i didn't really kjnow what to put this topice under but here felt like the best bet...

Are there any acne sufferers on her who have managed to fet past it? I've had it since i was ten and is really getting me down? I'm not looking for a cure because i know everybody is different but if you could let me know what worked for you, any hints and tips would be most welcome. is there any specifice food i should be eating??? should i be doing more excercise than i already do???

Mine is quite severe and i've tried all sorts of face washes and creams from the shops. i've had cream and pills from the doctors but nothing helps :( Also starting to scar :'(

Any advice and experiences would be most welcome


  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    This is what has helped me (I think):
    1. Washing with a gentle cleanser (as many said, I did the harsh acne washes in the past). I use Purpose face wash and try to only wash 2 times a day
    2. Witch Hazel toner! Made a huge difference, 1time a day and Alpha hydroxy acid every other night ( I got it from, helps with darks spots too.
    3. bc pill
    4. drinking more water
    5. tea
    6. eating more fruit and veggies (high vitamin a)
    7. exercise (relieve stress)
    8. less coffee, no smoking,
    9. not over drying or over moisturizing (I use Clinque dramatically different moisturizing GEL)
    10. Praying!

    I am going to also try avoiding dairy, and avoid my whey protein shakes this month to see if that makes even more of a difference because I have been pretty clear for about 3 months, but I am attending quite a few weddings in the upcoming months so I want to try to avoid even the occasional monthly flare up.
  • wildboar1
    wildboar1 Posts: 88
    All dermatologists will tell you that your diet is irrelevant when it comes to most forms of acne.

    The only thing that works is Accutane. It's a godsend.
  • lauren128m
    lauren128m Posts: 75
    I agree. My skin has gotten so much better since I've been eating healthier, drinking more water, taking vitamins, and the birth control pill.

    I still have scarring from my acne, don't pick!!!! That's what caused most of mine. Also see a dermatologist sometimes they can put you on an antibiotic just until your acne is under control, and then pick a topical to prevent future breakouts. Ive been using Epiduo topical for about a year now. Works great.
  • V3ggieL0vinGinger
    When I was 14, I got antibiotics from the doctor and took them for about 3-4 months and they cleared my nasty acne right up! If that didn't work for you, I would suggest cutting out dairy from your diet for a bit and seeing if that makes a difference. I've got a friend who's skin acts up whenever she eats dairy. I use an acne cream from Biotherm and it is truly fantastic! Also, have you tried the Clarisonic? I have one and I am in love!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Washing face twice daily with a good quality cleansing system (Proactiv is awesome but expensive), keeping my skin properly moisturized with a non-clogging lightweight moisturizer, and making sure to use high quality makeup definitely worked for me.

    The ONLY makeup that doesn't break me out is Clinique. I use their gel moisturizers also, and they are wonderful.

    FWIW, my skin looks 100x better now that I'm more active and taking better care of what I eat and how much fluid I get. It has helped quite a bit.
  • ajhr
    ajhr Posts: 92 Member
    All dermatologists will tell you that your diet is irrelevant when it comes to most forms of acne.

    The only thing that works is Accutane. It's a godsend.

    Dermatologists can disagree all they want, but I know that my own acne is definitely linked to my diet. Too much sugar and my T-zone erupts, and my skin tone and appearance is generally better when I've avoided overly-processed foods and stuck to whole foods.

    My standard skin-care routine is as follows:
    Wash in the shower (not too hot!) with LUSH cosmetics "herbalism" cleanser/scrub
    Tone with witchhazel
    Moisturise with a light, creamy moisturiser that I've unfortunately forgotten the name of.

    I used to avoid moisturiser because it didn't make sense to add more oil to my bumpy, oily skin. I later realised that I just needed the *right* moisturiser!
  • kariberi84
    kariberi84 Posts: 186 Member
    I was told by my health teacher and my PE teacher that working out is GOOD for acne. It makes you sweat which clean your pores. Just make sure to clean afterwords... not showering will make your pores reclog.
  • MzMandi1025
    MzMandi1025 Posts: 78 Member
    I had horrible acne since I was a teenager that lasted into adulthood. I had tried everything to clean it up & nothing worked. Not even proactive. It only seemed to clear up once in my life, when I was pregnant with my daughter. After I delivered her & my diet became horrible again, my face broke out even worse. However, once I started working out, cutting a good portion of the junk food. diet isn't 100% healthy, & drinking pretty much nothing but water or iced green tea, it has cleared up. I use different facial cleansers, it varies from clean & clear, to oil of olay, to aveeno. I like my facial cleansers to have a bit of a scrub to it just for exfoliation purposes. But I love the oil of olay moisturizer. I don't typically burn, but I get the moisturizers that have at least an SPF 15. But I know that cutting out all of the soda's & starbucks coffee has definately helped. Drinking tons of water has done amazing things for my skin.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Nothing clears up my acne except the birth control pill, and I would not take it just for that. The pill has given me some unpleasant side effects, like weight gain and fatigue. I'm over it.

    So, I quit taking it and the acne is back like I'm 15 again. During some parts of my cycle, I look like a pizza face. Sometimes I can hide it with makeup, but I'm pretty sure makeup just irritates it.

    I make sure to sanitize anything that's oozing with some peroxide so it heals faster and the scarring is less that way. Try not to pick if you are concerned about scars.

    I too, have used a lot of different products, and they feel like they are helping, but whether or not I actually have fewer pimples remains to be seen.
  • fitnotfluffy
    fitnotfluffy Posts: 213 Member
    I had really bad acne from the time I was 10 to the time I was 16 (when my mom first took me to a dermatologist). They put me on prescription medication and a cream that was 300 dollars even with insurance covering part of it. The pill was called tetracycline. Like someone else stated, Acutane works-but the pills the derm will prescribe is based on what type of acne you have (yes, there are MANY different types) It worked, but it wasn't something I could continue to do financially. After lots of research and experimenting, I found that like the dermatologist had said-I should only use gentle cleansers. Neutrogena cleansers are the best I've found. As for acne scars, lemon juice has helped take mine away. I put it on a cotton ball at night and swipe it over my face. I actually noticed a difference within a few days.
    When I start to get breakouts now, I use hydrogen pyroxide on it. It really dries it out. Be careful getting it on your eyebrows/hairline though, because it will bleach them!
    I should also add that I tried Proactiv and all of those fancy acne clearing things you see on TV also, but realized it's not worth the money when you can use things you already have at home.
    As for your diet, drink lots of water and eat healthy! You'll feel better and your skin will look better! No soda, or excess sugars!

    Also, I use a lotion called CeraVe. You can find it at your local walmart or drugstore. Even if you have an oily face, still use a moisturizer because the chemicals you use can be harsh. CeraVe was recommended by my dermatologist and I love it!

    Birth Control helped me with my acne as well, I was put on OrthoTriCyclen-Lo but just bumped up to normal Ortho yesterday.

    Make sure you use mineral makeup if you wear it, and wash your face in the mornings, before bed and after your workout. Keep those pores clean! :)

    Best of luck to you. I know acne is a pain!
  • ashley67203
    ashley67203 Posts: 95
    I used to have those deep, painful zits all the time until I finally started this regimen that works for me. I only wash my face with a gentle cleanser at night if I wear makeup that day, warm water only if I don't wear makeup. I go without makeup about half the time because it aggravates my skin and when I do wear it I only use powder. I use an over-the-counter pro-retinol cream at night once or twice a week - not to prevent wrinkles (but that's nice side benefit) but to prevent acne. Then I follow up with a light, oil-free lotion. In the morning while I'm taking a shower I only use warm water to wash my face, then use the same lotion. I only use sunscreen on my face if I'm going to be out in the sun because, again, it aggravates my skin.
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    I had beautiful skin when I was on the pill. I've been off of the pill now for about 7 years and when I hit 30 my skin started breaking out something awful! I bought the Acne Free system from walgreens. Its basically generic proactive. It hasn't cleared my skin totally but it has helped quiet a bit.
  • badapdos
    badapdos Posts: 132
    The only thing that works is Accutane. It's a godsend.

    Only use it if you're absolutely desperate though. Some have major reactions/allergies to it, and it may cause extremely dry skin. My friend used it and the area around her nose, mouth, and lips became so dry that it would break, scab over, blood would leak out of the scabs, and it would scab over a second layer. I know it's disgusting, but only use it if you're absolutely in need.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Yeah, I have had acne since I was 14, the REALLY REALLY bad kind. This is what helps me.... wash your face twice a day no matter what, using an exfoliating cloth or exfoliating cleanser. And also with me, it depends on how much I'm eating. If I over eat or eat bad foods, I break out for sure. Lately my skin has been clear (thank god, but for how long?) and it's because I've been dieting and being consistent with washing my face twice a day. I use the apricot cleanser from target, best kind I have found. And I realize you and I might have different skin compositions, but I really hope what I have to say helps you. Acne is so horrible and I have no idea why I still suffer from it 12 years later.
  • hkatrobos
    hkatrobos Posts: 49
    :flowerforyou: some helpful natural ideas...

    tea tree oil, apply on acne (kills bacteria) you can even add a drop or two to a little water and make a toner

    carrots!! yup they contain a good amount of vitamin A which is found in all of the expensive acne meds (Retin-A) etc
    eat them and you can even make a gentle wash by pureeing them with some fresh rosemary and tea tree oil... the carrots will help even out skin tone, too. but be careful not to go overboard with them because they can stain you orange!

    oh and drink your water :drinker:
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I used to have acne. I went on an anti inflammatory and then birth control and those two things calmed it down a little. What I found helped the best so far is this combination:

    Lush coal face soap
    coconut oil

    The coconut oil acts as a natural antibacterial and stops your skin from overproducing oil. The coal soap helps dry things up a bit and is a mild exfoliant.

    Good luck!
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    A health food store employee recommended vitamin A 50,000 units once a day. It did make a difference. Also has helped my 16 year old daughter as well.

    Don't use anything with sodium laurel sulfate in it (face wash and shampoo).

    Dermotologist said tarter control toothpaste will cause it too.
  • Syderelli
    Syderelli Posts: 439 Member
    bump :)
  • hpsaucette
    hpsaucette Posts: 102 Member
    I had awful acne since I was about 8 til 17, the only thing that worked for me was to try everything the doctor recommended, antibiotics etc until I progressed to the roaccutane level, where I got recommended by my doctor to go to a hospital consultant dermatologist when nothing else would work. I still have to use Duac cream nowadays.
    Severe acne is caused by hormones, diet can effect your hormones but only in tiny tiny amounts. Spots and normal blemishes can be linked to diet but usually only because of a woman's hormone cycle. Go back to the doctor is my recommendation, they know best. They'll know whether roaccutane is too much for you or not.
    Washing your face twice a day helps, remember to change your sheets and towels regularly, basically anything that comes into a lot of contact with your face. Don't overly exfoliate your skin, it can be really harmful, see how it reacts after one time, then try 2-3 times a week.
  • robynj88
    robynj88 Posts: 104 Member
    water water water water!!

    You shouldn't be able to get enough of the stuff. Avoid too much alcohol and sugary foods. I'd also recommend getting your hormone levels checked by a doctor to see if there are any contributing factors there.