Have a Question and need to vent



  • yourpalacf
    yourpalacf Posts: 51 Member
    It's not easy, I know. My husband, while he eats pretty healthily, has never had a weight problem, so he's always up for dessert. It's been hard to let him eat it alone :) But I'm working on it.

    Also, if you cook, the magazine (or website) Cooking Light has great recipes that taste great. Tweaks to classics, some easy meals, etc. I've had some meals from there become standards.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    For me I find that to eat right we DO have to think about it a lot. By planning and preparing I keep myself on track.

    I personally feel it is really our state of mind that dictates whether we will be successful or not. If we want something bad enough we will WORK for it. We will say no to the bad food and make the extra effort required to eat what we know we should be eating.

    YOU have to believe in yourself and know that YOU are more than capable to lose the weight.

    Although being overweight boils down to calories eaten versus calories burned, it is much more important to start slow by making gradual changes to your eating and exercise patterns.

    It will be difficult. It will be challenging. However, without challenging ourselves we will never change.
  • lovedtorun
    lovedtorun Posts: 75
    Very rarely do my kids get to eat somethign different then the rest of us. Its just the big dramatic fight that I want to avoid every night about why they cant have something different. I do make them eat what is served. My 7 year old daughter is VERY stubborn :) sometimes its just so exhausting with a busy life, trying to change my lifestyle and 4 kids. I like the idea of having more veggies and a salad and smaller portions of the not so healthy. And a good thing.. my kids love fruit and veggies, but they still want to eat the junk food. I keep a tight hold on that.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Why don't you just have everyone make their own dinner and choose what the kids eat? I'm not a parent, but if I ever am one, my kids will eat what I give them. ugh

    Don't 'ugh' if you don't know... I always used to say "My kids will___ or won't ___" and you know a funny little thing happened... I got pregant, had him and my view changed.
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    I agree with most eveyone on her you can do it! However you have to be ready to make the change for yourself. My family are very picky eaters and my husband has to eat 3 peanut butter sandwiches a day on top of regular meals just to keep weight on!!! (OMG what a problem to have - right?) But it doesn't sound like your family and extended family are giving you much support wich is critical with your journey. You can't remove all the "bad food" from the house but you CAN add "good food" choices. My hardest part of the day is between 3pm - 6pm bc the kids come home from school and they are munching and we are somewhat idol (either waiting to go to a practice or to early to start dinner) so I find myself craving all the high cal foods like the kids. Thats when I turn to a 90cal bar like Fiber One bc it has all the "junk" food cravings covered and its only 90cal. If I drink lots of water between bites it deff fills me up and I can make it till dinner. Now for the meals..... make the same for you and them but try to make your healither by leaving off the butter or pulling out your portion b4 adding high cal items. Like pull out a helping of pasta b4 you add the sauce and on yours add a low sodium no sugar sauce then you now have the same looking meal as the fam but yours is only about 170 cals. You get the point I'm sure but get the fam involved and they might just enjoy helping you reach your goal.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Very rarely do my kids get to eat somethign different then the rest of us. Its just the big dramatic fight that I want to avoid every night about why they cant have something different. I do make them eat what is served. My 7 year old daughter is VERY stubborn :) sometimes its just so exhausting with a busy life, trying to change my lifestyle and 4 kids. I like the idea of having more veggies and a salad and smaller portions of the not so healthy. And a good thing.. my kids love fruit and veggies, but they still want to eat the junk food. I keep a tight hold on that.
    As parents we pick our battles... as long as you aren't giving them ice cream and cookies for dinner just because they 'want' it, I'd say you are doing fine :)
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I feel like if you are the one cooking, they eat what you prepare or make their own. Your whole family would benefit from eating healthier, not just you. Personally, if I had someone cooking for me every night and I didn't have to do it, I wouldn't complain, regardless of what they made.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Yes, yes, yes! That's how I've done it. It can take longer, but it's worth it. Remember that it's all about choices. I now skip the slice of cheddar on my burger because I'd prefer to have the cookie for desert. And, I'm really dilligent about portion sizes. Although I fully understand that skipping the treats and only eating healthy food and getting exercise is the preferable way to go, I have to balance that with my lifestyle. For now, losing weight is the primary goal.
  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    this is a hard spot to be in but you can do it :flowerforyou:
    Make playing with your kids an option--if you have a Wii or Xbox get one of those dance games and make it a family thing, even teenagers like those games....get a workout DVD you may even be able to check one out at your local library (even the walking DVD's are good)...
    Also sit down and have a heart to heart talk with your kids, let them know what you expect from them food wise and that you know its not easy with a lot of different meals/food around. Kids do understand--mine are 6 &8 and they help keep me on track and love to dance with me. Maynot be a workout dance--but dancing still keeps all of us moving and laughing..

    Maybe suggest that you all take turns cooking that way some days you will have better choices for you
  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    Very rarely do my kids get to eat somethign different then the rest of us. Its just the big dramatic fight that I want to avoid every night about why they cant have something different. I do make them eat what is served. My 7 year old daughter is VERY stubborn :) sometimes its just so exhausting with a busy life, trying to change my lifestyle and 4 kids. I like the idea of having more veggies and a salad and smaller portions of the not so healthy. And a good thing.. my kids love fruit and veggies, but they still want to eat the junk food. I keep a tight hold on that.
    As parents we pick our battles... as long as you aren't giving them ice cream and cookies for dinner just because they 'want' it, I'd say you are doing fine :)

    I pick Friday night to be our "junk" food night. So its kind of something for the kids to look forward to and has cut down on fussing at dinner time. Worked like a charm in our house
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I wish I could eat anything I want without worry. It takes so much mental work to lose weight. I wish it was subconsious for me but its not. I struggle everyday, every meal, every snack with what I should and shouldnt put in my mouth. I worry if I will be over my caloric intake for the day. I try to plan my meals, but My family and I live with my parents and they WONT eat the things I need to eat. Not trying to make excusess but if I make something different my children want what they want to eat. And I am NOT making 3 different meals. Also I cannot eliminate the junk food thats in the house. (some people dont have to worry about their weight or just dont care) I have cut down on my protions and added healthier snack and eliminated alot of junk. But when I wanna eat that cookie I worry.

    This leads me to a question. Can weight be lost with a little exercise and a slight change of diet? Until I can move out of my parents house I am afraid I will not loose the weight.

    You can lose weight without much exercise but you have to change your diet. I understand the frustration of being in an environment in which you are surrounded by food you aren't supposed to eat. I would suggest doing something that may help shift the focus from food, like Intermittent Fasting (IF). You eat all the calories you're supposed to, but in a limited window.
  • lovedtorun
    lovedtorun Posts: 75
    Thank you everyone for the great advice. I try to walk 30 minutes each day or an hour 3 times a week.
  • lovedtorun
    lovedtorun Posts: 75
    Thank you everyone for the great advice. I try to walk 30 minutes each day or an hour 3 times a week.
  • scrappy25
    scrappy25 Posts: 77 Member
    also, set your weight loss at 1/2 lb per week. That is much easier and you WILL lose the weight . Slow but steady wins the race!
  • That is hard cause to lose weight it is 70%Diet and 30%exercise. what I try to do is when no one is cooking go and pre make your meals that your going to have or want. I do my meals at times to last me 3 days, so I can just grab and go. But you can also try portion control where you don't eat as much.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    It sure can!! Small changes still add up! Try to exercise for a 30 minute period twice more a week than you already are. Try to cut down the size of your meal just a tad. Hang in there - it might be a slow process but the change will come.

    I feel you on the making a variety of foods for everyone. I buy sweet potatoes from the grocery store that are in that film wrap so you can just toss them in the microwave and when I make "bad" sides at dinner (like pasta) for everyone else I just eat the sweet potatoes instead. Not a lot of extra work for me (8 minutes in the microwave) but saves a ton of calories!
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    This is kind of how I got started actually. I was an eater and by that I mean I was an EATER!! At first, I just lowered my cals enough for 1/2 lb per week which at my starting weight was PLENTY of food. You would thing anyway. I was still hungry! I started to move more just to earn more food to eat. This was my way for several weeks then just like magic....when I wasn't even thinking about it.... a shift started occurring. I started moving more and more even when I wasn't eating back the calories....the more I lost the easier it became to move..... even more magic..... my body kept adjusting to fewer and fewer calories until ...... some very magical days....... I had to give thought to how to get UP TO my calories for the day!!

    My point.... just in my own experience..... it's not worth a total shock to your system.... it WILL REBEL! Take baby steps..... move a little..... lower you calories just a tad.....move a little more.... lower your calories some more.....

    This is not a race......... First we just have to put the brakes on so we're not racing to an early grave....... then we creep along...or even limp through the side roads until we reach the road we are supposed to be on. Then before you know it, you have the cruise control on and you are rolling along at a pretty good clip. There will be obstacles in the road but as you go, you will learn to weave around those. Even when we take detours, there is a way back to the main road. I don't plan on crossing the finish line for a LOT of years!

    Good luck in your journey!
  • lizzie82088
    lizzie82088 Posts: 12
    I completely understand how hard it is. Personally, I think even just living with a GUY is hard enough (i can imagine kids would be hard too!). My hubby loves food and its hard to turn it down when its right in front of me. But my trick is i make sure i fix my own healthy meal that i can enjoy while he's eating his unhealthier meal and that way we're both done at the same time/satisfied and i don't think any more about it!

    If you only change slightly you'll lose slowly, and personally i think diet is more important than exercise (something i just realized). Just try to keep up the cardio several times a week and cut portions 2x as much for fattier foods and load yourself up on veggies and proteins. i know its SO HARD!!! literally, almost torturous. But what will get you there is the focus on the results!!

    Hang in there... we're all struggling together. :)
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    It can be hard especially when you have children - I have two that are fussy eaters ( they have asd) and other two with food allergies. I still cook the same meals - just smaller portions and check what I'm putting it ( changing lean mince for extra lean) or in casseroles I'm using slightly less meat and more veggies.

    Have a look at my food diary and you will see that we dont go without but in the last 3 weeks i have lost 11 pounds. Also my main exercise is walking - just 20 minutes extra a day can make such a difference.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    it actually is BEST to do a little at a time. Restrictions are not easy and quite frankly, not healthy for extended priods of time. This is supposed to be a lifestyle change, not a full time diet.