When did you decide to start losing weight?



  • redcut
    redcut Posts: 176
    When I saw a picture of me 2 years ago in Florida I started then lost 30 then was stuck found MFP nov of 2011 and have droped another 31 lbs 55 more to go
  • norabeth
    norabeth Posts: 176 Member
    A photo of myself where I look 7 months pregnant and I have NEVER been pregnant
  • BrionyTallis
    BrionyTallis Posts: 90 Member
    I didn't decide, my body did. I fell really sick and lost 15kgs in 3 weeks. Since then I have gone through hell trying to get myself to a goal weight. Doing this triggered an eating disorder which I have pushed out of my system but have to live with for the rest of my life. Now I am happy in going to the gym and changing what I eat to try and get that even balance and start losing weight the healthier way.


    Except for me it was a medication that triggered the weight loss. I didn't lose as much as fast but I have been feeling awful for the last 2 1/2 months. Finally, I have been off the medication for a week. In fact today was the first day I was able to eat a meal with more calories in it than I have eaten in a day during that time ... and boy do I feel good now. The challenge now will be to start losing weight in a healthier way.
  • celesteflenory
    celesteflenory Posts: 22 Member
    I saw a sign once that says: It takes 4 weeks for you to notice a difference; 8 weeks for your friends and family to notice a difference, and 12 weeks for the world to notice... Just keep going.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    My point was when we booked a trip to Hawai for this summer and I did not want to look like a balloon in a swim suit. Plus, over the last year my husband lost about 35 lbs so I had to start keeping up with him. At this point I still have not talked about all of this with my outside family and friends. Obviously my family knows but so far no one else has noticed the weight lose yet. I am interested to see how long it takes before people really notice.

    Go out and buy clothes that fit and they will notcie.
  • alujan74583
    alujan74583 Posts: 15 Member
    I decided to get in shape a year ago when my mother ended up being hospitalised for fluid aroud her lungs that was caused by a scarred liver due to being over weight. I see what she has to go through every month when she has to go back and get the fluid drained so she can breathe. I don't want to go through that. After spending hundreds of dollars on diffrent weight loss programs/ products i found MFP and decided to give it a try. Since starting this 2 weeks ago i have worked out every day and lost 1.5 lbs it would have taken me a month to lose that on other programs/products. I even feel healthier! :happy:
  • hoppinfroggin22
    hoppinfroggin22 Posts: 165 Member
    Honestly January 1, 2012 and 33 lbs down all together :)
  • celesteflenory
    celesteflenory Posts: 22 Member
    After avoiding cameras for years. I kept buying clothing that was bigger and bigger...never really noticing the size of the clothes until I went to go get another pair of jeans (since my thighs rubbing together wore holes in them) and I couldn't zip up the 24's... I struggled so hard to make them close, and when they finally did, i couldn't breathe. I still ignored the weight gain, I just wouldn't buy anything bigger than a 24... finally, a year later, after doing the Vagina Monologues for a college class, i didn't see myself in the cast photo. And my friend was like "sweetie, that is you, front and center." and she pointed me out... I was horrified. 352lbs, I was scared. I mean... 48lbs from being 400lbs... only 48lbs... DO YOU ALL KNOW HOW EASY I CAN PUT ON 40LBS?? So yeah, I started two a day workouts. 2x a day five days a week 2 hrs each. I was a college student who worked in a gym (how ironic, right??) So I could afford the time as long as the front desk was covered. Three and a half months later I weighed in at 315. The smallest I got after that was 250, and I was in a size 18... almost in my 16's... I then lost sight of why I wanted to loose weight... I moved here to Hawaii Jan 31st... I weighed in at 328lbs. I am currently at 315 and working on it.
  • badapdos
    badapdos Posts: 132
    I guess it was an impulsive thing to do... I just woke up one morning and thought, "I'm tired of being fat, unconfident, and uncomfortable with my body. I need to make a change."
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    November 2011 I went to Cali to visit my brother, we went to Catalina Island to go zip lining and the walk to the zip line was like a mile long and up and own hills and all that great stuff I was so out of shape and deff lost the race with my brother... that I just decided that it was time to take back my life and live it the way I know I should.
  • ajohn252
    ajohn252 Posts: 158
    I was and still am for the most part pretty self conscious and it was
    affecting my relationship with my fiancée even though he is totally supportive.
    I felt tired, had no stamina, and even though I for the most part ate healthy
    I had moments where I would justify indulging just a little too much.

    I had started working out and eating better on my own a few weeks before I
    joined this site but I was still not being totally accountable because I couldn't see the
    calories coming and going like I can on here so I decided to join.

    I haven't lost that much weight (I really don't have that much to lose in the first
    place anyway) but I feel a little difference in my clothes and my fiancée has said he's
    seen differences as the weeks have gone by.
    That's motivation enough for me!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    When I went to the doctor. She had me go on the scale and I was HORRIFIED to see I was 206 lbs. I knew I was large, but I never thought I was over 200 lbs.
  • hlandry6
    hlandry6 Posts: 230
    Being asked if I was expecting >.<

    Feeling depressed about how I was looking in my clothes

    Buying bigger and bigger jean sizes
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    April 25, 2011...I was sitting at my desk doing my work and I was halfway through a can of Pepsi when I had that epiphany moment. I decided at that point that I was NEVER going to live that way again. A little over a year later, well, see my ticker. :smile:
  • heatherterp
    heatherterp Posts: 239
    August 2, 2011 was my ah ha moment. we were on vacation. Why the Biltmore has a scale in the rooms of a swanky hotel is beyond me. What moved me to step on that scale is still unknown. Deep down I am glad I did. we were celebrating our anniversary and I never want my husband to have sex with that me ever again. We were also reading a book by Dave Ramsey while on the trip. Dave talked about how getting out of debt is like getting into shape. This really struck me and I have never looked back.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    When I realized I was over 230 pounds.

    I think it started before that because my pants size kept on going up. I remember being able to fit into a size 14. All the way over to a size 18 W.

    I don't think I will never be a size 14...I just don't want to be classfied as obies.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Feb 27, 2012 my daughter convinced me to try this program because I was having trouble losing weight. I always watched what I ate during the week and pigged out on the weekend and this has worked for me for years but once I turned 50 I couldn't seem to lose all the weight I would gain from eating to much on the weekend. This has been a great tool for me because now I can keep track of my calorie intake but still enjoy the foods I love. I look at this as change of eating habit not a diet
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    My hormones. I am hypothyroid. I was fairly recently diagnosed, but I think it started 10 years ago, but I didn't have a ton of symptoms. Oer the past 12 months, my period patterns shifted. It got to the point where it was lasting 3 weeks. (And not the previously pleasant long periods I had)

    I talked to my doctor, and she said it could be caused by your thyroid or your recent weight gain (I had gained 15 pounds over the previous 2 years after starting a new job). So we decided to try the pill, and weight loss.

    I actually hadn't made any serious attempts to lose weight before, but I decided I wanted to be in the best shape of my life before I turned 35. The heaviest point for me was the last 2 years. Prior to that I stayed in about a 10 pound range from age 22-32 -- I was overweight from childhood on, but I don't have any health issues. This January it was time to start. I have about a year to go, and I hoping to hit my goal in the fall. I am about 50% of the way to my goal weight. I think my goal weight should be pretty close to my ideal look as well.

    I also decided I wanted to lose a few dress sizes before my family reunion this year. One relative or another told me at the last one, the reason I didn't look like my mom was because I was too heavy. #fail I was sort of crushed, as I always have thought I looked like her. I have another 1.5 sizes or so to go to hit my family reunion goal.

    And I was getting a little annoyed at all of the cute clothing that stopped at size 12. Oh and the fact that I could never get cute lingerie sets due to my size combo. (The bras in my size had matching underwear that stopped at 14. And I was more like an 18.)
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    March 27th 2012. I have no idea why... my brain shifted... it was almost imperceptible and I don't even know exactly what happened. I lost 30 lbs a few years ago and have kept it off since, but haven't gone any further... now I just really want to. And I've been stubborn about it.
    So I completed a C25K in April with a time of 34:14 and am on day 19 of the 30 day shred... haven't skipped a day so far. I've gained 2 lbs since starting the shred but I don't care, (well okay, SOME days I care, and I wish we could get a 10 lb bonus loss for trying SO DAMN HARD), I've lost 7.5 inches doing the shred. I couldn't do a girl pushup before I started it, and now I can do a REAL one...

    So yeah... just plain old stubborn-ness and I don't want to let fat and laziness win anymore.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    April 25, 2011...I was sitting at my desk doing my work and I was halfway through a can of Pepsi when I had that epiphany moment. I decided at that point that I was NEVER going to live that way again. A little over a year later, well, see my ticker. :smile:

    Doctor says, "your cholesterol is a little high" and he had recently lost 20 pounds. Figure if he can do it with his schedule I certainly have no excuse. Lost 35 lbs in 6 months and all the important numbers are now in line. Most exciting is feeling a lot younger. Now weigh in at what I did when I was 20 something. It is awesome. I am still old, but I don't feel that way any more.