Protein shake = No weight Loss???



  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    I actually have a problem like that. It may be my digestive system, but when I have them every day, I do not lose weight. Even when I am under calories.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    My whey protein isolate and almond milk shakes stalled me for awhile, but I loved them so much after a workout that I just kept on with it and eventually broke through the plateau.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Is it possible that I'm just gaining so much muscle with the protein shakes that i don't see any budge?

    No, this is not possible. If you are eating fewer calories than you are consuming, you should lose weight. You may gain muscle, and you will lose fat. But the mass of the two will not be equal if you are on a calorie deficit.

    It could be water retention if you're doing a lot of exercises. Otherwise, my guess is that you're either eating more calories than you think (less likely) or burning fewer than you think (most likely).

    I call your bluff. 30 days of a 500 calorie per day deficit doing 30 DS, I never lost a single pound. Not even half a pound.

    I lost 4 inches off my waist alone, though!

    If your weight was EXACTLY the same (within 1/2 a pound) between two weighings a month apart, you are a statistical miracle. My weight fluctuates more than a pound between my morning wizz and breakfast.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    What are Macrons???

    "Macros." Allocations of protein, carbs and fat in the diet, e.g., 40/30/30.

    "Macron" is a diacritic.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Without seeing you diary no guess is going to be correct!

    We have to see what and how much you are eating.

    Protein shakes are great for weight loss and helping to build lean muscles.

    It is also true that sometimes you don't lose weight you lose inches, the scale should be used together with regular measurements.

    But for further comments or advise we need to see your diary.

    You should be at a min of 1200 net calories - that's after exercise. A min of 64oz of water and extra fiber to help process all that extra protein.

    Limit sodium, fat, simple carbs and you should see a loss. Another factor might be the type of exercise.....

    If you are not conforming to any one or combination of the above that is most likely your issue.

    Best of Luck and if you want more assistance, just open your diary.

    Take Care!!!
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    What are Macrons???

    Macros. Your percentage of calories that come from carbs, protein and fat.

    MFP defaults to something like 55% of calories from carbs, 15% from protein and 30% from fat. A lot of people (including myself) follow 40% carbs 30% protein 30% fat so to build more muscle and develop a nicer shape.

    to OP: Thinking on that, what's the nutritional content of your protein shake? If it's like 300 calories, 40 g carbs and 20 g of sugar, the protein may not be the problem.
  • bigpopsonswole
    There is no possible way that you are gaining that much muscle in that short peroid of time. If so, give the name of that protein powder and your daily meals so I can add to my 21" arms. Lol.

    What is happening IMO is that you are retaining water due to your exercise. Also there can be a cortisol. So are you getting enough rest, how is your stress level? Then there is the whole hormone thing.

    I know that if I weigh myself the day after heavy lifting my weight is up by 2-3 lbs.

    Also, I notice Monday that I didn't get much rest that night and when I weighed myself that Tues morning I was up 1 lb. I went to bed Tuesday at a decent hour and woke up and weighed myself and I was down 2 lbs.

    So there are many factors.
  • godglo
    godglo Posts: 3
    Same thing happens to me but I am slightly intolerant of soy, even soy oils like soy lethicin, and anything I eat with soy stalls me out. Test yourself with soy milk! I'm not allergic but it gives me severe gastric upset to the point of ridiculousness. Gained 7 lb (albeit probably water weight) overnight once from a quarter cup of soy milk after lunch which ended the day's eating calories below normal & that's how I know! Virtually every protein powder has soy lethicin.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    no calorie deficit = no weight loss

    however if you are working out a lot (water retention), take in a lot of sodium (also water retention), TOM for women ... all those things can cause temporary stalls
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    you might not be eating enough. maybe you aren't drinking enough water and are retaining water weight. or you may just not be hitting the correct macros that your body needs for weight loss. have you tried playing around with different intakes and exercises to see if that helps budge it?