What exercises flatten stomach and give thig gaps?



  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    To flatten your stomach, you have to exercise the inside of your diaphragm. You can do this by burping, laughing, or singing for 10 minutes every day, many times.

    To get a thigh gap, you have to hop on one foot 20 times, then switch to the other foot for 20 hops. Importantly: You CANNOT let both feet touch the ground or you must start over. Do this every day, many times.

    To accomplish both tasks at once, simply complete both activities at once.

    Good luck!

  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    To flatten your stomach, you have to exercise the inside of your diaphragm. You can do this by burping, laughing, or singing for 10 minutes every day, many times.

    To get a thigh gap, you have to hop on one foot 20 times, then switch to the other foot for 20 hops. Importantly: You CANNOT let both feet touch the ground or you must start over. Do this every day, many times.

    To accomplish both tasks at once, simply complete both activities at once.

    Good luck!

    That's where I went wrong--when i was switching feet I let both feet touch. damn.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    News flash darling - the only people that care about thigh gaps are you and the anorexics feeding your belief in their importance.*

    * Your fault for listing your skinny friends who complain they are overweight and boys as reasons to lose weight.

    I'm pretty sure, from the posts I have read about it, that "thigh gaps" are the new buzzword in ED ideation. Actually maybe it's not new, but it's new to me. Lots of women want their thighs not to rub, but these pictures of chicks with 2" between their legs are not healthy. And might I add, most of them are photoshopped. I have the full suite here. I can give anyone a thigh gap that wants it. And a perfectly flat stomach.
    Join the club. It's amazingly simple to alter someone's bodyshape with it and if you know how to operate layers, incredibly easy to hide your handiwork.

    And yeah, thigh gaps are the new 'thing to have' in the pro ana circles. I almost feel guilty because I had one at over 270lbs. But nope, genetics don't play a part at all. I've seen some girls posting pictures and I swear their thighs are thinner than my forearm.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Note: OP's goal BMI is 18.6 with a current BMI of only 19.4. I now get where this is going.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Note: OP's goal BMI is 18.6 with a current BMI of only 19.4. I now get where this is going.

    hey, it is better than the 5'8" girl the other day that was 123 pounds and wanted to weigh 110...
  • badapdos
    badapdos Posts: 132
    You can't spot reduce. You can only lose overall body fat. You genetics WILL determine where you lose weight and how your bone structure will affect it also. For example, I have pretty wide hips so even though I don't have a thigh gap right now, my thighs barely touch.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Note: OP's goal BMI is 18.6 with a current BMI of only 19.4. I now get where this is going.

    hey, it is better than the 5'8" girl the other day that was 123 pounds and wanted to weigh 110...
    agreed. With a name like emptyplate though---that's gotta be factored in, right? lol
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Note: OP's goal BMI is 18.6 with a current BMI of only 19.4. I now get where this is going.

    hey, it is better than the 5'8" girl the other day that was 123 pounds and wanted to weigh 110...
    agreed. With a name like emptyplate though---that's gotta be factored in, right? lol

    yep, definitely a factor. like I said in my previous post, this is AT LEAST the *second* time she has posted this topic. you think after she got trashed before she wouldn't post a completely identical topic.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    When people say it's genetic they mean that if you store most of your fat not in the thighs, you have a chance by being healthy, just with a calorie deficit and patience.

    The people on your friends list (as well as the girl pictured) I guarantee you, either have great genetics for the presence of a thigh gap, or they are practically starving yourself. If you store most of your fat in your thighs, you will not get there by staying healthy.
  • Sevio
    Sevio Posts: 181 Member
    Personally I think Thigh Gaps are cool if you are like 10 and haven't gone through puberty yet.... way too anorexic looking for me.. a tad bit of meat on the bones looks better!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    News flash darling - the only people that care about thigh gaps are you and the anorexics feeding your belief in their importance.*

    * Your fault for listing your skinny friends who complain they are overweight and boys as reasons to lose weight.

    I'm pretty sure, from the posts I have read about it, that "thigh gaps" are the new buzzword in ED ideation. Actually maybe it's not new, but it's new to me. Lots of women want their thighs not to rub, but these pictures of chicks with 2" between their legs are not healthy. And might I add, most of them are photoshopped. I have the full suite here. I can give anyone a thigh gap that wants it. And a perfectly flat stomach.
    Join the club. It's amazingly simple to alter someone's bodyshape with it and if you know how to operate layers, incredibly easy to hide your handiwork.

    And yeah, thigh gaps are the new 'thing to have' in the pro ana circles. I almost feel guilty because I had one at over 270lbs. But nope, genetics don't play a part at all. I've seen some girls posting pictures and I swear their thighs are thinner than my forearm.

    Some of them don't even hide their handiwork all that well. One girl about a week ago had one up with sort of wavy edges on the girls inner thigh- i don't know how to describe it other than unnatural, and other people were commenting about how perfect this body was too.
  • 170isreal
    170isreal Posts: 151 Member
    This website might help you get to where you wanna be in regards to your confidence and self esteem

  • Sevio
    Sevio Posts: 181 Member
    My cousin sent this link the other day to me...he's trying to "teach" if you will his 14 or 15 year old daughter that with internet and advertising out there that the images they see are not "true" I found it to be a very interesting video to share with young teens.

  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    News flash darling - the only people that care about thigh gaps are you and the anorexics feeding your belief in their importance.*

    * Your fault for listing your skinny friends who complain they are overweight and boys as reasons to lose weight.

    That's not true I sure ain't anorexic and I'd love to have a thigh gap (not as much of a thight gap as that woman in the pic but just enough so my thighs don't rub together) more than a flat stomach. I can deal with a pudgy gut although I'd rather not but oh well... However I do agree she is ANOREXIC!!! Bc that pic of her ideal body is way too thin! Like unhealthy!!! Sickly looking... Way to small of legs and no meat on her body whatsoever!

    To the OP why not aim for a more healthy looking body image such as JLO or Mirah Carey before she got prego of course or even Brittney spears... I am not sayin obsess over someone else's body but aim for a healthier looking image! Just given my 2cents!
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    To flatten your stomach, you have to exercise the inside of your diaphragm. You can do this by burping, laughing, or singing for 10 minutes every day, many times.

    To get a thigh gap, you have to hop on one foot 20 times, then switch to the other foot for 20 hops. Importantly: You CANNOT let both feet touch the ground or you must start over. Do this every day, many times.

    To accomplish both tasks at once, simply complete both activities at once.

    Good luck!

    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: You Rock!!
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Running helped me get a thigh gap, but so did the fact that my hips are pretty wide. So a lot of it is genetics. Small hips means that your legs have to be super tiny for you to have any thigh gap at all.

    Not necessarily true. I have relatively narrow hips and a natural, knees-together thigh gap well into the overweight range, and not because I'm bow legged. I'm sure it does have something to do with bone structure, at least for some people, but I think it may have more to do with your genetically determined musculature and fat storage pattern. I have strong "apple" tendencies, and while I do run - now - I had long, lean "runner's" or "swimmer's" type legs even as a middle aged overweight couch potato with a spare tire large enough to fit a Mac truck. I just don't store fat on my thighs and my muscles aren't very bulky either.
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    Your best bet would be surgery. Why not go for liposuction and if You still hover above Your goal weight well donate some excess organs like kidny and chopp some of your liver off.
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    The only thing that will give you a flat stomach is lowering BF%. And the only thing that will give you a thigh gap is lowering BF% and genetics. Some people will never have a thigh gap and be able to stay at a healthy weight.

  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    I saw an article with pictures of Brittany Spears that were used in a commercial and then she had the non airbrushed photo-shopped pictures next to them side by side. Big difference.
  • lovethemgorillaz
    lovethemgorillaz Posts: 17 Member
    Some of the people responding to this post are being very rude.
    Yes, as stated, usually it has to do with genetics, mostly wide hips. I'm 5 feet and underweight, and I just barely have one.
    As for a flat stomach, do cardio, eat healthily, and do pilates or yoga.
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