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When did you decide to start losing weight?



  • I'm with the person that said "my body decided for me". I am fast approaching 49 and feel like 79. I'm in pain all the tome. I feel like my weight has been an anchor seriously weighing me down. I saw a picture of myself at our family christmas party, and I am the heaviest person there. I am tired of feeling ashamed. I am also done making excuses. I started losing earlier this year because of problems with my gall bladder. I think it has been a blessing in disguise. I know that I wasn't ready mentally. I had to make changes because of the pain and nausea. Because it was happening organically, my attitude followed. My sister then invited me a few weeks ago to join MFP. Another amazing turn in my life. Since then I have lost another 5 lbs. It is really motivating to see my food decisions and how much (how little) exercise I get. MFP and my sister's encouraging words are now keeping me on the right track. I truly feel that I can do this. I am starting to see a pin dot of light at the end of the tunnel. I look forward to it getting brighter and that I can do everything I really want to with the next half of my life. Best wishes everyone!
  • oaks67
    oaks67 Posts: 62 Member
    When I looked at a picture. A picture says it all. :flowerforyou:
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    I was extremely depressed and facing being institutionalized for my depression. My depression was largely linked to my weight, although I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, it just so happens that when I gained weight it became all about my weight. I have bad and good days even now.

    Anyway, almost 300lbs and dreading waking up every morning I decided to do something about it. My live totally turned around, literally, it's completely different.

    Pleased to say that 3 years later I'm off medication for my depression and 75lbs lighter haha.
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I had thought about losing weight for a while. My boyfriend and I went to eat and I ate a lot that I felt sick. I told him we should buy a scale on the way home so we did. When we got home I stood on it and I wasn't shocked but I knew it was the push I needed.
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    When my Brother in laws youngest son looked at me a couple of years ago and said "you look like you're pregnant"

    this my niece she asked if i went outside of my place without a shirt on. i said yes and and she replied you must scare peoples eyes. it hurt tones. i stued around mad for two weeks. then i decided to join a gym that had a programe for weight loss. i was real suscessful i dropped 57 pounds. then the people who i thought where my friends at the gym turned out not to even care. it was just a job to them. my emotions got the better of me and i put on 30 pounds. so when my year was up i moved to a new gym and i have been trying since then. i will susceed because now i have my mfp family
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    September 16, 2010.

    I went to the doctor for my depression. She changed my meds and also recommended that I get some exercise to help boost my mood.

    I decided then that if I had to exercise to get my mind healthy, I might as well go all out and get the rest of me healthy, too.

    I dumped the junk, replaced it with nutritious goodness, and went for a walk.

    Never looked back.
  • BLSBoyer
    BLSBoyer Posts: 36 Member
    I went all day in yoga pants (and was not doing yoga) and huge tshirts.

    I was having a hard time sleeping because I was so uncomfortable.

    I could barely make it through the day without a nap.

    I was not spending enough quality time with my son.

    On March 30, 2011 I quit smoking and I decided, if I can quit smoking and be that strong, I should be strong enough to exercise and eat right!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    When my ex and I broke up. I wasn't in a hurry when I was with him because I was comfortable. Too comfortable for my own liking.
    About a month later I was looking at photos of me, and I was disgusted.
    That was Oct 2010.
    It's been a long battle but I'm still fighting and almost at my goal !
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I started trying when I realized I was growing out of size 10 pants. But then I met my husband, got comfortable in the relationship, stopped exercising because I was spending all my time with him, and started eating whatever I wanted. I weighed 195 pounds when I got pregnant with out second baby. After he was born I got serious. Our third baby was born 4 1/2 months ago. I lost 30 pounds (15 baby weight, 15 extra) in about 6 weeks and I'm now about 10 pounds lighter than I have been in over 4 years. Breastfeeding is taking a ton of calories away from me (burning about 1200 calories from making 60oz of milk a day), and if I could eat enough I'm sure I'd be losing some more weight. But, it's not a huge priority for me right now, so I'm happy where I am. For now.
  • tori_grr
    tori_grr Posts: 29 Member
    I started losing weight in march and have lost 20 lbs but I just joined MFP last week hoping to lose 20 more by august :)
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 699 Member
    I have always been over weight. I have never before in my life tried to lose the weight (that I put my lifetime putting on). And then I moved away from home leaving behind my family, friends and my comfort zone.....learned to live on myself and depend on myself (for the 1st time in a long time) and the weight started to go down...this then motivated me to actually start working out and the weight continue to go down and then it started to become fun. So, I guess my trigger point, was when I finally grew up and decided to take control of my OWN life :-) I started 13 months ago and never looked back.
  • NaynerA
    NaynerA Posts: 2
    When its was becoming a chore to get up a flight of stairs............
  • kodaks
    kodaks Posts: 132 Member
    When I finally came to the realization that reaching one large weight loss goal is not the only victory - there are many, many smaller victories on the way. I realized that it wasn't as daunting as I thought, when you look at it that way. Every other time I tried to lose weight, I have failed and given up. Setting the right attitude at the get-go will hopefully help me power on and achieve my ultimate weight loss goals. One pound at a time.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I had a lot of breaking points but never acted on them until one day I got on the scale and it said 179. I decided that I was never, ever going to go into the 180's! At about that same time I also realized, after reading the tag on my swimsuit, that I had worn a maternity swimsuit all last summer and I wasn't pregnant. I was shocked! :( That was enough to get me off my *kitten* and start doing something about it.
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    November 2011 I went to Cali to visit my brother, we went to Catalina Island to go zip lining and the walk to the zip line was like a mile long and up and own hills and all that great stuff I was so out of shape and deff lost the race with my brother... that I just decided that it was time to take back my life and live it the way I know I should.

    I want to do that so bad!!!

    It was amazinggggggggg Im going again for my 1 year of my new me =) this time ill win that race lol

    I might make this my reward for hitting my goal weight!!
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    A member of my family told me that i looked puffy and swollen, and that i looked like if you stuck a pin in me i might pop. It really stung at the time. She told me later that she should have picked different words and that she regretted those words as soon as she said them....she felt like i looked unhealthy and was worried about me.

    After a few days of feeling sad, ugly, and disgusting i decided to join the gym that i knew had members that were my friends/neighbors.
    I started with 10 minutes of treadmill and a few light weights and went from there.

    I was not angry about what she said, in fact i owe her thanks.

  • RicSnyder
    RicSnyder Posts: 129 Member
    When I found a program that works for me and keeps my interested. And when walking to bed made me winded. January, 11 2011.
  • MsJane19
    MsJane19 Posts: 5
    I think I always needed to loose weight but I never thought I deserved it. My sister was a beauty queen. Growing up, she was the beautiful one and I was... well, I'm not totally sure what I was. After a while I hid from photos, outtings, friends, family, realtionships, the scale and eventually my life. I felt like every decision I made was wrong. I felt like a failure. So why even try?! What do they call it?! A self-fulfilling prophecy?! I ate because I was upset and I was upset cause I ate. I was depressed, unhealthy, anti-social... unhappy.

    I probably would've stayed this way the rest of my life except one day I met a man who looks at me like I'm the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in the world. I want to deserve that look.

    So it's slow to go but now I have a reason to get up in the morning and loose the weight... He is absolutely worth it!
    And, thanks to him, I finally know that I am too!
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member

    Pleased to say that 3 years later I'm off medication for my depression and 75lbs lighter haha.

    That's so amazing, congratulations!!!!!
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    I was 5 weeks post partum and still wearing yoga pants and maternity jeans. I had to go back to work in 4 weeks and I had Never been this big. In fact I was about 35 pounds bigger than the biggest I had ever been 5 weeks post partum (I had gained 48 pounds while prenant). I work in an office and I was not going to buy a whole new wardrobe.

    My motivation was a friend who called me "huge" and would say "I just can't believe how big you are" while I was pregnant and "now you know how it feels" since she gained a lot of weight during her pregnancy when I always tried to make her feel good during her pregnancy. I was so afraid to see her after the baby was born and her tell me how hard it was going to be for me to lose the weight and then talk about how fat I was, I was bound and determined to lose the weight just so I wouldn't be riduculed by her. I thought of her words a lot while working out. Made me work harder.

    Once I had some time to think about our friendship I realized she wasn't a true friend and we are no longer friends for more than just the reason above obviously. So I guess if she Facebook stalks me (which I know she will) she will see that I have lost the weight and then some and it didn't take me forever either. Hahaha!