Husband is constant opposition!!



  • TeaRexParty
    TeaRexParty Posts: 125 Member
    I have a similar problem with my husband's eating. I've always had to cook differently even when I wasn't eating healthy and my husband LOVES junk food. So I realized I had to accept that this was the situation, that I couldn't change him and work around it somehow. And cooking two meals got old fast.

    Here was the practical solution I came up with. FREEZER COOKING on a large scale...and trust me you'd be amazed at the fact you can freeze just about everything. Not only that you can save money doing it. People that really get into it can do one or two days of cooking to cook for the entire month but that's always too much for me. I always have to break it down.

    Initially I started out doing most of it for him, making side dishes I could toss in for him when I had salads or other healthier sides with a meat portion. One of my biggest fall backs is I'd get the miniature bread loaf pans and buy like 20lbs of potatoes. Then I'd watch a movie and peel all of them and use my recipe called "make ahead mash potatoes". I'd also make things he likes like meatloaf, spaghetti and meatballs, etc. and freeze all of it. Then I took it even further and started doing alot of freezer cooking for myself to take to work so I could get off the fast food track. Let me know if you like and I'm more than happy to share the recipes.

    Anyway don't know if this will help you but this is my "work around" because I can't make my husband eat differently and I was in the same boat. The upside was he was very appreciative that I went to the trouble to make sure he was well fed on his favorites and could even go to the freezer and pick what he wanted himself when I was working. And even if he didn't lose weight, me filling him up on real food instead of him junking out kept him from gaining.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    I read your post and my heart aches. I wish I would have had the chance years ago to think like you in worrying about my health... and with my husband's ..... so things might be different today.....but I dont have that luxury.... and now am widowed.... healthy now...but alone. I wish things were different...that we both could be healthy together....enjoying this "newness" i feel in being healthy for the first time in my life.

    My husband and I ate pretty much anything we wanted..twasnt healthy at all and junk was a main staple. We stayed away from docs and grew in size over our 25 years together....not to mention had health issues....but kept our heads in the sand and neglected everything. That came to a gringing hault in september 2009. His story is on a site I built in his memory... under Curtis' Wish.
    Needless to say all efforts to regain health was lost for him....and I continued on after his death in July of 2010 on my journey to health. I could not go backwards after watching his struggle for every bit of life that he couldnt regain.

    Neglecting health is something that one doesnt realize sometimes until too late. I know many of us have the thought of being untouchable...that it wont happen to me.... but things do happen.... and when we finally do realize it's too late. Dont let it be too late for yourself...and I hope your husband doesnt either.
  • nettasaura
    nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
    If he is that opposed to eating healthy, then I would give him his portion of the grocery money and tell him that he is in charge of feeding himself and that includes cooking his own meals. Then you only have to worry about your own groceries and your own meals. When he sees that you are getting smoking hot, and he's only growing wider, he might change his tune. I'm lucky that my hubby is totally on board, but if he acting like yours, that is exactly what I would do!
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    I would try to make him an ally instead of an enemy. Explain to him how important getting in shape is to you, and how much his support means. Once he is comfortable with helping you with your goals, he will likely start to come around.

    Also, top sirloin is super healthy. More steak will almost always improve the situation!
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    I had a guy at work who asked me nearly every day why am I eating crap / vomit / rabbit food etc (that was his thoughts of healthy food). So I decided to pull the bull by the horns and ask him outright "if you can prove to me that my food is unhealthy and yours is healthy then I may consider eating the same as you." He eventally stopped nit-picking my food after a few grunts and moans.
    Now he is eating healthly and losing weight. Don't harp on how bad is food is and how good yours is coz he will just dig his heels in. he will see slowly come round.
  • ryliejaiden
    ryliejaiden Posts: 68
    I've always thought that a pillow and about four pounds of pressure could solve a lot of issues... wait... I've probably said too much <backs away slowly/>

    Perfect solution as far as I am concerned!

    They probably don't care about serving you healthy food in jail. lol.

    Hahaha I love this.

    I have a similar situation (sort of).
    My boyfriend is underweight and is trying to gain weight so he cooks with things like bacon fat and cheese and eats fatty cuts of meat, etc. Plus he's just not a super healthy guy. He eats a lot of junk and drinks a lot of beer. He knows I don't support his unhealthy lifestyle, but I know I can't control him. Instead, I try to suggest he go for walks with me and the dog, etc. which tricks him into exercising. I also try to make healthy versions of food that he likes. I'll make low fat, low cal burgers, or mac and cheese or lasagna with zucchini sheets instead of pasta, and he never knows the difference.
    He will try to be sweet and make me breakfast on his days off, which I appreciate, but his breakfast is usually around 1200 calories and I simply cannot eat it, nor do I feel good after eating it.
    We have worked out a deal where if he wants to eat unhealthy foods he has to buy and make them on his own. If he's around for dinner when I am (we have conflicting work schedules) then he eats what I'm making or he doesn't eat at all. He will usually add ranch dressing or cheese or whatever else, but like I said, I've usually made a healthy meal in disguise so it isn't so bad in the long run. Plus, he can add extra fat and calories since he is trying to gain. As long as those fat and calories don't end up on my plate, I'm okay with it.
    We both also used to drink soda instead of water. When I stopped buying soda, he stopped drinking it. Now if he wants a soda he has to walk to the corner store and buy it himself, which he is far too lazy to do, plus he'd rather spend the money on something else.
    He knows eating right is important to me and tries to be supportive.

    My advice: stop enabling him. Tell him if he wants to eat unhealthy food he has to buy it himself. It's not okay that you have to do two sets of grocery shopping and deal with negative comments. Try to find some "healthy meals in disguise" where he thinks he's getting to indulge, but really he is eating a healthy meal. And finally, I know he doesn't want to listen, but sit him down and say, "This is very important to me. I want to live a healthy lifestyle and live for a long time, and I'd love it if you were there with me the entire way. I don't feel I have any support from you right now, and that saddens me. I am also worried about your health, you're setting yourself up for serious health problems with the way that you're eating. Can we come up with some sort of compromise?"

    If he is completely unwilling to be supportive and help you out with this lifestyle, then frankly, he isn't worth spending the rest of your life with.
    Good luck with this one, I hope you guys can work out some sort of compromise.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I think a lot of people here are missing the point.

    You do cook healthy meals and he does ignore them and goes out and buys his own junk food "because he is not full".

    I am going to give you a few incidents from my perspective.

    When I was really in a bad place food wise, I would eat fast food for breakfast lunch and then after work I would grab a burger because I knew my wife was going to make something low fat and healthy and that it wouldn't fill me up. I did this all the time, it was a beginning of an over eating disorder. Sometimes my wife would make me lunch and I would just toss it and go buy food on a credit card and eat out with a buddy at work. then I would get my usual pre dinner dinner. I would get home, tell my wife YUM that was awesome and then think nothing of it.

    Sounds like maybe your husband is kind of doing the opposite, lashing out on your change of behavior and being insecure about it which in turn he is probably turning the stress into eating the crap.

    That is a possibility, or he is just a douche and is purposefully resisting your attempts at a healthy lifestyle for all the same reasons significant others do that (insecurity - thinking that you are bettering yourself and moving on from them and so forth)

    Or you can be over exaggerating and you were triggered from one or two occasions that he did not like your cooking... who knows.

    I lean towards the beginning of an over eating disorder simply because he is showing a lot of signs of stress eating...

    A few suggestions:

    Make a budget, if the double grocery shopping is causing a problem - show him that you have to cut back on other expenses to make ends meat like entertainment and so on

    Now, I am not condoning any sort of stupidity like withholding sexual activity BUT, maybe address his sexuality and reaffirm that you think he is sexy and that you are working on toning up and losing weight to improve your sex life. It is amazing how stupid us men can be and we would go for that

    The bottom line is; it is your body and you cannot use his behavior as an excuse to stop you from becoming a healthier you. That could very well be a possibility with this too but from the looks of it probably not. If you have to make separate meals and you don't feel its necessary communicate with him and let him know that he has to start making his own food.

    Quite honestly though if none of the above work this would be a deal breaker for me. This would show an obvious lack of compassion and ability to compromise if he was resistant on you becoming healthier and but before you call the divorce attorney I would suggest exploring the idea that he may be stressed out, creating an eating disorder, enveloped in his own insecurity or he is simply an *kitten* hat.

    Good luck I don't envy you! My wife is thankfully 90% supportive about all this !
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    You just need to focus on you and make the right choices for yourself. You cannot change him. And I'd tell him he's not allowed to make fun of your choices anymore. He needs to keep his comments to himself.

    I'm in a similar boat with my boyfriend. He needs to lose about 50 pounds and he carries them around his mid-section (the most unhealthy place to carry them). I worry about his health. I try to encourage him without nagging. He has to decide to do it for himself, though. I do not let his choices affect mine.
  • wifeyy
    wifeyy Posts: 487 Member
    Unfortunately trying to change someone's eating habits is nearly impossible. However that does not mean you should give up on him. He has to come to the realization himself that he is damaging his body but often that doesn't happen until there is a health scare. Just keep loving him and slowly and gently offering him new foods. My guy won't eat "green stuff" but there are heaps of other things like mushrooms, pulses, potatoes etc. that he likes. A difficult situation for you, money wise and health wise for him and I wish you luck.

    Well said!! i was thingking same thing, your good example might eventually change him. keep it up girl, we are here to support you.
  • fuzzyslipperz
    fuzzyslipperz Posts: 49 Member
    My hubby and I have been married almost 20 years and we don't go in for the traditional gender roles. We've always lived a bit like roommates in this regard and it works for us. I cook for me, he cooks for him and occasionally either one of us will cook for both if there's something that we both like. If I go shopping I'll buy his junk within some reason, and v/v.

    So it's not mandatory in a marriage for one person to cook all the food and the other person to just grin and eat what they are served (either the healthy eater or the junk food eater). I let my DH do his thing - I might nag a bit now and then, but that's just because I am concerned - if he wants junk, he can have it - he just needs to cook/prepare it himself and possibly go out and buy it as well. :)
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    If you find a good solution to this issue, please let me know.

    My wife is the same way. She has absolutely no desire to be healthier. This is something I want to do for me, but it would be really, really nice to be able to come home and tell my wife about the latest goal I reached or the killer workout I was really proud of. She just doesn't want to hear anything about it, so I don't say anything. In all honestly, I think she is scared to death about the changes in me. It seems to bring out some insecurities. It is scary when your spouse suddenly starts rocking the boat and changing dramatically.

    I do the grocery shopping and make the meals. I do make small variations, such as a side dish I just don't eat that the other members of the family do or brown rice for me and white for everyone else, but that is the extent I will go. I don't buy cookies, crackers, etc. Once in a while I will take my daughter to the ice cream shop or something so that she is not deprived, but I usually don't partake.
  • kskaare
    kskaare Posts: 21
    I've been there-- i love my bf and i think after he started using his new grill these past 3 years, he's realized it's not easy to get dinner on the table. I'm lucky- he supports me, but unless you ask him to participate in the process, you will never get what you want.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I've tried relentlessly to find healthy recipes that he will eat. He will eat what I cook sometimes, but he will modify it to make it not healthy (adding a ton of cheese, ranch dressing, mayo, picking the veggies out, etc.) and he will say it doesn't fill him up and then go to the gas station by our house and buy a bunch of junk food because he's "still hungry", which ends up costing us more in the long run (which is why I buy him his own groceries and make his dinner separate, it's cheaper). We absolutely can't afford the two grocery haul thing and I feel like I'm the one who is going to have to bend.

    What sort of recipes have you been going for?
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I understand. I've been there. My husband was doing the same thing and it was irritating the living daylights out of me. So here's what I did that worked.

    1. I sat him down and had a talk. I told him clearly that I needed him to do one of two things for me. Either change his eating habits and try to lose weight or take out an additional life insurance policy so I and my kids would be provided for if he had a heart attack or other health-related crisis. I did this in a non-accusatory way-it's just a matter of making sure that the family is covered.

    2. I stopped making two separate meals. I understand not wanting him to buy junk at the gas station, but even buying it for him is enabling him. At the very minimum, make one healthy meal for you. If he wants something else, he should make it himself. Make your weekly menu in advance and let him know what it will be. Then, if he wants junk food to accompany it, HE can go to the grocery store at the beginning of the week and buy the junk food himself. But you don't buy it for him and you don't fix him junk for a meal.

    3. Don't bend. You are doing what's right and healthy. That is your job as a wife. He doesn't have to like it. At first this will cause some contention, but it should smooth out if you make the menu in advance so he can adapt if he really wants to do his junk food thing.

    You can't make him want to change his habits. That's up to him. But don't let him derail yours. Good luck.
  • vhines57
    vhines57 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi everyone. I have struggled with my weight, yo-yo dieted, all that stuff that everyone says. I feel like I've finally found a pretty good balance and am on the right track. However, my husband is like a constant opposing force to my health efforts.

    He claims that he absolutely cannot stand to eat anything that "grows from the ground". I swear he only rejects things BECAUSE they're good for him. He will go the entire day without eating anything and come home and eat mass amounts of junk food. He NEVER drinks water, only Red Bull or soda, and I can tell he's severely dehydrated. I worry about his health all the time. All of his uncles are morbidly obese and all but one of them have type 2 diabetes. My husband is only about 30 lbs. overweight right now but his weight continues to creep up and up.

    Sometimes I tell myself to just ignore it and let him figure it out for himself because he gets mad when I bring it up. BUT...he's a huge obstacle for me achieving my weight loss goals. I have two separate grocery lists of food to buy every week, one for me and one for him. I also end up having to cook two separate dinners every night. I've tried relentlessly to find healthy recipes that he will eat. He will eat what I cook sometimes, but he will modify it to make it not healthy (adding a ton of cheese, ranch dressing, mayo, picking the veggies out, etc.) and he will say it doesn't fill him up and then go to the gas station by our house and buy a bunch of junk food because he's "still hungry", which ends up costing us more in the long run (which is why I buy him his own groceries and make his dinner separate, it's cheaper). We absolutely can't afford the two grocery haul thing and I feel like I'm the one who is going to have to bend.

    WHAT DO I DO???? It's like talking to a brick wall when I try to reason with him. Sometimes I think he wants me to be fat. He even makes me feel bad, calling me the "health Nazi" and saying I'm obsessed with my weight and that's no way to live.


    I can honestly say that I WAS your husband!

    My hubby tried for years to get me to eat healthier and I refused because (my reasons throughout the years):

    I didn't like the taste of healthy food
    I was too busy to eat healthier
    It was so much easier & less time consuming to eat healthier
    I didn't eat anything all day, so I will eat what tastes good when I do eat
    I work so hard, I should at least enjoy my food

    And the reasons went on & on & on...

    I put him down for wanting to eat healthy, and yes, that was wrong, but I woke up one day & found that I was, in my opinion, grossly overweight and having weird heart things happening too. So, I feel like I hit my rock bottom.

    I now realize that food was my crutch and I used it to comfort me and I was so so SCARED to lose all of my yummy crutches. I'm really new at the whole losing weight/eating healthy thing, but I've identified why I would never change the way I ate, which I think, is half the battle for me.

    For me, it took hitting that rock bottom and seeing just what I had become....
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I would try to make him an ally instead of an enemy. Explain to him how important getting in shape is to you, and how much his support means. Once he is comfortable with helping you with your goals, he will likely start to come around.

    Also, top sirloin is super healthy. More steak will almost always improve the situation!

    Another very good point! One more thing I did to convince my husband to join me on the healthy train was to make dishes he loved healthy. I'd make him the man's favorite- steak & potatoes. He loves steak (what carnivorous mean doesn't?) and I'd bake the potato (and skip it myself). Add a side of broccoli, which he could elect to skip. Then, after he told me how great it was, I'd tell him "Oh, glad you liked it. That was my diet dinner." Then do the same with a salmon dinner the next night. Shrimp one whole grain linguine the next, etc. Wait til he praises it, then tell him "great! I'll make that again-it's diet food." Eventually he realized that it wasn't about being deprived.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Sounds like he's not ready to change, and unfortunately that element of readiness is vital.

    All you can do is let him know how much it concerns you and hope that he loves you enough to do something about it himself.

    Alternately, he may get a wake up call as he gets older (not sure how old you guys are right now). I used to be very much of his mindset when I was in my mid 20s, then I hit 30 and it all fell apart, high blood pressure, diabetes, basic overall syndrome x onset. That should get him moving.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    holy crap this is just awful, I feel really bad for you. Its sounds like he might have some kind of addiction happening. Not in a psychological addiction kind of way- more of a - you crave more bad food the more you eat it. Im not tying to insult your hubby but it really seems like he has a 7 year old boy's sense of food. Like he's live off ice cream and potato chips if his mommy would let him.

    My only advice to you is to put up with what you can put up with and focus more on your own joy in changing your life. So his meal is all shades of brown and orange and white. Yours is a rainbow and probably some beautiful subtle savory flavors that you can be proud of creating. I would throw myself into making even more amazing and bautiful and healthy meals for mself and just give him his three favorite meals on repeat.

    if he has to have spaghetti every damn day, after a while he may start looking harder at your plat which you are thoroughly enjoying.

    Succeed in spite of him. Yo are worth the effort, no matter what names and insults he slides your way.

    Best of luck honey!!
  • vancil01
    vancil01 Posts: 70 Member
    Make him cook his own food. It is 2012 and guys are able to enter the kitchen now. I know for some this might be a crazy idea, but I see it all the time on the electric picture box, men in the their own food....who would've thought! Anywho, marriage is about teamwork, if you can't even work on this together....well, I hope you all don't have kids yet...
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Make him cook his own food. It is 2012 and guys are able to enter the kitchen now. I know for some this might be a crazy idea, but I see it all the time on the electric picture box, men in the their own food....who would've thought! Anywho, marriage is about teamwork, if you can't even work on this together....well, I hope you all don't have kids yet...