Fit this Fall!...New Group! Join!



  • Cheers to our Leader! Thanks for starting a group and thanks for the welcome, kelfeene..... Football food AND BEER :drinker: Bud light never sounds so good until a Hawks game is on....GO HAWKS!

    Go SAINTS!!! and USM Eagles!...I have changed from Miller Light to the MGD 64s. They definately aren't the same but the 34 cals difference adds up to an extra one at the end of the game! LOL!

    I couldn't help but see GO SAINTS!!! You from Louisiana??? I am from North LA..Monroe..Oh and I would like to join too if its not too late!!

    GW- 130

    It's NEVER too late! Welcome to the group!
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    Cheers to our Leader! Thanks for starting a group and thanks for the welcome, kelfeene..... Football food AND BEER :drinker: Bud light never sounds so good until a Hawks game is on....GO HAWKS!

    Go SAINTS!!! and USM Eagles!...I have changed from Miller Light to the MGD 64s. They definately aren't the same but the 34 cals difference adds up to an extra one at the end of the game! LOL!

    I couldn't help but see GO SAINTS!!! You from Louisiana??? I am from North LA..Monroe..Oh and I would like to join too if its not too late!!

    GW- 130

    I was born in New Orleans, grew up in Alabama, and went to college and now live in Mississippi!...My whole family is in Louisiana though!...and of course you can join!...we aren't going to do our first weigh in until NEXT Friday, the 25th to give everyone time to get going and a few more people time to join if they would like. WELCOME!!! and we're glad to have you!
  • Can I join your group too,, if thats ok,, :smile:
    my old group kind of fizzled out over summer so I've been kind of wondering around by myself for a coupe of months,,,, just doing it on my own... It's not as fun.. and harder to keep motavated knowing I don't have to accout to anyone but myself....
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    Can I join your group too,, if thats ok,, :smile:
    my old group kind of fizzled out over summer so I've been kind of wondering around by myself for a coupe of months,,,, just doing it on my own... It's not as fun.. and harder to keep motavated knowing I don't have to accout to anyone but myself....

    Sure can! Welcome to the group!
    We will be doing our first check in next Friday, September 25th!
  • cwjett
    cwjett Posts: 189 Member
    I'm in!! I just got back on this site, really fell off the bandwagon for a while but now i have to fit back into blue jeans, ugh! It is going to be hard this fall with LSU football and all that good food, geaux tigers!! :drinker:

    What are some good beers out there that are low calories now? I'm a coors light person so I haven't tried any of the new stuff that is out there!
  • bam0904
    bam0904 Posts: 25 Member
    I am in! Looking forward to it, need the motivation

    Created by - Free Diet Plans
  • I'm in!! I'm new to this site, though, so just to make sure I've got it right... I'm supposed to check-in on Friday with my updated weight, right? Is there anything else I'm supposed to do?

    Yay, my first group!! lol, I tend to get excited over the small things sometimes.. =)
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    I'm in!! I'm new to this site, though, so just to make sure I've got it right... I'm supposed to check-in on Friday with my updated weight, right? Is there anything else I'm supposed to do?

    Yay, my first group!! lol, I tend to get excited over the small things sometimes.. =)

    As of right now just check in with your start weight, new weight, and goal weight on Friday!
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    I'm in!! I just got back on this site, really fell off the bandwagon for a while but now i have to fit back into blue jeans, ugh! It is going to be hard this fall with LSU football and all that good food, geaux tigers!! :drinker:

    What are some good beers out there that are low calories now? I'm a coors light person so I haven't tried any of the new stuff that is out there!

    I'm a Miller light girl, but I've been trying to drink the MGD 64s. They aren't horrible, but just not the same. :frown:
  • cwjett
    cwjett Posts: 189 Member
    I'm in!! I just got back on this site, really fell off the bandwagon for a while but now i have to fit back into blue jeans, ugh! It is going to be hard this fall with LSU football and all that good food, geaux tigers!! :drinker:

    What are some good beers out there that are low calories now? I'm a coors light person so I haven't tried any of the new stuff that is out there!

    I'm a Miller light girl, but I've been trying to drink the MGD 64s. They aren't horrible, but just not the same. :frown:

    So, does that mean there are 64 calories in one???
  • I'm in! Good thing check in is on Friday. We are headed to the Purdue/Notre Dame game on Saturday. I'm going to try really hard to behave. Yes, I am from Indiana!
  • im in joined last week.....I have went up 1 lb yuk.... 218
  • kelfeene
    kelfeene Posts: 78 Member
    64 Calories.... in it... Half the Calories of other Beers and HALF THE TASTE!

    But.. Like I said before, it is better than NO beer!

    See yall tomorrow at the WEIGH IN !!!!!!!
  • I would love to join you ladies! I am back on the MFP wagon for good this time. I have given up too many times before in shear frustration. But, no more of that ! I have almost 100 pounds to lose and I need all of the support I can get.
  • how do you join groups?
    I am new to this and don't really know a lot about what all I need to do in order to join groups
  • :bigsmile: ok, here goes,,
    all month I've been jumping up and down 3 lbs,, today i weighed in in the middle again,, so that'll be my starting weight here,,,,I got to figure out how to get past this this next week though.....I know most of it is stress right now. I'm down one lb form the first of this week, but up one lb from last week.. so I'm not sure weather to be happy or sad today...over all I started out at 170 at the first of this year,,,its's been a long slow process, sometimes you just have to keep moving even when you dont have good resaults!!!

    CW 148

    heres to great weighins for everyone today :drinker:
  • Welcome to all the new members! I was wondering if we were weighing in on this post or starting a new thread so thanks for taking the initiative, constance! :wink:

    SW: 164
    LW: 159
    CW: 158 (Hurray for small victories!)
    GW: 144
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Is it too late to join? I know today is weigh in day but I am already at work for the day. Can I throw it up there later? And do we post it on this page or email you directly? I only ask because you mentioned compiling the info.

    This will be my first weigh in group- a bit nerve wracking but necessary to keep my on track!
  • I would love to join the group too. I just signed up for MFP a couple of days ago. Let me know if I can

  • I hope it's not too late to join! I want to get in shape for Thanksgiving...when I'll see my family for the first time in 5 months!
    SW: 160
    Thanksgiving goal: 145
    GW: 131
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