Protein Shake Farts Versus Women's Perfume



  • mollyjb3
    mollyjb3 Posts: 8 Member
    Fun fact for the day/this topic: Every day you are breathing in about 1/4 of other people's farts.
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    I used to work with a girl that always smelled like a combination of Elizabeth Arden's Sunflowers, smoke, and cat pee. I don't know how she managed that EVERY DAY but it was disgusting. Worst part. She didn't even own a cat.

    Okay - that just made me totally LOL - for reals! How do you smell like a cat if you don't own one! I'M SKEERED!!!
  • AmandaPandah
    AmandaPandah Posts: 222 Member
    My perfume smells like vanilla donuts <3
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I personally don't like perfume. I'm more a body spray kinda gal.

    I get stuck in the elevator about once a week with some dude that has literally bathed in his cologne or aftershave. The first couple of times I just held my breath and prayed I'd get to my floor before I passed out but now if he gets on the elevator I get off at the next floor and wait on another lift.

    hold on, you weekly get stuck in an elevator with the same person? I think the bigger problem here is why does it always break with him in there? The safer option would be to monitor when he goes in, then let him through, and you go after. Or before him and close the doors fast so he cant get in. OR just take the stairs going up/down to avoid the situatuion in all it's entirety.

    But to answer the question.. I dont think I have ever smelt a protien shake fart to be honest. I may have smelt something simular though. We have this powder to mix into water that is supposed to give you all the vitamins and nutrients and yadda yadda. But later in the afternoon, as I went to the bathroom, (sorry if TMI) it DID smell rather sweet. It was god-awful because it was a sweet scent. It wasnt a protien shake, but it was sweet and foul. Is that the same?

    Last thought: It has been said that death smells sweet and rotten. Anyone can say truth to false on the situation?
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'd rather smell the worst, strongest perfume than anyone's farts, even if that anyone is a beautiful unicorn whose farts smell like flowers and destiny

    I can't get over the fact that something that came out of your butt is in my lungs
  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    yuck at RED Door type of smelly perfumes that nasty junk my mom wears wakes me up out of a dead sleep when she sprays it. farts slap you in the face but leave after awhile nasty purfumes just tick me off!!!! lol love this thread laughed so hard at most ppls comments...
  • badgranola
    badgranola Posts: 67 Member
    I used to work with a girl that always smelled like a combination of Elizabeth Arden's Sunflowers, smoke, and cat pee. I don't know how she managed that EVERY DAY but it was disgusting. Worst part. She didn't even own a cat.

    Okay - that just made me totally LOL - for reals! How do you smell like a cat if you don't own one! I'M SKEERED!!!

    HAHA! I KNOW! I have no idea how she managed that one! It was terrible. We worked at a law firm, and she always had to do the filing..the filing cabinets were RIGHT BEHIND my desk. I brought a scented candle in to work but it just made matters worse when more scents were in the mix
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    I'd rather smell the worst, strongest perfume than anyone's farts, even if that anyone is a beautiful unicorn whose farts smell like flowers and destiny

    I can't get over the fact that something that came out of your butt is in my lungs

    I'M DEVESTATED OVER THIS BUTT PARTICLE INFORMATION! Are we sure lung cancer stems mostly from smoking or butt particle breathing? *MUST FIND ONE OF THOSE MASK THINGIES IMMEDIATELY*!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Any body smell in the gym is 10x worse then normal. All that body heat makes a light perfume over powering (I learned that the hard way when I was suddenly able to smell the scented lotion I put on 10hours earlier) and unnoticeable BO because gag worthy. :sick: I've learned what gym members to avoid working out near.
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    yuck at RED Door type of smelly perfumes that nasty junk my mom wears wakes me up out of a dead sleep when she sprays it. farts slap you in the face but leave after awhile nasty purfumes just tick me off!!!! lol love this thread laughed so hard at most ppls comments...

    You know, now that you mention it, over powering (or as you described "RED DOOR" could be considered a type of "weapon of mass destruction"! You are so right about farts slapping you in the face!
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I'd pick perfume also, if it's "clean."

    If it's that Pink Sugar perfume that smells like a cheap hooker? Not so much.
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    I'd pick perfume also, if it's "clean."

    If it's that Pink Sugar perfume that smells like a cheap hooker? Not so much.

    hahahaha, I have some of that Pink Sugar perfume! I'll be sure not to wear it to the gym! :wink:
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I'd pick perfume also, if it's "clean."
    If it's that Pink Sugar perfume that smells like a cheap hooker? Not so much.
    hahahaha, I have some of that Pink Sugar perfume! I'll be sure not to wear it to the gym! :wink:
    I do too! I hate the powdery or musky scents that choke you.
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    I'd pick perfume also, if it's "clean."

    If it's that Pink Sugar perfume that smells like a cheap hooker? Not so much.

    hahahaha, I have some of that Pink Sugar perfume! I'll be sure not to wear it to the gym! :wink:

    Or maybe it's Pink Kiss........yeah, that's it, Pink Kiss. Cause surely I would NEVER choose anything that smells like a cheap hooker! (going to take my red light bulb out of the porch light)!!! TOTALLY KIDDING!!
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    I can't get over the fact that something that came out of your butt is in my lungs
    Then you're really not going to like this:

    Matter cannot be created or destroyed. It just is. So over the however-many-billions-of-years our universe has existed, there has been the same amount of matter.

    With this in mind, matter is recycled throughout the universe. A supernova destroys a star a billion years ago...a baby is born here. So you are ancient. You are stardust.

    That said, a fart also has--in very microscopic levels--mass. So you could say that you are farting something ancient and wonderful and mysterious. But, while it doesn't have the same molecular component, the same bit parts...the hadrons and quarks and protons and electrons...that make up your farts make up your lungs and, more importantly you.

    So in the same way that you, and everyone around you, is parts of recycled and everyone you know is also recycled farts.

    Does it still seem so bad?
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    Any body smell in the gym is 10x worse then normal. All that body heat makes a light perfume over powering (I learned that the hard way when I was suddenly able to smell the scented lotion I put on 10hours earlier) and unnoticeable BO because gag worthy. :sick: I've learned what gym members to avoid working out near.

    I've had the same problem with a lotion too. OOPS! Lesson learned, I definitely don't need anything to make me more self conscious at the gym! :embarassed:
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    I can't get over the fact that something that came out of your butt is in my lungs
    Then you're really not going to like this:

    Matter cannot be created or destroyed. It just is. So over the however-many-billions-of-years our universe has existed, there has been the same amount of matter.

    With this in mind, matter is recycled throughout the universe. A supernova destroys a star a billion years ago...a baby is born here. So you are ancient. You are stardust.

    That said, a fart also has--in very microscopic levels--mass. So you could say that you are farting something ancient and wonderful and mysterious. But, while it doesn't have the same molecular component, the same bit parts...the hadrons and quarks and protons and electrons...that make up your farts make up your lungs and, more importantly you.

    So in the same way that you, and everyone around you, is parts of recycled and everyone you know is also recycled farts.

    Does it still seem so bad?

    So.......what you're saying is..................NO REALLY, that's crazy - but I am a huge supporter of recycling - so maybe it's not so bad after all (now there's still the issue of SMELL - damn stinky star)! :ohwell:
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    And this is why I don't go to a gym. Do I have to choose between an allergy attack and farts?! That's like asking me to choose between marmite and......marmite.

    I actually can't choose. They're both horrible. Also, hilarious topic. :laugh: Thanks, I needed that.

    marmite, eh? haha

    i would choose farts because they eventually dissipate ... perfume LINGERS. i just inherited a pretty good wrist rest and matching mouse pad that also has a wrist cushion, but they are SOAKED with awful White Diamonds perfume aroma. I don't know how to get rid of it! They are super comfortable, but I can't stand this smell much longer ...
  • kelif5959
    kelif5959 Posts: 202
    And this is why I don't go to a gym. Do I have to choose between an allergy attack and farts?! That's like asking me to choose between marmite and......marmite.

    I actually can't choose. They're both horrible. Also, hilarious topic. :laugh: Thanks, I needed that.

    marmite, eh? haha

    i would choose farts because they eventually dissipate ... perfume LINGERS. i just inherited a pretty good wrist rest and matching mouse pad that also has a wrist cushion, but they are SOAKED with awful White Diamonds perfume aroma. I don't know how to get rid of it! They are super comfortable, but I can't stand this smell much longer ...

    Aww man, I had some white diamonds once.......yes, never again! Pressure-behind-the-eyes strong!!! I say burn them - it's not worth their comfyness! :wink:
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I'd much rather smell a fart than perfume. A fart wont trigger my asthma, perfume does. There seems to be a theory atm, the stonger the perfume the 'better' it is. :grumble: