Have a Question and need to vent



  • PhenomeNae
    PhenomeNae Posts: 130 Member
    I've sort of taken charge in my house. I live with my mother and she was very resistant to eating healthier. She said i was filling the fridge with "weird" food (veggies and healthier options) so i didn't cook for her. I cooked for my son and myself and i made sure he was eating what i am eating. this is a lifestyle change. there is no reason he can't learn how to eat correctly at the age he is.
    eventually she came around. she now eats what i do, and i'm sure she's feeling better for it. don't cook for the family that isn't attempting a healthier lifestyle. it's not a "diet" that you'll stop some where down the road, this is for life, to be healthier and to manage your weight.
  • Zaetalicious
    Zaetalicious Posts: 13 Member
    I know how you feel. My boyfriend is trying to GAIN weight/muscle mass, and some days he eats 4,000+ CALORIES!! It can be really hard to lose, especially when others around you are either not supportive or have different goals than you do. Luckily my bf is pretty supportive about me not eating as many carbs/calories as he does, but my advice to you is like others have said -- it takes time, and a lot of hard work to lose the weight you put on. Don't restrict yourself too much or you'll end up going off track for weeks and be back where you started! Focus on being HEALTHY first, eat the right amount of calories and try to eat the bad stuff "in moderation", get off your bum more, and the weight will come off.
  • Neahpata
    Neahpata Posts: 322 Member
    This is not a direct answer but a suggestion to your situation. I am currently in a situation similar to yours in which I live with people who don't eat healthy, so there is always junk food, snacks, fried food, etc around. But I deal with it by having my own mini fridge in my room and having a hotplate and hot pot to cook. In my mini fridge I keep my soy milk, lean meats, veggies, etc and I keep Kashi snacks, peanut butter, whole grain goods, fruit, etc. in my room. I cook my healthy meals in my room and it them there. You have kids so that might throw a wrench in the works, but it is still an idea.

    Also, living with other people can be stressful, especially when you are used to living on your own. Regular relaxation (meditation, sauna, yoga) has helped me avoid emotional eating and enabled me to look the other way when I see the fried chicken, cookies, etc.