Tell me about your rock bottom



  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    bump for later x
  • HausOfTina
    HausOfTina Posts: 92
    When I went to Six Flags with my sister, cousin, and boyfriend. I couldn't fit on the coasters. When I had to stand to the side after being told I didn't fit was rock bottom for me. I had never felt so embarrassed and low in my entire life.

    When I hit my goal, I hope to head back there and enjoy the rides that I used to love so much.
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    After having my second baby and even at 6 weeks post partum I still looked like I was 5-6 months pregnant. I was like, hell no, this ain't gonna work! So I ordered the Insanity DVD's and start tracking my calories again. I was determined not to have to buy new clothes before I went back to work from maternity leave. The crazy thing, I actually still do need to buy new clothes... but its because my clothes are TOO BIG! :laugh: That's irony for ya, lol.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    After eating late at night with my friends everynight, fast food, brownies, alcohol, I gained 60 pounds in 2 years....i'm only 5' 2" so thats alot on my frame . my father looked at me and said you have got some took those words for me to realize I was heading down the wrong path to a life of unhealthiness..I needed to hear that from someone.... I was not happy, I didnt feel comfortable in my body, I didnt care. I realized I had to change at that moment , and fast!!! .it took me 10 years of ups and downs to get to where I am now, I have lost it all and more, I am less than I was in high school. I do not deprive myself of things I love like chocolate and pizza, however I do watch what I eat and make smart choices. I exercise 5 - 6 times a week, and I am vey happy in my skin again :)
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    Rock bottom- i was hooked on pain pills (percocet, vicodin, etc) and didn't care about what i looked like or felt like (as long as I felt high)...then in rehab i discovered i loved being active, but once i went home i put it off and started putting on the pounds that people tend to put on after they sober up. I gained about 40 pounds. Every day I think about what life was like hooked on those evil little pills and how far I came to get off that terrible habit. But I hated how much weight i gained and one day literally woke up and said "enough is clean and sober but Im still letting myself go.. lets finish this thing the right way" So i changed my diet, added exercise, got into sports again, etc... my life has never been the same. Its is AWESOME now. I look good and feel great and want to continue living each upcoming day like this.
  • debloves2ride
    debloves2ride Posts: 386
    a picture of me in a swim suit with what I thought was a "cover up" and my cottage cheese thighs sticking out! everyone else looked so tan and healthy and I looked like a fat old lady! made up my mind that the next family reunion was going to be much better! so far so good
  • Divaflo1
    Divaflo1 Posts: 15
    My rock bottom was when I noticed my hands and feet going numb. I thought it was just because of the desk sitting all day. When in fact it was an untreated diabetes and high blood pressure thing! I had the gastric sleeve procedure to help with my health issues since changing eating habits and working out was not enough.

    I am happy to say things are looking a lot better! still fighting!
  • nmb0717
    nmb0717 Posts: 130 Member
    It was right after my sister visited for Halloween 2011. Not sure what flipped the switch but I just literally woke up one day and stepped on the scale and said NO WAY and that was that. I haven't looked back since and actually don't really miss eating "whatever" as much as I thought I would.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I got married in August and went on our honeymoon very blissfully overweight. When I got back and we were looking at our pictures, I was horrified at the fat girl with her paws all over my husband!! I decided that day to make a change.
  • cafeconleche
    Hi, drebeauty. It was this past Easter, for me. My husband snapped a photo with me and my kids in their outfits and I was HORRIFIED by the way I looked. No matter which angle, it was all unflattering. I couldn't blame my hubby's photo taking skills:) but rather, the way I'd been treating my body. I was disgusted and ashamed! So far, I've lost about 16 lbs, but cannot seem to break the 200 lb mark. Not giving up!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    When I broke the 200 mark, my blood pressure was sky high and I felt run down all the time.

    I used to be an athelete and did some modeling and when I saw myself in a picture that was it.
  • Lizabee84
    Lizabee84 Posts: 353 Member
    I have always been a stress eater. After my mom passed away last July I was overly stressed and depressed that day so I went to McDonalds and order so much food enough to feed a small family went home and ate it all. Then I was having a hard time breathing after I ate it all. I was laying on the bed curled in a ball and realized that my grandma died at 40 from cancer, my mom died at the age of 53 from kidney disease. If I want to live past those ages I better make a change for the better. I was weighing about 160 then I started working out on my own and lost 20 pounds and sadly gained some back. In february I joined MFP and been living a healthier lifestyle ever since.
  • jankleberry
    jankleberry Posts: 508
    When I stood on the scale and realised I was OVER 14stone. :sad:
  • leika79
    leika79 Posts: 114
    quite alot of this!! and he was right!
    He told me he was disappointed in me...because he felt I wasn't trying hard enough to take care of myself!
    He wanted his "girlfriend" I decided it was time to give her back to him!
    I have struggled...the weight has gone up & down over the last 3 years............but this time is going to be different! I AM going to succeed!

    then started my change of lifestyle, i brought some scales at my first weigh in i realised i was 28lb heavier than HIM:noway:
    ...and nearly the same weight as i was at apx 6 months pregnant.
    29lb down i am now ME again :happy:
  • mommy7
    mommy7 Posts: 153
    My rock bottom began when my sister got engaged and asked me to be a bridesmaid. Awesome! I got to go dress shopping with the other two bridesmaids and they both happened to be size 3. I was trying on 16's. I began trying to lose weight and was having no luck. My youngest (#7) was 2.5 months old, so I figured it was too soon and gave up.

    Then came the photos from the wedding in May 10. I was that fat chick standing on stage. The only fat member of the bridal party. I couldn't believe my eyes. That summer, I lost about 18lbs. Then life happened and I had no time to do anything for myself. I ended up putting most of the lost weight back on.

    So, in March 11, I did a second go round and managed to lose another 12lbs. I ended up falling off the band wagon and put most of that weight back on.

    This year for christmas, my husband bought me pj's that I had wanted and they were too small along with a weight set that I made him return. I was so upset and so offended. So, in february, I got serious and began changing my life. I find I really enjoy hitting the gym. I enjoy making friends here. I enjoy just having time to myself every day. I don't mind not eating as much junk as I use to. I am loving the results I see and intend on staying with it.
  • stephanie1133
    stephanie1133 Posts: 211
    Hey everybody I'm interested to hear your story about the moment you knew beyond a shadow of doubt that you had to lose weight. For me it was a few month after I had my son. I breastfed him for about 4months so I pretty much ate whatever I wanted because I was burning so many calories. At one point I was the smallest I had been in years but due to a lot of different factors I stopped nursing and at that exact time I was laid off from my job and just began to stress eat and just sit on the couch all day watching son was only about 5months at the time so I didn't really have to do much moving around. Immediately I started noticing the pounds sneaking back up on me at an accelerated rate and before I knew it I was 8lbs shy of my PREGNANCY WEIGHT and wearing two damn girdles just to fit into my clothes. I was horrified at the way I looked in pics with my baby so I had to lose the weight

    Crazy! This sounds almost exactly like my story!!! I had my son in December and was 236. Within 4 weeks was 207, but stopped breastfeeding. About 8 weeks later, noticing I was having to wear my maternity clothes again, and thinking I was probably 210 or so, I stepped on the scale and was 219.8!!! I literally stood there with my jaw dropped. I knew at this rate I'd be over 300 pounds by the end of the year. So I started that day, that morning, that moment! It scared me that I had gained 12 pounds in about 8 weeks and barely noticed.
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    Hmmmmmm, mine was more a fling off a cliff, hitting every rock and root on the way down and landing with a massive THUD at the bottom!

    I dropped about 20 pounds, the completely wrong way, about 2 years ago hit an emotional tornado that culminated in a separation and pending divorce and packed it all back on.
    I got absolutely furious with myself when, while packing to move out, that I had an ENTIRE wardrobe that I could not fit into.
    Fast forward through the last year, insert lots of soul searching and a few spot lights on some skeletons and here I am.
  • cindylou617
    cindylou617 Posts: 51 Member
    My rock bottom began when my sister got engaged and asked me to be a bridesmaid. Awesome! I got to go dress shopping with the other two bridesmaids and they both happened to be size 3. I was trying on 16's. I began trying to lose weight and was having no luck. My youngest (#7) was 2.5 months old, so I figured it was too soon and gave up.

    Then came the photos from the wedding in May 10. I was that fat chick standing on stage. The only fat member of the bridal party. I couldn't believe my eyes. That summer, I lost about 18lbs. Then life happened and I had no time to do anything for myself. I ended up putting most of the lost weight back on.

    So, in March 11, I did a second go round and managed to lose another 12lbs. I ended up falling off the band wagon and put most of that weight back on.

    This year for christmas, my husband bought me pj's that I had wanted and they were too small along with a weight set that I made him return. I was so upset and so offended. So, in february, I got serious and began changing my life. I find I really enjoy hitting the gym. I enjoy making friends here. I enjoy just having time to myself every day. I don't mind not eating as much junk as I use to. I am loving the results I see and intend on staying with it.

    Mommy7 actually inspired me to get off the rock bottom! I love her!
    I was getting close to my 'mental threshold' of acceptable weight. I have fibro and PTSD and those things were effecting my weight, pain, life, etc.
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    My rock bottom was January of last year. I was celebrating my birthday late in Atlantic city. I was the biggest I had ever been and I knew it but i didnt KNOW it.

    Before that, my parents were harrassing me about my weight and it made me very defensive and I just kept lying to myself saying that it wasnt that bad. I live in NY and people arent shy here so I would get harrassed in the street as well sometimes when people wanted to be funny. I was also out of a job and trying to figure out what to do. All of that just made me angry and depressed and I kept eating more and more and more and drinking and just not caring. I remember one night in the middle of the night where I binged for hours and cleaned most of the fridge. I ate until I felt sick. And still all of this combined wasn't my rock bottom.

    I planned my birthday celebration for january. I was stressing about what I was gonna wear and I wanted everything to be perfect. When we got back I took a look at the pictures my friends posted and i was absolutely ashamed.


    The first pic is from my trip to AC the second picture is from a couple months ago.
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    Somewhere in Spring of 2011, between selling all my size 4-6 clothes because "there's no way I'll ever fit in them again," realizing I hadn't allowed anyone to take a full-length picture of me since my wedding (2 years before), and being relieved we couldn't go to our friends' destination wedding because it meant I wouldn't have to deal with wearing a swimsuit around fabulous skinny people I hardly knew. That wasn't the final straw though.

    The kicker was in June when I had to go to court at the last minute and literally did not have one court-appropriate outfit that fit. My appearance was set for 9:30 and the mall doesn't open until 10. You can't just come late to court, so I had to call the clerk and tell her that I needed to be late BECAUSE I WAS TOO FAT FOR ANY OF MY SUITS AND NEEDED TO GO BUY SOMETHING. So humiliating.