Husband is constant opposition!!



  • fieldsy4life
    fieldsy4life Posts: 155
    My coworker makes fun of the way I eat.

    He is pre-diabetic and has hypertension.

    Ughhh men! ;)
  • peles_fire
    peles_fire Posts: 501
    My husband is less-intense version of yours. I finally told him that since I do the meal planning, the shopping, and the cooking, I was going to cook what I wanted, how I wanted. He could either eat with me, or feel free to plan his own meals, shop for his own groceries and cook his own dinners. In his case, his laziness worked to my advantage and he agreed to eat with me. He has really opened up to trying new things and has finally come around a little - enough that he didn't make a fuss when I brought home whole wheat tortillas. In his case, like I said, his laziness was my ace in the hole. I knew he would never want to do all that work for himself.

    The point is, regardless of your husband, you have a responsibility to yourself to take care of your own health. I would calmly explain to your hubby that you can't continue to do it the way you are now. Try to gently explain to him how important your goals are to you and that you can't let his bad habits prevent you from being healthy. Give him the choice that he needs to fend for himself or get on board. I'm sure there are still plenty of opportunities in the day for him to eat what he wants without it negatively impacting you.

    I wish you the best of luck on this. Be strong and assertive - you can do it. And remember, your husband's choice is his own. You can't control him or force him to change. But you can set a positive example and take care of yourself!
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    This is hard to say: your husband wants you to fail. The changes he sees in you are scaring him to death. You and him probably partook in unhealthy eating together and now that you've changed your habits, you have disrupted his routine. What he is doing is a powerplay. He will not yield to your healthy eating habits and is hoping you will ultimately revert to his habits. He is insecure in himself and probably more so because he sees you getting fitter. Instead of joining you, he wants to drag you down. Keep doing what you need to do to be healthy. Just be aware that he could get worse and put a strain on your marriage. I had a friend who lost over 50 lbs and it made her husband so insecure he became terribly controlling. Hopefully, he will be inspired to make some changes or at the very least not make you feel bad for doing something good for yourself.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    honestly i would just make what you're going to make and if he wants something else he can make it himself. that's just the way i am though... i don't go to special efforts for anyone except my daughther who is 2. my husband and i both work and are both busy so he knows i don't have time to cook him a different meal. it seems like maybe you need to "be like a mom" like others said and just tell him he has to eat what you make or make something himself. i know that sounds harsh but sometimes enough is enough.
  • RachelK40
    RachelK40 Posts: 17

    YOU'RE ONE OF THEM! :wink:
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    One way you can think of it is... what if you HAD to eat this way? What if it's NOT optional.... for your health, you can't have the bad stuff with heavy oils, refined carbs, extra sugar, etc. What if you were actually allergic or had severe negative side effects, and required this healthier diet, instead of just making a choice to eat this way?

    To Prevent that situation from being reality (diabetes , etc), you're choosing to eat healthily now... but you say "I might end up bending" - you can't. Your body doesn't thrive on the other stuff. It's just like if you were a vegetarian/vegan and had requirements for your food. This is what your diet is and it's a big part of your life.

    I'm not sure how to balance it, but if it's what you require and you're having difficulty affording the foods YOU need to stay healthy, then you definitely need to sit down and come to an agreement.

    Stand up for yourself and don't let other people's bad habits drag you down, even if it's the person closest to you. Work with him but don't "bend" ... you're not doing either of you any favors.

    Good luck!
  • belle0226
    belle0226 Posts: 33 Member
    This is a hard situation. My ex was a lot like that. Mine went so far as to say I was killing him by not feeding him beef every night. Then came up with the idea of a vegetarian night each week but he expected fattening or overly cheesy options then too.
    I hope you can make things work for both of you. If you can get him as an ally that would be the best thing.
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    That is a challenging situation for sure but honestly if he's not going to change and bring bad stuff in the house then he's just being an obstacle to your accomplishments...which means...not being totally supportive. You would just have to try and be even stronger and persevere through it all...not sure how the conversations go but forcing him isn't necessarily a good thing...let him go on with his own thing...that grocery bill is rather expensive though...and money is a big stresser in any relationship with totally different diet/lifestyle goals can't really meet gotta be you..he's gotta be him...maybe he'll get it sometime
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Maybe you could try putting healthier options in your food like greek yogurt instead of sour cream without telling him. Try making his favorite foods healthier so you can eat with him. He doesn't have to know what your putting in it, as long as it taste good.

    I'm fortunate my husband eats anything and everything, my problem is he eats my healthy food on top of his junk food so when I go to get a skinney cow ice cream I find he already had several lol. I don't mind him eating them but it's not cause he is trying to lose weight he just likes them, but them he will grab chips and all kinds of other fattening things. It's hard for me because I will run out of the stuff I need to help keep my calories down faster.

    I would suggest keep trying to find healthy options that he likes and make those more often
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    I was that husband for years. My wife did things to please me. If I didn't like the food I would cook my own(rarely), buy cheap fast food or buy crap snacks from the grocery store.
    My stubbornness and her enabling only prolonged the situation.....for years.
    Having kids and a tight budget did not put a stop to my affair with food.
    Your husband is being childish just like I was.
    He is afraid, comfortable and addicted.
    He may not come around to your way of thinking, it might have to be HIS idea.

    I think the longer you enable his behavior the harder it will be to lead a healthy life for you, him and any future children.
    It will be difficult, there might be fights and feelings will be hurt.
    There is no guarantee of success.
    You may not get him healthy but he can at least respect your need to be healthy.

    Something else to think about.
    If you have kids will he enable them with candy, sodas, energy drinks and other garbage?
    When mom cooks a healthy meal why bother eating it if dad will have little partners in food crime.?

    Sorry, this kinda held a mirror up to me and my habits.

    This. Do you want your kids eating like he does? Or worse, talking to you and disrespecting you like he does?

    If he is unwilling to eat what you cook - he's a full grown man - he can fend for himself. He's not a baby. Stop buying 2 sets of groceries.
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    I'm not sure it's that he doesn't support me. I just don't think he realizes how difficult he makes it for me, even though I try to explain it to him. I spend about $200 on groceries EVERY WEEK (for just the two of us) and spend a good chunk of my day planning meals and cooking (even though I work full time).

    GASP! I spend just a little bit more ($250-300/month) for a family of four! I'm sure that probably has something to do with where we live, but oh my!

    As far as the situation - you can't ever give motivation to someone, they have to WANT it themselves. That goes with everything, including healthy living. My sarcastic comment would be to make sure you have good insurance, and an excellent life insurance policy. But, I know it goes beyond that.

    I can not even imagine how frustrated you must be. Not only do you have someone who doesn't want to share the healthy journey with you - you are doing all of the extra work because of it!

    Have you checked out There are a ton of healthy versions of things my husband wouldn't know was healthy unless I told him!

    Good luck - and stay strong in your goals to be a healthier person. Maybe, at some point he will have a moment that makes him realize the benefits to a healthier lifestyle (for my husband - it was his mom who struggles to get around because of her numerous health issues - most of which could have been avoided with diet and exercise.)
  • cls_333
    cls_333 Posts: 206 Member
    I am a very lucky person, my husband is great. You need to be around positive people in your life. Period. If they are on a different path (i.e destructive) than you, it is hard to make it work. I could never be married to an unhealthy person. Everything in my life is about health & therefore living well. I'm not obsessed, and I don't feel it's hard, or punishment, but the very opposite. Surround yourself with good like-minded people, and don't let destructive people bring you down. Do what you gotta do for YOU. "If it is to be, It is up to me."
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    I'm not married and have never been, but: If he wants to eat that way, make him buy his food and cook it. He's an adult, why should you have to follow his plan? He knows where the grocery store is. This is 2012 and you aren't June Cleaver. This may be the 33 year old single person in my talking, but we are all responsible for our own decisions and no one else is ever going to change what we want. If he wants to continue gaining weight and eating crap, then let him. But you shouldn't have to work around his goal when you are on a different path.

    If you need to, have 2 different places in the kitchen: His food and your food. Then you aren't tempted to eat his food.

    Hopefully, down the road you can be a good motivation and inspiration to change his ways, but you'll never been able to change his way of thinking. Ever.
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm with everyone else who says let the husband make his own food. At the very least, maybe he'll expend some calories doing that.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    If he is that opposed to eating healthy, then I would give him his portion of the grocery money and tell him that he is in charge of feeding himself and that includes cooking his own meals. Then you only have to worry about your own groceries and your own meals. When he sees that you are getting smoking hot, and he's only growing wider, he might change his tune. I'm lucky that my hubby is totally on board, but if he acting like yours, that is exactly what I would do!

    I'd go with this advice, except he isn't going to change his tune when you get smoking hot. He'll just get jealous and suspicious, because this is about something more than food, and that goes for both of you.
    Seek counseling, and both of you be prepared to accept your roles in this dysfunctionality.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I didn't read through all of the other responses, but I just wanted to say I am so sorry you are dealing with this! I am truly blessed to have a husband who does like healthy food (doesn't mean he won't throw down a few peanut butter cups after eating a healthy dinner, but what can you do).

    I think your best bet though is to not constantly make two separate things. Our son has some food allergies, so I occasionally alter parts of what we are having for dinner so he can basically eat the same thing as us. So maybe the main course is the same, but your husband gets a few different side dishes? One of my best friends has a husband who HATES vegetables and we had them over for dinner once and made roasted broccoli and he actually ate it and really liked it! You take fresh broccoli, chop the crowns up and toss it in olive oil, kosher salt & pepper, roast in the oven at 450 until it browns lightly. It sort of takes on that charred by the grill taste which is why her husband liked it! So maybe it would take trying to prepare vegetables differently. We also grill lots of squash & zucchini in the summer which is always yummy! Anything charred by the grill tastes good. If all else fails, but pureed carrots in the spaghetti sauce :)
  • Pete_Mann
    Pete_Mann Posts: 94
    Just come home and yell:


    Then when he starts to say something just start yelling

    WOO WOO!

    Yeah, that didnt work for me either, but it was fun to say.
  • carieblack619
    carieblack619 Posts: 26 Member
    My husband is the same way. He loves junk food and he says he is not going on a diet. I am worried about his health. I am buying fruits and vegetables and not junk food but he is a chef and he just eats the junk food at work. It is hard to stick with a diet when the rest of the people in your house are not eating healthy.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    You need to maintain harmony in your home if you want to stay married. If he isn't willing to eat healthy just accept it for now. Men can be very hard-headed and most of us hate it when someone tries to pressure us into doing something we don't want to do or aren't ready to do. We will quite often do the opposite if we feel we are being pressured.

    If you have explained to him how much you would like his help and he still doesn't help, that's all you can do short of kicking him out. Take care of yourself and your health, and let him deal with his own in his own way when he is ready.

    Try to figure out healthier foods that he is willing to eat. That way perhaps you can slowly ease him into healthier eating without him realizing it, or better yet making him think it was his idea (guys love being right). Lean cuts of meat are a great start.

    Anyone who has ever worked with mules knows that you simply can not force a mule to do anything. "Stubborn as a mule" was coined for a reason. You can lead a mule, you can coax the mule into wanting to do it, but you can't force the mule to do it. Your husband is a mule.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    Just come home and yell:


    Then when he starts to say something just start yelling

    WOO WOO!

    Yeah, that didnt work for me either, but it was fun to say.
