Is a Fitbit worth the money?



  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    I've seen it (my friend has one and uses it with the iphone app) and I, too, have thought that this might be an interesting investment, but what I'm afraid of is getting it, seeing all the calories I burn from moving around, and then thinking, oh, then I can eat an extra x calories because I burned this much by walking around and stuff! When in reality, the MFP calculator already calculated about that many calories into my daily allowance because I told it that I had a "lightly active" lifestyle rather than a "sedentary" one.
    So if you do get one, make sure you don't do that. But if not to use fitbit to see how many calories you burn, then what do you use it for? So I don't think it's actually worth the price tag...if it will help you burn an extra 12 calories or so getting from burning 388 calories a day to 400 calories a day, and you think it's worth it, then by all means, go ahead!
    But personally, I don't think fitbit is for me.

    It actually links with your MFP settings and will take what you have on here and make adjustments accordingly, so instead of seeing your fitbit allowance vs. MFP calculator, it factors in what you have entered on here and adjusts for what you're doing that specific day. I have to say that although you need to put in extra effort (still wear your HRM for activities that aren't walking) and enter them on here with the specific time of day when you started and stopped, I feel like this helps motivate me more as well as give me more accurate readings when used in conjunction with my HRM and MFP. I wasn't sure at first but bought one for my mom and myself and we both really enjoy them!
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    No, not really. I've had mine since January and don't find it particularly useful or motivating.

    Then i`ll give you a tenner for it...:bigsmile:

    Might as well cut your losses...

    Heh! I agree, sell it to someone that does want it. I'll take it! How much do you want for it?
  • annamook
    annamook Posts: 28
    I also love my fit bit. It has definitely caused me to increase my activity. I take stairs instead of elevators and escalators. When I am waiting for my train, if there is extra time, I'll climb stairs just to add to my count. If i get home from work and I haven't hit 10,000 steps I'll go for a walk. It has caused an increase in my activity level. I find it extremely accurate for walking and stairs - it over estimates distance when I run though - I assume its a stride thing, not sure.

    I think its worth the money because it is a device used for your fitness and health, which is really worth investing in. I use the thing every single day. If you can't stand to spend that much, tell friends or relatives you want one for mother's day or your birthday
  • annamook
    annamook Posts: 28
    No, not really. I've had mine since January and don't find it particularly useful or motivating.

    Then i`ll give you a tenner for it...:bigsmile:

    Might as well cut your losses...

    Heh! I agree, sell it to someone that does want it. I'll take it! How much do you want for it?

    my sister in law got hers for a reduced price on ebay - she loves hers too
  • HeatherGTaylor
    HeatherGTaylor Posts: 48 Member
    Fitbit fan here! I love that it tracks my daily activity so I can step it up if I'm to low. I was super afraid of the cost but in my opinion it's paid for itself 10x over.
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    I'm an info-geek, so for the feedback that it gives me, it is worth every penny. :heart:

    Fitbit = Awareness
    Awareness = Motivation for Movement
    Motivation for Movement = Fit & Healthy
    Fit & Healthy = Love
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I am a cheap sake, I bought a refurbished fitbit, for $68, yea it was dead and never worked for me. I talked to the fitbit costumer service, and when they could get it working either, they replaced it at no cost to me, even though I didn't buy it from there site. Then I returned the dead one and got a full refund. So mine was free :happy:

    I think any-one who can afford it, should get one. It tracks my activity and breaks down my day into different charts and graphs, It is tiny and I just clip it to my bra and wear it all day. I love that you only charge it like 1-2 times a week, and it only takes about 30 minutes. I love that it sync's with MFP, and just adds my calories burned for me.
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    it depends on how you utilize it. It can be only a pedometer, if that is the case then go cheaper. However, if you use the website, sync it to MFP and actually let it motivate you, it is well worth the money. I LOVE mine!!!!
  • sugarnspicere
    sugarnspicere Posts: 45 Member
    I LOVE mine. I lost it in the house for a while and felt so lost without it. It's a great tool for tracking your steps and daily burn.
  • skybird455
    skybird455 Posts: 172 Member
    here is a great site that has the fitbit and bodybugg side by side for comparison

    and here is a good review of the possible inaccuracy that might come with the hefty purchase

    not to bring anyone down, just useful information. I am researching to see if I get one too.. I found out the calorie counter on my treadmill is inaccurate because it is programmed at the manufactering facility for a 200 lb man walking or thats 40 lbs over me.
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    I use a heart rate monitor with a chest strap. I just don't get how fitbit could give accurate readings on calories burned. Does anyone use both? Do they match up?

    They are 2 totally different devices. I use both. Fitbit all the time and HRM for Cardio (running) you log your calories burned on the HRM and it asks what time you started. Fitbit automatically adjusts the calorie count for you so it doesn't double log. I love that it syncs with MFP, it is flawless so far.

    Yep -- this.

    I've had mine since November of last year, and except for showering and charging it is ALWAYS on me. In fact, I love mine *so* much that I bought a second one just in case (G-d forbid!) something happens to the one I have! I use my Polar FT4 to calculate the calorie burns for when I do my cardio and kettlebell, and let the integration between MFP and Fitbit adjust the calories burned accordingly.

    I find it motivating and I end up challenging myself everyday to see if I can exceed yesterday by even a few steps... and when I see the additional "Fitbit adjustment" in my calories for the day I don't immediately run and gobble down a snack. I just consider it a bonus!
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    It depends on how much you move now..... I think it's a great tool if you are sedentary or lightly active. Also are you a numbers person. Are you paying close attention to your numbers here?

    I have had a fitbit for a long time and it motivated me some. There were days when I saw how little I moved and felt bad or how much I did move and felt good. But it didn't really change my habits. I thought it would help motivate me more. Still I kept wearing it and it became more of a novelty thing.

    It's the combo of MFP and Fitbit that got me really going. I started to push myself to 10K steps a day. It would keep me on the treadmill for an extra 10 mins if it meant I got 10K in steps and some extra exercise calories. It's the fact these two sites sync with each other that works for me. I now see how much I burn in a day and how much I eat etc. I make sure I get the fuel I need on days when I move more vs the days when I don't. I like how I know exactly how many calories I burn all day.

    Last week I noticed I was easily going over 10K almost every day so I upped my goals.... now I'm aiming for 13K. I figured with the warmer weather I would move more and this would motivate me. It really has taught me how to change my lifestyle vs just diet.

    I also joined too...... I just recently maxed out in points for the day. That felt good. I don't use the points there yet but I like checking in once in a while to see how I am doing there too.

    So for me.... it's the feedback, seeing my exercise calories here, seeing how many very active minutes I have and how many steps I take on Fitbit, seeing the points I earn on It's constant reminders that I'm trying to get healthy. But if you are already pretty active and you want motivation in the gym or with more serious workouts... get a HRM. I'm sure that will be next on my list but I'm still working on building up stamina. It's up to your personality because it's obvious... Fitbit works for some and not for others.
  • Jodiekate
    Jodiekate Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for the feedback everyone, think I'm going to take the plunge and get one.

    I'll let you know what I think!
  • stacymay13
    stacymay13 Posts: 95 Member

  • kristynkayte
    kristynkayte Posts: 69 Member
    I had never even heard of them...i just googled them and i must have one!!!!!
  • hobbitgrrl
    hobbitgrrl Posts: 67 Member
    it depends on how you utilize it. It can be only a pedometer, if that is the case then go cheaper. However, if you use the website, sync it to MFP and actually let it motivate you, it is well worth the money. I LOVE mine!!!!

    ^^ This!! I love my FitBit too!
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    My husband and I both have fitbits, and it has helped us be more active, and just slightly competitive with each other, in a good way.

    I think they were totally worth it.
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    First off: It is worth the money? Yes, 100 times yes!

    It seems expensive for what it does, but unlike a pedometer that can just count your steps, FitBit measures the INTENSITY of those steps, for example uphill steps vs. running steps vs. walking slow steps.

    Second, the price also includes LIFETIME ACCESS to their awesome website. The BodyBugg, BodyMedia Fit, and some of the others cost as much or more but do not give you lifetime access. Considering the costs to develop, host, and maintain a website, (I'm a website programmer for a living, and I can tell you we get paid very well) paying a little more up front seems like a pretty good bargain.

    Next, do you think you'd be as motivated to use a $10 pedometer or something you shelled out $100 for? I don't like to waste my money, so if I am making a $100 commitment to buy something, I'm making a commitment to use it!

    Do YOU want to lose weight badly enough?
  • meadowmail77
    meadowmail77 Posts: 64 Member
    I love mine! I sometimes get frustrated with their website however. My overall experience though I love it. :)
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I was given the older version in December. It's a fun toy.

    Is money no object? Sure, buy one. It provides feedback, has a nice site and you can link to MFP. But it's most useful for people who are not all that active and want to ensure that they are at least getting in a minimal amount of steps each day. If you are getting in a vigorous cardio workout several times a week it's less essential.

    Someone here asked whether she should buy a Fitbit or a heart rate monitor, as money was tight. Most people, including me, recommended the HRM.