Starting Zumba need Competition



  • lisaishotpink
    lisaishotpink Posts: 124
    Go to and they have a calculator on there based on weight, length of workout, and intensity.
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I have been chicken to go to a real class. For those who do the exhilarate DVD's, which routine on all those DVD's is your favorite? Just curious. I have them but haven't tried them all out yet.
  • rodafer
    rodafer Posts: 63
    Zumba is where I started my weight loss journey. It has given me the motivation and encouragement to now try other things like R.I.P.P.E.D and TRX.
    I love the way it gives me energy and I seriously feel better because of Zumba.
    Add me if you want. I weigh much more than you but am trying to get down to the 160 zone eventually.
  • liamedwardohara
    Hello there
    I'm new to this site and feel the same on getting advice.
    I'm 34 5ft,11 and weight 186pounds, my ideal weight i want to get down to is 160 and want to burn this within the next 5 weeks.
    I have also stated doing zumba at home via dvd and yes it is great fun doing it. I do 40-60 mins 5 days a week, prob look like a fool trying to do the moves but i do sweat like hell when done. Any advice on what else i can do, or is this enough.
    Good on all the rest of you guys as well.
  • JulieRoselovesFreeze
    You go Girl! wait - if your a guy - You go Bro LOL - yeah WE ALL NEED ENCOURAGEMENT - it does seem to make it easier.

    Heck if you where close enough I'd join you - I've always wanted to try - just did not want to be seen doing it - when every one else is so much slimmer.

    So let me know best way to encourage you!

    I had the same my Zumba class, though, there are ALL shapes and sizes and ALL fitness levels.

    I thought I would be embarrassed as the only one huffing and puffing in the corner after 20 minutes of my first class, but it was not like that at all...I was able to keep up my first class with just a few short breaks (and no one even notices if you are not 'keeping up' because they are too busy trying to 'keep up' themselves)...and now I have taken 7 or 8 classes and last class I was able to perform at 100% the full hour!!

    So worth much fun.
  • rodafer
    rodafer Posts: 63
    Also, I think the is a little high. I had a trainer send me with a body bug to a session and it was more around 300-450 when I weighed 255.
  • JulieRoselovesFreeze
    Oh, and btw, I wore my fitbit last night in class and burned 440 calories in 1 hour..and I weigh 161, fyi...
  • dperkins2220
    dperkins2220 Posts: 1 Member
    I have Zumba Party2 for the Wii and love it. However I really really loved taking it in person at the Roc! Its a serious workout-you can burn over 700 calories in an hour!
  • scollins1982
    Also, I think the is a little high. I had a trainer send me with a body bug to a session and it was more around 300-450 when I weighed 255.

    Agreed! I weigh 303 and right now I tend to burn 800-1000 calories in a class and I would say I teach at High intensity (thank GOD for non verbal cueing!) and they say I should be burning almost 1300. Not so much.
  • chi18
    chi18 Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks ichorica, SCollins, and lisaishotpink! I appreciate the help. And I had the same experience as JulieRoselove at my gym - all ages, sizes, body types, and fitness levels were present.
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    I love love LOVE Zumba! I go to the gym 4x a week to enjoy Zumba. My first full month of attending 4x a week I lost 7 lbs. ☺ Get dancing!
    And oh yeah, we've got men in our class, they see how hard we're working out.
  • tflores
    tflores Posts: 21 Member
    I will have to go check it out at the ROC, that is at the church right?
  • free2live72003
    I also love Zumba and wear a heart monitor when I go to class. I am intense and rarely able to reach 500 cal in an hr. (usually closer to 400cal). Don't expect 700-1000 cal/hr. That is too high and expectation--not sure how others came by those figures.
  • RichardCMolloy
    RichardCMolloy Posts: 130 Member
    Am I the only GUY to have tried Zumba???? I stink at it but still try once or twice a month, when my schedule allows. It may be fun if I can get past tripping over my own 2 feet lol
    TLIGHTFULL Posts: 22 Member
    The Wii version is good. They have a belt that you can put your controller in so you don't have to hold it and it measures the movement of your hips

    The best one for at home (in my opinion) is the one for the Kinnect. They really keep you on track even if you wanna slack..they will say WORK YOUR ARMS, or come on, you can do it !
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I also love Zumba and wear a heart monitor when I go to class. I am intense and rarely able to reach 500 cal in an hr. (usually closer to 400cal). Don't expect 700-1000 cal/hr. That is too high and expectation--not sure how others came by those figures.

    I also wear a HRM and I burn anywhere from 800-900 per class (I have 2 HRM and I alternate them and they are roughly the same).. It really depends on a lot of factors; Instructor, weight and how intense you push yourself among other things. But I get way good burn for an hour of fun! I never take whatever my HRM says as science though and will usually cut 5% off.
  • QOTC
    QOTC Posts: 20
    Hi! I just started at MFP a few weeks back and am starting to finally get serious. I go to a boot camp class twice a week, but need to find more cardio to fill my other days. I've decided to dust off my Zumba DVDs (that's I've never really used)... and get going. So you won't be alone! Can't wait to hear about your progress!
  • jessper1572
    jessper1572 Posts: 16
    I go to a zumba class 3xs a week and I love it I used to have the wii version but can never find the time at home to do it as I go to the gym 6 days a week:) zumba does not feel like a workout and the energy from the classes is awesome once you try it you will be hooked!!
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi! I did my first Zumba class on Tuesday and wore my HRM burned 711 cals but that was a 45min class and a 25min walk home so i'd prob say I burned about 500 cals at the actual class, I did go for it though, didn't know the moves but just basically bounced around and flailed my arms to the beat and steps more or less. lol

    Was so much fun, went quickly and I burned twice as much as I would have done on my exercise bike which I find a real chore.

    I'm a 5'5, 146 pounds, 29yo Female.

    Have fun and I would recommend the classes there were lasses of all ages, sizes and abilities there and everyone is concentrating so much on what they themselves and the instructor is doing no-one will blink if your just bouncing around like a loony ;P
  • westdove
    westdove Posts: 174
    I do Zumba exhilarate as well! Also the zumba on Wii and VERY competitive! Me and Zumba are a perfect match. Love the sweat and calories burning away!