muscle weighs more than fat true or fales



  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    A pound of fat and a pound of muscle weight the same, but if you put two blobs of both next to eachother, the muscle is going to be smaller, and take up less space.

    Thing of a pound of feathers and a pound of meat.. Your gonna have a ton of feathers, but only a small piece of meat - the meat being your muscle, and the feathers being your fat. Get it?
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Have you attempted to verify whether you've gained muscle by using a tape measure, a device that estimates body fat percentage, or an online calculator?
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Sigh. Both of the following statements are true:

    Muscle is heavier than fat (WEIGHS more), when volume is consistent.
    Muscle is more dense than fat (takes up less VOLUME), when weight is consistent.

    Thus, a cubic foot of muscle will WEIGH more than a cubic foot of fat; a pound of muscle will take up less VOLUME than a pound of fat. Middle school science class FTW.
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    Pound of muscle burns 32 cals per day. Pound of fat burns 2 per day. Pick the one you would rather have.

    It's more like 6 Cals muscle and 2 Cals fat per lb. Muscle definately better, but losing 10lbs of fat and adding 10lbs of muscle nets you 40 Cals extra metabolism a day.

    Plenty of other benefits though!
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    Waiting for the "pound of muscle" weighs more than a "pound of fat" diva to chime in on this. You'd love her explanation.

    :D This had me in giggles! Thanks for the laugh! :D
  • melodymist
    melodymist Posts: 43 Member
    No it does not weigh more, it weighs exactly the same but is denser and takes up less space!

    Agree :)
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    Pound of muscle burns 32 cals per day. Pound of fat burns 2 per day. Pick the one you would rather have.

    It's more like 6 Cals muscle and 2 Cals fat per lb. Muscle definately better, but losing 10lbs of fat and adding 10lbs of muscle nets you 40 Cals extra metabolism a day.

    Plenty of other benefits though!

    I know your opinion on that subject ;) and just need to poke the bear :P

    Looking at those 40 cals a day is a bit short-sighted, don't you think? We humans, if lucky, have a lifespan longer than an average mayfly... 40 cals/day * 365 days * 10 years = 146.000 calories (yeah I did not factor in leap years :P). There are approx 3500 cals in 1 pound, so that means if your calories intake is (only) 40 calories a day over your expenditure in 10 years you would gain approx 42 pounds (which is the case with most humans it would seem; gaining with age, that is, not gaining exactly 42 pounds)... Drop by drop as they say... ;)
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member

    I know your opinion on that subject ;) and just need to poke the bear :P

    Looking at those 40 cals a day is a bit short-sighted, don't you think? We humans, if lucky, have a lifespan longer than an average mayfly... 40 cals/day * 365 days * 10 years = 146.000 calories (yeah I did not factor in leap years :P). There are approx 3500 cals in 1 pound, so that means if your calories intake is (only) 40 calories a day over your expenditure in 10 years you would gain approx 42 pounds (which is the case with most humans it would seem; gaining with age, that is, not gaining exactly 42 pounds)... Drop by drop as they say... ;)

    Ooh a debate - excellent :-)

    I do love the math and it's impossible to argue with your sums but in practical application there are several problems with it:

    1) 40 cals is c. 1.5% to 2% of a sedentary persons intake. Nutritional labels are allowed up to 20% deviation from those published on the packet to account for variability is source material. Attaining an exact figure for intake therefore is nigh on impossible and we have to rely on those averages to balance out. 40Cals is insignificant here.

    2) It's easier to eat half a cookie less per day to hit your target than spend 4 hours a week lifting to enable you to eat that target(but again, I am a lifting advocate, many other benefits, I'm just arguing your point)

    3) Caloric intake relation to fat storage isn't precisely binary. There isn't a summing up that is done at the end of the day when you are sleeping, it's going on every minute in the form of the balance of insulin and glucagon in your blood stream, and so the timing of the intake would have an effect. If the extra 40 cals were eaten alone, some hours after the previous meal you likely wouldn't have enough glucose to cause an insulin release from the pancreas and thus your body isn't in storage mode and you wouldn't gain a thing (of course if you ate it on top of a big meal it would be stored, but lets ignore that inconvenient fact).

    4) You body is hugely adaptive and your metabolism doesn't just adapt downwards when starved. Small uplifts occur also so perhaps your 40 extra will be adapted to.

    This is fun. Over to you!
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    I'll be back! (said in Arnold voice)
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    I find it difficult to believe that anyone thinks a pound of anything weighs more than a pound of anything else. When discussing weight, the "by volume" is implied. Otherwise, everything weighs the same, doesn't it?

    The short answer is yes. I have never seen anyone dispute whether or not concrete is heavier than feathers, because, as mentioned, the "by volume" is obvious. People seem to get all caught up in semantics with muscle vs. fat.

    LOL this. Come on people, not that hard of a concept to grasp.
  • anitas4512
    anitas4512 Posts: 3 Member
    A pound of fat and a pound of muscle weigh exactly the same.....ONE pound. The difference is that the muscle is more compact, taking up less space than the fat, resulting in a smaller you. That is why it is important to take measurements and not just weight.
  • Sean_The_IT_Guy
    A POUND OF FAT WEIGHS THE SAME AS A POUND OF MUSCLE. This is obvious and people who point it out are being snarky and pedantic.

    A gallon of muscle weighs much much more than a gallon of fat.

    This is what people are concerned with. If my leg is X inches around, and I lose 1 inch of fat and gain 1 inch of muscle, will I weigh more? YES.

    That said, this is a pointless concern. You can, with effort, lose 50+ pounds of fat a year even at a healthy loss rate.

    However, if you are not a male still in the tail end of puberty (say 23+ years old) then you will almost never be able to put on more than 5 or, if you are on the high end of the bell curve, possibly 10 pounds of muscle in a year, even if you train ridiculously hard, unless you are on some sort of hormone supplement (read: steroids).

    For everyone who's worried about putting on weight because they're working out, rest assured, if you have fat to lose, the rate you will lose that will outstrip the gains you will make from muscle.
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    No it does not weigh more, it weighs exactly the same but is denser and takes up less space!

    It would be just as accurate to say that it takes up exactly the same amount of space but is denser and weighs more.
    True. A cubic inch of muscle takes up the same room as a cubic inch of fat. You need a constant to make either claim. However, I don't think it is a big deal to say weighs more or takes up less room than fat. Most people understand that a constant measure is implied and it simply means a more muscular person will look leaner at a given weight.
  • Sean_The_IT_Guy
    What normally makes people think "oh no, I'm working out and putting on muscle faster than I'm losing fat!" is the fact that, when you start a new exercise routine, more strenuous than you're used to, the body will hoard water in and around your muscle cells. This is to aid rebuilding of the muscle tissue, and is totally normal. The water weight may stay with you for a while, but eventually, as your body becomes accustomed to the new workout routine, it will dissipate.
  • alicepoppyh
    alicepoppyh Posts: 88
    I find it difficult to believe that anyone thinks a pound of anything weighs more than a pound of anything else. When discussing weight, the "by volume" is implied. Otherwise, everything weighs the same, doesn't it?

    The short answer is yes. I have never seen anyone dispute whether or not concrete is heavier than feathers, because, as mentioned, the "by volume" is obvious. People seem to get all caught up in semantics with muscle vs. fat.

    Some common sense just as I thought my head would explode. YES. Muscle weighs more than fat.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Pretty sure y'all learned what mass is during grade school.
    But, for the slow kids:

    *marks spot on desk with X*

    *slams head repeatedly*
  • mminter22
    mminter22 Posts: 29
    Did not know that....thats some good stuff right there!:)
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member

    I agree. A complete Faleshud.
  • kellyemb
    kellyemb Posts: 18
    Weighs the same but muscle burns more calories then fat!!! You want muscle!!!!!