, UK x
  • JupitersGhost
    JupitersGhost Posts: 64 Member
    I'm from Herts and try to aim for 1200cal a day (I don't always make it - opps). I've been around here for a good while now, but cleared my diary recently for various reasons so there's not much there now. Anyway, I'm rambling.. Feel free to add me! :) I log daily.
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    Anyone in this thread that is tired of trying to adhere to a made up number, stalls in their weight loss, or feels tired/hungry all the time shoot me a message. I will help you out. You don't have to starve yourself to lose.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Wow. This is horrible. I doubt that there are very many people alive that can eat 1200 a day and actually be healthy. It seems sad to me that this is a thing. Do it if you want to, but I don't think it's healthy. 1200 a day, even from the medical community is minimally surviving for most people. Again, take it for what it's worth. Check out fat2fitradio.com. Most of you would probably be more in the 1800 to 2100 calorie range.
  • heatherterp
    heatherterp Posts: 239
    I am at 1210 with out earned calories. It is tough would love the support too!!!
  • I'm on 1200/day and most days come under my calorie goal, but only thanks to jogging stairs and using hand weights while watching tv.
  • my goal is 1270. but I usually eat around 1500-1700 because I burn around 500 each day :)
  • polehero
    polehero Posts: 7 Member
    ya 1200 calories a day is so hard i usually end up getting to 1300 but it is still helping me loose the baby weight. but not to worry guys we will do it ! how much more do you guys want to loose ?
  • amy_marlene
    amy_marlene Posts: 178 Member
    i'm on 1200 cals too. feel free to add me :)
  • trish407
    trish407 Posts: 9 Member
    I am eating 1200 cals a day. 1200 calories does not have to mean starving. As a matter of fact when eating the right food I have to force myself to eat it all. Lean meats and vegetables go a long way.
  • my food diary is open if anyone wants to look and give me any advice :) Im on 1200 cal. Send me a message :)
  • TheTrimTim
    TheTrimTim Posts: 220 Member
    I'm from the UK and working at 1200 calories / day. Add me!
  • Hi, I am also from the UK and on 1200 cal per day - feel free to add me too!:smile:
  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    Alina - from the US - on 1200 a day - anyone in this thread can feel free to add me. I don't work out at all currently so 1200 a day is what MFP says I need to lose weight. I WANT to work out, and I am definitely going to start soon, and when I do might adjust my caloric intake. School is what's holding me back in case you were wondering. My diary is open to all my MFP friends. I am a vegetarian and I strive to pack in AS MUCH food as I can into 1200 calories while still being really healthy. I don't eat junk.
  • Alina - from the US - on 1200 a day - anyone in this thread can feel free to add me. I don't work out at all currently so 1200 a day is what MFP says I need to lose weight. I WANT to work out, and I am definitely going to start soon, and when I do might adjust my caloric intake. School is what's holding me back in case you were wondering. My diary is open to all my MFP friends. I am a vegetarian and I strive to pack in AS MUCH food as I can into 1200 calories while still being really healthy. I don't eat junk.

    just read your diary, good to see what others eat to keep the calories low as thats what i find hard, keeping the cals low but also being healthy at the same time :) thanks for the add x