How do you combat soreness?

I am on day 3 of my fitness plan and I am sore as heck. What are some tips and tricks that you guys use to fight soreness from tough workouts?


  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    DOMS will usually be inevitable with a new type of stimulus.
    Here's some suggestions that can help with recovery, in no relevant order:

    1. Adequate sleep.
    2. Appropriate stretching pre-post workout (you could also add on other times to do this as well).
    3. Regular foam rolling and/or massages
    4. Cardio
    5. Deloads/breaks from training
    6. Adequate nutrition along with appropriate pre/during/post workout nutrition
    7. Fish oils/multivitamin/other supplements
    8. Epsom salt baths and/or contrast baths
    9. Low intensity work in the pool
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    yep, kenny pretty much covered it all.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Hydration. Give your body plenty of water to flush away that lactic acid.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    DOMS will usually be inevitable with a new type of stimulus.
    Here's some suggestions that can help with recovery, in no relevant order:

    1. Adequate sleep.
    2. Appropriate stretching pre-post workout (you could also add on other times to do this as well).
    3. Regular foam rolling and/or massages
    4. Cardio
    5. Deloads/breaks from training
    6. Adequate nutrition along with appropriate pre/during/post workout nutrition
    7. Fish oils/multivitamin/other supplements
    8. Epsom salt baths and/or contrast baths
    9. Low intensity work in the pool

    all of these.

    I take contrast showers just about every day and they're great. 60 seconds hot 60 seconds cold. for about 3 cycles.
  • Ripcode
    Ripcode Posts: 142 Member
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    DOMS will usually be inevitable with a new type of stimulus.
    Here's some suggestions that can help with recovery, in no relevant order:

    1. Adequate sleep.
    2. Appropriate stretching pre-post workout (you could also add on other times to do this as well).
    3. Regular foam rolling and/or massages
    4. Cardio
    5. Deloads/breaks from training
    6. Adequate nutrition along with appropriate pre/during/post workout nutrition
    7. Fish oils/multivitamin/other supplements
    8. Epsom salt baths and/or contrast baths
    9. Low intensity work in the pool

    This. Not so much 8 or 9 for me but still good ideas.
  • mcknz121
    mcknz121 Posts: 44
    all the above...and protein right after your workout. it may be just a mental thing but on days when i eat protein within 15-30 minutes of my workout i feel less sore the next day. if i wait longer or don't get an adequate dose (at least 30 g.) then i'm dyinggg the next day
  • Briski1411
    Briski1411 Posts: 296 Member
    Drink alot of water
  • LadyVivica
    LadyVivica Posts: 84 Member
    okay maybe I need to stretch more. But I don't have a pool, I get a ton of sleep, and I don't know what number 3 is lol rollers? I am taking multivitamins that have fish oil in them... so far all I've done is cardio with some strength training. I don't have money for any other immediate relief strategies? this is where I hit the wall because I get so sore I stop working out and then I don't go back to working out hence why this is in the support forum, I refuse to fail this time, but I kinda can't get out of bed right now lol.
  • xcrunnergirl13
    xcrunnergirl13 Posts: 67 Member
    I use herbs like basil and tumeric that work as anti inflammatories without making your stomach bleed or disguising any pain from injury like ibuprofen, and put them in omelettes, on meat, or even as a popcorn topping. I've also heard that vitamin c helps so I include lots of citrus fruits in my diet.
  • mcknz121
    mcknz121 Posts: 44
    okay maybe I need to stretch more. But I don't have a pool, I get a ton of sleep, and I don't know what number 3 is lol rollers? I am taking multivitamins that have fish oil in them... so far all I've done is cardio with some strength training. I don't have money for any other immediate relief strategies? this is where I hit the wall because I get so sore I stop working out and then I don't go back to working out hence why this is in the support forum, I refuse to fail this time, but I kinda can't get out of bed right now lol.

    600 mg of ibuprofen now would definitely help (if you're down with taking OTCs for pain...maybe the herbs xcrunnergirl1 suggested help too if you'd rather take the natural path)! When you stretch make sure you hold each one for 30 seconds each. A nice hot bath (assuming your legs aren't so sore you can't get in and out of the tub safely...BEEN THERE!) would help. hope you feel better
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    stretch, water, Aleve, foam roller, workout again
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Foam rollers can be found at sporting goods stores, Target, even Walmart. Google it. I just got one a couple of weeks ago and it has changed my life!
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    i just walk it off
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    DOMS will usually be inevitable with a new type of stimulus.
    Here's some suggestions that can help with recovery, in no relevant order:

    1. Adequate sleep.
    2. Appropriate stretching pre-post workout (you could also add on other times to do this as well).
    3. Regular foam rolling and/or massages
    4. Cardio
    5. Deloads/breaks from training
    6. Adequate nutrition along with appropriate pre/during/post workout nutrition
    7. Fish oils/multivitamin/other supplements
    8. Epsom salt baths and/or contrast baths
    9. Low intensity work in the pool

    This. Not so much 8 or 9 for me but still good ideas.

    Definitely good hydration, stretching, and maybe even get a good supplement that aids recovery... some BCAAs or something.
  • FatUncleRob
    FatUncleRob Posts: 341
    All good suggestions!

    Also, on days where I'm really sore, I walk for a couple of miles at a comfortable pace.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I always stretch randomly. I love that "hurts so good!" But stretching does help release some of that lactic acid buildup. I also take warm baths if its cold outside because being cold seems to make it worse. Water is always a good idea. Other than that just keep on going with the exercise. Eventually your muscles will rebuild and you wont need to worry about being sore anymore.
  • mkbledsoe
    mkbledsoe Posts: 132
    ibuprofen and yoga
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    This time around, I really have not dealt with a great deal of soreness (although, my strength has increased dramatically over the past 3-4 months so what I am doing really is working-- for the no pain no gain folks out there)... One thing I am doing is ensuring I am getting adequate protein so my body is not trying to eat away my muscles... That being said, if you are dealing with muscular pain an old trick is to take one Ibuprofen prior to work out as a preventative. A pastor/painter showed me that trick several years ago prior to helping him paint a job... Even though I was not used to the activity, I dealt with no pain. Obviously, one does not want to go overboard with this but if you are dealing with pain after a workout a little preventative Ibuprofen may just do the trick... If Ibuprofen is not something you can take, you can try some other pain reliever PRIOR to the exercise.
  • thershey
    thershey Posts: 57 Member
    Like someone else said drink lots of water to help your muscles recover.
    I also walk if I have had a good hard workout that has left me sore, a good walk at a nice pace seems to do the trick.

    Good luck and do not give up, it does get better. Before long you will be pushing yourself harder because it does not hurt as much!