What do you do when you just want to SNACK?



  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If I think it's just from boredom, I will have a cup of tea or take a walk. If I'm actually hungry, I eat. Then either eat a bit less at dinner, or the next day. Or not, because going over one day is not going to hurt anything in the long run. I usually have almonds for a snack, I find them very satisfying.
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    I buy a couple items that are like chips or snacks but healthier ones. So it fills my snack craving. I just found Kellogg's sea salt cracker chips, 30 chips for 110 cals! They are yummy!!

    I LOVE Kellogg's Sea Salt Cracker Chips!

    And I agree with everyone who says snack. Sometimes you just need a little more food. I find that higher protein items satisfy me better. I like things like: a cup of cottage cheese, a couple hard boiled eggs, a cup of nonfat or lowfat yogurt or a handful of nuts.

    Don't starve yourself; that just sets you up for failure eventually... Best wishes! :flowerforyou:
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    Where does this awful feeling come from?

    I think it's called "hunger." It's pretty standard across all carbon-based life forms.

    It's okay to be hungry. I think people forget that hunger won't kill you.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I have a snack and track it. It may mean I eat a smaller dinner that night, but I eat when I'm hungry. I also like to keep healthy snacks in the house that suit any craving. For salty I buy smart pop popcorn, sweet I buy fruit and dark chocolate etc.
  • Mrsfullwood
    Mrsfullwood Posts: 172 Member
    I'm with everyone else, If I'm hungry I have a snack...a healthy one. I really wouldnt say up your calories b/c you're new to this and you're going to be hungry you're body isnt used to all this cutting back. There are alot of 100 calorie snacks, Special K even has a Strawberry bar that's 90 cals and drink water...lots of water to fill you up.
  • shellie1206
    shellie1206 Posts: 80 Member
    Where does this awful feeling come from?

    I think it's called "hunger." It's pretty standard across all carbon-based life forms.

  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    If I'm hungry I eat a snack. I have a tendency to want to munch, though, if I'm tired or dehydrated. So first I force down my protein shake cup (20oz) full of water and then if I'm tired I just go to bed.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Snack on sugar snap peas is what I do.
  • Inebriated
    Inebriated Posts: 271
    If it's boredom, I don't eat. I'll distract myself and go for a walk or hula hoop. If it's actual hunger I'll eat something like peppers and salsa, apple with a slice of cheese, etc.
  • dream_stalker
    Brush your teeth and drink a glass of water.

    Good for hydration, good for your teeth, zero calories, and cuts cravings.

    Admittedly I learned this from a pro-ana website, but hey, it works.

    Works every time!
    Also check out some fitspo tumblr blogs.
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 755 Member
    Make a nice cup of green tea :)
  • kaji13
    kaji13 Posts: 172 Member
    When I want to snack...I snack. I make sure I always have plenty of healthy snacks at the office, usually berries (blueberries and raspberries today), green peppers, pistachios, maybe an apple or baby carrots. I eat 5-8 times a day, each time averaging 100-200 calories, except dinner which is usually around 300-400.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    You have to ask yourself if you are HUNGRY or if you are wanting to eat because you want to taste food. If you want to taste food just to taste food and you are really not hungry, walk away and go do something else. Water and gum helps. For me if I removed myself from my apartment, take a walk, or go to a store (I tend to really enjoy shopping and I don't really ever had to buy anything) the moment will pass.

    You'll get use to it. It's hard at first. I know before I all of this I ate to EAT. Not because my body needed nourishment.
  • photochick69
    I eat a snack. Orville Reddenbacher's Smart Pop Butter mini bags = 6.5 cups popped popcorn for 110 calories. A nice filling snack, for few calories. Or I'll eat something healthy like an apple or some baby carrots. I've also been prone to eat a serving or so of oyster soup crackers (saltine crackers, essentially, but in small form). For about 35 crackers, it's only 70 calories. And if you eat them one at a time, it feels like you're eating a lot more than you actually are.

    The key is to make sure you are eating smaller "meals" and more frequently. Have a smaller breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but also make sure you have a substantial snack inbetween meals. In the words of a nutritionist I was seeing for awhile, "your body is like a fire, and it needs fuel to burn, so eating smaller, but more frequent meals helps keep the metabolism at a more steady rate, and therefore burning calories more efficiently".
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member

    Boiled Eggs

    Depends on what I am craving.....
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    I PRELOG My SNACKs...Infact I when I wake up...I load my breakfast, lunch, and night time snack...and I tailor the rest of my macros in the mid day snacks section and dinner....

    Planning is the key to success...

    Pre log your snacks!
  • ErinNichole76
    ErinNichole76 Posts: 52 Member
    Since I was a kid, popcorn has been my snack of choice.

    Air popped popcorn.
    Depending on my mood (or whatever movie we are watching) I might sprinkle cinnamon, garlic powder, or some other seasoning on it to give it a little more flavor. it sticks better if there is butter or margarine on the popcorn but since I'm trying to be healthier about my snacks I skip that now.
  • hannahbanana0480
    hannahbanana0480 Posts: 46 Member
    For all of those people who think they are being cutesy with thier rude responses, she is not asking about having just a snack, she is asking about snackING. Like, when you want to just snack on *kitten* all day. Why don't you actually try understanding the question and reading before you type your idiot responses?!?!?
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    I keep a couple of those 100 cal packs of chips kicking around or air pop some popcorn for when I just can't stand it anymore, and eat it REALLY slowly. Haha.

    I have actually found that as my "diet" goes on, I am craving junk less and less. I learned that I crave sweet stuff earlier in the day and salty later in the day, so I've adjusted my "allowed" snacks to correspond (some watermelon, say, for the morning snack, and cheese in the afternoon).
  • kaji13
    kaji13 Posts: 172 Member
    I PRELOG My SNACKs...Infact I when I wake up...I load my breakfast, lunch, and night time snack...and I tailor the rest of my macros in the mid day snacks section and dinner....

    Planning is the key to success...

    Pre log your snacks!

    ^^I do this too!