Anyone eat Coconut Oil?



  • Jordan Rubin has a book out that recommends it as healthy,I did notice when using it to saute veg. or in browning meats,it adds flavor.He is listed on line,actually giving the books away,he want the world healthy.He is a doctor and nutrionist,has a nice cleanse system,hope this helps.
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    Yes, I ingested it for about 6 months, and it was hard to adjust. The texture was like lard, and at first it really was harsh on bowels. Energy level was amazing, skin looked great, and I felt good, but the texture was too much.
    It is very good for your body, and helps with many yeast issues living within your gut.
    Start slowly and if its too much to swallow, add it to your daily diet.

    Best of luck. Tons of amazing health properties, and fabulous on mosquito bites.
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    I have not found anything reliable about it actually acting as a sunscreen, and just a lot about people getting more burned or tanned by using it, since it doesn't actually screen out the rays. Is there any good information on this? Most of what I see uses coconut oil IN sunscreen, with shea butter and all, but is not stated as itself being a sunscreen alone. Thanks for any insight.
  • winonajosephine
    winonajosephine Posts: 122 Member
    I had a co-worker who ate it by the spoonfull before each meal and lost weight, she swears by it! I've cooked with it and put it in smoothies and I think its fine... I tried the spoonfull before each meal and I lost weight as well but it was kind of like eating lard - it just made everything "slip" right through... lol :bigsmile:
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    Coconut oil is incredible for your entire body--inside and out. It has been known to aid in treatment of high cholesterol, hyper/hypothyroidism, heart disease, low metabolism, psoriasis, yeast infections, digestion, dry skin, etc. Coconut oil also has antiseptic properties--I've used it on burns, cuts, bruises, etc. with excellent results.

    My sister has been taking it in capsules (less than the recommended amount) and chronic digestive yeast issues have ceased to exist. When I was taking it regularly, my skin looked better and my hypothyroidism seemed a bit improved.

    I also use it for cooking--I find that my eggs NEVER stick to the pan when I use coconut oil and it basically loses all taste.

    Besides being great for people, it's also great for pets! It has many of the same benefits--a teaspoon to an average (aprox. 30#) dog's diet can help if they have digestive issues.

    I can't sing coconut oil's praises enough! :)
  • paddicakes
    paddicakes Posts: 1 Member
    I eat a tablespoon a day. I have seen big changes (for the better) in my skin and hair and my digestion. I use it one my hair, leave it on over night with a shower cap and wash it out in the morning. My hair is so soft. I have put it in smoothies but it tends to "rise to the top" and looks yucky and then I can't drink them. I can swallow a tblsp no problem. I have had no ill side effects so I will continue to use it.
  • I use it on my skin and the ends of my hair, have a little thing of it in my purse to use as lip gloss, and it's great for stir frys. Also really good in baked goods.
  • Brianabomb
    Brianabomb Posts: 87 Member
    I like it alot. I've eaten about 1/2 tablespoon at a time. My husband now cooks just about everything in it. I just need to try it on my skin.

    We use Trader Joes and it is a great price.
  • misskelli22
    misskelli22 Posts: 34
    Coconut oil is great for you. I tried eating a spoonful once and it tasted so horrible I almost threw up so I don't think I'll try that again. I use it on my skin and hair though and just made some deodorant with it. I've tried it in green smoothies but think it tastes weird. I want to try more baking and cooking with it but I don't think my husband will like the coconut flavor.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Instead of butter, I melted coconut oil on some asparagus and it was delish!!! I use it often now for most of my cooking and as others have pointed out it's good for other stuff too. My nutritionist suggested eating 3 teaspoons a day (not Tbsp) but I'm guessing either is fine. I've been told this is one of the best oils for you health wise.

    Oh and apparently it's good for cooking because it can withstand higher temperatures which is why olive oil isn't good for cooking at high temps. (Don't quote me on this one though.)
  • mynewvision
    mynewvision Posts: 20
    Yep! hair, skin and cooking
  • I feel like the science behind the health benefits of coconut oil is still too new for me to really hop on this train. The science behind the health benefits of monounsaturated fats (the main fat in olive oil) is much more robust, thus I stick with olive oil.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Coconut oil is great for you. I tried eating a spoonful once and it tasted so horrible I almost threw up so I don't think I'll try that again. I use it on my skin and hair though and just made some deodorant with it. I've tried it in green smoothies but think it tastes weird. I want to try more baking and cooking with it but I don't think my husband will like the coconut flavor.

    If you don't want the coconut flavor, try "refined". If you like the coconut flavor, look for "unrefined".

    And yes, ideally, would be virgin cold pressed, but I believe there are still similar nutritional benefits from the more readily-available (and slightly cheaper) expeller pressed...but truthfully, *all* coconut oil is a little pricey (at least compared to that horrible industrialized abomination called vegetable oil).
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I use olive oil almost exclusively. Coconut oil is very expensive where I shop and I don't believe it's any healthier than olive oil, which is much more affordable.
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    Coconut oil is awesome, and I use it in so many ways! Then again, I love the taste, texture and aroma - you have to like coconut and, more specifically, Almond Joy (for the aroma). I'm on my first jar of this one, and I'm definitely getting it again:

    In terms of food, I use it for cooking eggs and stir fry, in my protein smoothies (when my macros allow for it), a teaspoon as a quick pre-workout "snack" or in hot water with lime juice first thing in the morning. For those that have a hard time eating it by the spoonful, I recommend mixing a teaspoon in hot water, which makes it easier to take down and moisturizes your lips at the same time! :wink: I add the lime juice to help stimulate digestion. Plus it's a good flavor combination.

    For the body, I also use it every day as a body/lip moisturizer and makeup remover. I mix a pinch with a few drops of tea tree oil and use as deodorant. Because it's so slippery and persistent, it's good for massages. It makes a great suntan -enhancer- for sure, but it does NOT protect you from the sun! It could help heal burned skin, but that's about it. It is a great emulsifier for other lotion ingredients, hence its use in suntan products. I'm not a dermatologist, but I've looked into it quite a bit, and that seems to be the consensus.
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    Yes, love it! Great in baked goods...great on your skin and hair. I've even heard of people using it as deoderant!
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    See ticker. I eat a LOT of it and I shed pounds.

    * I cook with it.
    * I make ice cream with coconut cream and coconut oil.
    * I put it in my morning coffee.
    * I put it in my afternoon tea.
    * I add it to my mug of bone broth.
    * I add it to anything hot, sweet or savory, even homemade hot cocoa.
    * I make candy with it that melts fat and builds muscle. (coconut oil, cocoa, nuts, chopped dried fruits)
    * I give my daughter a spoonful at room temperature whenever she asks what's for dinner and dinner isn't quite ready yet.
    * I use it instead of a protein shake or bar when I've scheduled poorly and don't want to miss a meal.

  • tinaw815
    tinaw815 Posts: 5
    Absolutely! I eat Coconut Manna and cook with Coconut Oil. Delicious and healthy! More energy in the mornings and good digestion system going on!
  • megandme120
    megandme120 Posts: 95 Member
    Absolutely! I eat Coconut Manna and cook with Coconut Oil. Delicious and healthy! More energy in the mornings and good digestion system going on!

    What's coconut manna? I love all things coconut. I love putting coconut oil in my protein smoothies!
  • tinaw815
    tinaw815 Posts: 5
    Absolutely! I eat Coconut Manna and cook with Coconut Oil. Delicious and healthy! More energy in the mornings and good digestion system going on!

    What's coconut manna? I love all things coconut. I love putting coconut oil in my protein smoothies!
    Coconut Manna is the "coconut meat" . I buy Nutiva Coconut Manna, sit the jar in hot water til the manna melts and stir . What happens is the coconut oil separates from the manna when stored at cool temperatures. But once melted it is creamy and delicious!