20 th July new group



  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Hello Girlfriends:flowerforyou:
    Congrats Chrissey down 1.6 Just keep up what you are doing and surely you will be under 200 next week. That will be a great incentive to EAT SMART knowing you are so close to being under the 200 mark.
    And Jillian (biggest loser) would love to give you a last chance work-out on Thursday.:noway:

    Eava.....We all tend to let life get in the way of our diet plans....Stay focused and plan your meals. I find that if I dont plan I tend to grab something not healthy.

    Elizabeth.....Glad to hear from you and Congrats on reaching 153. How much of a loss is that for you?

    Sjpiral girl71.....It really really really helps to have hubby on board. It is the only way to change a lifestyle.

    Everyone else...Losing weight is a life long journey. Wishing us all the strength to stick with it!!!:smile:

    Take Care,
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi Everyone

    I am BACK
    I had three weeks leave as well for work as for MFP.
    Personal reasons and not easy.
    I gained of course so will try to be back on track asap.

    I hope everyone posted me the new weigh ins so that I can make a new list.
    Sorry I didn't do that for the last two weeks but had no time for that.

    Pleas update me with all the new ideas and info.

    Love to hear from all of you

  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi please
    do me a favor and give me the new weights and not the losses,
    easier to work with

  • eellizzzabbeetthh
    Elizabeth.....Glad to hear from you and Congrats on reaching 153. How much of a loss is that for you?

    Hi Angl,

    I am now down a huge 4 pounds! LOL I guess it is going the right way even if it is super slow. I'm working on it ...

    How are you doing?
  • eellizzzabbeetthh
    My cousin, a personal trainer, gave me a 4 week workout schedule. It seems a bit confusing to me so what I thought I would do is write it out day by day to MAKE me figure it out. Would you all mind if I did it here? Anybody want to try it with me?

    Monday (Week 1)

    Squat Press (5 - 15 lbs) ~ 3-4 Sets of 8-12 Reps
    HOW TO http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/smith-machine-squat.html

    Spider Man Crawl ~ 6-10 each side (alternate)
    HOW TO http://www.5min.com/Video/Spiderman-Crawl-Exercise-5049

    Jumping Jacks ~ 25-100

    Step Ups (weights optional) ~ 3-4 Sets of 8-12 Reps each side
    HOW TO http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/dumbbell-step-up.html

    Bent Over Row (5 - 25 lbs) ~ 3-4 Sets of 6-10 Reps
    HOW TO http://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/bent-over-barbell-row.html

    Jumping Jacks ~ 25-100
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Im doing great Elizabeth...Been eating healthy and keeping active. If you read one of my posts (back a few) you will read that I hate to work out sooooooo I really am not interested in joining you on your workout schedule. I find that if I just keep active works great for me. I park far away in parking lots and walk...I always take the stairs...I will do my stationary bike when winter gets here.
    Good luck on the work out schedule. It sounds challenging.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :heart: hi guys! I am still 159. But not complaining it is still an 11 pound loss. I have to share a my success with leaving the grocery store hungry without the chocolate bar I would usually grab and go! It was because of your encouragement. I thought is this healthy? Yea , small skirmish with food but I won yesterday. Today is another day. one day at a time. hugs to all Richie:
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Yeah Elisabeth

    I am picking it all up again
    I follow you

  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I am trying so hard to get back into calorie counting...been off the rocker this week! I haven't been on-line much but it is so great to see some of you doing so wonderful. Wow! 8lbs. angl, 22 for Chrissey, you go girls. :bigsmile:
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    Hey everybody! :smile: I hope u are all doing well.

    I am down 1 pound this week:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I have finished week 2 of couch 2 5k and am still alive:laugh: man it's tough!!

    Happy weigh in everybody I hope u all have a great weekend!

  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105

    Well done January
    I feel like starting right from the beginning again.
    Goal for this week is 3 times a week exercise and 2 liters of water a day.
    I also did/do the couch 2 5 K. On the cross trainer is is much harder than on a track.
    Indoors you can see if you keep up your speed, on the track you can;t but I did both.
    once on the track and 2 times indoors.
    I ended at week 5 3 weeks ago so I will pick it up at week 4 again next week

    Lets do it again
    Any new weigh ins ????

  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Congrats to you January....down 1lb is great:drinker: :drinker:
    I am down .5 again. thats 167 now. Slow but steady....Im sure to beat that rabbit.:laugh:
    Hang in there Patty....getting back into your routine will be helpful.
    Ya all have a great weekend!!
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    thanks Patty & Angl:wink:

    Congrats to u Angl for being down .5 it's great to be down!

    Good luck getting back on track Patty!! You can do it:happy:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Hi Everyone! I was up a little but I knew it would be. You can't go four days without logging in your calories! New week, fresh start!:smile: Hope everyone has a great week. Let's move!
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105

    It's monday morning and a new fresh start for me. I nearly gained all the 7lb that I had lost. Absolutely my own mistake. Eating out of (what shall I call it )depression ???
    Very Bad habit

    I know I can do it so here I go again:drinker:
    Well done for all those who nearly at their goal weight, for the others keep it up.

    I updated our website
    for the ninth week but a lot have dropped out. :cry: :cry:
    For last friday i only received 2 weigh ins!!
    Shall I stop or continue? We nearly have to start a new tread at 20 pages/
    We could continue under the same name or start on as " New Years Even Goal 2009"

    For those who's name was not on the list or not any more, sorry maybe I made a mistake please update me.

    Come on, join us, inspire us lets do it together!!!

    What shall we do!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I want to stay in the group. Let's keep it going. I thought I had sent you my weight but couldn't remember if I did it or "thought" I did...some of us are at the great stage of life that begins with an M!:tongue:
    Have a great day, Patty!
    As for us on this side of the world...good night!:yawn:
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Patty, Please keep this group going. I usually weigh in on Wednesdays. and I have lost 11 pounds since July. Like you I am an emotional eater. Like others in the group I am not into exercise. I never have been. This group is important to me. I am a computer illiterate and thus my postings are plain but I started out at 170 and now am 159. . I am grateful to each of you for your honest postings. I have failed so many times at this fight, knowing I can come here for encouragement is important. Thanks to all of you. hugs, Richie
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Lets all hang in there together....We are not quitters!!!!
    Not sure why we need to start a new thread...just click on the last page and post....
    I have noticed there are many days without any postings but we all have lives to live.
    Im in......
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    Oh we have to keep this group going:frown: I need it to keep going
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :smile: Just got back from a skirmish at "Bob Evan's" Restaurant and I won! I ordered my favorite and only ate a small portion but all of the salad. Good thing the entree alone was one thousand four hundred and seventeen calories! God Bless all of you for your helpful hints. The garlic bread was 195 calories. Oh my goodness Thank goodness I could share it with my very skinny friend that went out with me! I don't think I did too much damage maybe 100 calories over the limit.

    Hugs to all, Richie