Do not eat fruit or veg - What can I eat ?



  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    Do you think it's taste that stops you eating or the texture/feeling? I only ask because you mention 'bits' in juices. There used to be a show on TV about extreme eaters - people who really did live without any fruit/veg and some who just lived on crisps (chips)!! They used a lot of different ways to introduce veg and fruit.... a lot of which I actually followed with my son (who for 2 years only ate white foods - sensory issue). It might be worth researching something like that and looking at ways to slowly introduce fruit and veg into your life.

    Otherwise, grate or puree veg and put that in things like sauces for pasta.

    What do you currently eat? Might be easier to come up with ways to make them healthier? xx

    I'd be interested in knowing some of these techniques. My son has never been diagnosed with sensory issues, but he is extremely picky about textures. Especially meat. Sometimes he could go days without eating meat. He also has a issue with other textures like mashed potatoes, etc.

    Meat was a killer for us also! None in two years.

    Cannot recommend enough this book:

    Honestly, turned everything around for us. I would also recommend doing things like finger paints, messy play to try and get past the texture issues. My son was never diagnosed with sensory issues but his food issues went far beyond anyone's ideas of simply starving him until he ate - which was what every health professional told us.

    My son eats absolutely everything now! A favourite is even squid tenticles!!
  • mellymassacre
    mellymassacre Posts: 15 Member
    Multi-vitamins are a good way to start, but do you know why you don't like fruit or veg? Surely you haven't tried them ALL! Maybe you could try to try one new thing a week.

    Do you have texture issues with food? I do...I don't eat beans or mushrooms for that reason.

    Also, make sure the fruits and veg are ripe and really ready to eat, they taste the best then!

    there may be things i havent tried or not tried in years so i'll pick up few things and give it a go. as i said, last time i tried it just made me sick.
    i have never been able to pinpoint why i dont like it, the only thing i can think of is that i associate fruit and veg with plants, so when i try to eat it my body rejects it because my brain knows not to eat plants, if that makes sense ?
  • mellymassacre
    mellymassacre Posts: 15 Member
    Have you tried a wide variety of fruits and vegetables? Not everyone likes salads.. but you could try other veggies, if you like vegetable soup, they you could start by trying to eat some of the vegetables out of that. Green beans, carrots, corn, etc.

    Then maybe just go to the grocery store and try things you've never tasted before, or try cooking them in a different way.

    I just have a hard time wrapping my mind around not liking any vegetables.. even when I wasn't eating healthy, it was my favorite type of food.

    i may try cooked carrots, that sounds like something i could stomach. i'll also look for low call soups.
    everyone has a hard time understanding, it quite an odd habit.

    Do you have an eating disorder?

    i have never been diagnosed with an eating disorder, but i could, im no expert
  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    Multi-vitamins are a good way to start, but do you know why you don't like fruit or veg? Surely you haven't tried them ALL! Maybe you could try to try one new thing a week.

    Do you have texture issues with food? I do...I don't eat beans or mushrooms for that reason.

    Also, make sure the fruits and veg are ripe and really ready to eat, they taste the best then!

    there may be things i havent tried or not tried in years so i'll pick up few things and give it a go. as i said, last time i tried it just made me sick.
    i have never been able to pinpoint why i dont like it, the only thing i can think of is that i associate fruit and veg with plants, so when i try to eat it my body rejects it because my brain knows not to eat plants, if that makes sense ?

    Your body rejects it because your brain knows not to eat plants?? Surely your brain knows not to eat an animal too but there is no mention that you don't eat meat?

    It doesn't make a huge amount of sense if I'm honest. Good luck with that though!
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    Do you have problems with food texture or is it the flavour? I only ask because I had the same problem until I got help for it. Never ate fruit or vegetables, only ate junk food, and a limited variety at that. Hated stuff with bits in, etc. I know it sounds silly, but have you considered hypnotism? I know how ridiculous it sounds, I thought it was crap as well, but I've finally been able to eat normal food without vomiting or gagging. It takes a while to get used to a new food but I can do that now, I eat a lot of salads now. Well, normally because I cannot chew at the moment, but I adore salad now and try and eat it every single day when it used to make me sick!
  • mellymassacre
    mellymassacre Posts: 15 Member
    ETA: Do you like spaghetti? Tomato sauce is a vegetable. Look for lower sugar varieties.

    roasting might work, thank you for that idea.
    i love spaghetti, i try to make my own tomato sause :)
  • pixelish
    pixelish Posts: 54
    Where are you getting fiber? No fruit or veggies and my bathroom abilities suffer!

    Maybe try starting with vegetables that aren't that far from some starches - sweet potatoes, pinto beans, parsnips, even ears of corn. Once you get used to having these in your diet, you could expand the items you're willing to try.
  • mellymassacre
    mellymassacre Posts: 15 Member
    Do you have problems with food texture or is it the flavour? I only ask because I had the same problem until I got help for it. Never ate fruit or vegetables, only ate junk food, and a limited variety at that. Hated stuff with bits in, etc. I know it sounds silly, but have you considered hypnotism? I know how ridiculous it sounds, I thought it was crap as well, but I've finally been able to eat normal food without vomiting or gagging. It takes a while to get used to a new food but I can do that now, I eat a lot of salads now. Well, normally because I cannot chew at the moment, but I adore salad now and try and eat it every single day when it used to make me sick!

    firstly, it is so reassuring to find someone with the same problem. i dont mind if i sounds silly, hypnotism is definetly something i would try. im very very limited in what i can eat without vomitting/gagging. thank you very much :)
    if you are in the uk, do you no if hypnotism is available on the nhs ?
  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    Just seen you're in the UK. Watch these on BBC

    It's about people with similar food issues and shows ways to improve it.
  • mellymassacre
    mellymassacre Posts: 15 Member
    Do you think it's taste that stops you eating or the texture/feeling? I only ask because you mention 'bits' in juices. There used to be a show on TV about extreme eaters - people who really did live without any fruit/veg and some who just lived on crisps (chips)!! They used a lot of different ways to introduce veg and fruit.... a lot of which I actually followed with my son (who for 2 years only ate white foods - sensory issue). It might be worth researching something like that and looking at ways to slowly introduce fruit and veg into your life.

    Otherwise, grate or puree veg and put that in things like sauces for pasta.

    What do you currently eat? Might be easier to come up with ways to make them healthier? xx

    That show would have a filed day with me !
    Mainly, I eat pasta, potatoes, bread, cheese and beef. Thats about it. Anything else is junk food or fast food. I'll look into sensory solutions.
  • mellymassacre
    mellymassacre Posts: 15 Member
    Just seen you're in the UK. Watch these on BBC

    It's about people with similar food issues and shows ways to improve it.

    thank you :)
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    Do you think it's taste that stops you eating or the texture/feeling? I only ask because you mention 'bits' in juices. There used to be a show on TV about extreme eaters - people who really did live without any fruit/veg and some who just lived on crisps (chips)!! They used a lot of different ways to introduce veg and fruit.... a lot of which I actually followed with my son (who for 2 years only ate white foods - sensory issue). It might be worth researching something like that and looking at ways to slowly introduce fruit and veg into your life.

    Otherwise, grate or puree veg and put that in things like sauces for pasta.

    What do you currently eat? Might be easier to come up with ways to make them healthier? xx

    I'd be interested in knowing some of these techniques. My son has never been diagnosed with sensory issues, but he is extremely picky about textures. Especially meat. Sometimes he could go days without eating meat. He also has a issue with other textures like mashed potatoes, etc.

    Meat was a killer for us also! None in two years.

    Cannot recommend enough this book:

    Honestly, turned everything around for us. I would also recommend doing things like finger paints, messy play to try and get past the texture issues. My son was never diagnosed with sensory issues but his food issues went far beyond anyone's ideas of simply starving him until he ate - which was what every health professional told us.

    My son eats absolutely everything now! A favourite is even squid tenticles!!

    Thank you! I'll look into that! Yes, starving my son doesn't work, nor does it appeal to me. My FIL makes me so angy, if we are at their house and he refuses to eat something I "told" them ahead of time he wouldn't eat, FIL trys to make him, and if he won't he tries to take his plate away.. steam comes out my ears!

    He's not being "finicky" .. strange textures honestly make him gag!
  • michellematteson
    Have you tried drinking V8 splash?

    Just a sugestion. I get a bottle every once and a while. Then experiment with your furits/veggies. Not everyone will like the same thing.

    I would recommend V8 Fusion over V8 Splash. V8 Splash has additives and high high fructose corn syrup in it while the V8 Fusion is not loaded with as much (I think there is just 1-2 preservatives). Of course the V8 100% Vegetable Juice is the healthiest of them all, but that one is hard to get use to the taste.

    Of course, eating your veggies is better than drinking them, even that I can agree with, but the V8 Fusion would be a step in the right direction while you get use the the texture of other veggies.
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    firstly, it is so reassuring to find someone with the same problem. i dont mind if i sounds silly, hypnotism is definetly something i would try. im very very limited in what i can eat without vomitting/gagging. thank you very much :)
    if you are in the uk, do you no if hypnotism is available on the nhs ?

    I know how reassuring it is, I have a friend and when I got to know her I found she has the same problem. We were both delighted that we weren't the only ones! I'm just happier now that I'm not like that now because I don't have to avoid going out to dinner or parties or going to someones house for a meal, it was always so embarassing when everyone looked at me as though I was insane. The downside is that if I go away to other countries I don't have enough time to get used to the new food if it's totally unfamiliar so I just take stuff with me for emergencies at the moment.

    I don't think it's available on the NHS as it's not a proven thing unfortunately. My Mum does beauty stuff as a side business to her normal job and basically did whatever the hypnotist wanted as exchange for 6 sessions when I was 23 as I had had the problem since 3 years old (I'm 26 now). I don't actually know how much it would have cost me normally, the person I went to is actually a nurse but had recently trained in hypnotherapy as well and she was so lovely and didn't judge me at all!
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    Thank you! I'll look into that! Yes, starving my son doesn't work, nor does it appeal to me. My FIL makes me so angy, if we are at their house and he refuses to eat something I "told" them ahead of time he wouldn't eat, FIL trys to make him, and if he won't he tries to take his plate away.. steam comes out my ears!

    He's not being "finicky" .. strange textures honestly make him gag!

    No, starving will not work, my Mum tried that when the doctor told her "Children won't let themselves starve." Guess what? I went to hospital after not eating for over a week! :laugh: I can see why you're angry at your FIL, when relatives did that to me as a child I'd burst into tears and feel humiliated. I wish you tons of luck with your new strategy, it's not fun being an adult and having this problem with food, it's possibly more embarassing than as a child when your friends start to give you looks as well.
  • mellymassacre
    mellymassacre Posts: 15 Member
    I know how reassuring it is, I have a friend and when I got to know her I found she has the same problem. We were both delighted that we weren't the only ones! I'm just happier now that I'm not like that now because I don't have to avoid going out to dinner or parties or going to someones house for a meal, it was always so embarassing when everyone looked at me as though I was insane. The downside is that if I go away to other countries I don't have enough time to get used to the new food if it's totally unfamiliar so I just take stuff with me for emergencies at the moment.

    I don't think it's available on the NHS as it's not a proven thing unfortunately. My Mum does beauty stuff as a side business to her normal job and basically did whatever the hypnotist wanted as exchange for 6 sessions when I was 23 as I had had the problem since 3 years old (I'm 26 now). I don't actually know how much it would have cost me normally, the person I went to is actually a nurse but had recently trained in hypnotherapy as well and she was so lovely and didn't judge me at all!

    I would love to be able to go to dinner parties. I think my habit/phobia started when I was five, Im now eighteen. I will look into the costs of hypnotherapy, I think its probably the best solution for me. I've started offering to chop and prepare fruit and veg for other people to try and get used to how it feels to the touch, still very far away for liking it in my mouth though. Thank you for all your help.