First 5K-What is/was your time goal?



  • jpfrimmer
    jpfrimmer Posts: 134
    I started training about a month before my first 5K, but I was already used to working out 5-6 days a week...I just added running. Before I started training I could run 3.1 miles at a time, I just didn't pay attention to pace/time. I ran my first 5K about a month ago and my time was 27:07. I was very surprised at that time because I wasn't running that well during training, I think it was all the endorphins!
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    I did my first 5k last weekend and it was a trail run... Five large hills a river that was about three feet deep that we had to run across! I did it in 32:34 I came in 27th out of 62 and was 4th in females for my age group! I amazed myself that I finished it because if I would have seen the trail beforehand I may have chickened out :/ I only practiced running 3 miles twice before the race I ran shorter distances for about two weeks... I can run a 5k on flat ground in about 27 min.

    I'm gonna try and do a 10k in three weeks... I need to start training!
  • ccbing
    ccbing Posts: 162 Member
    My first "unofficial" 5K I wanted to finish in under 45 mins. I did this in Sept. 2011. I call it unofficial because I had not really trained for it. It was a local charity event and not a competitive thing at all. I walked half of it. I finished it in 44:45. So goal met. My first "official" 5K was about 4 weeks ago. I had actually trained for it (Started training in Jan. 2012--also my start on MFP) My goal was to finish it under 38 mins. I ran it in 35:40. Goal met. It is such a good feeling to set a goal and meet them. However the 5K I ran 3 weeks ago my goal was to finish faster than 35:40. I finished it 36:05. lol So you win some you lose some ;) I laughed it off and told myself that my legs must not have completely recovered from the prev. week's 5K! HaHa!
  • hagamivida
    hagamivida Posts: 129
    My first was this past January. I had hoped under 45 but was 48. So was my second in March. Did one mid April and finally improved at 42. At that point I just wanted anything under 48.
  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145
    Wow. I feel so much slower. I just ran my first unofficial 5k a week ago. Finished in 44:39 and was happy til I read this thread. I'm going to take everyone's advice and quit comparing my speed to everyone else.

    Yeah, I'm the same way. I really shouldn't read these threads because I get grumbly about my slowness. The main reason I'm slow is because of my two bad knees. So really, I should simply be proud. Instead, all these "I did my first 5k in 30 minutes" posts discourage me :(

    I just (twenty minutes ago) finished my second 5k run - not a race or anything, just a route I plotted out around my neighbourhood. I finished in 42 minutes, and I'm delighted with myself! It's 2 minutes faster than my first 5k run, and it's a personal best, and I feel ten foot tall and bullet proof!

    Don't get discouraged, be chuffed with yourself!
  • I ran a 5k in 17 minutes 4 second.
    I am proud of myself. Sadly, I didn't come first. So many elite runners.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I did my first 5k last weekend and it was a trail run... Five large hills a river that was about three feet deep that we had to run across! I did it in 32:34 I came in 27th out of 62 and was 4th in females for my age group! I amazed myself that I finished it because if I would have seen the trail beforehand I may have chickened out :/ I only practiced running 3 miles twice before the race I ran shorter distances for about two weeks... I can run a 5k on flat ground in about 27 min.

    I'm gonna try and do a 10k in three weeks... I need to start training!

    That's really great for a first run, under those conditions. I'm well impressed!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I just did my first 5k run yesterday and it was a blast!!!!

    I run using the Galloway method of run/walk and I have been running for about one year. My finish time was 38:16.

    I suck at running but I suck less than those sitting on the couch. You don't have to be particularly good at it, you just have to do it and enjoy yourself. I am an eternal penguin but I refuse to feel bad about it.
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    I did my first 5k last weekend and it was a trail run... Five large hills a river that was about three feet deep that we had to run across! I did it in 32:34 I came in 27th out of 62 and was 4th in females for my age group! I amazed myself that I finished it because if I would have seen the trail beforehand I may have chickened out :/ I only practiced running 3 miles twice before the race I ran shorter distances for about two weeks... I can run a 5k on flat ground in about 27 min.

    I'm gonna try and do a 10k in three weeks... I need to start training!

    That's really great for a first run, under those conditions. I'm well impressed!

    Thank you!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    I started c25k January 1 on my treadmill. Since I live in New England and I can only run early in the AM I just 2 weeks ago started running outside and have needed to revert back to intervals since it is harder to run outside. I just this morning attempted to run just over 3 miles as I am signed up for my first 5k on June 9th. Aflter reading these posts I am felling pumped. I did 45 minutes this AM. It was actually faster than I anticipated and with 4 more weeks to train I am hopefull I will be able to get it down to 40. If I do great, but if not that Is ok as 5 months ago I could not even run for 5 minutes. :smile:
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    I started c25k January 1 on my treadmill. Since I live in New England and I can only run early in the AM I just 2 weeks ago started running outside and have needed to revert back to intervals since it is harder to run outside. I just this morning attempted to run just over 3 miles as I am signed up for my first 5k on June 9th. Aflter reading these posts I am felling pumped. I did 45 minutes this AM. It was actually faster than I anticipated and with 4 more weeks to train I am hopefull I will be able to get it down to 40. If I do great, but if not that Is ok as 5 months ago I could not even run for 5 minutes. :smile:

    Great attitude! That positive thinking will lead you proudly straight across the finish line! Good luck!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I ran my first 5K last August, after having only been running for 2 months. My goal was to finish (period) and be under 35 minutes. I did, and my time was 31:25. :smile:
  • My first 5k was a run/walk. I was completely unprepared (I hadn't started P90X or anything), so I ended up walking the whole thing. My time was close to 55 minutes XD but I wasn't last! Just finish the race and you'll feel good about it :)
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I finished my C25K in 6 weeks, and did my first 5K about a month later. I was hoping under 40 minutes, and my actual time according to my fiancees stop watch (they did not have clocks--shoe chips) was 28:12. :noway:
  • dancer4life627
    dancer4life627 Posts: 40 Member
    I ran my first 5k last weekend! I've been training for one since around January using the C25k method! My goal was to run the whole race without walking and aim to be under 40 mins. I ran a little over a mile and I was breathing wrong which caused a side stitch so I ended up walking a short distance. I ended up finishing 38 mins and some odd seconds which I was REALLY happy with! I've been trying to run intervals to improve my speed. I'm planning another 5k hopefully at the end of this month and I will see where I'm at then. Just set a realistic goal for yourself and try your best! The adrenaline from everyone around you with definitely push you through (at least it did for me!) I had so much fun and I cannot wait for my next race! Good luck!! :)
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    My first 5K (in my forties - end of August 2011), was not to walk, or finish the race running. I did not have a specific time goal, I just wanted to do it. And I did. I did end up walking, it was just too far, but I was OK with that. My next goal was to beat by previous time, again without walking. I still walked (again), but I beat my previous time. I was happy. After that I wanted to break 30 minutes .. and I did.

    I am still progressively improving my time, and enjoying the process. Now, I have two goals, (1) beat my previous time, and (2) beat my time that I ran in my twenties (I may never get there, but who knows! maybe I will). I am also trying to go further, longer, I am doing a half on Sunday, and my next goal may be a marathon - but I am not sure.
  • Jori33
    Jori33 Posts: 25 Member
    I ran my first 5K last year with my running group and little sister. My time was 29.58 and hers was 29.59! We joke about how close we ended up. I was quite happy.
  • Jomalone2
    Jomalone2 Posts: 129 Member
    My first 5k goal was to cross the finish line having run the whole thing. That's all I needed in order to be proud of myself :smile:

    Edit: My time was 43:14, which I don't think was that bad for having only been running a month without having run in 10 years.

    I have to agree that your first goal should be to give it all you've got and FINISH strong. Then you have a baseline and you will be proud of yourself no matter what. Do not set yourself up for failure. Run YOUR race, find YOUR zone and don't worry about anyone else. You have to enjoy it or it won't be fun. There are many variables that may affect your time - weather, hills, etc., so just go run and enjoy! Then signed up for your next one with a more specific goal in mind.
  • dianacannon89
    dianacannon89 Posts: 235 Member
    My first 5K I did in 45:04 I was 290Lbs and had been training 3 days a week (C25K) for 4 weeks before the race 4/22/12 You can do it Just DO IT
  • tberthelette
    tberthelette Posts: 12 Member
    I ran my first 5K on Saturday, May 12th, 2012. I raised 360 dollars for the Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba, which felt pretty great coming from a family history of mood disorders and myself suffering from anxiety. I have been working out regularly for several years, but have never been much of a runner. My workout group decided to train for the Manitoba Marathon in June and convinced me to join one of our relay teams. So to prepare for the marathon I signed up for the 5K and trained for approximately 6 weeks. My goal was to finish by running the entire 5K. I finished the 5K in 41.34 minutes and felt so great! I never would have believed I could do something like that, but running makes me feel wonderful and energetic and motivated. Once you pass the point of suffering and push a little further, it seems every step gets easier. Everyday is different and it is one step at a time, but completing my first 5K is a moment I will probably never forget and I can't even express how exhilarated I felt! It's a great feeling and I encourage anyone who is considering it to give it a shot because it is definitely worth it :)